Favorite Final Fantasy game?


CAG Veteran
State which and why.:) Just started Final Fantasy XIII today; graphics look promising; however, I'm a little wary with the story line.
My personal favorite would be XIII -- in fact it may be my favorite video game ever.

Before this thread gets long though, I want to also ask people if, after already having a favorite Final Fantasy game, have you found one that you liked more and declared it as your new favorite?

Most people never do, so does that mean you're putting nostalgia before actual enjoyment (if that makes sense)?

Because I notice a lot of the negative views from people regarding the new FFs stems from their belief that an older FF was much better. Not saying that FF games don't have flaws or can't be justifiably criticized, but I just find it funny how a new FF is considered "trash" to many people, even though we all know that newer generations are playing games like FFXIII as their first FF and are probably going to be just as jaded 5-8 years from now. They will be on message boards saying, "FFXXV is nothing near what FFXIII was!"

For me, it took some guts to admit that I enjoyed FFXIII more than my long time and childhood favorite, FFX. The entire world of XIII was just beautifully imaginative, the characters felt very natural to me, great narrative, tough battles and stylish combat, really a simplified RPG experience so that you're always engaged in the story and always know where to go, and best soundtrack I've ever heard, period.

Take that nostalgia.
Favorite FF game - on the PS3 thread? So are we implying out of FF13 & the PSN titles (PSX games) or... everything in general (even the spin off games - with final fantasy name on it?

Sorry, I'm not trying to be a smart-a** but I've seen this thread over at the PS2 section (& maybe the ps1 too or was it the general gaming section hmm...).

That said, I've played & finished them all (except XI & XII - considering XI is MMO & I could never get into the characters or story in XII). Starting XIII - linear to boot, but I like the game play.

All time fave would be VI (III for us yanks) with a superb villain as Kefka - plus I fancy "medieval" themed RPGs.
Favorite FF game - on the PS3 thread? So are we implying out of FF13 & the PSN titles (PSX games) or... everything in general (even the spin off games - with final fantasy name on it?

Sorry, I'm not trying to be a smart-a** but I've seen this thread over at the PS2 section (& maybe the ps1 too or was it the general gaming section hmm...).

That said, I've played & finished them all (except XI & XII - considering XI is MMO & I could never get into the characters or story in XII). Starting XIII - linear to boot, but I like the game play.

All time fave would be VI (III for us yanks) with a superb villain as Kefka - plus I fancy "medieval" themed RPGs.
Easily 6 and 7. I believe those are the only two I played more than once. Part 4 would be next I guess and I enjoyed 9 on PS1. The two I disliked the most were 8 and 11. 8 was simply too different gameplay-wise and 11 because MMO's have no place mucking up this fine series.

I have all in the series including the GB ones. I haven't played 2, 3 or 5 yet, nor have I gotten to X2, 12, or 13. My backlog got too big and I've tried to avoid getting stuck in an RPG for a month.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Before this thread gets long though, I want to also ask people if, after already having a favorite Final Fantasy game, have you found one that you liked more and declared it as your new favorite?

Great point. It seems to be a common psychological hook to remember earlier experiences (especially new ones which moved you or introduced you to something you continue to enjoy in years ahead) as being "better". Favorite places you ate in your old hometown, the first sports hero, places you used to visit with family.

For me, Final Fantasy VI holds up to the test. Technology and innovation does date the game more and more as years past, but the base enjoyment holds up. In my opinion, any entertainment medium which draws my attention has to tell a good story. Movies, books, games. I've been playing games since Atari 2600 and NES (I'm pushing 30), so I had already played Final Fantasy I, FF2 (really FFVIV) and the Dragon Warrior games on NES. And games were just games. Good guys, bad guys, stories that don't challenge you. FFVI (known as 3 back then) was one of the first games that I recall that challenged these standards. Deep characterization of individual stories of redemption, despair, love and loss. The mid-point of the game includes the unthinkable (at the time) of the villain winning and tearing the world asunder. The music was powerful, timely, and matched the individual characters persona. I would involuntarily curl my lip in anger hearing Kefka's music for years. Games became more to me that day, they meant something different.

So I guess in a way, it was the "first" since it was the first to affect me emotionally. Other games (outside of Final Fantasy) have done that since then, but this game probably will forever hold that spot like a first love.

[quote name='panzerfaust']
For me, it took some guts to admit that I enjoyed FFXIII more than my long time and childhood favorite, FFX.

And then this made me laugh. Childhood was FFX? Oh man....I'm feeling older every time I come to this site.
I will go ahead and say Final Fantasy VI as my main favorite with Final Fantasy V as 2nd and Final Fantasy IX as 3rd.
nostalgia and enjoyment go to the list of system's final fantasy IV is on. Such a great story line and so much love and fondness love for the game.

Hell yeah sithfran good call!

OP, did you buy your copy at kmart?
I'll be the first person to absorb the hate. I still love FFVIII the most.

P.S. I'm still struggling to want to finish XIII because it's boring me to tears. Just last night I got to the point where I can change my party myself though, so hopefully it gets better from here as many have said.
Still nowhere near the suckfest of XII which is the only main non-MMO FF I have never completed.
FFXII for sure. Tits, ass, and it was fun throughout. Too bad it was too confusing for most players. "Durr, this gambit stuff is too confusing! Why can't I just mash X continuously?"
[quote name='dv8mad']I'll be the first person to absorb the hate. I still love FFVIII the most.

P.S. I'm still struggling to want to finish XIII because it's boring me to tears. Just last night I got to the point where I can change my party myself though, so hopefully it gets better from here as many have said.
Still nowhere near the suckfest of XII which is the only main non-MMO FF I have never completed.[/QUOTE]

Oh DV8... chuchuchuuuuu!!

ive played 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13and i just bought 1 for the psp. and out of those, so far 7, i havent beaten 12 or 13 yet but i do have to say that i am actually a fan of 12's battle system, its just that the story just doesn't hold my attention much. and for 13 still haven't finished it but auto battle? srsly? i dunno. im not a HUGE FF nerd, but i do enjoy them no matter what.

I have always had trouble getting through the normal FFs. The stories are great but they all seem to get boring around the 20-30 hour mark at which point I either rush to finish or stop playing (normally the latter). The original Tactics had the gameplay, character progression and story to keep me engrossed and the WotL remake just made everything better.

I havent played XIII, but I imagine the more linear story may actually be a positive for me.
FFIV used to be my favorite: it was the total package. Then FFVI came out, and proved that there was more to squeeze into that package. Nothing's touched it since, although FFXII came very close. It was a much-needed injection into the series (put some Vagrant Story into my Final Fantasy!). That debate between FFVI and FFXII took some serious deliberation. FFVI still won; I'm sure nostalgia had a part to play.

My least favorite was FFX. It's still the only FF that I have never completed, and I tried 3 times out of sheer will to say I completed every FF.
[quote name='dv8mad']I'll be the first person to absorb the hate. I still love FFVIII the most.[/QUOTE]

I will say this in your defense. FFVIII had one heck of a first disc. It all went downhill for me after that, but that first disc was a thrill ride.
FFVI is the best, and it's not close. My personal second favorite though would probably be Tactics. I don't even want to count how many times I've played those two games combined.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Tactics?

Oh. If we're including non-numbered games, it would be Tactics for sure. Best game ever. No contesto.

Marry me, green-hooded princess
Warning: kawaii
FFIX was my favorite, even though i loved VII, IX just reminded me of why I started to enjoy RPG's in the first place. I also enjoyed X, XII and VI.
Overall FF13 is probably my favorite just because it made RPGs fun again. Different battle system, great story / story telling, cool characters, lots of depth and it even tried to make fun of a lot of the RPG cliches out there. FF8 is really good too.
[quote name='8bitArtist']6. everyone else who says different is wrong. :)[/QUOTE]

Basically, It is the only one I have played through more than once. You really can't go wrong being able to play as a moogle.:D
VI - Great story, great characters, great music, the best traditional battle system, probably Amano's best work, and just so many fantastic moments.
[quote name='rapsodist']FFIV used to be my favorite: it was the total package. Then FFVI came out, and proved that there was more to squeeze into that package. Nothing's touched it since, although FFXII came very close. It was a much-needed injection into the series (put some Vagrant Story into my Final Fantasy!). That debate between FFVI and FFXII took some serious deliberation. FFVI still won; I'm sure nostalgia had a part to play.

My least favorite was FFX. It's still the only FF that I have never completed, and I tried 3 times out of sheer will to say I completed every FF.[/QUOTE]

And for real, you completed and liked X-2?
[quote name='mastagoalie']And for real, you completed and liked X-2?[/QUOTE]

Oh, I don't even count that. :lol: I picked up X-2 on clearance for $10, telling myself that there could be a day when I liked X and would then desire to play X-2. Never happened. X-2 is still on my shelf with the seal and all.
Final Fantasy 6 was the first FF I played and I kid you not I've played it through at least 50 times of 20 hours or more. My first play through was like 60 hours. I think my best one was about 35 hours. I maxed everyone's levels, spells, got all of Strago's Lore abilities, all of Gau's Rage attacks, saw all cut scenes, etc, etc.

I don't think there's a Final Fantasy I don't like. I have some I like more than others, but none I didn't get enjoyment out of...of course there are some characters I hated...*cough - Vaan - cough.*
[quote name='8bitArtist']6. everyone else who says different is wrong. :)[/QUOTE]

Quoted for mother-fuckin truth!
for me, it is with out question VII. though that was on the ps1...(ps3 forum) Story/game play/characters/fun factor, FFVII has it all. The fan base that game has garnered is a testament to how well it is loved by the gaming public
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Tactics?

I have always had trouble getting through the normal FFs. The stories are great but they all seem to get boring around the 20-30 hour mark at which point I either rush to finish or stop playing (normally the latter). The original Tactics had the gameplay, character progression and story to keep me engrossed and the WotL remake just made everything better.

I havent played XIII, but I imagine the more linear story may actually be a positive for me.[/QUOTE]

I actually LOVED Tactics.:) You don't really find much people that enjoyed it.
Of the Final Fantasy games I've played...

FFI - Played it, got lost, kinda easy, not really epic, but fun nonetheless
FFIV - Loved it, great cast, great music, great story. Going to the moon was epic!
FFVI - Loved it as well, giant cast, great music, epic story. Opera scene and Kefka both epic!
FFVII - I liked it, Materia system is great, great cast, great music, great story.
FFVIII - I liked this one too, the only issue I have with this game is the constant drawing of magic to make your character strong. That took forever. Other than that, it's good.
FFX - It's good, though it was a bit linear in areas. The sphere grid was awesome though.
FFXII - I loved this game, loved the gambit system. Music and story isn't as strong as previous FF. The hunts were tons of fun. The characters were... okay.
FF Mystic Quest - Although not a REAL FF, it was the game that introduced me to the basics the series has to offer in subsequent games. The game is garbage, but the music rocks though. ;)

For me, it's a tie between FFVI and FFIV. They are both equally as epic in my eyes. I just can't choose one over the other.
I'm weird in that I think the latest one is probably my favorite but I'll hold judgement until I finish XIII.

I really liked XII because of the connection to Vagrant Story. I know the story sucks but the battle system is great. Before that, I loved X because of the ability to change out party members DURING battle. It's something I wish more games used.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Great point. It seems to be a common psychological hook to remember earlier experiences (especially new ones which moved you or introduced you to something you continue to enjoy in years ahead) as being "better". Favorite places you ate in your old hometown, the first sports hero, places you used to visit with family.

For me, Final Fantasy VI holds up to the test. Technology and innovation does date the game more and more as years past, but the base enjoyment holds up. In my opinion, any entertainment medium which draws my attention has to tell a good story. Movies, books, games. I've been playing games since Atari 2600 and NES (I'm pushing 30), so I had already played Final Fantasy I, FF2 (really FFVIV) and the Dragon Warrior games on NES. And games were just games. Good guys, bad guys, stories that don't challenge you. FFVI (known as 3 back then) was one of the first games that I recall that challenged these standards. Deep characterization of individual stories of redemption, despair, love and loss. The mid-point of the game includes the unthinkable (at the time) of the villain winning and tearing the world asunder. The music was powerful, timely, and matched the individual characters persona. I would involuntarily curl my lip in anger hearing Kefka's music for years. Games became more to me that day, they meant something different.

So I guess in a way, it was the "first" since it was the first to affect me emotionally. Other games (outside of Final Fantasy) have done that since then, but this game probably will forever hold that spot like a first love.

And then this made me laugh. Childhood was FFX? Oh man....I'm feeling older every time I come to this site.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. Final Fantasy VI still holds up for me better than any other game in the series. I like the graphics, I love the music, and I adore the story; which is more than I can say for most other Final Fantasies, especially after they've aged half a decade. I find the game world, dotted with it's many victorian-industrial towns and cities, very endearing as well. It also carries with it, a darker, more ominous and earthy vibe than any Final Fantasy prior. It always felt like there was something big and/or bad about to go down and the music was very indicative of this; allowing you to build a deep sense of dread.

*Final Fantasy VI SPOILERS Below*

And there are some moments within the game that really stick out... I mean, who could forget the opera scene, the departure of Cyan's family (was so fucking heartbreaking), the first flight into Vector amidst the scorched sky, when Terra goes berserk and lands in Zozo, the world's end at the hands of Kefka, Celes' attempt to save Cid's life, the choice of whether or not to leave Shadow behind or wait for him, or how about the orphan village and Terra's plight agains Phunbaba.

I played that game to the point where I started having dreams about it; I miss those days.
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[quote name='Denbo32']Gosh, the memories. I remember each of those moments.[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah!

Everyone seems to love the opera scene, but this scene (my favorite moment in the entire game) I still have trouble watching due to the memories it brings back.

As Cyan and party exit the train, they hear the sound of something (or someone) approaching. To their surprise, they see a large group of people actually boarding the Phantom Train. The party realizes that these people are actually spirits getting ready to take their finally journey to the other side.

All of a sudden, Cyan notices something shocking. His wife and child -- murdered earlier as a result of the poisoning -- are actually two of the people boarding the train!

Cyan runs behind the train, screaming, crying, and pleading for it to stop.

Seconds before it leaves the station, Elayne and Owain emerge from the back of the car. Cyan comes to a stop at the edge of the platform just in time to see his wife and child staring back and him.

As the train disappears into the mist-covered forest, Elayne and Owain’s final words to Cyan echo in the darkness:

“My love ... You made me so happy. Don’t forget me ... “
“Dad! I’ll make sure Mom’s all right!”

With this, Cyan stands in silence. All that can be heard is the sound of the Phantom Train’s whistle blowing as the scene slowly fades to black.
- http://www.destructoid.com/the-memory-card-30-the-phantom-train-80798.phtml

This moment can be a real kick to the nutsack, especially if you're a twelve year old who had recently lost someone very, very close.
I've played every single Final Fantasy game and my definite favorite is VI by a long shot. VI, in my opinion, had the best story, best character development (over a myriad of characters), and hands down the best villain in any video game history.
[quote name='bjstucker']Basically, It is the only one I have played through more than once. You really can't go wrong being able to play as a moogle.:D[/QUOTE]

OMG! Another moogle lover! Playing Mog was freakin awesome in FF6, especially with his smart-ass comments!
[quote name='mastagoalie']And for real, you completed and liked X-2?[/QUOTE]

The guy was talking about FFXII, not X-2. I got X-2 for $7, and I thought it was a bargain. I fired it up and shelfed it in 30 minutes.
XII is easily the greatest FF title. With a non-traditional stance and somewhat sandbox style..XII is hands down one of my all time favorites.
i wish i could transform FF XII into a female and make lotsa babies ^ ^
bread's done