Final Fantasy XIII - Gen. Discussion & Info

If you're talking about Fang, that's definitely not a British accent. It's aussie. The voice acting sucks, but none of SE's localized games have had good VA. They pause at the most random points in dialogue, emphasize the wrong words/syllables, etc... it really is sort of painful to listen to when it's off. The lip sync is good though, for the first time they actually re-timed it for English.

If you're talking about the dubbed version of GITS, idk, but... Lightning's voice in original Japanese fits her really well. It's this stupid ass actor they hired for the English version who makes her sound retarded. Really, really retarded.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']If you're talking about the dubbed version of GITS, idk, but... Lightning's voice in original Japanese fits her really well. It's this stupid ass actor they hired for the English version who makes her sound retarded. Really, really retarded.[/QUOTE]
Point is she had a very strong, commanding voice which suits the character well. But yeah, I'd rather have to read text again at this point.

You can tell it's bad when I can't differentiate brit from aussie lol.
People were expecting all the good past experience they had with FF games. When it was released in JP, people realized how "extremely" linear this game is. Quite frankly, I was also expecting more for a next gen FF.

The hype killed the game and my interest with it. Though I'm getting it when the price drops to 30~40 range. :whistle2:|
[quote name='Jodou']Hated the trailer. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too emo[/quote]

I agree. The Final Fantasy series on the whole has been known for hard-nosed, muscular, bearded, growling macho men kickin' fuckin' ass and chewin' fuckin' bubble gum. And always being out of bubble gum, mind.

Seriously, too emo? You've never played a Final Fantasy game, have yeh?

and none of the voices really fit the characters save for the brit chick.

She's as British as I am, and I'm from Kentucky. That accent's aussie as fuck, dude.

I really hope I'm wrong, but all signs are pointing to epic fail for this game.

Because it's emo and has one voice actor you don't like? You's an overreacting dude, dude.

I liked the trailer - but puzzled by the song. It doesn't seem like a consistent fit, since it's almost fully influenced by R&B - and much unlike a lot of the other FF themes. It's not bad, but it's just something I did not anticipate.
I think by and large you will like the new direction of the game or you will despise it. I honestly think it will be quite enjoyable. It has and probably always will remind me of 7 at least the futuristic style.
I think by and large you will like the new direction of the game or you will despise it. I honestly think it will be quite enjoyable. It has and probably always will remind me of 7 at least the futuristic style. I am probably in the minority but I am still getting it day one most likely at midnight.
Man, did people really not think that the English voice acting in XII was good (aside from technical quality considerations)? I thought it was outstanding. I remember being pretty happy with Tales of Vesperia too.
[quote name='mykevermin']She's as British as I am, and I'm from Kentucky. That accent's aussie as fuck, dude.[/QUOTE]Sorry she didn't say 'shrimp on the bar-bie' or 'g'day mate' to give it away! I viewed the trailer once and she had like two lines, so my bad for not picking it up over the cat being strangled in the background.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Man, did people really not think that the English voice acting in XII was good (aside from technical quality considerations)? I thought it was outstanding. I remember being pretty happy with Tales of Vesperia too.[/QUOTE]
the voice acting in that game is superb... easily one of my favorite VO casts.

as far as FFXIII: I don't mind that it's ultra linear. Most FFs are when you strip away all the sidequest/exploration for items stuff. it looks like the majority of SE's attention has been placed on the presentation of the story, which is why i play these games in the first place. i'm not discouraged at all by early impressions and reviews.
[quote name='mykevermin']I agree. The Final Fantasy series on the whole has been known for hard-nosed, muscular, bearded, growling macho men kickin' fuckin' ass and chewin' fuckin' bubble gum. And always being out of bubble gum, mind.

Seriously, too emo? You've never played a Final Fantasy game, have yeh?

Actually that's Nomura's fault as he took away the manly aspect from Final Fantasy as in the past some of Amano's art was pretty masculine.




And this


To what Normua made which is this


So yes, I'd blame Nomura 100% for the effeminate weirdos.
[quote name='mis0']One of only a few titles I will ever pre-order. Just waiting for the CE to be announced. :D[/QUOTE]

Seriously, one of the few games I myself would actually buy the CE and buy the regular edition. Ohh how I cannot fathom the release is just around the corner. :bouncy:
I just had a chance to watch the new trailer with the sound on. The English acting strikes me as competent but nothing spectacular. Certainly better than your average anime-flavored mess, and it's hard to judge too much without more context, but I don't guess this will beat XII's gold standard.

Is it my imagination, or was Vanille the one with the Australian accent in the previous trailer, where she does a little narration at the very beginning? Or was that supposed to be Fang narrating?

Also, it might be a little on the cheesy side but I couldn't help cracking a smile at the "Lady Bad Luck" line. Hope to see a reasonable amount of humor in the game to leaven the melodrama.
Vanille has/had an accent, but it's completely different from Fang's. The earlier trailer sounded nothing like Fang... not sure what you're talking about. ToV had great VA, a lot better than FFXIII :/
Man, the CG videos simply look incredible. I just hope/wish the actual GAME is fun. Also I really think Square made a mistake by using someone else's pop song for the theme to their biggest game in years.
I think they've improved the voice acting quite a bit (or at least the scenes they've shown are better). They also are lip-synched now.
Looks like the game should be called Stephen R. Covey presents Final Fantasy XIII. Paradigm shift!

I'm still waiting on details of the CE before preorder.
[quote name='Dasflikko']Man, the CG videos simply look incredible. I just hope/wish the actual GAME is fun. Also I really think Square made a mistake by using someone else's pop song for the theme to their biggest game in years.[/QUOTE]

This x 1,000,000,000,000 (including the CG videos). Really, what's the point of contracting out the MAIN THEME of your game to some pop artist that nobody will remember in five years? It's not as if the song is going to help sell the game. Just queue up Prelude, roll the opening credits, and get on with the game. Unless Uematsu has the rights to it or something. It kills the immersion to have some stupid pop artist blaring away as the game starts up. I'd feel the same way if I band that I liked played in the opening credits, for what it's worth.

However, from the looks of it (from browsing the internet), people are enamored with the songs with vocals in all of the Final Fantasies, whereas I strongly prefer instrumental work. I'm on the losing end of this battle.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I just had a chance to watch the new trailer with the sound on. The English acting strikes me as competent but nothing spectacular. Certainly better than your average anime-flavored mess, and it's hard to judge too much without more context, but I don't guess this will beat XII's gold standard.

I know opinions differ and all, but XII's voice actors sounded like mumbling children. I could swear Vaan's actor was recorded over a CB radio. The script was ridiculous, most of my friends and I didn't even know what they were talking about half of the time. At least X had a passable script and voice acting (even if it wasn't great). I think Persona 3 and Tales of Vesperia had very good scripts/voice actors.
XII had big problems with audio quality, no doubt. It really should have shipped on two discs.

1UP has a couple of reports from the Final Fantasy XIII party bus in San Francisco (never thought I'd use the phrases "Final Fantasy" and "party bus" in the same sentence). According to Jeremy Parish, the Xbox 360 version of the game plays just as smoothly as the PS3 version.
Got my copy in the mail today. 2 hours and some change in thus far.

Really reluctant to provide impressions of an RPG after two hours. Maybe I'll have something on Sunday. What I can say is this: based on the things pointed out about the game that may or may not cause controversy, they're all in there, from full HP restore after battles to loadsa' cutscenes.
Cutscenes I do not mind at all, the more the merrier. But.... the full HP restore after battles is kind of ehh in my mind, but I think I will like it, lol.

I think Square Enix just wants the player to actually get through the game, without becoming frustrated and getting bored. (But, this change could also make people get bored as well).

I'm definately picking the game, no doubt in my mind about that.
The full HP restore doesn't dumb down the difficulty level at all, trust me.

This game is trying all sorts of new things, and is the first (?) FF title to not include a standard RPG leveling system since FF2. Thankfully, it's a very different system from FF2.

Also, the pace of battles is very fast. In terms of speed jumps, the change of the FF series from standard "everyone gets one turn" style of play to the Active Time Battle system in FFIV is about the same as the change to the speed of battles in FFXIII. There's an option to turn on "slow" for the ATB, which isn't bad. You get used to the battle system's pacing, however - whether you love it or hate it will be an individual choice. It still feels like an RPG game despite its speed.

My biggest "woah" moment was only being able to control one player's actions. You indirectly control your teammates via the "optima" system, which assigns them different priorities (attacker/defender/healer/enhancer/some others). If your team's HP is low, you want to switch them to healer mode. Optima's a neat structure.

I'm certainly not hating this game yet, but I'm still on the fence about a number of major changes to the game. 3 and a half hours in, I keep coming back to the same single question:

Does this game FEEL like a Final Fantasy game?

And the closest I've come to an answer is a solid "Ehhhhh...I dunno."

I'll give you this: it's not a bad game thus far. Not at all. But the jury's out on whether or not it's great.
How do the battles feel compared to FFX-2? At first I was totally overwhelmed by the speed in that game.

The no levels thing is interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing how they've handled it. With a lot of the recent RPGs I've played, leveling up hasn't been the monumental occasion that it used to be. Since that would probably have been the case in FF13, I'm sort of glad they've done away with it.
As soon as the tutorial said "here's how you change outfits!" I turned off FFX-2.

I really want to put in a few more hours on the game before coming to a solid decision on whether I like the title or not. (unlike FFX-2, ;))

One thing I can say I truly don't like is that it's more difficult than in previous games to specifically identify that one enemy you want to attack (if you're fighting multiple of the same) - b/c the on-screen action is so fast and busy, that is, I've found myself scrambling at least once to find someone I knew was there, but couldn't identify. Not a huge problem, but something I know I don't like.
Kevermin, is this game worth it still?

I'm considering cancling my pre-order; I'm getting God of War 3 now in the same month, so I could potentially wait.

I am so bummed to hear on Destructiod and Joystiq that Square cut a whole game's worth of content. So now the game is super linear ( supposedly walking down straight hallways the whole game, no side quests). I'm wondering if they will have DLC; if so I might wait and see if they have a game of the year edition.

Anyway, with that said, is this game still worth the pre-order? I can look past getting gypped on the extra content if the game is still fun.
myke. ;)

I'm running off to see some NHL today, but as a proxy of what I think of this game, I'd be just as happy sitting on my couch getting back to the game.

I do like it, and I think I've decided it does play like a Final Fantasy title.

It's just different in so many ways from previous FF titles and it deviates from RPG game conventions that I think it's going to be controversial. Some people love FFXII (I'm one of them), and some people despise it due to how it deviates. Well, FFXIII is an even greater deviation IMO.

I'm 5 hours in and have not seen anything but super linear maps, so that complaint holds true. But I don't think it harms the game very much, however. It's (1) a JRPG and (2) Final Fantasy - of course it's linear.

I'm really digging it now - even if Hope and Vanilla are some whining-ass characters (on the other hand, I like Snow, Lightning and Sazh more than I anticipated). I'd put it this way: if you hated FFXII due to its derivations, this game doesn't stand a chance with you. If you loved FFXII, you'll probably like this; if you liked FFXII, that's a tough call.

This game is NOT like FFXII (except in some aesthetic decisions) - but FFXII put people into two camps, IMO. Those who embrace change in RPGs and those who fear change in RPGs. The former camp will find a game they are most likely to enjoy immensely, and the latter camp should already know better.
Well, I'm 15 hours into FFXIII, and let me just say that I've been enjoying every minute of it thus far. IMO, I'm having more fun with it than X, X-2, and XII combined. I liked X and XII (hated X-2), but am finding XIII to be much more enjoyable. It just seems like Square did everything right with this game...for the most part.

Of course, while I do have some gripes, I think the pros mostly outweigh the cons. I'll write some actual impressions once I finish the game. Going to try to devote tomorrow and the day after to playing it.

About the NA voices for XIII: I'm pretty disappointed with them. While they're not downright horrible, they don't really hold a candle to FFXII's voice acting. Seriously, I thought the English voices for just about every character in XII was spot on.
Damned you iPod Touch! I had a long response and it got erased b/c I had to re-authenticate w/the public wi-fi network.


@myke & y2kenji

Thanks for the input. I never played FF X, X-2, or XII. I never had a PlayStation before, so the last FF I played was FFIII remake for the DS; before that it was FFVII on the PC.

I know it's drastically different from the old-school JRPGs (characters just kind of stand in one spot and take turns). I really enjoyed Tales of Symphonia, and what I played of Vesperia on my friend's 360. So I do like the live action battles of the more recent JRPGs.

Anyway, I prefer JRPGs to "western" RPGs, so linearity is not a big deal for me (I actually like it a little linear). But many JRPGs you have tons of side quests and can go back to towns and do things in different orders, but just enough to keep a cohesive story.

However, that's drastically different from what I am hearing of FFXIII--which is that it is linear story-wise and also literally game-play-wise.

I can overlook all of that, even getting gypped out of a game's worth of content, if the game is enjoyable. (I'm such an RPG nut, most any kind of RPG is enjoyable, so I have a feeling I'll like the game from what you have said).

There is some speculation that the FF XIII Versus, which is still a PS3 exclusive, may have the content that this game doesn't have; and also have more branching plot lines. That is, if it is still going to happen. There hasn't been much said about it for a long time.

Anyway, here's the original story that I'm referring to.
I'm glad to hear to hear this game might be another polarizing entry. I want SE to be taking risks. With regards to the question of Final Fantasyness of XIII I got to ask, at some point they have to introduce new stuff to the mythology of Final Fantasy, right?
I don't understand why the "cut content" is an issue. That's the editing process, things that were created eventually get cut out because they turn out not to fit, or they mess up the pacing, or any number of other reasons.

Do you guys feel gypped at the movies because not all 100 hours of footage that the director shot made it into the final film?
I actually am one of the few who loved FFXII. I was just deeply engaged in the story, until... my game had a problem and could not go any further. ;_;

It doesn't bother me that there won't be any sidequests, as I probably would miss a lot of them. But, then again... I might not be one who would want to purchase the game at full price, instead I'd rather either rent it or buy it at a lower price. (30-40)

So, I still do question what I want to do. I could have my friend rent it from Gamefly, or I could buy it myself. We'll see how it goes.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I don't understand why the "cut content" is an issue. That's the editing process, things that were created eventually get cut out because they turn out not to fit, or they mess up the pacing, or any number of other reasons.

Do you guys feel gypped at the movies because not all 100 hours of footage that the director shot made it into the final film?[/QUOTE]

I don't know... On one hand I feel kind of slighted, and on the other, I don't. I guess it's just the fact that the guys said that it's a "game's worth" of content that was cut out. One has to wonder why they had to cut so much (I can see a level here or there).

Anyway, I feel a bit better about the whole thing now. I watched the gametrailers "Preview" of the International version, and they said that the beginning of the game is really linear, and there's no real overworld map. However, they said at one point you get out of the city and you can explore and there are some sidequests (I beileve that's what it said). They said that there isn't as many "mini-games" as a typical final fantasy.

Anyway, for me, I was wondering if I should wait and see if they have a DLC pack and maybe if I wait long enough, they'd have a Game of the Year edition that has all the DLC included (like the LittleBigPlanet or Fallout 3 GotY editions).

I believe it was the Art director that made the comment, and I believe he said they held out a bunch of content for another game. I'm hoping that they meant for the XIII Versus game.

We'll see, the game looks fantastic.
Cut content issue = PS3 owners feel the content was cut because the 360 version was made and needs to fit on 3 discs.

Estimates to earn the Platinum trophy in the game (which involves completing all side quests and building up characters fully) are anywhere from 80-120 hours.

I don't think I'm going to miss the cut content.
Honestly, I might not be the best person to ask about the game. Why? Because I'm pretty much loving everything about the game that people are complaining about. I'm now 25 years old. Back when I was 12, my tolerance for RPG's was much higher. I could sit through hours upon hours, level grinding and dungeon crawling. Trying to complete every little side quest to get the perfect save file. I used to be a completest, but not so much anymore. Nowadays, my patience for RPG's, or games in general has been waning. While a lot of gamers these days complain about games being too short, I found games such as Uncharted 2 and Bayonetta to be the perfect length (13-17 hours). I no longer have the time nor the patience to sit through a game for hours on end. Especially when something such as a traditional jRPG seems so dated in my eyes. I've been trying to beat FFIV DS for like the past year. I'm near the end, and can only play it in small increments because I get bored so fast with the dated battle system. Yes, I enjoyed it when I was like 12, but not so much's unfortunate, I know. I've been feeling the exact same way with Lost Odyssey as well (35 hours in, but no motivation to finish it).

I also cannot stand open-ended sandbox games. I tried to play Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect, and just stopped caring because I didn't know WTH those games wanted me to do. I hate having too much freedom, and a lack of direction. I still prefer very linear games that take you from point A to point B. With all of that said, I'm really digging FFXIII. Yes, the game has been super linear so far. However, I think Square has really cut all the bull and just gotten straight to the point. They've focused on the things I care about when it comes to a Final Fantasy title: A solid cast of characters, a memorable plot, robust battle system, and beautiful cutscenes/graphics. No longer do I have to waste time going from town to town, trying to gather information. No longer do I get sidetracked with stuff that's not relevant to the plot. I just want to be told a story, and be given a cinematic experience. It's what FF has always excelled at. Someone from another forum said that FFXIII is basically Uncharted 2: the RPG. I couldn't agree more with him. While the game is essentially "on rails", I'm really enjoying the cinematic experience. I already have a feeling that the game's going to be one of the more memorable FF's, and will have a lasting impression on me.

I wouldn't say that the battles are straight forward either. The optima change (or paradigm shift) system really adds some depth and strategy to how the battles play out. I've already died a number of times due to my rashness. The boss battles are fun as hell, and take a really long time, due to some of them having a couple million HP.

I applaud Square for taking risks with every new FF entry. The battle system has come a long way, and has made me think, "this is how a modern RPG should play like nowadays". I'd love to see an FFVII remake with XIII's battle system. I've always welcomed Square's changes with open arms, and don't consider myself an FF purist. It's probably why I can enjoy each new entry in the series (other than the abomination that was X-2). It's funny that most of the X-2 team developed XIII. My, have they come a long way.
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[quote name='Droenixjpn']I actually am one of the few who loved FFXII. I was just deeply engaged in the story, until... my game had a problem and could not go any further. ;_;

It doesn't bother me that there won't be any sidequests, as I probably would miss a lot of them. But, then again... I might not be one who would want to purchase the game at full price, instead I'd rather either rent it or buy it at a lower price. (30-40)

So, I still do question what I want to do. I could have my friend rent it from Gamefly, or I could buy it myself. We'll see how it goes.[/QUOTE]

I loved XII. I did everything, all the marks and all and that measly Yiazmat that took a few days to kill. Plus there is a boss that has an insane amount of HP like Yiazmat in XIII. But you can do so more damage per hit in XIII than you can in XII.
[quote name='KingBroly']I liked XII, but there was SOOOOOO much grinding.[/QUOTE]

No kidding. I leveled up to the point where I could beat the final boss without using a healing potion and there were still areas of the game I couldn't walk into for fear of dying. That world was crazy.
I think it's safe to say that if you like FF, then you have some kind of taste for linearity... I bought Oblivion and just couldn't get into it (I had never played that type of RPG before). I definitely like the JRPGs like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and the Tales series.

I had just read on that the whole game was running down straight corridors; and how you never get to go back to towns you visited. But it looks from the gametrailers video that it's not quite true.

Anyway, 80 to 120 hours sounds great. I've been trying not to read or see too much about the game until I play it, so I had not heard.

So, my confidence in the game is back. I'm keeping my pre-order. I just don't know how I'm going to handle all these games in March. At least it appears that ModNation racers isn't coming out until June now (Amazon e-mailed me), so that will give me a little breathing room.
[quote name='y2kenjination']Honestly, I might not be the best person to ask about the game. Why? Because I'm pretty much loving everything about the game that people are complaining about. I'm now 25 years old. Back when I was 12, my tolerance for RPG's was much higher. I could sit through hours upon hours, level grinding and dungeon crawling. Trying to complete every little side quest to get the perfect save file. I used to be a completest, but not so much anymore. Nowadays, my patience for RPG's, or games in general has been waning. While a lot of gamers these days complain about games being too short, I found games such as Uncharted 2 and Bayonetta to be the perfect length (13-17 hours). I no longer have the time nor the patience to sit through a game for hours on end. Especially when something such as a traditional jRPG seems so dated in my eyes. I've been trying to beat FFIV DS for like the past year. I'm near the end, and can only play it in small increments because I get bored so fast with the dated battle system. Yes, I enjoyed it when I was like 12, but not so much's unfortunate, I know. I've been feeling the exact same way with Lost Odyssey as well (35 hours in, but no motivation to finish it).

I also cannot stand open-ended sandbox games. I tried to play Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect, and just stopped caring because I didn't know WTH those games wanted me to do. I hate having too much freedom, and a lack of direction. I still prefer very linear games that take you from point A to point B. With all of that said, I'm really digging FFXIII. Yes, the game has been super linear so far. However, I think Square has really cut all the bull and just gotten straight to the point. They've focused on the things I care about when it comes to a Final Fantasy title: A solid cast of characters, a memorable plot, robust battle system, and beautiful cutscenes/graphics. No longer do I have to waste time going from town to town, trying to gather information. No longer do I get sidetracked with stuff that's not relevant to the plot. I just want to be told a story, and be given a cinematic experience. It's what FF has always excelled at. Someone from another forum said that FFXIII is basically Uncharted 2: the RPG. I couldn't agree more with him. While the game is essentially "on rails", I'm really enjoying the cinematic experience. I already have a feeling that the game's going to be one of the more memorable FF's, and will have a lasting impression on me.

I wouldn't say that the battles are straight forward either. The optima change (or paradigm shift) system really adds some depth and strategy to how the battles play out. I've already died a number of times due to my rashness. The boss battles are fun as hell, and take a really long time, due to some of them having a couple million HP.

I applaud Square for taking risks with every new FF entry. The battle system has come a long way, and has made me think, "this is how a modern RPG should play like nowadays". I'd love to see an FFVII remake with XIII's battle system. I've always welcomed Square's changes with open arms, and don't consider myself an FF purist. It's probably why I can enjoy each new entry in the series (other than the abomination that was X-2). It's funny that most of the X-2 team developed XIII. My, have they come a long way.[/QUOTE]
This has my hopes way up because I feel the same way as you do when it comes to your preferences for gaming. Good post.
[quote name='y2kenjination']Honestly, I might not be the best person to ask about the game. Why? Because I'm pretty much loving everything about the game that people are complaining about. I'm now 25 years old. Back when I was 12, my tolerance for RPG's was much higher. I could sit through hours upon hours, level grinding and dungeon crawling. Trying to complete every little side quest to get the perfect save file. I used to be a completest, but not so much anymore. Nowadays, my patience for RPG's, or games in general has been waning. While a lot of gamers these days complain about games being too short, I found games such as Uncharted 2 and Bayonetta to be the perfect length (13-17 hours). I no longer have the time nor the patience to sit through a game for hours on end. Especially when something such as a traditional jRPG seems so dated in my eyes. I've been trying to beat FFIV DS for like the past year. I'm near the end, and can only play it in small increments because I get bored so fast with the dated battle system. Yes, I enjoyed it when I was like 12, but not so much's unfortunate, I know. I've been feeling the exact same way with Lost Odyssey as well (35 hours in, but no motivation to finish it).

I also cannot stand open-ended sandbox games. I tried to play Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect, and just stopped caring because I didn't know WTH those games wanted me to do. I hate having too much freedom, and a lack of direction. I still prefer very linear games that take you from point A to point B. With all of that said, I'm really digging FFXIII. Yes, the game has been super linear so far. However, I think Square has really cut all the bull and just gotten straight to the point. They've focused on the things I care about when it comes to a Final Fantasy title: A solid cast of characters, a memorable plot, robust battle system, and beautiful cutscenes/graphics. No longer do I have to waste time going from town to town, trying to gather information. No longer do I get sidetracked with stuff that's not relevant to the plot. I just want to be told a story, and be given a cinematic experience. It's what FF has always excelled at. Someone from another forum said that FFXIII is basically Uncharted 2: the RPG. I couldn't agree more with him. While the game is essentially "on rails", I'm really enjoying the cinematic experience. I already have a feeling that the game's going to be one of the more memorable FF's, and will have a lasting impression on me.

I wouldn't say that the battles are straight forward either. The optima change (or paradigm shift) system really adds some depth and strategy to how the battles play out. I've already died a number of times due to my rashness. The boss battles are fun as hell, and take a really long time, due to some of them having a couple million HP.

I applaud Square for taking risks with every new FF entry. The battle system has come a long way, and has made me think, "this is how a modern RPG should play like nowadays". I'd love to see an FFVII remake with XIII's battle system. I've always welcomed Square's changes with open arms, and don't consider myself an FF purist. It's probably why I can enjoy each new entry in the series (other than the abomination that was X-2). It's funny that most of the X-2 team developed XIII. My, have they come a long way.[/QUOTE]

I more or less agree with you - 80-100 hour games are well and good, but I'm at a point in my life where games like that just make my backlog that much larger.

Where are you at in the game? I'm in the middle of chapter 4, just having defeated
the dreadnought
[quote name='mykevermin']I more or less agree with you - 80-100 hour games are well and good, but I'm at a point in my life where games like that just make my backlog that much larger.

Where are you at in the game? I'm in the middle of chapter 4, just having defeated
the dreadnought
I'm near the end of chapter 7. The game just keeps getting better from chapter 4!

So, my confidence in the game is back. I'm keeping my pre-order. I just don't know how I'm going to handle all these games in March.
Tell me about it. March is going to be a brutal month for me. I plan on picking up:

3/9 Final Fantasy XIII NA version (yes, because I'm crazy like that)
3/9 Resident Evil 5: Desperate Escape
3/25 Hokuto Musou
3/30 God of War III
3/30 Mega Man 10
3/31 Dead Rising 2
3/31 Super Street Fighter IV (if it comes out before April)
3/31 Yakuza 3

I'll probably have to hold off on God of War III and Mega Man 10. Too many games. The month prior, I'll be buying Star Ocean: The Last Hope International and Heavy Rain. >_
I've quit buying games that I want, until I have time to finish the last one I bought ( unless I find a really good deal). The only games I pre-order are the must-haves. Now I keep an Amazon wish list as kind of a "virtual" backlog. The prices always go down eventually (unless it's hard to find later).
bread's done