Final Fantasy XIII - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='mykevermin']You can't have dessert if you don't finish your dinner. ;)

I'll put it out there when I get the review up.[/QUOTE]

Ugh, jeez...but just so you know, I'm not eating my spinach!
DLC is great. What sucks is the attitude that you somehow are obligated to buy it. If you are happy with the base game then by all means ignore the DLC. Let those of us who want an extended experience and are willing to pay for it enjoy our fun.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']DLC is great. What sucks is the attitude that you somehow are obligated to buy it. If you are happy with the base game then by all means ignore the DLC. Let those of us who want an extended experience and are willing to pay for it enjoy our fun.[/QUOTE]
I draw the line when content is cut (see Assassin's Creed 2) from release and then sold to us as 'new' content. Even worse, when the content is already on the disc and you're paying to unlock it (hi SFIV costume packs). DLC would be great if it came out six months to a year after release with the express purpose of extending or renewing interest in the product. Day one releases are bullshit, marketing ploys to nickel and dime us plus discourage resale (trading the game in). Don't get me wrong, free DLC is great but all too often paid content is used to take advantage of people.
I don't mind day 1 DLC perse, but it's shit like SFIV's DLC that needs to die. Not only is it on the disc, but it's completely half-assed. Color swap "costumes" for fighting games... really? If every game did DLC like Fallout 3, that'd be amazing. Although in that case, the PS3 got all the DLC at once which... meh, not the most effective way to do things imo.
[quote name='Jodou']I draw the line when content is cut (see Assassin's Creed 2) from release and then sold to us as 'new' content. Even worse, when the content is already on the disc and you're paying to unlock it (hi SFIV costume packs). DLC would be great if it came out six months to a year after release with the express purpose of extending or renewing interest in the product. Day one releases are bullshit, marketing ploys to nickel and dime us plus discourage resale (trading the game in). Don't get me wrong, free DLC is great but all too often paid content is used to take advantage of people.[/QUOTE]


I dont like being nickeled and dimed.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Although in that case, the PS3 got all the DLC at once which... meh, not the most effective way to do things imo.[/QUOTE]
Another good point. GOTY editions often include all DLC to date for less than the original MSRP, so early adopters somewhat get the shaft here. This I really have less of an issue with since you still got to play the game long before anyone else who waited. Still, it does make some people hesitant to buy a game at release knowing that DLC will come shortly and eventually a complete package will be available.
The only difference between DLC that you have to download and DLC already on disc is the space they take up. I only have a problem with DLC that are given away as a promo and not available to buy. Worst case being Mass Effect 2 where if you want all the DLC you have to preorder at 3 different store.
Great review! I like how you really got into the meat of the gameplay. Something tells me I'm going to gravitate toward the "slow ATB" option, at last at first. I found the battles in X-2 uncomfortably fast.
I went to the Sunnyvale one today and got to play the 360 version. I am so very disappointed to see the difference in textures and detail of the 360 version vs. the PS3. =( I know it’s DVD vs. BD, but I didn’t think it would be that noticeable. My boyfriend told me it’s fine if I wanna stick with the 360 version, but he’s going for the PS3 one now.

Both PS3s and 360s were being used to show off the game, which was great as I was able to see both versions running side-by-side. As expected, the 360 version was noticeably less crisp than its PS3 counterpart, but it still ran nicely.

It was easy to port to the Xbox. Porting to the PS3 is harder. The PS3 has more processing power but you have to do it properly.

The only difference reported previously was that the movies and sound on the Xbox 360 would be substantially lower quality in order to cram the game onto 3 DVDs – in-game graphical differences were said to be absent.
International fans planning to purchase the Xbox version are understandably dismayed by this, although at least it seems to demonstrate the game was not intentionally crippled on the PS3 in order to accommodate the port.

Link NSFW... Figured by now everyone knew this already but whatever, if you're still on the edge about what version to buy, there you go.
Kenji, anyone playing this - how can I get lucky break to work?

I have the proper weapons equipped and the proper accessories too - it appears in the ability list on the equip menu, but it doesn't appear at all in the ability menu. During battle, I don't get it at all - as I'm trying to 5-star a PITA battle that requires an early break, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong or why I'm not getting it.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']

Link NSFW... Figured by now everyone knew this already but whatever, if you're still on the edge about what version to buy, there you go.[/QUOTE]
I'm getting a very anti-360 vibe from that site lol. Seems like every article is littered with these (probably) made up quotes and bad experiences with the 360. Granted, any experience with the 360 is terrible IMO.

Either way, I always planned on getting it for PS3 regardless, so if there truly are issues -- I don't care.
Yeah, I kind of trust Jeremy Parish at 1UP (who said he couldn't detect any difference between the versions) more than a bunch of anime nerds who'd probably love to see Microsoft get a black eye on this.
To me it's not an issue of trust versus not trust (though your point about a recognized journalist is well made, Ryuukishi). To me it's that the article that says the 360 version is inferior is rooted in anecdotal conjecture. It's just gossip. One person very vaguely alludes to something that may or may not be true, and it's reported as if it were fact on the internet.

It's the largest problem that comes with the transmission of information over the internet (this spans any kind of news, not just games).

It's just trash reporting. Moreover, this generation of consoles has been so, so, so marked by unneeded wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth over console differences in games that are so miniscule, so irrelevant, so hardly noticeable that this just feeds into the feat people have where they actually expend mental energy worrying about this trash.
Thanks for the great review, Myke. You've solidified my purchase of this game.

Also, I'm hoping to get a review of FFV13 by you.
Jeremy Parish did state that you couldn't tell the difference, but editors at IGN have also said the opposite after seeing the same thing. Believe what you want... we'll see in March :)

For everything port of a multiplatform game that plays identical to its counterpart, that's a fucking lazy ass port which is clearly superior. There's definitely a need to declare a "better" version in that case. In this case, no one has had much hands-on time with the 360 version, so you can't exactly just dismiss that possibility.
No, it's been pretty well documented that the movies' video/audio are compressed in the 360 version, and that's the only sacrifice (aside from being on multiple discs).

So even treating this as an equal probability case is way off base, particularly when the only evidence is one thing one unknown person said in an email. That just ain't evidence.
Unless the difference is glaringly terrible, most people are going to get it on whichever system they have/are more comfortable playing on.

Most of the time these 'opinion reviews' don't really sway people that much.
Hey all,

I need someone to help me with Square Enix' japanese site. If any of you can read Japanese, please help! PM me if you can help, thanks.

[quote name='mykevermin']No, it's been pretty well documented that the movies' video/audio are compressed in the 360 version, and that's the only sacrifice (aside from being on multiple discs).

So even treating this as an equal probability case is way off base, particularly when the only evidence is one thing one unknown person said in an email. That just ain't evidence.[/QUOTE]

But how will the disc switching be handled? It could end up being another Star Ocean (although if it was I'd be surprised).
Tell me how Star Ocean does it wrong.

FFXIII is too linear for me to believe that it won't involve anything different than "you've reached point X in the story, switch discs." And all the post-main quest stuff will almost surely be on disc 3; I can't imagine they'd be foolish enough to make people swap discs to go do missions.
When you get to the last Disc of Star Ocean, to go back and do side quests, you have to switch discs depending on what planet you go to.
Oh, shit, really? Well, I'm open to being wrong, but since all the side quests are concentrated in the last 3 chapters of a 13 chapter game...I hope they'd do it properly.
[quote name='KingBroly']When you get to the last Disc of Star Ocean, to go back and do side quests, you have to switch discs depending on what planet you go to.[/QUOTE]

That's fucking Star Ocean though, the game series that no one other than TMK actually likes.

Unless I'm way off, you didn't have to do anything like that towards the end of FF VII, you could run around, breed chocobos, fight weapons, and all the rest while staying on the third disc.
[quote name='y2kenjination'](Went to an onsen for a couple of days!)[/QUOTE]

In Seattle?!?!

I figured it out - it's inherent in your attacker provided you have the right weapons/accessories.

I'm trying to 5-star all the missions now - I've finished 1-60 (out of 64), and have to go back and 5-star about 16 of them - but they're all really early missions, so it should be a simple task.

I may try to shoot for the platinum trophy. I'm most concerned about the treasure hunter one, though. Yikes.
Star Ocean is awesome, people complain way too much. And yeah if Square actually screws up disc swapping, it'd be the first time in all the years they've been developing multi-disc games so I doubt it'll turn out broken. This isn't Tri-Ace :)
FF XIII will be my first FF game so I have no clue what's the difference between FFXIII and FF Versus XIII. Can anyone sum it up in a sentence for me, thanks!!!
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Looks to be a Europe exclusive.[/QUOTE]

I keep holding back on my pre-order hoping a CE will be announced but at this point I can't see it happening. Too many people will be upset with having to switch pre-orders from standard to CE...
So today you can like submit questions on the PS Blog for FFXIII. I expect a blood bath. Don't let me down ;)
[quote name='KingBroly']So today you can like submit questions on the PS Blog for FFXIII. I expect a blood bath. Don't let me down ;)[/QUOTE]
"How superior is the PlayStation version of Final Fantasy XIII? Clearly superior, incredibly superior, or unbelievably superior?"

"Would buying the 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII just make someone an idiot, or would it actually cause them to contract a terminal disease?"

"Why is DVD, a relic technology from the dark ages of famine and misery, being allowed to taint anyone's experience of Final Fantasy XIII?"
bread's done