Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3 for PS4


5 (100%)
Well, "that's all I need"ed. PS4 it is. 

Seriously, Versus 13/FF15 looked amazing, and KH3 got me by surprise. What do you guys think of this news? 

No mention of exclusivity, so they might be on Xbox One as well.
That's kinda what I was thinking, or else they would have jumped on pointing that out
True, but honestly I think they'll be exclusives, considering the sales of previous FF13 and 13-2 on the PS3 were nearly triple that than the sales for the Xbox versions. And KH has only been with Sony/Nintendo - I'm not sure if that'll change but I don't think so. That's just me.

I just hope it means we see XV soon, then that means they can concentrate more on KH3 but they both looked fun to me. If XV had been announced as a launch title, I would have preordered the PS4 the minute it's up for preorder but I shall wait...for now.

Very excited for FFXV and Kingdom Hearts 3. They were a long time coming. Now they just need to set a date.

Not one xbox one will be sold in japan
Actually i think one will be sold. Just one. :lol:

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KH3 question: Is anyone else glad that they're going back to Simple and Clean as the theme? I mean, I love Sanctuary, but the Simple and Clean remixes they've done were all beautiful.

If anyone says no, I understand. I'm kind of a music buff :lol:

True, but honestly I think they'll be exclusives, considering the sales of previous FF13 and 13-2 on the PS3 were nearly triple that than the sales for the Xbox versions. And KH has only been with Sony/Nintendo - I'm not sure if that'll change but I don't think so. That's just me.
FFXV has already been confirmed an exclusive. I'm guessing KH3 will be as well but we won't know until they actually finish something, given how the footage shown looks like it was thrown together at the last minute. FFXV was un-confirmed as exclusive... both games are muilti-platform titles.

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KH3 question: Is anyone else glad that they're going back to Simple and Clean as the theme? I mean, I love Sanctuary, but the Simple and Clean remixes they've done were all beautiful.

If anyone says no, I understand. I'm kind of a music buff :lol:
I bet you anything there will be a new theme song. "Simple and Clean" seems to have been there to emphasize the Kingdom Hearts-ness of it all.
KH3 question: Is anyone else glad that they're going back to Simple and Clean as the theme? I mean, I love Sanctuary, but the Simple and Clean remixes they've done were all beautiful.

If anyone says no, I understand. I'm kind of a music buff :lol:
I thought the Simple and Clean remix (the Planet B mix or whatever they used for the KH1 intro) was typical j-pop (or really, any type of pop music) garbage but it worked well for the game's intro and advertisements (since Disney uses a lot of pop garbage for their shows/properties). I like the original Simple and Clean though.

They'll probably do a new theme song for KH3 though.

Yep, both of them are also coming out on Xbox One, just like I thought with how they worded stuff yesterday
Yeah, unless the Xbone sells like complete ass, it will probably be hard for Sony to get third party exclusives as publishers will want their games on Xbone as well, where they can make money through fewer used sales (and probably getting a cut of used sales at participating retailers) etc.

But not really a change since there are so few 3rd party exclusives this gen anyway.

Kinda interested in KH3 if it can bring back the flair and charisma of the first Kingdom Hearts. FFXV looked rather lame. 

Bummed that they aren't exclusives, but I can see why SE would want to port it if it actually is as easy as they said it was. 

Still going with PS4 and Wii U this gen. I'll probably main Megaman if he's any good in Smash 4 - and of course I'll be stoked to go through FF15 and KH3. I actually bought my PS3 way back in 08 in hopes of KH3, Persona 5, and FF Versus 13 being released on it. Crossing my fingers for Persona 5.

Very glad about KH3. I had pretty much given up on it ever returning. FF15 is just FF13 versus being renamed. FF14 could be good. I liked 12, but skipped 13 because so many people said it was really bad (and judging from the maps they are right), but if this brings back exploration and doesn't have a random battle every 2 steps, it will be awesome.

Very glad about KH3. I had pretty much given up on it ever returning. FF15 is just FF13 versus being renamed. FF14 could be good. I liked 12, but skipped 13 because so many people said it was really bad (and judging from the maps they are right), but if this brings back exploration and doesn't have a random battle every 2 steps, it will be awesome.
Yeah, but Versus 13 was the only FF game that I actually had hype for in the last generation. 13 is garbage. I'm really looking forward to the FF15 gameplay, instead of the monotonous turn based FF13/FF10 style gameplay.

Neither is an exclusive as said.

Also, Sony won't be blocking 3rd party devs from implementing DRM. Just saying.
It's the exact same way now, and is limited to online play of used games (for example, online passes). You probably just read something that spun it falsely and negatively.

Back to topic: it is indeed a cold day in hell now that a KH game is coming to Microsoft. I have to eat crow for how certain I was earlier that that wouldn't happen.

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I just hope they populate the worlds in KH 3. The previous games' (1 and 2) have so few characters in each world. It can't be that hard to throw in some NPCs to liven things up. FF XII (which I don't even like) did this well.

I just hope they populate the worlds in KH 3. The previous games' (1 and 2) have so few characters in each world. It can't be that hard to throw in some NPCs to liven things up. FF XII (which I don't even like) did this well.
More than likely they will continue to use only characters that appear in Disney movies. You will probably only get nameless NPCs in Traverse Town.
Interested in ffxv but not kh. I just cant get into anything about those games other than the disney characters. They should just make a straight up disney rpg.
I just hope they populate the worlds in KH 3. The previous games' (1 and 2) have so few characters in each world. It can't be that hard to throw in some NPCs to liven things up. FF XII (which I don't even like) did this well.
More than likely they will continue to use only characters that appear in Disney movies. You will probably only get nameless NPCs in Traverse Town.
There are tons of extras in Disney's movies. There are usually 4-5 living beings in KH "worlds". It's depressing.

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I just hope they populate the worlds in KH 3. The previous games' (1 and 2) have so few characters in each world. It can't be that hard to throw in some NPCs to liven things up. FF XII (which I don't even like) did this well.
More than likely they will continue to use only characters that appear in Disney movies. You will probably only get nameless NPCs in Traverse Town.
There are tons of extras in Disney's movies. There are usually 4-5 living beings in KH "worlds". It's depressing.
Considering you only see the residents in cut scenes, Square probably figured it wasn't worth the effort (especially since there are a ton of characters in varying art styles to deal with). And since the majority of the worlds are battlefields, there's no place to put most NPCs.
Apparently FFXV is an action-rpg. I'll wait and see if this is a good thing, but I'm sure it will piss off some people.

I just hope they populate the worlds in KH 3. The previous games' (1 and 2) have so few characters in each world. It can't be that hard to throw in some NPCs to liven things up. FF XII (which I don't even like) did this well.
More than likely they will continue to use only characters that appear in Disney movies. You will probably only get nameless NPCs in Traverse Town.
There are tons of extras in Disney's movies. There are usually 4-5 living beings in KH "worlds". It's depressing.
Considering you only see the residents in cut scenes, Square probably figured it wasn't worth the effort (especially since there are a ton of characters in varying art styles to deal with). And since the majority of the worlds are battlefields, there's no place to put most NPCs.
You're explanations really don't work. Agrabah is empty except for Aladdin and Abu. Captain Hook's ship has no pirates but Shcmee. The army (of nearly identical soldiers) is nowhere to be found in Mulan's China. I could go on but it's a waste of time. Every world is like this.

Square needs to put some effort in. They haven't made a good console game in years.

It could also be budget reasons. They may not have gotten Robin Williams or Danny Devito, but most of the VAs who do Disney movies typically cost more than standard fare voice actors.
There are plenty of NPCs in FFX and XII. Hell, FF XI has an insane amount of characters on screen. It was just laziness.
In KH, there are always enemies and battles within town... so I always imagined that the towns are the way they are because of that. When there are no NPCs, it's because they're all hiding due to monsters/battles going on. When NPCs show up during cut-scenes, it's because of a "hey everyone, come look at this" moment. And the rest of the time, when there are a handful of people out, it's because most people are choosing to stay inside to be safe while some people are taking a chance to go outside.

In FFX, I don't think there were any conflicts within a town or near the towns. The towns were safe and so, NPCs walked around freely.

At least, that's my theory. But I do think SE is incredibly lazy with KH since, due to the design of the series, they get to reuse so many of the assets over and over again.

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Apparently FFXV is an action-rpg. I'll wait and see if this is a good thing, but I'm sure it will piss off some people.
I'm burned out on turn based RPGs and really don't want to play another one in a LONG time. Also, it was pretty much known that Versus 13 would be an action RPG for a while (I think a year or so after announcement, so maybe 2007/2008ish?)

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