Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Out Now on PS3 & PS4 - 4/11: PS3-to-PS4 Transfer Live!

Or you could just start over after the maintenance tonight.  Getting to level 10 is very fast, and easy.  To explain, after maintenance, Cactuar should open back up.

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Ugh, guess it's a movie night tonight.  They need to get on our timezone since we're the ones paying the bills here and not be fucking around with maintenance during prime time.

i guess they are extending an extra week to the subscription, because of server issue.

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Yeah, I heard that as well but dammit I want to level my 24 lancer lol.

Oh BTW, any real info on these legendary weapons?  So far I'm only on the part to turn in a vessel for my bow with some materia attached.  I'm guessing it will be hard to finish since I haven't seen anyone with one yet.  And what raids should I be trying to get into right now at 50?  I've seen a few people now with 50 armor versions of the AF gear and Ifrit weapons.  Does all that stuff drop from just the HM primals?

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Cool, already got my GC weapon from rank 9 so I'll commit to some Ifrit runs for my blue next.  Looks like I need to work my carpenter to death and make bank when everyone needs the base weapons soon.  Call me crazy but it seems like carpenter is stupid easy to level just individually crafting lumber and shooting for HQ.  Otherwise they want me to start getting iron ingots and shit from other professions.  To hell with that.

Finally got my Before Meteor OST today. SE still hasnt charged me despite it shipping almost a week ago lol.

Also just making sure nobody is on Leviathan, if so hit me up.

Well this sucks:

-Alleviating Stress on Duty Finder Servers This maintenance has implemented countermeasures to alleviate the stress on servers. Previously, matching took place across all servers in the various region data centers, but following this maintenance, matching will now take place within the selected groups below.

*Japan Data Center
-Group 1

-Group 2

*North American/European Data Centers
-Group 1

-Group 2
Just means queue times will now be longer or shorter depending on your group's allocation of tanks/healers. Hopefully all the damn Brazilians are in group 2 because I've had some really bad tanks huehuehue'ing it up. I'm in your group so you might even get carried by me someday! ;)

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Well this sucks:

Just means queue times will now be longer or shorter depending on your group's allocation of tanks/healers.

Well, let it pan out, as I am pretty sure the stress of the Duty Finder stretching across every US and EU server is what made it so slow in the first place.

Anyway an update on my still unplayable situation:

I finally got ahold of a CS rep using live chat yesterday. They were working some over time as their office closes at 6pm, but I queued up right at 5:59pm on my phone. (Yes the live chat support site works with phones!) So right around 8pm I finally get a hold of them.

Here is the transcript:

Platform: PlayStation 3
Title: FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn
Outline1: Account
Outline2: Registration Information
[_CHATLOG_]Hello and thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX Customer Support. Just a few moments while I review your question, please.
End-user: Hello!
End-user: My gosh I have been trying to get ahold of you guys for days!
End-user: The live chat server is really messed up.
Agent Thomas A: Can I get your name?
End-user: My name is Ryan
Agent Thomas A: Ok Ryan, I will be escalating this. I do not have an ETA but once it has been resolved we will notify you via email.
End-user: Ok, one second before you disconnect. I have a few questions for you.
Agent Thomas A: Sure.
End-user: Why is it that the PC players are reportedly being fixed on the spot, yet us PS3 players are shafted with an undertermined amount of time?
Agent Thomas A: PS3 registration goes through Sony's systems, PC goes through ours. Its far more difficult on the PS3 end.
End-user: Ah, but when I had spoken to the Sony representatives, they said it was all up to you guys at Square Enix.
Agent Thomas A: I wouldn't have too many details outside of that unfortunately, but currently I can only escalate this to get resolved as soon as possible.
End-user: You guys simply can't generate new codes for us PS3 players and deactivate the old accounts?
End-user: Also, one more thing before you go: the 7 days that are being given out, will this affect our inactive accounts as well?
Agent Thomas A: If I was able to fix it right on the spot, I would do so for this case.
Agent Thomas A: I do not believe it will affect accounts that are not fully registered.
End-user: Ah, well that is kinda shitty. Considering I can't play the intended account due to a mistake on the registration of accounts.
End-user: Would you know why in the world they would even set up an option for a second service account when you can only play one at a time to begin with?
Agent Thomas A: You can play 2 at the same time.
End-user: Ah. So if I were to go buy a PC CE key from amazon, would I be able to play my account on the PS3?
End-user: I am talking about Service Account 1 of course.
Agent Thomas A: If you had 2 separate service accounts, yes.
Agent Thomas A: They are separate accounts that would have separate characters and require separate service fess.
Agent Thomas A: fees*
Agent Thomas A: But they could be played at the same time.
Agent Thomas A: If they were on the same service, you could play on either platform, but not at the same time.
End-user: Ah ok. So if I don't feel like waiting for this ticket to go thru escalation, then I can just buy the digital download code, register it to service account 1, and I will be able to play it on the PS3 even tho the key was for PC, correct?
Agent Thomas A: No, it would only allow access to the PC
End-user: Ah ok. Well that clears up everything. Thanks for answering all my questions!
Agent Thomas A: Thank you for visiting the SQUARE ENIX Support Center! Take care and hope to see you online!
'' disconnected ('Concluded by Agent').[_CHATLOG_]

I had to ask them some pertinent questions. Anyway, I am still waiting for my account fixed, but at least I escalated my ticket.
At least for me, the update failed to solve any problems.

I got in fine at 6AM, but when I logged out normally around 8:30 and then tried to log back in, I got our old friend Error 3102.  Now half an hour later we're back to "Unable to update NA/EU character list."  Hopefully they have this sorted by tonight, but I'm presently extremely skeptical that they've fixed a single thing.

Edit:  I was able to get in again after a few more minutes.  I've actually found that as soon as I get frustrated enough to bitch about something on CAG, it usually clears right up shortly.  I'm going to keep hoping that system works. :D

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Finally got charged for my OST. Either way I was listening to it while the servers were down, the production on these things is amazing. Each song has artwork or cutscenes that go by in the background, and it even gives you a personalized IP address you can go to download the MP3's.

So glad I got it in retrospect

As far as the servers go, I didn't notice much of a difference. Duty finder seemed to be a bit faster for me (I'm a Level 42 WHM and was queuing in Brayflox).

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After server maintenance that will "fix all the server problems"

You cant log into any servers because of error 3102

This is becoming a ginormous joke

At this point im willing to bet SE loses 80% of its FFXIV customers/subscribers by the end of this year

Dont get me wrong its a fun game and I like it, but their incompotence is far greater

And thats a shame, since im really looking forward to their first major patch which likely will be thanksgiving/Christmas time if not earlier (assuming the game still ""works"" then 

It's not possible to rationally defend them at this point.  I say this as someone who has given them more benefit of the doubt than most.  The incompetence is just too glaring.

I'm sticking with the game because I love the game, but people who are pissed enough to quit certainly have more than ample justification to do so at this point.

If the server issues aren't fixed by the time my free month and all the subsequent time I have received is up I won't be subscribing.

I think I may finish up my month, go back to World of Warcraft for Siege of Origmar for 60 days and then get the PC version of FF14 to give it another 30 days.

I think I may finish up my month, go back to World of Warcraft for Siege of Origmar for 60 days and then get the PC version of FF14 to give it another 30 days.
by then the ps4 version will probably be out

They should at the very least give ps3 buyers the ps4 version for free, for how royally they effed up

Truthfully my patience has been tested already (i owned/played 1.0)

But im not willing to go to any of the old mmos on the market (either played them to death or theyre outdated) so im gonna be sticking with the shit show for at least a decent while longer, likely until at LEAST through the first major patch (to see how that goes)

As soon as wildstar / elderscrolls online or phantasy star online 2 comes out (in america) its very very possible I immediately jump ship

Because in addition to SE's incompetence issues, one of my biggest personal pet peeves is the FATE system. playing 1-50 has a greater emphasis on FATEs moreso than anything else, and FATES are one of the most boring terrible features ever implemented in any game ever. I feel like the only time I actually get to play my character is when doing a dungeon, and FATEs are just me following a zergfest half comatosed

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Because in addition to SE's incompetence issues, one of my biggest personal pet peeves is the FATE system. playing 1-50 has a greater emphasis on FATEs moreso than anything else, and FATES are one of the most boring terrible features ever implemented in any game ever. I feel like the only time I actually get to play my character is when doing a dungeon, and FATEs are just me following a zergfest half comatosed
I've decided to play the game "sub-optimally" by almost completely ignoring the FATE grinding which has become the norm for leveling. I'll do a FATE if I'm happening by and it's near my level, but I've made no effort to get into any parties running them, etc. I'm sure I'm leveling slower by just doing quests/dungeons, but I think I'm probably having a lot more fun than the people who are mindlessly zerging FATEs in order to get to 50 as quickly as possible.

I think FATEs as a concept are really cool, and if they were less crowded or even less common they'd be really cool. As it stands, I agree with you that they're completely joyless to participate in.

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FATEs are almost impossible to participate in on PS3 right now. The game renders other players first, followed by enemies. With so many players in close proximity, the enemies have almost no health left by the time they appear on the screen, if they ever appear at all. It wasn't so much a problem during the betas and early access, but since release it's gotten much worse-- I've observed entire FATEs where all I can do is watch other players swinging away at the air. :lol:

That said, this game has so many things you can do at any given time: story quests, sidequests, dungeons, leves, FATEs, crafting, tracking down monsters for your hunting log, even just exploring and grinding monsters, and they all grant experience. If FATEs (or whatever) aren't fun for you, why in the world wouldn't you just ignore them and do something else.

FATEs are almost impossible to participate in on PS3 right now. The game renders other players first, followed by enemies. With so many players in close proximity, the enemies have almost no health left by the time they appear on the screen, if they ever appear at all. It wasn't so much a problem during the betas and early access, but since release it's gotten much worse-- I've observed entire FATEs where all I can do is watch other players swinging away at the air. :lol:

That said, this game has so many things you can do at any given time: story quests, sidequests, dungeons, leves, FATEs, crafting, tracking down monsters for your hunting log, even just exploring and grinding monsters, and they all grant experience. If FATEs (or whatever) aren't fun for you, why in the world wouldn't you just ignore them and do something else.
Story quests/sidequests are heavily gone after leveling 1 class to 50, and virtually completely gone after leveling two. Hunting logs will get you maybe 2~ levels per page if youre lucky.

Your options are pretty much grinding, dungeons, and fates. And if youre playing a non tank the queues for dungeons can be VERY long, and the exp is very mediocre at best.

And just grinding by itself has to be mindbogglingly boring.

FATEs are the centerpiece of this game pre 50, and much more so after leveling at least one char to 50

FATEs are only the centerpiece of the game if your goal is to grind to 50 as quickly as possible. If your goal is to have fun, there's plenty of other things to do.

FATEs are only the centerpiece of the game if your goal is to grind to 50 as quickly as possible. If your goal is to have fun, there's plenty of other things to do.
Im not talking as quickly as possible

Im saying the normal quests run out very quickly

Really leaving you with grinding, dungeons (which have extremely long wait times for non tanks) and FATES.

And pure grinding solo has pretty much gone extinct in MMOs (and is FAR FAR from fun)

Yes there are other things to do, but those are on non battleclasses

As you mentioned there are also leves, but it would take approximately 1-2 weeks PER level to level a battleclass from 1-50 from leves.

Which means maybe close to a full year to get a single character to 50.

Id be perfectly content if they made leveling via dungeons efficient (because dungeons ARE fun), and if they brought back the old school method (from ffxi + xiv 1.0) of chaining mobs (not these new chains which dont really work well)

Just called my wife and she had no problem logging in to excalibur today and playing for hours.  Not sure what the deal is with you guys on your servers.

And pure grinding solo has pretty much gone extinct in MMOs (and is FAR FAR from fun)
There's still fun to be had with it if you approach it the right way. I spent two and a half hours last week grinding Banemites in the North Shround for diremite webs for weaving. I used my arcanist with the topaz carbuncle and my chocobo, and had a nice little party going. I had a blast with it, even though I was just fighting the same enemy over and over.

With regards to your other points, I suspect a minority of players in the game will ever actually level multiple classes to 50. I personally only plan to do so for BLM and SCH. They've also said that there will be dailies coming in the future (and confirmed that these will be discrete from leves) so that should be a source of EXP as well.

I'm not criticizing people who want to grind FATEs for most of their EXP, as there's no denying that's the most efficient way right now, I'm just saying that the traditional means of getting there is still fun too.
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I still havent summoned my chocobo in battle yet

Guess i might have to try that out

Though it seems kinda expensive 

You're required to play the story, which will get you most of your levels and introduce you to quest hubs. FATE or dungeon grind from 46-49, then finish the story to 50. That's how you play your first class. 

Then, yes, FATE grind to 50 with anything else you want to level. Though multiple 50 classes is a huge waste of effort, seeing as only certain cross class abilities will matter, and you can get most before level 30. Nonetheless, FATEs are still a great way to grind GC seals.

Server issues are fixed for me. Hadn't been able to login for 2 days, got in no problem this afternoon.

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I feel like I got pretty screwed on this game by Amazon as well as SE. They didn't even ship the game until the day after release, so I didn't get it until yesterday.  I pre-ordered (10 months ago) the PS3 version for my wife and PC for myself, but only got one early-access code. Apparently the "one per customer" applies to different versions of the game as well.

I was able to create a character on Cactuar during the early access, but never actually login until today. They've blocked new characters on nearly every server, so my wife can't create one on cactuar.  We'll probably just both pick a different server so we can finally just play the game.

I hope it's as good as you all say it is, because this has been a pretty big ordeal.

I feel like I got pretty screwed on this game by Amazon as well as SE. They didn't even ship the game until the day after release, so I didn't get it until yesterday. I pre-ordered (10 months ago) the PS3 version for my wife and PC for myself, but only got one early-access code. Apparently the "one per customer" applies to different versions of the game as well.

I was able to create a character on Cactuar during the early access, but never actually login until today. They've blocked new characters on nearly every server, so my wife can't create one on cactuar. We'll probably just both pick a different server so we can finally just play the game.

I hope it's as good as you all say it is, because this has been a pretty big ordeal.
Amazon gives preorder codes for both PS3 + PC to the same customer

I know because I preordered the ps3 version, got the code sent to me for that it didnt work (Square Enix's fault) so I "preorerded" another PC version (I own the pc version from 1.0) and got another code for that

My best guess is since you preorded so far in advanced, something got screwed up/lost with the extra code

Eitherway id check today on their latest update on the character restriction blocks

Admittedly my time to play has been scarce, but I haven't even been able to log in since like last Wednesday ... Tried for about 45 minutes on two separate occasions over the weekend, and then again on Tuesday afternoon. I get that a bunch of people are trying to play, and I'm unfortunately jumping on at peak time but damn, lemme in.

Also, opened a new ticket on Monday for the same issue I opened at ticket for on Wednsday. Nothing, other than a confirmation they received the ticket. Lol.

Sucks. The game is a blast when I can play it. Was ready to subscribe for sure, at least an extra month. Now, probably won't, unless they give me the PS4 client for free.
Got my Ifrit's Bow today; pretty intense fight and I love the challenge so far.  Not WoW hard but just enough to make you feel accomplished after downing a HM boss, the way it should be.  And the split definitely made queue times longer since I used to get DPS queues after roughly half an hour, which is up to about an hour now.  Thanks SE. . .


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Got my Ifrit's Bow today; pretty intense fight and I love the challenge so far. Not WoW hard but just enough to make you feel accomplished after downing a HM boss, the way it should be. And the split definitely made queue times longer since I used to get DPS queues after roughly half an hour, which is up to about an hour now. Thanks SE. . .

Very cool bow.

I'm still progressing very slowly since I'm waiting for friends to catch up. I don't mind terribly though, since I know the endgame will still be there when I reach it. In the meantime it's given me a lot of time to gather/craft and also level a 2nd job (Scholar) past 30.

In my experience so far "end game" content is stupidedily easy

I ran the first two 8 mans with crap gear (as a tank) and it was mind numbingly easy

One of our healers was AFK, and another one DCed, and we still were clearing through the place with our black mage as our main healer.

Then had another guy who was just terrible and would watch the videos FOREVER (who we stopped waiting for) so he would zone into boss fights with them having 50%~ health and then just die/whine anyway.

Eitherway two 8 mans, never whiped once. I dont think difficulty is ever going to be an issue in this game, and I dont think its going to appeal to the hardcore players very long at all.

Its clear this game was made to target casuals, with things like player housing requiring a significantly greater time investment than ""raiding""

Also without spoiling anything, the last ""boss"" of the game is absurdly insanely stupidly easy, like it doesnt even make sense. You have a party of 8 people to fight this "boss" yet you could easily kill it with 2, maybe even 1 person

Who knows 

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Then had another guy who was just terrible and would watch the videos FOREVER (who we stopped waiting for)
This is why I'm waiting to clear these dungeons with friends. Not so they won't watch the cutscenes, but so they CAN. Yes, S-E should not have put so many cutscenes in the middle of dungeons, but people who belittle players who want to experience the story of the game are absolutely toxic for the community. Yes, it's frustrating to wait for people, but if you don't want to then you should find an endgame guild which is farming the dungeon rather than using the duty finder where you're almost guaranteed to be paired with at least one person who is running it for the first time.

In my experience so far "end game" content is stupidedily easy
Anything the story introduces you to is bound to be fairly introductory. As for actual end game content, I don't think any hardcore guilds have cleared all of Coils yet, so that is certainly something to tide you over until patch 2.1 content. I would hope for something very difficult then, otherwise yes, ARR might be just another 30-60 day fling like SWTOR.

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Paid 80 + tax for mine. (I got the physical PS3 CE.) Point?
If you guys paid that much for the game and are still having issues logging in then Squeenix owes you guys a lot more than an extended free trial. The actual game may have been fixed but this is the exact same shit that they did with FFXIV 1.0's launch. I just really don't understand how they could've fucked up this badly twice. /formerFFXIwidower

If you guys paid that much for the game and are still having issues logging in then Squeenix owes you guys a lot more than an extended free trial. The actual game may have been fixed but this is the exact same shit that they did with FFXIV 1.0's launch. I just really don't understand how they could've fucked up this badly twice. /formerFFXIwidower
Lol, with all the problems I had for the first week of launch, I will be surprised if I even get the extended 7 days. :p

This is why I'm waiting to clear these dungeons with friends. Not so they won't watch the cutscenes, but so they CAN. Yes, S-E should not have put so many cutscenes in the middle of dungeons, but people who belittle players who want to experience the story of the game are absolutely toxic for the community. Yes, it's frustrating to wait for people, but if you don't want to then you should find an endgame guild which is farming the dungeon rather than using the duty finder where you're almost guaranteed to be paired with at least one person who is running it for the first time.
The problem is there are two 8 man dungeons that you have to FARM to progress (they dont drop items at all, only tomes) Which means youre running both of them at LEAST 15 times

For instance to get the chest piece ALONE, you have to run these 2 dungeons 14 times. JUST for that item.

If im going to run the same two instances a combined 14 times, do I really want to spend 15-20 minutes each time sitting there waiting for other people to watch cinemas while I do absolutely NOTHING ?

SE enabled players to watch videos in their entireity from the inn. Waiting 40~ seconds at the start/end of a normal dungeon fine I can deal with that. But 15 + minutes of shit in a dungeon that you have to do 20 + times, no thanks

(and one cinema in the final dungeon(s) is at least 6-7 minutes +, just for that ONE clip alone)

Theres a difference between the normal dungeons, and the end game dungeons. The end game dungeons have legit full story cinemas in them, not that short crap from pre 50

(oh and one of the cinemas in the last dungeon, if you dont skip it, you actually die since it puts you right in some aoe shit)

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The problem is there are two 8 man dungeons that you have to FARM to progress (they dont drop items at all, only tomes) Which means youre running both of them at LEAST 15 times

For instance to get the chest piece ALONE, you have to run these 2 dungeons 14 times. JUST for that item.

If im going to run the same two instances a combined 14 times, do I really want to spend 15-20 minutes each time sitting there waiting for other people to watch cinemas while I do absolutely NOTHING ?

SE enabled players to watch videos in their entireity from the inn. Waiting 40~ seconds at the start/end of a normal dungeon fine I can deal with that. But 15 + minutes of shit in a dungeon that you have to do 20 + times, no thanks

(and one cinema in the final dungeon(s) is at least 6-7 minutes +, just for that ONE clip alone)

Theres a difference between the normal dungeons, and the end game dungeons. The end game dungeons have legit full story cinemas in them, not that short crap from pre 50

(oh and one of the cinemas in the last dungeon, if you dont skip it, you actually die since it puts you right in some aoe shit)
I understand you need to farm those dungeons. If you want to do it without cutscene interruptions, there are dozens of FCs or other groups who are farming those dungeons and will have absolutely nobody who's doing the dungeon for the first time. Find one and join it.

If you're doing the farming dungeons through the Duty Finder, you are accepting the possibility that people are going to be new and watching the cutscenes. Those people playing them for the first time deserve to enjoy the experience without people being an asshole to them for watching.

I understand you need to farm those dungeons. If you want to do it without cutscene interruptions, there are dozens of FCs or other groups who are farming those dungeons and will have absolutely nobody who's doing the dungeon for the first time. Find one and join it.

If you're doing the farming dungeons through the Duty Finder, you are accepting the possibility that people are going to be new and watching the cutscenes. Those people playing them for the first time deserve to enjoy the experience without people being an asshole to them for watching.
Its not that easy to put together a group of 8 people, who are all level 50, online at the same time, and who fill the right mix of classes. Even in FCs, (remember the duty finder is cross server).

Ive only run the dungeons once because ill have more fun on messing around on alts, but the system is definitely flawed.

Especially when on top of that you have to deal with people having connection problems (one person was offline for 10+ minutes during a run) or afk (which you will also deal with). with no way to do anything about it or vote people out
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bread's done