Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Out Now on PS3 & PS4 - 4/11: PS3-to-PS4 Transfer Live!

Nice.  I'm still working on gearing up for Titan.  I'm to the point where I can beat Garuda pretty routinely with the right group (still waiting for her weapon) and in the meantime just filling out my Darklight set a bit (currently mostly in AK gear) before moving on to the big fat man.

Finally got all my HQ 50 botany gear, so I'm happy now that I have a steady income to support myself while dungeon grinding.  Though after the repair cost nerf, most people can really support themselves fine by just spiritbonding jewelry.

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Eh HQ botany to me is a waste; I'm still rocking scrubby botany gear and just farming the spruce with ease.  Sure you don't get HQ logs, but I get the craft regularly to 20% with NQ and make plenty of HQ lumber that way (that doesn't even sell TBH).  Most people don't even care about HQ relic weapons, so I purposefully leave the quality alone and just craft NQ lances/bows that sell for 80k at a 200% markup from cost of bloody items.

Right now the big moneymaker is crafting materia.  Everyday I see it being superinflated by people buying out the AH with obviously bought gil.  These guys are dumping millions on chances to min/max their gear and for what?  Super crafting gear that can make 2star items nobody can afford?  Bunch of idiots IMO.

Lol, can't beat free for sure.

So is there any solid info on this new patch coming?  Seen the videos, read the few one-liners on stuff included, but I need some real meat on what's coming.  I'm trying to position myself as the premiere carpenter/LW/weaver for housing decor and I'm hoping to stock up on goods before the market explodes on required items.  Any inside traders out there? ;)

Lol, can't beat free for sure.

So is there any solid info on this new patch coming? Seen the videos, read the few one-liners on stuff included, but I need some real meat on what's coming. I'm trying to position myself as the premiere carpenter/LW/weaver for housing decor and I'm hoping to stock up on goods before the market explodes on required items. Any inside traders out there? ;)
I read yesterday that only FC housing is going to be in 2.1. Which sucks, because I don't really give a crap about FC housing. Don't know if that's true or not, but source:

That article also says Binding Coil is new in 2.1 though, so there's a good chance they have no idea what the hell they're talking about.

For sure in this patch is PVP, Crystal Tower, another new dungeon, extreme Primal fights, and hard modes for two existing dungeons (not sure which). I think that's most of the big stuff.

Really enjoying this game. I don't always have a lot of time to play (my highest lvls are 18GLD and 11MIN), but still feel accomplished even when I'm on for a short time.

I'm definitely looking forward to leveling more and hopefully grouping with some fellow CAGs.
Interesting and stupid only FC housing is coming right away.  That really has me reconsidering subbing since I only care about the player housing and crafting stuff for them.  Every FC will already have crafters to do that for them so there won't be a market.  FC housing is pretty halfbaked too, unless it becomes an actual entity on the server.  What if you ever disband or leave your FC?  Is it just lost or can you sell it to another guild a la deeds that SWG had?

Interesting and stupid only FC housing is coming right away. That really has me reconsidering subbing since I only care about the player housing and crafting stuff for them. Every FC will already have crafters to do that for them so there won't be a market. FC housing is pretty halfbaked too, unless it becomes an actual entity on the server. What if you ever disband or leave your FC? Is it just lost or can you sell it to another guild a la deeds that SWG had?
I agree, FC housing doesn't really interest me at all. I just want my own little house that I can decorate with the dead carcasses of stuff I've killed.. Is that so wrong?

I do think I read somewhere that you can sell the deeds, but I don't have a source on that.

Finally started running Titan yesterday.  Tried it with some friends last night and then a PuG this morning, got reasonably close each time but couldn't down it.  Then tonight I found a PuG where everyone was clicking except one Bard who kept dying.  We were all very nice about it and tried two full sessions with him.  After he left it was super late and we'd lost 3 members, but we were so close we decided to shout for replacements and try one more time.  Result:  One shot.

Dat swag:


Definitely an amazing feeling, and probably my proudest accomplishment in the game.  Especially after all the Titan horror stories, to beat him on only my 3rd group feels pretty good.  I was actually able to grasp all the concepts and rotations pretty quickly, which I guess means I'm alright at this after all.  :D

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Gratz on the relic! Working on mine as well. I am still on Hydra tho. :(

I am sure it won't be too bad once I get back to the game. Currently I am in Chicago on vacation. Will be home tomorrow and I can not wait to kick some Hydra butt!
Im AMAZED this game still has login queues (very very short/small ones, but ive still gotten them 3~ times this week)

Like the game has mega potential, but content wise is severely lacking.

I really thought this game would have died out by now

I still have fun because I play with people I know, but i didnt expect it to do so well 

I have plenty to do still so it really isn't lacking content all that much. I mean considering I still have a bunch of DoW and DoM classes to level, besides all of the DoH and the last two DoL classes. Then I would have to gear them all out. It's gonna take some time, for sure.

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Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about.  There is more than enough to do in the game, with more on the way.  I've met so many great people and had so much fun, I wouldn't change a thing.

The game is pretty lacking in side-quests and the world is relatively small compared to World of Warcraft, but I really don't have any complaints. I still like it well enough.

The game is pretty lacking in side-quests and the world is relatively small compared to World of Warcraft, but I really don't have any complaints. I still like it well enough.

Is it though? Because I still have tons of quests available, I just am too lazy to find them all. There are plenty of areas where I missed many many quests. Considering you have every single class available with one character, of course there is going to be some kind of grind!

And yes, the maps are smaller than WoW, but they are effective. WoW had huge maps that took forever in a day to get across by foot.

Doing 400,000,000 fates which constitute hitting a mob once before it dies on every single class doesnt count as a "ton of content", if anything its broken content.

Once they add PvP and housing and such they will have a leg to stand on.

But right now the game is pretty much two instances~ and 2 raids @ max level Plus some interesting crafting stuff

1-49 is completely broken (outside of the first playthrough in which its not terrible because you have stuff to do) 

Not saying its a bad game because its not, but until the major patch gets here its flawed

Doing 400,000,000 fates which constitute hitting a mob once before it dies on every single class doesnt count as a "ton of content", if anything its broken content.

Once they add PvP and housing and such they will have a leg to stand on.

But right now the game is pretty much two instances~ and 2 raids @ max level Plus some interesting crafting stuff

1-49 is completely broken (outside of the first playthrough in which its not terrible because you have stuff to do)

Not saying its a bad game because its not, but until the major patch gets here its flawed
You must not have done much of the end game recently then, as I assume your already pretty well geared on the first class if you want to assume there is no end game content.

As of 2.05:

Wanderers Palace Now gives 40 Mythology <- Also has a speed run
CM <- Nothing new
AK <- Now gives 50 Mythology per run
Praetorium <- Speed Run (Philosophy only - Like CM, takes about 27 minutes on a decent run.)
Ifrit Farming <- Gotta get his Horn for Housing!
Garuda <- Now able to be speed ran in less than 4 minutes, also received a boost to Myth drops to 10 per run. (Speed run consists of 1 Tank 1 Healer 6 DPS) Also Feather for housing!
Titan <- Still a pain, but you get a bigger reward now. (Unless your totally geared, then he is still a 5 man) Titan's Heart available for Housing!

^Seems like there are plenty of options for end game to help people gear up right now.

Also, yes end game FATEs are a bit broken, but that doesn't really happen until Ceruleum Processing Plant. I have to think it is partially due to the lag that zone receives. You still have to adequately participate in FATEs before this.

Like I said earlier, there are plenty of Quests to do to at least help you get a second Class to 50 without hard core FATE grinding the entire way. (Though FATEs are a much more substantial way of leveling.)
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I just hit level 50 and finishing up the main story, I'm really enjoying every bit of this game.  Now that I have all my monk skills I'm trying to figure out a solid rotation and key binding setup that works.

Doing 400,000,000 fates which constitute hitting a mob once before it dies on every single class doesnt count as a "ton of content", if anything its broken content.

Once they add PvP and housing and such they will have a leg to stand on.

But right now the game is pretty much two instances~ and 2 raids @ max level Plus some interesting crafting stuff

1-49 is completely broken (outside of the first playthrough in which its not terrible because you have stuff to do)

Not saying its a bad game because its not, but until the major patch gets here its flawed
I'm afraid you're the one without a leg to stand on. Back when the game had major stability issues at launch, your grousing made sense and you had a legitimate point. Now that the game is stable, it just comes off as being a sourpuss. If you're not finding enough content in this game to entertain you, the problem might be with you, not the game.

Im AMAZED this game still has login queues (very very short/small ones, but ive still gotten them 3~ times this week)
That's because free transfers are cannibalizing unpopular servers. I haven't had a login queue since last week when people were already starting to quit the game (read huge dropoff after the paywall went up). I really hate companies that allow free transfers because it's super depressing having to delete half your friends list (50 down to 25, and going. . .) and is completely toxic to the health of an MMO. I barely get work anymore as a crafter and I'm quickly running out of things to do outside level more alts. I can't even recruit new members to our FC because everyone either quit or was poached by bigger guilds/servers, and we're not getting new blood on the server. I feel like because we rolled on the 'overflow' server, now everyone is returning to where they originally wanted to be and is going to kill Lamia.

In closing, fuck SE.

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It's funny, I originally chose Cactuar (both for my group of friends and as a suggestion for CAG) because I thought it would be a modestly sized server and it's turned out to be one of the biggest.  I rarely face any login queues though, even after transfers have begun. 

That's because free transfers are cannibalizing unpopular servers. I haven't had a login queue since last week when people were already starting to quit the game (read huge dropoff after the paywall went up). I really hate companies that allow free transfers because it's super depressing having to delete half your friends list (50 down to 25, and going. . .) and is completely toxic to the health of an MMO. I barely get work anymore as a crafter and I'm quickly running out of things to do outside level more alts. I can't even recruit new members to our FC because everyone either quit or was poached by bigger guilds/servers, and we're not getting new blood on the server. I feel like because we rolled on the 'overflow' server, now everyone is returning to where they originally wanted to be and is going to kill Lamia.

In closing, fuck SE.
Well it is also the case that most players are now gearing up for Coil. With this and the fact of the Free Transfers, people are taking the advantage to find FCs that fit their play style and needs. That being said, it is harder and harder to come by fresh blood even in Cactuar.

Players are pretty much only going to dwindle at this point until new content rolls out faster.

We won't see another huge influx till either 2.1 or an expansion.
You must not have done much of the end game recently then, as I assume your already pretty well geared on the first class if you want to assume there is no end game content.

As of 2.05:

Wanderers Palace Now gives 40 Mythology <- Also has a speed run
CM <- Nothing new
AK <- Now gives 50 Mythology per run
Praetorium <- Speed Run (Philosophy only - Like CM, takes about 27 minutes on a decent run.)
Ifrit Farming <- Gotta get his Horn for Housing!
Garuda <- Now able to be speed ran in less than 4 minutes, also received a boost to Myth drops to 10 per run. (Speed run consists of 1 Tank 1 Healer 6 DPS) Also Feather for housing!
Titan <- Still a pain, but you get a bigger reward now. (Unless your totally geared, then he is still a 5 man) Titan's Heart available for Housing!

^Seems like there are plenty of options for end game to help people gear up right now.

Also, yes end game FATEs are a bit broken, but that doesn't really happen until Ceruleum Processing Plant. I have to think it is partially due to the lag that zone receives. You still have to adequately participate in FATEs before this.

Like I said earlier, there are plenty of Quests to do to at least help you get a second Class to 50 without hard core FATE grinding the entire way. (Though FATEs are a much more substantial way of leveling.)
There aren't plenty of options. You do ifrit garuda and titan once each get your relic weapon, then its farming AK (or possibly WP) constantly

All of the other stuff is completely irrelevant

Ultra ultra rare housing items (for housing which isnt even in the game) doesnt count as a reason to do content.

My point is they should make the other endgame content worth farming (ie Ifrit HM) and not just a stepping stone to do once for your relic then never touch.

I loved doing ifrit and titan (Garuda not so much). Hydra (for my relic quest) was my favorite fight in the game. But theres absolutely no incentive for replaying this content. they are pretty terrible sources of marks, and the items they drop are usesless since to kill all of them you can just get your relic weapon instead.

Theres absolutely no point in doing CM/Praetorium outside of finishing it once for your story quest.

Im looking forward to pvp tremendously, as well as hopefully adding some new 4 man content as well as alternatives to fates for leveling alts.

There aren't plenty of options. You do ifrit garuda and titan once each get your relic weapon, then its farming AK (or possibly WP) constantly

All of the other stuff is completely irrelevant

Ultra ultra rare housing items (for housing which isnt even in the game) doesnt count as a reason to do content.

My point is they should make the other endgame content worth farming (ie Ifrit HM) and not just a stepping stone to do once for your relic then never touch.

I loved doing ifrit and titan (Garuda not so much). Hydra (for my relic quest) was my favorite fight in the game. But theres absolutely no incentive for replaying this content. they are pretty terrible sources of marks, and the items they drop are usesless since to kill all of them you can just get your relic weapon instead.

Theres absolutely no point in doing CM/Praetorium outside of finishing it once for your story quest.

Im looking forward to pvp tremendously, as well as hopefully adding some new 4 man content as well as alternatives to fates for leveling alts.
Name an MMO where you return to the same content after you surpass it.
Name an MMO where you return to the same content after you surpass it.

My issue is having to do AK 100~ times to get my DL set

When they easily could spread it out over the other lvl 50 content

I mean they HAVE the content there.

Ifrit HM, Garuda, Titan, those 2 other instances

Theres just no reason to do them though

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My issue is having to do AK 100~ times to get my DL set

When they easily could spread it out over the other lvl 50 content

I mean they HAVE the content there.

Ifrit HM, Garuda, Titan, those 2 other instances

Theres just no reason to do them though
You're wrong. If you can get Garuda on farm (which my group does) you can kill her in about 5 minutes and it's a very efficient source of tomes. It's also a good way to grab weapons for second classes. There's also the whole reason of "fun". Many people enjoy those fights, and will do them even with no incentive. I join Titan PUGs all the time to try and help people get their clear, since I really like helping people to enjoy the accomplishment of downing him.

In addition, a good group can speedrun Praetorium in about 15 minutes and have a lot of fun doing so. The boss fights in that dungeon are really cool, I can't wait to see if they'll put in a hard mode. It also has fantastic music.

If you think you need to just run AK to get your DL set, I don't know what to tell you, but you couldn't be further off the mark. There are plenty of other ways to get tokens, with more on the way.

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So a few takeaways from the liver producer yesterday:

- Small housing cost 850k for JUST the house, not the land (could change obviously) and you need FC rank to buy land in the zone you want (I'd assume allied in your FC)

- Myth gear is not AF2 or AF+1; it is actually AF1.5 after they announced proper AF2 gear

- They want to nerf bard instead of making other classes stronger; way to copy the WoW mentality, you morons. . .

- Confirmed Warriors suck, maybe they'll make them better in 2.1

Right now the plan is to have everything housing related crafted and gathered, so no money dumps on vendors.  This brings up the question of exactly what are crafters supposed to spend all their money on because after I buy my mansion and furnish it with my own crafting skills, there's nothing else to do with cash.  Right now that's my main problem with the game: no endgame goals for crafters.  I haven't even bothered with raiding in this game since all my BiS gear comes off the myth vendor except boots and jewelry, so why waste my time on coil?  That leaves me with leveling alts to 50 (running out of jobs. . .) and crafting to make money, but there's nothing to spend money on.

At this point the game is still fun, but I just wish they had grander goals to work towards otherwise interest will wane pretty fast.

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My issue is having to do AK 100~ times to get my DL set

When they easily could spread it out over the other lvl 50 content

I mean they HAVE the content there.

Ifrit HM, Garuda, Titan, those 2 other instances

Theres just no reason to do them though
My girlfriend got her relic + full DL set in 3 1/2 days and she was half-assing it too lol.
So a few takeaways from the liver producer yesterday:

- Small housing cost 850k for JUST the house, not the land (could change obviously) and you need FC rank to buy land in the zone you want (I'd assume allied in your FC)

- Myth gear is not AF2 or AF+1; it is actually AF1.5 after they announced proper AF2 gear

- They want to nerf bard instead of making other classes stronger; way to copy the WoW mentality, you morons. . .

- Confirmed Warriors suck, maybe they'll make them better in 2.1

Right now the plan is to have everything housing related crafted and gathered, so no money dumps on vendors. This brings up the question of exactly what are crafters supposed to spend all their money on because after I buy my mansion and furnish it with my own crafting skills, there's nothing else to do with cash. Right now that's my main problem with the game: no endgame goals for crafters. I haven't even bothered with raiding in this game since all my BiS gear comes off the myth vendor except boots and jewelry, so why waste my time on coil? That leaves me with leveling alts to 50 (running out of jobs. . .) and crafting to make money, but there's nothing to spend money on.

At this point the game is still fun, but I just wish they had grander goals to work towards otherwise interest will wane pretty fast.
I dont think its an end all fix for warriors, but im convinced theyll give them a "spammable" stun like Paladins

It seems to be a huge issue for them atm

Well I did the server transfer to join up with one of my RL friends on Famfrit but boy did that server die after the transfers started.  So it looks like once I finish up some end game stuff on there I will come back to Cactaur.

Well I did the server transfer to join up with one of my RL friends on Famfrit but boy did that server die after the transfers started. So it looks like once I finish up some end game stuff on there I will come back to Cactaur.
Come to Hyperion and join my group =)
I dont think its an end all fix for warriors, but im convinced theyll give them a "spammable" stun like Paladins

It seems to be a huge issue for them atm
No, the issue is damage. Warriors simply can't take the hits in late coil turns and unlike DKs in WoW, do not have the survivability to be 2H. It's simple math really: mitigation > effective health. Paladins have less effective health but the mitigation is strong enough to keep damage manageable. Warriors just get smashed through their effective health and die. It could be argued warriors become extremely powerful tanks with full AF1.5 since they scale well with VIT, but the point is paladins can pull it off with DL. It's just elementary mistakes in balancing and should have been tested better.

I haven't even bothered with raiding in this game since all my BiS gear comes off the myth vendor except boots and jewelry, so why waste my time on coil?
I guess because it's fun? I'm sure it's not the same for everybody, but I enjoy trying to take on and learn the hardest content in the game right now with my group, even if it's not the most efficient way to get BiS stuff. With the amount I'm playing the game I'm easily capped on Myth by Tuesday or even Monday, so Coil gives me something to work on that's still challenging.

I haven't even bothered with raiding in this game since all my BiS gear comes off the myth vendor except boots and jewelry, so why waste my time on coil?
Well - That's not entirely true. There is a great deal of theory crafting with both Allagan and AF1.5 in which you can make a crit hitting machine (at least with BRD) mix and matching pieces of gear.

I am sure this is true for a lot of the jobs.

So there is a reason to run Coil, besides end game experience, because the Coil is only going to get harder from here on out.

(Besides getting pre-req of the turns cleared out of the way for when patch 2.2 rolls out and they add more turns.)

Well - That's not entirely true. There is a great deal of theory crafting with both Allagan and AF1.5 in which you can make a crit hitting machine (at least with BRD) mix and matching pieces of gear.
BiS Bard without crafting anything. I do not agree with the allagan choices for wrist and ring over what can be crafted, but then again I don't know the stat weights for dex (and I'm not sure anyone does quite yet). Then again, this is BiS from the standpoint of capping accuracy at ~450 while maxing det/crit. As you can see, only three pieces are from coil and boots are the only piece that require any sort of progression to get. It will take me many, many months to even achieve close to BiS just running AK every week for myth, so I'm really in no hurry to bother with coil; just pugging it here and there without caring about getting to turn 5.

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BiS Bard without crafting anything. I do not agree with the allagan choices for wrist and ring over what can be crafted, but then again I don't know the stat weights for dex (and I'm not sure anyone does quite yet). Then again, this is BiS from the standpoint of capping accuracy at ~450 while maxing det/crit. As you can see, only three pieces are from coil and boots are the only piece that require any sort of progression to get. It will take me many, many months to even achieve close to BiS just running AK every week for myth, so I'm really in no hurry to bother with coil; just pugging it here and there without caring about getting to turn 5.
Why would you cap Accuracy? How many times has anyone missed to make that an important stat (especially as BRD)? I also don't understand, is there a hard cap on stats that I am unaware of, or is it capped because of gear orientation?

Argh...the micromanagement in this game.  I fairly new to the whole MMO thing SWTOR(tank) and FFXIV(dps) are my only two I've played. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to the grind from here on out.  I'm going to do as I just beat Ifrit HM last night (a few times) and received my Ifrit weapon for monk.  So step 1 kinda done and now for some more dungeon runs DL gear.

I still don't understand the whole crafting thing and if it's even worth to buy/sell things. Not even sure what to sell or even if I should sell crafting items I've received from leveling to 50. I hear of people making money on some crafting items from doing particular dungeon runs but have yet to look into as my main focus is gearing my main.

I plan on continuing to level my main sub classes, so as Lancer (for blood for blood) and marauder so I can use their skills on my main or switch to the classes at a later date. I'm on Cactaur server as well as the CAG linkshell, so if anyone is down for runs let me know.  I'm Flexodius Camacho.

Why would you cap Accuracy? How many times has anyone missed to make that an important stat (especially as BRD)? I also don't understand, is there a hard cap on stats that I am unaware of, or is it capped because of gear orientation?
Coil is different; you need 450 accuracy to cap hit rating there. Misses are a dps loss, especially on a GCD system like this it's a huge loss. There is no hard cap on stats, but on crafted gear there are stat caps for melds. What I meant was that BiS list is the best you can do statwise for det/crit while achieving the hit cap and not overcapping. The reason I question wrists is because it's 4 DEX vs 12 CRIT if you were to craft HQ Gryphonskin. That would mean Dex needs to be weighted at least 3x higher than crit in weights, which seems highly unlikely. This is obviously all conjecture at this point without any math to back it up, so until we have some solid weights I can't be fussed to go with anything other than drops/myth gear.

I still don't understand the whole crafting thing and if it's even worth to buy/sell things. Not even sure what to sell or even if I should sell crafting items I've received from leveling to 50. I hear of people making money on some crafting items from doing particular dungeon runs but have yet to look into as my main focus is gearing my main.
Crafting professions that produce materials are profitable; those that only make products are not. For example, leatherworking and weaver create leathers and cloth that are used widely by almost all crafters, thus making it in high demand. Alchemy that produces only potions makes no money at all. If you want to become a supplier, you can also farm diremite web, fleece, and snurble tufts to make money. Those will always be in demand. Lastly, raw materials are generally worthless unless you can use a craft to produce stuff like spruce lumber, twinthread, rose gold, etc.

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Q: When will individual housing be implemented?
A: It will be around half a year after patch 2.1's release. Currently, we are split between implementing a personal room within a free company house or personal housing. Since the decision will have a huge impact on how many additional servers we'll need to prepare, we have to carefully consider the balance of the housing system. We believe it will take roughly six months to have everything planned out and prepared.

So summer of next year is when we get proper housing and at this point they're not sure if we'll even get 'individual' housing, because dorms in a FC house is not what I'd sub for.  This is a serious blow for the game because right now 2.1 is shaping up to be a dud.  All the new dungeons are outdated before they even hit and I don't care about FC housing since mine is dead and I don't see any point joining another FC to do. . .exactly what I do now: just level alts and craft.  And even then, 2.1 could be at least two months off, at which point I doubt I'll still have any interest in the game. : \

Q: When will individual housing be implemented?
A: It will be around half a year after patch 2.1's release. Currently, we are split between implementing a personal room within a free company house or personal housing. Since the decision will have a huge impact on how many additional servers we'll need to prepare, we have to carefully consider the balance of the housing system. We believe it will take roughly six months to have everything planned out and prepared.

So summer of next year is when we get proper housing and at this point they're not sure if we'll even get 'individual' housing, because dorms in a FC house is not what I'd sub for. This is a serious blow for the game because right now 2.1 is shaping up to be a dud. All the new dungeons are outdated before they even hit and I don't care about FC housing since mine is dead and I don't see any point joining another FC to do. . .exactly what I do now: just level alts and craft. And even then, 2.1 could be at least two months off, at which point I doubt I'll still have any interest in the game. : \
You need a good guild, anyways, why do you have alts for?

You need a good guild, anyways, why do you have alts for?
Why? Why do I 'need' a good guild? Linkshells serve the purpose of bringing players together to pug anything I want to do and I see nothing that other guilds offer that I can't use my own, dead one for. Mine is rank 5 and I've been slowly leveling my FC rank with twin adders (just hit sworn). Besides, FC activity is slowing down anyway; I see people in my linkshells less and less on unless they're raiding, which only lasts for a few hours before they're done for the week again. It has got to the point where the larger guilds are constantly trying to recruit for coil runs every week as they lose players.


bread's done