Fighter Thread XLIII - The One with the Rape Sim JRPG Built In

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Man, I kept sending in to get the Fighters Edge catalog but I never got shiiiit. And I had a buncha Capcom fighters back then. I'm still pissed.

Capcom can suck a D.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']I got a Stereo from Fighter's Edge back in the day, and I think a T-Shirt.


yeah, I remembered how awesome it was to order action figures and whatnot from them.
[quote name='kristianator']hit me and daniel up.. =D[/QUOTE]

You two were the first two I was going to hit up :)

I'm going to shoot for the weekend after I come back from Michigan (I come home the 12th). Saturday's are usually good because I am off from work and I don't work the next day until 12 or 3:30pm.

Also it is nice to see Morrigan's "new" sprite look halfway decent. Are they going to have more characters?
[quote name='kainzero']that windy windam trailer looks terrrrrible[/QUOTE]

sadly it's the best fighter on the DS already with the only other notable one being UMK3.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']sadly it's the best fighter on the DS already with the only other notable one being UMK3.[/QUOTE]

BLEACH! Seriously, I thought Bleach was hella fun...
But let's agree to not mention Guilty Gear, 'k?
That's too bad... it probably has the best fighting game engine out of all the DS original fighting games.

It plays like a lite version of Marvel vs Capcom.
The animations in TvC are pretty sweet.

Edit: It's looking very true to the Capcom Vs series so far, and I think that's great.

Unfortunately, unless MM can verify otherwise, I don't think this game will be brought over here.

In which case, I will importing the PS3 version. Yay region-free PS3/PSP gaming! I
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I cant wait for Windy Windam yo....

I'ma choose Izuna as my opponent and proceed to hit dat shyt!!

ugh ugh yeay~!!
[quote name='MarkMan']That's too bad... it probably has the best fighting game engine out of all the DS original fighting games.[/quote]
Yeah, I picked up the import of the 2nd game and got the US version of the 1st. It also has the greatest joke character I have ever seen... Kon.
yum. I really really hope Capcom can manage to localize it. I can import it I guess, but I'd prefer English if at all possible.
Can't wait fo TvC. Haven't imported a next-gen Gen game yet.

Speaking of importing, I finally got Sengoku Basara X yesterday. It's pretty sweet. I'm still trying to figure out how the system works and everything though. If anyone has a noob guide, let me know.

edit: My 360 died yesterday, first time playing it after finally getting my TV up here. :( :( :( just my luck
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[quote name='MarkMan']There are going to be at least 24 characters in TvC...[/QUOTE]

Awesome! I know X-Men Vs. SF didn't have that many characters, but I'm spoiled with MVC2 type rosters :)

That new trailer for TVC looks great. I will definitely be importing if it comes to PS2 or PS3 in Japan.
I certainly hope Play-Asia has a sale soon. With all these great games that are out and coming out, my wallet is gonna be screaming for mercy.
LA CAG, who's down to meet up?

[quote name='CAPCOM']What's up, Street Fighter Clubber,

Thanks for registering with Capcom for our select, underground series of moving Street Fighter IV events; You're on the inside now.

Wanted to let you know that our first event is going to be happening in Downtown Los Angeles on Friday, July 18, from 8 PM to Midnight. We're going to have Street Fighter IV arcade machines, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix playable kiosks, DJs, free pizza and tons of cool goodies for you (including a limited edition t-shirt designed by an I Am 8-bit artist).

You. Cannot. Miss. This!

Who: Capcom's Street Fighter Club
Where: 2079 E. 15th St, Los Angeles, CA 90021
When: 8 PM to 12 AM
How: the hell could you even think about not showing up?
Why: Believe! That's why.

See ya there,
Kramez + S-Kill

SF IV ya'll..
I was thinking about how much I like DMC4 on the PC, and now am wondering if Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom is on the MT Framework engine, as well... something tells me it is.

It'd be cool having a whopping 3 non-MAME fighters on PC.
[quote name='MarkMan']Don't worry about SF II HD remix shoryu jugglez, they're gone in final!

You should be worried about the other stuff we don't know about yet! X_X[/quote]

I was relieved at first, but then went back to worried. Ah well, I'll just hold off on it until I hear what this other-stuff-I-don't-know-about is. >_
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']yeah, I'd love to get it on PC. SFIV and that would be great on PC IMHO.[/QUOTE]

And there is the whole laptop factor. I've warmed up to SF IV by now, so if I could play that wherever, online with GGPO, that'd be unsane (the next step up from insane.)

I honestly think I'm more excited for Street Fighter IV than any other fighter this year... and I really didn't think that'd be the case.
Anyone else playing SBX? I'd like to learn strategies for playing Mouri. Seems like a Dhalsim-ish type character, for my lack of a better comparison. Otherwise, I'll probably just shoto-it with Date.
With Mouri play keep away till your engun level reaches to level 100. You should be able to reach level 100 in about a round since his engun levels the fastest in the game.
Thanks Smallwind. I did notice that when I was playing against the AI. Once the CPU got to 100 the AI used it often. Very annoying when he's also throwing out those energy rings and the little fireballs.
Remember how I said all fighting fans should go to EVO in Vegas this year?

Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: On Tour in the USA!
July 10, 2008 s-kill

Proving that dreams do come true, US players will have a chance to try out the game that everybody is talking about!

The EVO World Finals in Las Vegas, NV (August 8-10th) will be an official location test for the glorious new Tatsunoko Vs Capcom! For everyone excited about this renaissance in fighting games, this is an opportunity you simply can’t miss!

We’re working on more ways for US players to try it out as well, so stay tuned!
nice. seems like capcom has less suck and more super!

just a quick question but my curiosity has been wondering this for a while...

when you guys play fighters, is it more about the win or more about the fight?

for me I could care less about winning to be honest. If I lose all my fights to a good player or even lose them all to an ass player but overall had good rounds/plays, I find more joy in that than winning. Winning is more icing on the cake for me than the main course.
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