Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends!

That's a sweet boon, and an amazing pull.  But it still irks me to no end when I get -def on a bruiser unit.   She's basically Hana with +4speed and slightly lower defenses; a glass canon through and through. 

I know what you mean, especially on a character with a weapon you can't refine. +Def is my most common refine, with +spd coming in second.

That reminds me, I saw an interesting build on Reddit for Raven/Linus using double LnD, Shield Pulse, Pavise, and the Heavy Blade seal. Although you end up having 15/12 defense, you always (in theory) will only be taking half damage minus an additional 5. If I ever get a spare Fjorm I might give it a try.
Yeah, I saw that too!  It's definitely an interesting build, as it makes him much more sustainable.  I have Raven with the dew upgrade, and Fury for his a) slot. 

Well I learned a hard lesson last night. I was having trouble sleeping so I decided to do some grinding on TT. Then I decided to play around with some skill inheritance and decided to give M!Grima brazen Atk/Def from my extra 4 ⭐️ Ares. Well, I realized this morning I accidentally fed him my 5 ⭐️ +Atk/-Def one. Now I’m stuck with just my 4 ⭐️ +HP/-Res.

Ugh huge mistake 😢😭😤. Cost me a better IV unit, 20k feathers, and a few semi-rare skills.
Don’t merge late at night.
Ouch, hopefully you didn't have other skills inherited onto him.

I've been meaning to ask, what are you guys doing with the new favorite system? I've made the top 4 (1,5,2,6) my fully-leveled heroes sorted by color. The bottom two are (4) heroes I need to level and rank up, and (8) max ranked heroes I need to level up. 3 and 7 are both open, and I figure I'll use them as temporary sorting filters. Things like current CC/SA teams, units to keep while cleaning out barracks, etc.

I'm also thinking about using one of those remaining two to store all of my GHB/TT extras.
Ouch, hopefully you didn't have other skills inherited onto him.

I've been meaning to ask, what are you guys doing with the new favorite system? I've made the top 4 (1,5,2,6) my fully-leveled heroes sorted by color. The bottom two are (4) heroes I need to level and rank up, and (8) max ranked heroes I need to level up. 3 and 7 are both open, and I figure I'll use them as temporary sorting filters. Things like current CC/SA teams, units to keep while cleaning out barracks, etc.

I'm also thinking about using one of those remaining two to store all of my GHB/TT extras.
I haven’t done anything with them yet. Not even sure how they work, I haven’t tried using them at all.
I’m pretty unimpressed by the Summer characters and skills so far. Unless they have amazing stats, I’ll most likely skip this banner.

What are your guys thoughts?
good god, those legs on Tana.

If not for her, I could have passed on this upcoming banner. 

I'm at zero orbs these days. Got lucky pulling a Sanaki but then wasted my next 80 orbs hoping for one of the other brides.  I'm screwed if Grima shows up on the next Legendary Banner.  Going to decide today if I'm going to pay to get another bride, or else wait for the Legendary.

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+Res and her mage tanking power is absolutely incredible.  So she has a solid niche imo. 


Look at that, that's 53 res BEFORE BUFFS, and no c)slot, if you position her to bait.   That's pretty nuts.  Flying Sanaki is quite the mage killer. 

+Res and her mage tanking power is absolutely incredible. So she has a solid niche imo.


Look at that, that's 53 res BEFORE BUFFS, and no c)slot, if you position her to bait. That's pretty nuts. Flying Sanaki is quite the mage killer.
Damn, That attack power on a flying mage will be really useful. I still don’t have a single fflying ranged unit so I’m super jealous right now lol.
I like Cocobow for her C skill, I think drive heavy blade could be pretty powerful. Depending on her stats, she might replace Arvis on my Infantry (Pulse) team. I'm also looking at something like Karla, Linus/B.Ike, Ishtar, and Noire.

I'd also like to pair Cordelia with Summer Robin for Team Fish Killers.
I like Cocobow for her C skill, I think drive heavy blade could be pretty powerful. Depending on her stats, she might replace Arvis on my Infantry (Pulse) team. I'm also looking at something like Karla, Linus/B.Ike, Ishtar, and Noire.

I'd also like to pair Cordelia with Summer Robin for Team Fish Killers.
I wish that drive heavy blade was on a unit that isn’t in the colorless hell. Good luck! I hope she comes home quickly!
Woohoo! I decided I was just going to pull the full circle with my free pull and got a 5 ⭐️Noire +Atk/-HP on my second pull!

Now I just have to decide if I should keep her or fodder Infantry Rush...
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Went through my whole orb stash I've been saving for a while and managed to get Summer Tana :)

Might occasionally pick at this banner throughout the month to try for Noire as well.

I'm trying my best to not spend money on this game since I've been whaling in FGO lol

It was only the 8th pull after a 5* Tailtiu, so it wasn't that high. It's kind of like getting Gray. It's cool to have them, but they don't offer much that I couldn't get from Joshua, Marisa, or Fallen Celica.
That’s not too bad then, but I hate getting 5* units that I’ll probably never use and just take up barrack space. But at the same time I don’t want to just send them home for feathers, although I did send Mist home because I was so angry when I got her lol.
Wow, I didn’t see these 2 Summer reruns coming. I pulled a S!Elise with my free pull. She doesn’t seem all that great, but this is the first 5 Star I’ve pulled on a free ord so I can’t really complain.

Need to stay strong and not pull anymore. Legendary banner is too close!
wow what's with both the old summer banners coming back at the same time? I'm not pulling on either of them, but that's just greedy.

Three days before the legendary banner too.  Now I'm really starting to think that the leg banner is going to be very good this time around. 

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wow what's with both the old summer banners coming back at the same time? I'm not pulling on either of them, but that's just greedy.

Three days before the legendary banner too. Now I'm really starting to think that the leg banner is going to be very good this time around.

I agree 💯 %. I think this is going to be a really good one. I they are trying to get everyone to spend their orbs before CYL2 rolls around.
What’s everyone targeting for the legendary banner?

I’m definitely pulling Green and Red. I’m not sure about colorless, I don’t have Bow Roy or Elise. Likely not pulling on Blue since I have Ephraim and Lynn.

So many great skills on this banner!
Yeah, I don't even know what to do with these Legendary banners anymore.  Sure, I want a few of those units really really really badly.  But I already have 8 of the 12 units again.  3-4 more of the units I could definitely use a better boon/bane though.  Sniping one color sucks if you can avoid it at all.

I will likely do a few complete pulls on this banner and then call it.  I'd love to have Elise, LA Lyn, and new Hector, but you can't force it.  I'm a little dismayed that there is no W.Lissa nor Grima on green.  I already have a perfect IV Myrrh.  But this banner is perfect for people who don't have Myrrh yet so that's cool.   She's the best unit currently in the game IMO. 

I would be happy with any improvements to my singles of -atk B.Ike, +spd W.Tharja, -spd Leif, -atk F.Grima.  Guess I will pull all colors for a bit.

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Yeah, I think it’s only worth pulling if there are 2 units in a single color that you want. It’s not a good idea to try to snipe a single unit.

Personally, I want as many distant counter and close counter skills as I can get. I’d love to put DC on W!Chrom, W!Robin and maybe Ares or Sigurd, and CC on H!Henry.
Looking at some stuff, I have a garbage IV 5* Tailtiu and a few 4*s of her (best being +spd/-atk, +hp/-res). I can merge or fodder away the 5* for Bladetome+. The problem is, my blue mage section is ... awkward.

Let's start with the folks that are right out; Ishtar, The Reinhardt, Saias, and Lute need their tomes. Morgan is too slow and Ninian is too weak.

That leaves a +spd/-def Lyn that already has an Owltome+ for ward armor shenanigans, and a +res/-hp Linde that's been collecting dust for awhile.

Any thoughts on Blade vs new Aura refine on Linde?
Yeah, I def find it harder to justify using bladetome anymore.   I have one on blue Olwen, Spring Camilla, Summer Corrin, and another on Christmas Tharja.  They're nice.

Bladetomes are great but you have to design movement buff teams around them which is annoying.  I was just about to tell you to use it on Linde but then remembered she doesn't get those fancy +6 horse, armor, or flier buffs.  I guess I'd save it for one of those types.  Slow bladetome is fine. Morgan is actually a perfect contender for it.  Sp.Camila is just fine as a slow bladetome user; you can give them deathblow instead. 

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on a side note I haven't gotten shit for 5* in months.  45 f2p orbs on leg banner and nothing.  I paid for a few orbs last week for a few chances at red and blue brides and immediately regretted it.  All I got was a Y.Tiki and Fallen Celica pity breakers.  yay for +1 merges. 

This game can be super frustrating when you're down on your luck.

I got my Cocobow last night; +spd/-res. After getting zero colorless going in with ten orbs, I went in again with 5 (which I hardly ever do).

And in case you've been wondering why I keep calling Noire "Cocobow", it's because I've been singing alternate lyric verses from "Kokomo" ever since they revealed the weapon name.
Some initial impressions I thought I'd share while leveling folks up. Nothing revolutionary mind you, but I got a feel for it.

I was raising Noire, Linus, and MKana and decided to try Pavise Linus. I made it a point to keep him around the sword fliers/red manaketes (for awhile LnD Axe made his res 0) and it worked pretty well. The best thing about Infantry Rush was that it freed up another C Slot/Seal by covering Heavy Blade. This allows Linus to run things like Vantage/Deflect Melee, and Guard/Close Defense and still have Pavise always active.

My current Linus plan is Brazen atk/spd with guard/Close Def. He was dropping 17 opponent damage on initiation to 5 damage on enemy phase. He's not a big tank like the armors, but having some bulk with 65atk/45spd is solid for an axe.
The voting gauntlet is so fucking dumb lmao.  For the second round in a row, my heavily favored dominating Ephraim army lost to a loser because of final hour bonus round.  It happened each round in the previous gauntlet too.  I picked a dominant winner and they lose instead.  Hurray for Lyon and Hardin! You guys did it! 

Anyways, I escaped the Leg banner without spending a dime *whew*.   Really wanted that Hector and possibly a Va.Lyn but whatever.  With my free orbs I at least scored an Elise!  So I'm happy.   She evaded me for far too long.  Got a less crappy W.Tharja too so that's cool.  Might have to use my Raurblade+ one as Vengeful Fighter fodder  :x

It's nice to actually get something.  Even if it's not exactly what you wanted.   I love the leg banners for that. 

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I had 60 orbs for the legend banner and only scored a Legendary F Grima, which I am super excited about for my dragon team.

Early banner I managed to score a Genny for my Elisa and she is a beast. May make a Healer team for giggles.

Man, so many good banners with Hector, Hinoka, and all the Summer ones going on. Only sitting on 30 orbs though, and should probably save them. I rarely get anything good when I spend less than 80 orbs at a time.

I’d really like to get either of the flying archers least 🍍 will be there for a month.
So I finally had a chance to look/think about the new weapon refines. The 4 extra damage for Titania's poleaxe is appreciated, but I'm not spending dew to refine it further. I don't use her on mixed teams, and 200 dew for stats is a waste.

Neph is tough too. I like the stance+armorslayer, but the +spd/hp on the slaying lance seems to do the job good enough.
Well, I'm now the proud owner of a +1 Gray.

Edit: Actually, I suppose I can give Sword Valor to Olivia. That seems like the better use for him.
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Anyone have any fun Galeforce builds?

I pulled a Brave Roy but I don’t see myself using him with so many sword cav units. I have it on L!Ephraim already and I love it on him.

I saw some good looking Effie builds using it, but the 2 I have are both bad IVs.
I use Galeforce on Lyn and Cordelia, though my builds are fairly boring. I like Gale on fliers the best, mostly because I have NY Azura. Hone fliers/dance/gale makes for a big turn.

Lyn: Skill refined Sol Katti, Defiant Atk (brazen atk/spd once I pull the trigger on a Linus), and swordbreaker 3.

Cordelia: Brave Lance+, death blow 3, drag back, Threaten def 3.
So I'm willing to accept that I am simply not a Pokemblem Grandmaster, but who in the world plays this game the way they want you to on Tactics Drill infernal mode?

Make sure you attack the archer with Lilina first so that she gets the extra charge on her special for 4 turns later.

Move Alm one space over instead of one and down, that way next turn you can harsh command him from below and swap her with Gray in order to put him and Alm next to each other to...

Leave that sapphire lance subaki in front of that axe fighter since he'll barely survive, probably. Then he'll be in the right spot so you can move him in two turns later to finish that lance fighter you soften up with Zelgius (after healing, of course). Make sure that Zelgius baited out the lance armor earlier so you can...
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I use Galeforce on Lyn and Cordelia, though my builds are fairly boring. I like Gale on fliers the best, mostly because I have NY Azura. Hone fliers/dance/gale makes for a big turn.

Lyn: Skill refined Sol Katti, Defiant Atk (brazen atk/spd once I pull the trigger on a Linus), and swordbreaker 3.

Cordelia: Brave Lance+, death blow 3, drag back, Threaten def 3.
Thanks for the response. Those both seem solid builds, but unfortunately I don’t have Lyn and I haven’t 5 stared Cordelia yet. I was considering putting it on Raven, but I don’t know. I guess I’ll just think about it for a while.

Thanks again for the response.
So I'm willing to accept that I am simply not a Pokemblem Grandmaster, but who in the world plays this game the way they want you to on Tactics Drill infernal mode?
Make sure you attack the archer with Lilina first so that she gets the extra charge on her special for 4 turns later.
Move Alm one space over instead of one and down, that way next turn you can harsh command him from below and swap her with Gray in order to put him and Alm next to each other to...
Leave that sapphire lance subaki in front of that axe fighter since he'll barely survive, probably. Then he'll be in the right spot so you can move him in two turns later to finish that lance fighter you soften up with Zelgius (after healing, of course). Make sure that Zelgius baited out the lance armor earlier so you can...
I actually do a lot of that with my single team chain challenge runs :c
The ones with the turn limit maps come to mind
I'm excited about the Flashing Blade seal for Lyn (and others). 37/44 spd should activate more often than 44/51 atk does. More Masked Marth merges is nice too.
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bread's done