Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Out Now on PS3 & PS4 - 4/11: PS3-to-PS4 Transfer Live!

So this happened tonight. . .SERVER FIRST!


i really hate when people go "server first!" like anyone really gives a shit or will remember lol
Actually it's recorded on the Cactpot board in order of past winners, so yeah: people will remember this one lol. At any rate, it was a pretty big deal considering I've had a lot of server firsts for ours and I was legitimately shocked when I won. Couldn't believe it.

I would be posting that shit too if I won Cactpot lol

As someone who got bored of all the generic Gold Saucer shit after 2 days winning the Cactpot is the only way I would ahve gotten that mount. 

Is it just me or has the image enlarging function of these boards been broken for like weeks now.  It was such a nice feature and now I have to view image every time I want to see a pic someone posted. : \

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People are reporting that the PC physical CE is already sold out on the Square-Enix Online Store, before most people were even able to get the page to load. :( Hope none of you guys wanted that dargon statue, or were able to snag one if you did.

ETA: Apparently not, it was just a glitch on the site, people on the forums are now saying they're able to purchase a CE.

Also, be aware, if you purchased ARR through Steam, you have to purchase Heavensward through Steam as well, a key from a retail PC copy will not be compatible.

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You will have to buy the game again for PS4, but you can use the same character(s) and you only have to pay one monthly sub fee.

Also, once Heavensward comes out you'll have to buy a separate copy for each platform you want to play on.

I want the CE for Heavensward, but do not want to buy it from Square. I am going to hold out and hope BB for GCU gets it or Amazon.

I'm still not sure how Heavensward works for people who already own the game. Is it still going to cost us another $40? That's what it retails for according to Amazon.
I'm still not sure how Heavensward works for people who already own the game. Is it still going to cost us another $40? That's what it retails for according to Amazon.
Yes, it's an expansion. You can keep playing ARR without Heavensward, but to access the new areas/jobs/quests/etc. you have to buy Heavensward.

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FFXI is getting its last content/story updates later this year and the PS2/Xbox 360 versions are bring shut down March 2016, which leaves the PC version as the sole version left that'll just get maintenance updates from then on.
Wow, that surprising, I thought XI was still pretty popular. Doesn't it still have some original Chrono Trigger staff working on it? I wonder if they'll all transfer to ARR now.
XI is older than WoW, and they have XIV. Sort of pointless to split their user base across two games anyways.

Still remember taking out sky gods and Tiamat before WoW launched...

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Wow, that surprising, I thought XI was still pretty popular. Doesn't it still have some original Chrono Trigger staff working on it? I wonder if they'll all transfer to ARR now.
The Xbox 360 and PS2 versions have become irrelevant at this point, so I imagine the bulk of its audience is on PC even if it's shrinking in favor of FFXIV.

Still, 14 years of active development for a subscription MMO in a post-WoW world is crazy successful that Square Enix never gets credit for when it seems like every other MMO goes F2P as soon as their numbers start to drop.

I don't really read much on other FF14 forums.  If i had the PC CE for the original game, am I able to buy the PS4 expansion and use that to boot the game on PS4?

I want to say FFXI worked that way with the WotG standalone disc for 360 since I already had a license for the main game, I just want to make sure as I have a $75 BBY cert burning a hole in my pocket and it would take a nice chunk out of that CE

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Finished the ARR main story this weekend. Well... that happened.

I will say one thing,
fuck Merlwyb and Kan-E-Senna for peace'ing out of there when the Scions finally needed some help from them for once. Lost whatever respect I had for them as characters, and I've never been so glad to be a loyal Flame. Those two better not come crawling back to the Warrior of Light next time they need a favor.

Anyone's FC looking for a few members? A few friends and I wanna start back up in prep for the xpac but we don't have 8 to form a raid team. Willing to xfer realms, don't really care what class we play either.

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Anyone's FC looking for a few members? A few friends and I wanna start back up in prep for the xpac but we don't have 8 to form a raid team. Willing to xfer realms, don't really care what class we play either.
My old FC is still around but are mostly casuals. When I was with them though, we got server first t7-10. To put my server in perspective though, they just got server first savage t7 like yesterday so honestly not super active in terms of raiders. I stay here more for the people though because it's really laid back. Toxic fucks from WoW are all on the world first progression servers and they can stay there.

I was playing Draenor with a couple of friends, and we went back on the condition that I would NOT be the one to do recruiting this expansion. I agreed to raid lead and nothing else, but holy shit the change from the hardest content being 10 or 25 to 20man screwed us up so bad.

We were on the most competitive server in the US and my friend who was all "don't worry about it, I'll recruit" recruited a total of 0 people throughout the entire time we were playing. At most we had 16 people with so much dead weight, and at the end we had 10 people and barely were able to clear the tier of content...

So disappointing, and I don't want to go back to that game ever again. I don't really wanna be in a super hardcore in FFXIV but I'd like to find a FC to raid in on a consistent schedule. Logging on on certain nights and not being able to raid due to lack of people is so dumb. Towards the end we raided maybe 40% of our scheduled raid times -.-

I'm surprised though, most of you playing the game aren't doing the raid content?

The only real raid content is coil and having played XI for a long time i just dont care to have a schedule raid group because even with a group it seems like people always flake out.

I personally do everything out side of coil and only really start to do it when it opens up and its not on a weekly lock out so i can do it randomly with friends who are a part of a hard core group.

I was playing Draenor with a couple of friends, and we went back on the condition that I would NOT be the one to do recruiting this expansion. I agreed to raid lead and nothing else, but holy shit the change from the hardest content being 10 or 25 to 20man screwed us up so bad.

We were on the most competitive server in the US and my friend who was all "don't worry about it, I'll recruit" recruited a total of 0 people throughout the entire time we were playing. At most we had 16 people with so much dead weight, and at the end we had 10 people and barely were able to clear the tier of content...

So disappointing, and I don't want to go back to that game ever again. I don't really wanna be in a super hardcore in FFXIV but I'd like to find a FC to raid in on a consistent schedule. Logging on on certain nights and not being able to raid due to lack of people is so dumb. Towards the end we raided maybe 40% of our scheduled raid times -.-

I'm surprised though, most of you playing the game aren't doing the raid content?
I do, only reason I still play even after feeling burnt out is raiding. Honestly, you should just join a legacy server with a good end game community, it will fit your need of "logging on and having people to raid". Either Excalibur or Gilgamesh would be your best bet. My server (2% T13 clear rate)is pretty shitty even though it has a huge population(not as bad as Lamia though) so joining one of these servers you would need a really solid group which is hard to find since most people on these type servers are really bad.

You might even want to look into JAP servers since their clear rates are the highest (20%) compare to US Servers(4%). I would have trasfered out a long time ago if I didn't have a good static that was capable of clearing content at a respectable rate.

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My toon is on Leviathan right now. I think I'd be able to find a solid FC on the server if I tried to look for one. IDK, I'd rather raid with a bunch of people I like playing with than push for hardcore progression with a bunch of strangers. As long as we're doing shit, the speed is kind of secondary.

Back when I was playing I did a whole bunch of stuff solo, grinded all professions up to 50 and such. I enjoyed it enough, but sooner or later you run out of stuff to do by yourself. I'm sure there's enough stuff for me though if I start back up, need to check out the Golden Saucer and such.

Like, I played Diablo with Jodou before in the past. It'd be fun to play with him again, but everyone's situation seems kinda just chilling doing their own thing, lol. Finding people to play with, the struggle.

My toon is on Leviathan right now. I think I'd be able to find a solid FC on the server if I tried to look for one. IDK, I'd rather raid with a bunch of people I like playing with than push for hardcore progression with a bunch of strangers. As long as we're doing shit, the speed is kind of secondary.

Back when I was playing I did a whole bunch of stuff solo, grinded all professions up to 50 and such. I enjoyed it enough, but sooner or later you run out of stuff to do by yourself. I'm sure there's enough stuff for me though if I start back up, need to check out the Golden Saucer and such.

Like, I played Diablo with Jodou before in the past. It'd be fun to play with him again, but everyone's situation seems kinda just chilling doing their own thing, lol. Finding people to play with, the struggle.
Yeah i mean if you know people on Levi then I dont see a reason to leave, I was just suggesting that it would always be better to go to a big end game server since it will ahve everything you need, from casual to hardcore content you will have more options.

Like on my server if you don't have a good static or linkshell you will have a very hard time finding a decent raid group through party finder.

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I know no one on Leviathan lol.

I tried to log into my account last night, and apparently I have bigger issues. I still have a security token on my account from last year but since then my former phone has gone to shit and I can't access that app anymore so... I don't have access to the one-time passcode and I don't have the emergency removal thing to unlink that token from my account.

Contacted customer service to see what they can do for me, but S-E customer service is absolute garbage so I'm not expecting much.

I know no one on Leviathan lol.

I tried to log into my account last night, and apparently I have bigger issues. I still have a security token on my account from last year but since then my former phone has gone to shit and I can't access that app anymore so... I don't have access to the one-time passcode and I don't have the emergency removal thing to unlink that token from my account.

Contacted customer service to see what they can do for me, but S-E customer service is absolute garbage so I'm not expecting much.
They can remove the token for you, not sure what has to be answered when they do it though. A friend of mine had to do the same thing on Monday, same reason too, he upgraded to a new phone and doesnt have the old one anymore lol

Yup, I just got it removed. Chat support was the way to go, waited for 3 days for email just to have them tell me I need to go through chat or phone (which weren't even options when I selected Security Token as the issue).

Gonna resub tomorrow and play while watching MSI. I'll mess around on my current server for now... still not sure what to do about the FC situation.

Yeah, I don't know what you got going on Defyn but my raid group fell apart due to people quitting for having lives outside bideogamez apparently.  It's too bad because of our accomplishments on the server, claiming a third of all coil server firsts is a feat no other group has done on Lamia.  I'm currently without a group and not really caring to be picked up by one for HW.  I'm just gonna do my own thing and see if one comes along since leveling all this shit again will be a huge task itself.  Besides, SE is hell bent on making all this shit casual before it can even be relevant so I can just gear up like I used to on welfare epics.

Just doesn't feel worth the time investment anymore when RNG shits all over you for trying to get BiS before echo nerfs.  I had to farm my T12 pants probably close to 50 kills before finally seeing them drop for the first time.  Really, really sick of that shit and the headache it brings.

Im saying its never going to be that hardcore experience as the game isn't designed that way.

I just get tired of people who feel like they are doing something because they "got their gear before echo buffs" like the gear is any better or different.

It absolutely means they "did something" if they got their clears very early in the patch, before it was basically handed to you through hunts, i130 and echo lol

People play games for a challenge you know.

Right now you can basically lick your keyboard and still do enough damage to beat FCOB. 

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I get that people play games for a challenge, but my point is that FFXIV isnt one of those games. Any gear you get will be meaningless by the next patch and no one besides you will even know when you got that piece of gear so getting it before or after an echo patch really means nothing.

I get that people play games for a challenge, but my point is that FFXIV isnt one of those games. Any gear you get will be meaningless by the next patch and no one besides you will even know when you got that piece of gear so getting it before or after an echo patch really means nothing.
They're changing that with 3.0 though since they will have a NM and HM version of the new raid with HM giving out better gear and no reason to echo or nerf it since there is a NM version, kind of like savage..where there has been no changes outside of ilvl.

So at least their learning that having some sort of HC community is actually good for the game, hopefully they continue that route and somehow make PVP good then this game will truly be amazing.

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I think they said the gear is exactly the same, just HM gives out more of it.

They have been pretty clear they don't want to lock people out from being able to attain gear.

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Yoshida's comments during Tokaigi event.

Regarding how fast Final Coil was cleared.

  • The top raiders were too good
  • Everyone else started copying them (rising tide and all that stuff)
  • It was not their intention for crafted gear to become necessary. They were supposed to be catch-up gear for returning players.
Regarding Alexander in 3.0

  • Alexander Hard will be harder than current Savage Coil.
  • Differences between Normal and Hard will mianly be in rewards (different Item Level)
  • Their concept is for people to clear Normal for gear before challenging Hard.
Different ilvl, higher in HM so yes its better. 

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bread's done