FF Tactics Remake and Video Out


3 (100%)
I apologize if this has been discussed before, but I recently purchased the remake of final fantasy tactics and am sorely disappointed.

Does anyone else find the cliche shakespearean dialogue revolting? The slow down is almost unbearable. The cut scenes are very nice, however, what blows my mind is that magazines and reviews praise this translation. Am I the only one who finds the dialogue terrible?

I also recently picked up the slim recently and have to say the TV out feature is terrible. I am playing on a crt tv, which I hoped wouldn't look as bad as my lcd. I can understand the low resolution screen of a psp and how in order to keep the image acceptable scaling was employed. I guess I was hoping for some kind of border or the ability to stretch the screen (similar to super gameboy or gameboy player for GC).

Any insight, whether critical or otherwise, would be appreciated. I simply needed a forum to vent and hopefully understand others receptions to this game.
If sony actually put a scaling chip the psp to tv feature wont look as bad. Even if you have a tv that allows you to stretch the image it looks like crap.

As for FFT translation, it is not full of spelling and grammar errors like the original.
I don't envision the story of tactics as a medieval one. If one has swords and magic do they necessarily reflect medieval? Certain words and phrases are simply awkward. Even if we assume for a moment it is a "medieval series" does that automatically dictate shakespearean and british tones? I believe assuming that breeds unoriginal dialogue and cliche phrasing. Heck, probably a more confusing story and translation when compared to the original.

"Lord Father" and "Moppets" come to mind.

@ 62t, yes you are absolutely correct the original translation did have grammatical errors. I would just assume they fix the errors in the translation rather than completely change the feel of it.
[quote name='russellgreco']Does anyone else find the cliche shakespearean dialogue revolting?[/quote]


[quote name='russellgreco']The slow down is almost unbearable. The cut scenes are very nice, however, what blows my mind is that magazines and reviews praise this translation. Am I the only one who finds the dialogue terrible?[/quote]

Agreed on the slow down and cut scenes. It is pretty terrible and the new classes were not enough to pardon this. I paid full price on day one but will stick to my PS1 copy, thanks.

[quote name='russellgreco'] I also recently picked up the slim recently and have to say the TV out feature is terrible. I am playing on a crt tv, which I hoped wouldn't look as bad as my lcd. I can understand the low resolution screen of a psp and how in order to keep the image acceptable scaling was employed. I guess I was hoping for some kind of border or the ability to stretch the screen (similar to super gameboy or gameboy player for GC).[/quote]

This is no fault of Tactics. Sony really dropped the ball with TV out and it's readily apparent that it was merely a feature built in to sell more UMD movies. Whether it's working or not I couldn't tell you.
[quote name='pete5883']You don't like it when a story, set in a medieval era, has characters that talk like they are from a medieval era?[/quote]

Because, in medevil times... they rode chocobos.
[quote name='pete5883']You don't like it when a story, set in a medieval era, has characters that talk like they are from a medieval era?[/quote]

Its on a completely different world. You could make the arguement that in a time similar to our medieval times, the people of Ivalice could speak in Ebonics.

I agree. I was done with all the "thees" and "thous" back in the 8-Bit era. Its just condescending.
I'm actually a fan of the new dialog. I think it fits the story really well and makes it a little more interesting to play through a game I've already gone through several times on the PS.

My problem with the Video Out is the length of the damn cord. Most TV's don't have component inputs on the front of the set and the cord isn't long enough for me to hook to the back and reach my couch comfortably.

And the slowdown is inexcusable. It baffles me that there are homebrew versions of PS1 FFT that run fine on the PSP but they can't get this right. The cutscenes are nice but I'd much prefer a better port of the game with less fluff.
I'm on board with the new dialog, as well. It's an incredible improvement over the original translation, and I feel that it fits the characters just fine.

I didn't find the slowdown to be that terrible, either. It sucks, but it's not unplayable.
I am aware it's not FFT's fault, with regard to the tv out. That was just a general gripe that happened to come up while playing tactics.

It's interesting that the translation seems to polarize tactics fans. I just wonder what people think of the translation who have not played the original. I tend to agree with SeanNOLA, I feel like it detracts and is dated. I also tend to think their universe has no ties to ours and don't feel the need press our history or language directly into it.

I can understand how some might find it authentic and enjoy, I however do not.

The slow down is playable, but as many have mentioned, it baffles me as to why we cannot have a port, with square coders being utilized, run as well as homebrew FFT or the original (psp has infinitely better hardware). It is definitely aggravating though.

Glad to hear so much discussion/feedback
blame it on TOSE, who been messing up Square Enix port from the FF port from PSOne to GBA and now PSP.
[quote name='russellgreco']
The slow down is playable, but as many have mentioned, it baffles me as to why we cannot have a port, with square coders being utilized, run as well as homebrew FFT or the original (psp has infinitely better hardware). It is definitely aggravating though.[/QUOTE]
You're absolutely right; there really is no excuse. Approximately ten years had passed between the original and the PSP remake, and the PSP has proven itself to be closer to the PS2 than the PS1 technologically. Why would this version, with its slowdown and forced-to-widescreen presentation, be considered passable by anyone's standards? ...because of people like me, who loved the original so unconditionally, and are willing to overlook any "hiccups" with this remake because they've had hard-ons for it since it was first announced. It was the same thing with the PS1 versions of Square's SNES classics. It was the same thing (to a much lesser extent) with the GBA versions of the PS1 versions of Square's SNES classics. And look at the hype for the DS version of FFIV!

For those of you willing to stand up to these unacceptable ports (translation arguments aside), I applaud you. And I apologize for being so blinded by nostalgia that I can't help but perpetuate the situation. :lol:
it is not like the bugs or glitches hurt the sales, so SE is going to let the same people handle their port who can probably do it for the least amount of money.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Because, in medevil times... they rode chocobos.[/QUOTE]
It's not our medieval times... it's medieval-ish.
[quote name='pete5883']It's not our medieval times... it's medieval-ish.[/quote]

Basically my point, it cant be medieval-ish... because to them it not medieval... its just a closed fantasy world in their modern time.

I'm not saying they cant speak shakespearean.... I'm just saying you're a retard for saying "well, it IS set in a medieval era"...

No,....... no its not.

You cant base a fantasy world, and their historical fads on ours.
bread's done