Finally got a PS3...color me unimpressed

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I can't really complain, since I got the PS3 bundle for $150 bucks, but I'm gonna complain anyway, because it was MY money. My console of choice is the 360, so I'm pretty much getting a PS3 for Blu-Ray and the exclusives.

I got Uncharted, Resistance, Resistance 2, MGS4, Killzone 2, LBP and Ratchet and Clank.

Uncharted- good, not great. Story wasn't bad, graphics were a mixed bag (some things looked unbelievable, some things looked downright PS2-ish.) AI was retarded, taking 20 bullets to kill people, and the platforming was very last-gen Tomb Raiderish. The last level was stupid, as well.

Resistance- mediocre at best. I mean can you be any more derivative? I guess it's my fault for wanting more out of a 3 year old game, but it was a "killer app" at one point. It's just so boring. I'm on Chapter 12 or 13 now, I've been told it picks up midway through the game. Are we there yet?

Resistance 2- haven't played yet, waiting to finish R1. If I ever do.

Killzone 2- SP was mediocre and SHORT AS FIZNUCK (6.5hrs for me) on normal difficulty. Definitely better on the hardest. At first I was not feeling Killzone 2, but after jumping online and finally getting used to the damn input delay/control issues, I've really grown to appreciate this game. Online is an absolute BLAST, and my favorite online shooter since CoD4 (Gears 2 was just too broken). This will be the PS3 game I'll play for the life of the system.

MGS4- Hands down, THE reason to own a PS3. One of the greatest games of all-time, bar none. MGO SUCKS compared to the Online in MGS3, but I'll let it pass. I
Sage, thanks for playing.

Reaver, I will definitely keep that in mind. Let me get through my games, and I'm gonna decide whether or not to ditch the PS3 or keep it.

I'll probably end up keeping it since it was so damn cheap, but I really feel sorry for PS3-only owners, or people who actually bought this thing for $600 at launch. OUCH.
[quote name='craigbezzle']I can't really complain, since I got the PS3 bundle for $150 bucks, but I'm gonna complain anyway, because it was MY money. My console of choice is the 360, so I'm pretty much getting a PS3 for Blu-Ray and the exclusives.

I got Uncharted, Resistance, Resistance 2, MGS4, Killzone 2, LBP and Ratchet and Clank.

Uncharted- good, not great. Story wasn't bad, graphics were a mixed bag (some things looked unbelievable, some things looked downright PS2-ish.) AI was retarded, taking 20 bullets to kill people, and the platforming was very last-gen Tomb Raiderish. The last level was stupid, as well.

Resistance- mediocre at best. I mean can you be any more derivative? I guess it's my fault for wanting more out of a 3 year old game, but it was a "killer app" at one point. It's just so boring. I'm on Chapter 12 or 13 now, I've been told it picks up midway through the game. Are we there yet?

Resistance 2- haven't played yet, waiting to finish R1. If I ever do.

Killzone 2- SP was mediocre and SHORT AS FIZNUCK (6.5hrs for me) on normal difficulty. Definitely better on the hardest. At first I was not feeling Killzone 2, but after jumping online and finally getting used to the damn input delay/control issues, I've really grown to appreciate this game. Online is an absolute BLAST, and my favorite online shooter since CoD4 (Gears 2 was just too broken). This will be the PS3 game I'll play for the life of the system.

MGS4- Hands down, THE reason to own a PS3. One of the greatest games of all-time, bar none. MGO SUCKS compared to the Online in MGS3, but I'll let it pass. I
[quote name='craigbezzle']Sage, thanks for playing.

Reaver, I will definitely keep that in mind. Let me get through my games, and I'm gonna decide whether or not to ditch the PS3 or keep it.

I'll probably end up keeping it since it was so damn cheap, but I really feel sorry for PS3-only owners, or people who actually bought this thing for $600 at launch. OUCH.[/quote]

What about us poor bastards that only own a PS3 and Wii.. are we worse off? :cold:

Joking aside, seems as if you were just uninformed of what you were getting yourself into if you are unhappy with the PS3. I've been gaming for 20+ years and just 'prefer' it over the competition even though I know what each has to offer. Sucks that you only found 3 of the 4 system selling games released in the past 12 months compelling, but to each his own, right? Enjoy the bluray capabilities.
I have to agree with you with most points made, but it still beats out wii =3
Xbox 360 and Ps3 are basically the same, so in this case, it's best keep your 360,
I don't see a difference since they have the same games
I got the ps3 because it has the most value for a console
And Jak 4 to come out =)

P.S. It is confirmed that the 360 is going to get a LOT of shovelware since its price drop makes it less than the wii. Beware of the Petz franchise Z-Z
[quote name='craigbezzle']
Uncharted- good, not great. Story wasn't bad, graphics were a mixed bag (some things looked unbelievable, some things looked downright PS2-ish.) AI was retarded, taking 20 bullets to kill people, and the platforming was very last-gen Tomb Raiderish. The last level was stupid, as well.[/quote]I felt Uncharted was the best game in 2007. The storyline and soundtrack was top notch and it was enjoyable throughout.

Resistance- mediocre at best. I mean can you be any more derivative? I guess it's my fault for wanting more out of a 3 year old game, but it was a "killer app" at one point. It's just so boring. I'm on Chapter 12 or 13 now, I've been told it picks up midway through the game. Are we there yet?
Eh, Resistance isn't a game I'd recommend people to buy. It was an early launch game, not even developed on final PS3 dev kits (so oh course its power may seem dated). Around PS3 launch, oh course it was worth owning since there wasn't many FPS. As many more FPS came out there, it just wasn't worth getting.

Resistance 2- haven't played yet, waiting to finish R1. If I ever do.
I love R2 a lot. Single Player was fun, but its online co-op is a blast. The game is actually pretty good to me, but not for everyone. Those who love R1, are likely to hate R2 since it's very different.

Killzone 2- SP was mediocre and SHORT AS FIZNUCK (6.5hrs for me) on normal difficulty. Definitely better on the hardest. At first I was not feeling Killzone 2, but after jumping online and finally getting used to the damn input delay/control issues, I've really grown to appreciate this game. Online is an absolute BLAST, and my favorite online shooter since CoD4 (Gears 2 was just too broken). This will be the PS3 game I'll play for the life of the system.
I thought the single player was good (not as great as R2), but the online truly is great. I never expected much out of its single player, since the game's main focus was online multi-player.

MGS4- Hands down, THE reason to own a PS3. One of the greatest games of all-time, bar none. MGO SUCKS compared to the Online in MGS3, but I'll let it pass. I
Finally read this thread...color me unimpressed.

You're arguments are elementary and one-dimensional, absolutely nothing that hasn't been said before.

Maybe I'd put more weight on your post if you didn't just sign up this month, but as of now I'll put you in the troll category.

[quote name='mtxbass1']This should have been a blog post.[/QUOTE]

Give this man a prize, he hit the nail on the head.
[quote name='craigbezzle']I can't really complain, since I got the PS3 bundle for $150 bucks, but I'm gonna complain anyway, because it was MY money. My console of choice is the 360, so I'm pretty much getting a PS3 for Blu-Ray and the exclusives.

I got Uncharted, Resistance, Resistance 2, MGS4, Killzone 2, LBP and Ratchet and Clank.

Uncharted- good, not great. Story wasn't bad, graphics were a mixed bag (some things looked unbelievable, some things looked downright PS2-ish.) AI was retarded, taking 20 bullets to kill people, and the platforming was very last-gen Tomb Raiderish. The last level was stupid, as well.

Resistance- mediocre at best. I mean can you be any more derivative? I guess it's my fault for wanting more out of a 3 year old game, but it was a "killer app" at one point. It's just so boring. I'm on Chapter 12 or 13 now, I've been told it picks up midway through the game. Are we there yet?

Resistance 2- haven't played yet, waiting to finish R1. If I ever do.

Killzone 2- SP was mediocre and SHORT AS FIZNUCK (6.5hrs for me) on normal difficulty. Definitely better on the hardest. At first I was not feeling Killzone 2, but after jumping online and finally getting used to the damn input delay/control issues, I've really grown to appreciate this game. Online is an absolute BLAST, and my favorite online shooter since CoD4 (Gears 2 was just too broken). This will be the PS3 game I'll play for the life of the system.

MGS4- Hands down, THE reason to own a PS3. One of the greatest games of all-time, bar none. MGO SUCKS compared to the Online in MGS3, but I'll let it pass. I
I think the one thing that should be brought up is the fact that, you make the judgments based off of the fact that you werent as impressed with the better games on the system as you think they should have been. Im not saying your wrong but you clearly have a 360 so that just makes the purchase that much less game wise because u probably played all the cross platform games already. I dunno what you expected considering 5 exclusive games arent gonna make the system better than the 100s of other games you already played on xbox. I admit though ps3 is lagging in getting exclusive games but whatever, anyone that can count knows that xbox has more games so dont act like you thought those 5 games were reason enough for one system.

And for anyone that wants to discuss which system is better can just let em fight each other, who cares if you already own both.
[quote name='jman619']I agree with you for the most part. Although I loved Uncharted. I thought Resistance was just average it wasn't anything special. I enjoyed Resistance 2 more than I did the first one. I recently got LBP, and figured it wasn't my type of game, but I love it. I also liked Heavenly Sword, and thought it was underrated.[/quote]
my portable id wont work cna u help me get it to work?
As a owner of both a PS3 and a 360, both systems have their pros and cons. Personally, I prefer my PS3 (imo, the PS3 is a better value, plus it's less proprietary than the 360), but I'd be content playing on both - it really just gets down to gritty details that no one besides hardcore gamers would even notice.

As for Resistance, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that game sucks. Seriously, what did everyone see in it - it struck me as a lame ripoff of Halo (which sucks to begin with). Yes, that's right, I just crafted a sentence that will get PS3 and 360 fanboys flaming!
[quote name='ducttapeBigSexy']
As for Resistance, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that game sucks. Seriously, what did everyone see in it - it struck me as a lame ripoff of Halo (which sucks to begin with). Yes, that's right, I just crafted a sentence that will get PS3 and 360 fanboys flaming![/QUOTE]Like I said, I thought Resistance 1 was fantastic near launch (because it was definitely much better than a game like Perfect Dark Zero as an example), having no lag, 40 player DM, and so on (single player was decent). However, when other FPS like CoD4, Halo 3, etc. came out, the game just wasn't as good anymore IMO (kind of like when newer sports games come and evolve a bit). I still went ahead and got R2 at launch, and its single player was fun the entire time (along with co-op being a blast). However, on some forums like GAF, the majority feel R1 is one of the best FPS, while they hate R2. I would still recommend playing R2 sometime to see if it suits you (the game is totally different, from level design, no more health packs, much more like Halo and much brighter, more gory, etc.). I kind of see this the same as judging the PS3 based on playing the first MotorStorm, when its sequel is so much better in every way, that I see no reason to buy the first one anymore.
I bought a PS3 recently at a discount much like yours. I still prefer my 360, but I can't say I regret getting a PS3. I definitely recommend Valkyria Chronicles, Siren: Blood Curse and Ninja Gaiden Sigma as possible purchases. If you're into multiplayer, try Warhawk or Socom.
I got a PS3 at Christmas. I have only played Uncharted (which I loved) and other than that I use it for blu-ray. There aren't any other exclusives I'm interested in (other than HSG) so for a video game system it kind of blows, IMO. I'm still annoyed by the whole 1080i only thing.
I think the PS3 has the better games and exclusives and seriously, once you go Blu-ray, it's kind of hard to watch DVD's again.

Also, gamesharing makes every psn game cheaper or free if your friend just buys it and you grab it off him.
Also not having to buy a ton of stuff for it and paying for online is a huge plus.
It just sounds like most people here choose a couple of games, say, PS3 HAS NO GAMES, IT SUCKS, and thats it.

There are a ton of great exclusives for the system, go out and get them if you want games
Troll post is very Trolly.

PS3 has better exclusives then the 360.

Having all systems gives you a taste of everything, and really, most xbox only owners have come to appreciate PS3 bashing because microsoft preps you for that when you go to forums, and the brainwashing kicks in even when you get the competition hardware. Sad times. For comparison, i had a 360 before i got a PS3, and the PS3 is the system to own.
I'll respond to a a couple things; I have a 60GB so I got one of the better models, IMO, and I do agree that the value of the PS3 is second to none. As far as Blu-Ray goes, it's everything I knew it would be (I recently worked at Blockbuster), and it definitely lives up to the billing in that regard.

But these are videogames we're talking about, bottom line. And I just prefer the 360s exclusives (Gears, L4D, Fable, Mass Effect, DR1, Halo) and online system over that of the PS3.

Am I wrong to expect a lot out of 7 of the highest ranked PS3 exclusives on GameRankings and Metacritic? I don't think I am. They all have pretty high average scores, which should indicate greatness.

And to whoever said Valkryia Chronicles, I played the demo and while I agree it's a solid game, and looks incredible, it's just not my cup of tea. Not a big strategy/slow paced fan.

For those who are saying I'm a troll because I just joined (I joined to get good deals on games like everyone else here), that's just asinine. I think all 3 consoles have something going for them; the Wii has the great Nintendo titles (like always), the PS3 has the tech, and the 360 has the games/online. It's all PREFERENCE.

Don't get your panties in a bunch if I don't agree with your opinion. After all, they're just that.

I also think that 2009 looks significantly better, with inFamous, Heavy Rain (?), God of War 3 and more on the horizon.

Edit: I like how nobody took into account the fact that in my original post, I commended the PS3 for MGS4, LBP, Killzone 2, and stated that the PS3 is worth owning. Selective eyes, perhaps?
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[quote name='craigbezzle']
Edit: I like how nobody took into account the fact that in my original post, I commended the PS3 for MGS4, LBP, Killzone 2, and stated that the PS3 is worth owning. Selective eyes, perhaps?[/QUOTE]You said there was only two games you really liked, that's how most see it. Plus, these types of stories are normally a CAG Blog, not a forum post. I do think it would be an excellent idea for you to start a blog post on this (you can even compare consoles if you want). :)
[quote name='craigbezzle']

But these are videogames we're talking about, bottom line. And I just prefer the 360s exclusives (Gears, L4D, Fable, Mass Effect, DR1, Halo) and online system over that of the PS3. [/QUOTE]If I were to go by what gets the highest scores on metacritic, I'd probably hate gaming. Keep in mind that I myself, did not like every single high rated game on PS3/360/Wii. Some of my favorites are games that might not have gotten anywhere near as high scores, such as Lost Odyssey on 360, Hot Shots Golf: OoB on PS3, etc., while I thought a game like Dead Rising was one of the worst games I ever played (keep in mind I wanted the game badly myself). Just before MOST reviews liked a game, doesn't mean you will. Some games score highly because at the time of release, there wasn't much comparison.

Keep in mind too that there's much more to VC, than just the demo (like when you get to leveling up classes and such, see the entire storyline come together).
[quote name='mtxbass1']This should have been a blog post.[/QUOTE]

This. Your opinion is appreciated, just not deserving of its own thread. So blog it!

Threads like this never end well, and it's really just flame bait for people who care to get so riled. Two "factions" groups will argue to prove/dis-prove the other and all it does is clog up this forum.
[quote name='craigbezzle']I'll respond to a a couple things; I have a 60GB so I got one of the better models, IMO, and I do agree that the value of the PS3 is second to none. As far as Blu-Ray goes, it's everything I knew it would be (I recently worked at Blockbuster), and it definitely lives up to the billing in that regard.

But these are videogames we're talking about, bottom line. And I just prefer the 360s exclusives (Gears, L4D, Fable, Mass Effect, DR1, Halo) and online system over that of the PS3.

Am I wrong to expect a lot out of 7 of the highest ranked PS3 exclusives on GameRankings and Metacritic? I don't think I am. They all have pretty high average scores, which should indicate greatness.

And to whoever said Valkryia Chronicles, I played the demo and while I agree it's a solid game, and looks incredible, it's just not my cup of tea. Not a big strategy/slow paced fan.

For those who are saying I'm a troll because I just joined (I joined to get good deals on games like everyone else here), that's just asinine. I think all 3 consoles have something going for them; the Wii has the great Nintendo titles (like always), the PS3 has the tech, and the 360 has the games/online. It's all PREFERENCE.

Don't get your panties in a bunch if I don't agree with your opinion. After all, they're just that.

I also think that 2009 looks significantly better, with inFamous, Heavy Rain (?), God of War 3 and more on the horizon.

Edit: I like how nobody took into account the fact that in my original post, I commended the PS3 for MGS4, LBP, Killzone 2, and stated that the PS3 is worth owning. Selective eyes, perhaps?[/quote]

You do know that almost all the 360 games you listed are superior on the PC right? They aren't true exclusives. Barring Dead Rising, all those games are on the PC and better there to boot. Of course it's not fair to compare a console to the pc, but you talk about those games like nobody else has em. And the UT3 engine games look far better on the PC then on the 360 to boot.
[quote name='zewone']Yeah, PS3 definitely sucks a lot of dicks.[/QUOTE]

So do I and I'm awesome, so thus PS3 = Awesome.

This should of been a blog post, again. Ah well, shame you didn't like the games.
[quote name='craigbezzle']
Don't get your panties in a bunch if I don't agree with your opinion. After all, they're just that.[/quote]
It's not about opinion. It's just that this kind of posting is truly better suited to the blog section of CAG. No offense but take a look at the vast majority of threads in a given console's sub-forum. Threads resolve around a single discussion topic, usually a single game, and opinions are a little more focused within.

Not trying to be a dick, not trying to be sarcastic. The OP is basically an opinion piece and has a title that you know is going to mobilize the Sony Defense Force. I just feel like a topic that basically resolves around someone's opinions is a much better fit for the blogs.
Sorry about posting on the board, this probably was better suited to a blog post. Forgive my newbness, guys. Lockin' it up!

Can I lock this thread?
I've put off buying a PS3 for awhile now for the same reasons as the OP regrets his purchase, but if I could've got one for $150 I'd have bought it as well. However I was one of the people that thought I would have more fun with a Wii than a PS3 and I was wrong as hell. If I do get a PS3 this year it will definitely be for the exclusives. There's a new title I just read about in Game Informer called MAG and if that goes over half as well as the developers are hoping it will, that will be the title that will make me part of the Sony crowd. If I would've stopped being a Nintendo fanboy before I got the Wii I'd be better off. Hell, I'm one of the dumb Americans that actually backed the PSP thinking it could take on the DS, but $600 at launch made me scratch my head.

[quote name='Paco']You do know that almost all the 360 games you listed are superior on the PC right? They aren't true exclusives. Barring Dead Rising, all those games are on the PC and better there to boot. Of course it's not fair to compare a console to the pc, but you talk about those games like nobody else has em. And the UT3 engine games look far better on the PC then on the 360 to boot.[/quote]

PC that could've handled these titles when the 360 came out = $2000.

I know this because I bought a PC for $1200 that I had to spend an additional $800 on if I wanted to be able to handle oblivion. Granted it included a monitor so the price would be compared to a 360 plus a TV, but it's still a lot of money. Nowadays you could probably score one for 500-600 and handle most of the games without trouble, but that's still more than a 360 and, depending on your specs, might not handle all of the games. Probably the main reason more people buy current gen games for consoles since consoles all have the same hardware. My 360 and my friend's 360 are virtually the same, but my PC is from 2006 and his is from 1998 (I know, that's sad.)
I would urge you to play a couple more games, but then again i'm biased becuase i LOVE my ps3.

Heavenly Sword- i know it's short (6-8 hours), but it was one of my favorite games in 2007. Combat is a crapload of fun, the story is great, and it puts the motion controls to good use. Check it out.

Valkyria Chronicles- i'm sure you've probably heard it a million times before, but you really need to play this game. The story is great, and gameplay is both original and a lot of fun, while still challenging.

Warhawk- it may be old, but it still has a hell of a following. The game is probably one of the best multiplayer games this generation, and is just as fun now as it was at launch two years ago, maybe even more so now thanks to the expansions. Also, it's very rare that i continue to play a game MONTHS after it's released, so that's gotta say something.

Also check out PSN, plenty of good stuff there. flower is my favorite, mostly because it's so beautiful :D. Wipeout HD isn't half bad either.
Yeah there a whole lot more exclusives not mentioned. And a whole lot more coming. The PS3 has a higher percentage of better rated games than any system.

One site collected all the review scores from metacritic and put this graph up.


edit: I would add the wii one but really...let's just not...
It doesn't give me a lock option in Thread Tools.

I played about half of Heavenly Sword on a friend's PS3. I'd rather play through God of War 2 and second time.

Warhawk was good, but I could never get used to the flying, so I gave up. Not saying it's a bad title, I just generally don't play aerial combat games.

To the post above me, I said I PREFER the 360s exclusives. Plus, that graph is skewed for opinion. Like I said, Resistance is pretty highly rated, and I think it's average, at best.

Even with your stats, you're saying that the 360 has more games ranked above 85, and also more variety of selection. That's win.
[quote name='craigbezzle']To the post above me, I said I PREFER the 360s exclusives. Plus, that graph is skewed for opinion. Like I said, Resistance is pretty highly rated, and I think it's average, at best.

Even with your stats, you're saying that the 360 has more games ranked above 85, and also more variety of selection. That's win.[/quote]

Hardly skewed for opinion. They collected the review scores from metacritic. Metacritic is a collection of all review scores given to a game.

Yeah 360 has 12 more higher rated games than the PS3. This chart spans 2005-2008 though. And PS3 didn't come out until a year after 360 in 2006.
12 games above 85 in a year's span is a new 8.5+ game a month. That is INCREDIBLE. If you wouldn't take that, you're crazy.

Somebody lock this!
[quote name='craigbezzle']12 games above 85 in a year's span is a new 8.5+ game a month. That is INCREDIBLE. If you wouldn't take that, you're crazy.

Somebody lock this![/QUOTE]But the quality isn't high. Most of those games released in the first year, are already old news now, just like people would think about PS3 launch games. In my personal opinion, despite PS3 being out a year later, it already has the best games overall. I'd take Uncharted, MGS4, R&C Future, etc. over anything else on other platforms (except for Star Ocean 4 which ranks with those games). Also, who would buy/play every single good game right now if they were to buy a PS3 or 360? I doubt most would (maybe like 25% of the games), so that higher number is meaningless.

Also, it appears that PS3 software still lead against the other console software last year in good games, according to gamerankings averages:
Throw all the charts around you want, like I said, it's all opinion.

MGS4 is one of my favorite games ever, but I PREFER the bigger group of 360s exclusives. I mean we can go round and round and bottom line you prefer PS3, I prefer 360. It doesn't really matter in the long run.
[quote name='craigbezzle']Am I wrong to expect a lot out of 7 of the highest ranked PS3 exclusives on GameRankings and Metacritic? I don't think I am. They all have pretty high average scores, which should indicate greatness.[/quote]
Picking out games based on scores is kinda wrong, yes. You'd be better off picking games based on genres of interest and reading reviews, ignoring numbers.

[quote name='craigbezzle']For those who are saying I'm a troll because I just joined (I joined to get good deals on games like everyone else here), that's just asinine. I think all 3 consoles have something going for them; the Wii has the great Nintendo titles (like always), the PS3 has the tech, and the 360 has the games/online. It's all PREFERENCE.[/quote]
If you're wondering why, oh why you might be called a troll based on this thread, check this out:

[quote name='craigbezzle']I'll probably end up keeping it since it was so damn cheap, but I really feel sorry for PS3-only owners, or people who actually bought this thing for $600 at launch. OUCH.[/quote]
That's a very fanboyish thing to say, trying to project your preferences and buyer's regret onto other people. I don't know how you expected people to react to that kind of statement...#-o

[quote name='The Mana Knight']
Also, there are plenty of PS3 exclusive worth buying like:
Buzz! Quiz TV
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
MLB 09: The Show
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Valkyria Chronicles (this game is very, very good)
That's probably a good list to try out through rentals(less regret if you end up not liking them). Personally Folklore didn't do much for me, but I guess it depends on your taste for RPGs.

As others have said, if you already have a 360 and buy your multiplatform games there, then buying and liking a PS3 obviously relies on doing research on & enjoying Sony first party games. Jumping in blind tends to lead to disappointment. This works both ways.
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