Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Out Now on PS3 & PS4 - 4/11: PS3-to-PS4 Transfer Live!

I'm on PS3, but just in case this is why you were asking, PC, PS3, and PS4 players all play together on the same servers. The only thing that dictates who you can play with is which server you create your character on.

Great.  They carbon-copy rogue (my main in WoW) to this game and there's no way I can main swap now because EVERYONE will be playing it.  Although, playing melee in this game is a huge pain in the ass so I'm not sure I'd enjoy it anyway in a raid situation lol.  I might actually try PvP in this game on it though because stealth is my thing.

Player housing delayed to 2.38 (big shock) is really starting to piss me off.  I don't want a damn room in 2.3, I want my mansion already.  WTF is the point of me making all this money if I have nothing to spend it on square?

So, not having any experience with other MMOs... How are drops for the new classes likely to work? Will they just shove new NIN gear into the loot tables for the existing dungeons?

I'm seriously hopeful they'll extend monk loot to ninjas with the exception of their AF and weapons obviously.  If not, this is going to get real shitty, real fast in terms of even more loot to have to deal with from drops.  BLM and SMN already share loot just like WHM and SCH, so it would make sense MNK would share with NIN.

Come to think of it, the loot from CT should have been a huge clue as to the new job lol.  I used to say all the time that set was ninja, and it was.  It was also the only set from CT I sought out and completed before they made it farmable heh.

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MNK already shares with DRG though, right? If I take your meaning correctly. If anything it might make more sense for Rogue to be based on DEX because right now Archers have DEX gear all to themselves.

Apparently Yoshi-P said yesterday that Square is still in talks with Microsoft about making an exception to their cross-platform online play policy to get ARR on Xbone. I wouldn't consider it a likely outcome but at least it's being discussed.

Watching the stream... The date for 2.3 is either July 8 or August 7, I'm not sure what format the date is supposed to be. :lol:

Level 100 loot drops in the new Crystal Tower.

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Only thing they showed was the Ninja gear:


And here is Ninja artifact:


Yeah, lots of info finally on 2.3.  FC rooms will be 300k confirmed, with no garden or outdoor furnishings allowed.  Final ilvl for new CT is TBD but for now is 100 and the dungeon is still geared towards casuals.  Ramuh will drop weapons and have a craftable throne for housing.  Frontlines will sport 8v8v8, 16v16v16, and 24v24v24; horse mount purchasable through PvP marks.  Chocobo colors will not alter anything, purely aesthetic and will have more colors added in 2.35.  Can also respec them and raise them in chocobo pens to ranks beyond 10.

In other news, my server has seemingly shot to #1 pop NA.  This would mean our growth was 171% since the last count which I find highly suspect.  We certainly don't feel medium pop as I see players everywhere, but I have to question how we're that high compared to the hardcore raiding servers.  Just doesn't seem to fit.

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In other news, my server has seemingly shot to #1 pop NA. This would mean our growth was 171% since the last count which I find highly suspect. We certainly don't feel medium pop as I see players everywhere, but I have to question how we're that high compared to the hardcore raiding servers. Just doesn't seem to fit.
Some other stuff in those stats that seems questionable... Most popular overall class is Conjurer?! Even among healers I feel like I see a lot more Scholar than WHM. And it's hard to believe that there would be more Conjurers than say, Lancers.

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Do you have 30 days to play the game online when you redeem The code or when you start playing it
Lol, we got monk fists again after missing a weekly lockout because one person was MIA for the week and then 90k's stopped us from getting it down on the last two days before reset.  SE loves fucking players over with RNG, no?

Speaking of shitty RNG, I'm two sightseeing logs away from server first completion but the weather in coerthas of all things is hanging me up.  I need clear weather for one and fair weather for the other but it's always snowing or the opposite of what I need at that time.  I've been at this for four days now going hard and still can't complete these two.  If only they'd patched in the clear/fair change they talked about with the last maintenance, I'd have my pet finally.

At least I found a few more views to justify this hot mess:





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pls Jodou you have been blessed with RNG, you were like 106 after your first 3 weeks of clears lol. I had to wait like almost two months before a got a left side drop. 

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pls Jodou you have been blessed with RNG, you were like 106 after your first 3 weeks of clears lol. I had to wait like almost two months before a got a left side drop.
People are passing me in ilvl now because boots refuse to drop and I've lost rolls on sands/oil with sub-20 rolls. We've also never seen repeat drops other than the gloves like 5 times, so it was just one of those things lol. I don't even need the bow TBH, as I'd rather see our DRG get his weapon first or anyone else for that matter.

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You have to remember, there's nothing to test our ability on right now.  Maybe I'll care in brutals but for now, we down T9 (when people don't go missing and their servers aren't shit) without it regardless.  I just want to dye my chest black already. -_-

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How is the 3 star market over there in Lamia. 

Over here only 1 piece per item sells a day and it usually goes to the person who checks every hour to make sure he's 1 gil below the next seller. It doesnt seem worth it lol. They did confirm new crafted accessories in 2.3 tho, hopefully its i90. 

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I think it's somewhat active still, but it's too high risk for me so I don't craft it unless it's a customer request.  I sell glamours at a rate of 10 per hour which roughly is 50-75k alone, so I see no reason to dabble in risky business.  Relics are super hot still over here with the influx of new players and achievement hunters, so I average 200-250k on that vendor everytime I check it.  Materia from spiritbonding dailies and crafted goods on the other vendor and I'm pulling a couple mil daily heh.  3 star is just not worth it.

bread's done