Favorite old school game

[quote name='evilmax17']Have you had any experience like this before? Carpentry-style stuff?[/QUOTE]

This is the first thing I've ever built. It is surprisingly easy but it requires a ton of prep work and planning ahead. If I can do it though anyone can. If you are interested I say go for it - it is a very rewarding hobby and the fact that I'm going to have a kick ass arcade machine when I'm done (totally customized with my own control layout, artwork, games, etc.) makes it that much sweeter.

I'll probably make a thread about it when I get closer to finishing and show off more pictures and stuff. Actually, I'm in the middle of staining/sealing it (it's dark blue now) and I think this is tougher than the construction (it's a little uneven in parts but hey it's my first try).
Off Road was always a great one. IIRC you could play for quite a while on just one quarter.

NBA Jam was probably the last arcade game I played much of. It could be expensive, but a place near me had one that was $0.25 per game quarter. Still seems like a lot to spend, but I guess I was young and dumb :) I remember it was fun to see my name at/near the top of the 'overall record', 'hot streaks' etc. leader boards.
[quote name='Inferno-X']Mat Mania (oldschool wrestling game from Taito, anyone remember it?) and Gyruss. I liked Galaga pretty well also. I didn't like Ms. Pac Man because I sucked at it, I still do some 19 years later. :p[/QUOTE]

Mat Mania was awesome. Also haven't seen anyone mention Xevious - I loved that game. And Golden Axe - I don't think I have thought about that game since I played it - a great one though. Last but not least - Superpunchout. They had it in the hotel arcade when I was visiting DC with my parents, and they couldn't understand how I would rather play Superpunchout than go to the Smithsonian. No contest.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']That's awesome javeryh! I wish I had the time to do something like that.[/QUOTE]

Believe me, if I found the time, so can you. With all the hours I work plus wife and kid responsibilities it's a wonder I ever got started. This project has been going on for about a year though (I started last August) but I've probably only actually worked on it for 6 or 7 days. If you had a week off you could definitely knock it out in that time period assuming you had a dfinitive plan and all the parts and crap ordered.
While Donkey Kong was the first game to get it's hooks into me - and make me a return customer;

Street Fighter 2 ate more of my money than any game. Ever.

It still does with all the various incarnations on consoles. For some reason, I can never pass up a Capcom fighter - no matter what system. It is a sickness, really.
Final Fight is still one of my favorite games. Its just so timeless. It never gets old! I have owned it for SNES, Sega-CD, GBA and soon on the XBOX capcom collection. 2 Was ok but not as good as the original and 3 was another step down but still all 3 are very good and worth playing.
bread's done