Favorite online multiplayer games?


3 (100%)
Looking for some good pc multiplayer games that are not too new. I have a few friends that I like playing games with from time to time. Problem is, we don't have high quality pc's. I think battlefield 1942 is the best game we can handle. So anything before that would be great.

Preferrably something cheap as well.

Games that we already have and love to play online:
Age of Empires 2
Team Fortress
Kung-Fu Chess

The games could also be flash games or anything simple. As long as it is at least 3 players and fun.
You guys still play the original Team Fortress? (or did you mean CTF, which ran on the Half-Life engine?) ...in either case, you could check out Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It's available as a free download.
Also, with Halo 2 coming out soon, you can probably find Halo : Combat Evolved for a cheap price. That's not bad for some online shooting.

[edit : what the heck is kung-fu chess?]
damn..i was gonna say UT2k4...but w/ the comp limitations...although mine isnt good at all either...i guess you wouldnt be able to play it...but you might...
My favorite online multiplayer game is Counter-Strike.

It's a small and unpopular game so at any given time you willl only have about 200,000 people on.
Warcraft III. Also, there is this really fun game that we play in my networking class because A. We dont have cd drives that open because theyve been locked and B. The computers are pretty shitty. Anyways the game is called Recreational Warfare and you just type that name in at google and click the 1st link and your set, Its lots of fun too. Each person is either a tank, jeep, or hovercraft on a large map and you just go around blowing each other up but u can choose between about 8-10 different weapons.
[quote name='tyecko']Warcraft III. Also, there is this really fun game that we play in my networking class because A. We dont have cd drives that open because theyve been locked and B. The computers are pretty shitty. Anyways the game is called Recreational Warfare and you just type that name in at google and click the 1st link and your set, Its lots of fun too. Each person is either a tank, jeep, or hovercraft on a large map and you just go around blowing each other up but u can choose between about 8-10 different weapons.[/quote]

recreational warfare seems like a really fun game. Any other games that are simple and fun like that one?
You could probably run any of the command and conquer games before "generals" and "generals- zero hour".
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