First day of school tommorow...

[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Hahaha, I go back all the way in September, and to top it off, I'll be a senior. Gonna be a nice year.[/quote]

Oh man, senior year was awesome. U now have senior privlages, such as not giving a fuck any more about anything and u can play the awesome sport of EXTREME SKIPPING!!!!
[quote name='k e r r i']school all together sucks ass... have a pretty bad mouth for being so young..[/quote]

Yeah, kinda. I don't think that video games promote real-life violence, but I do think online gaming makes you a regular at cussing. :wink:
Trust me.. get into real life and you'll regret ever graduating. Life is many many times easier and more enjoyable while you're in school, especially HS. Oh, and be glad you atleast have a summer break, those of us who are already out of school get to work year round.

But hey, if I ever get around to starting a crime wave and/or mafia family, atleast it'll be easy year round work.
Yeah, your lucky for going back in a few days, I went back in mid july, and it sucks.... fricking tri-mesters
For once I agree with Cornfedwb. School is so much easier than the real world. Honestly what do you really have to worry about in school? Once you hit the real world, theres no such thing as summer vacation and winter and spring breaks. There work, and more work and if your really good you can take a week off durring the year, but dont take more than that, or they'll get mad and fire you.
You get a summer vacation if you work in Europe!

Seriously, in the US, 2 weeks of vacation is customary. In Europe it's between 4-6.

Also, this is my 300th post! Huzzah!
I think I have at least a slight case of anxiety. I'm always thinking of ways we're gonna crash if so-and-so car does this. If my Mom checks me outta school early and doesn't tell before-hand, thoughts of a close relative dieing or some kind of emergency race through my mind. This also makes horror movies have a lasting effect on me. Now, with all this thinking, do you think I haven't thought of more important things? Like, for instance, how hard the real life is gonna be? For awhile I was afraid of getting a car when I was older because of gas. Hell, I've contemplated for countless hours on where we go when we die and the point of life. And I've already mapped out my wanted lifestyle all the way till I die. I may not have as much responsibilities than other kids my age, but I obviously do my share of worrying. Yes, it's obvious that after the transition from college to the real world, my life will become more difficult. I think about this just about everyday. So why don't you stop the "you're so lucky you're young, you have no responsibilities" act, it's pretty unoriginal. I was mostly looking forward to tips for middle or high school. Or posts describing the dread others my age or close my age are facing because of school. If I want to hear a lecture about how hard the real life is, I'll go talk to my ISS teacher.
Enjoy the eighth grade, it's really the last carefree year of your life. High school can be pretty tough, social Darwinism at its worst. College years were definitely the best four years of my life where you really find yourself and figure out what you want to do with your life. The worst thing you can do is waste them with drugs and alcohol; if that ends up being the highlight of your highschool or college years, then that really would be a shame.
yea im gonna be a sophomore this coming up tuesday...i dont know why, but yea freshman year in high school was my favorite school year so far! :D

yea i agree w/ some1 who said these are the best years in order:

high school, then elementary, then middle...
For me:
9=Starting to trust people again after hell

For some reason people started to be real assholes to me in 8th grade despite the fact they'd been in school with me for 2 years. Oh well, it's in the past. And I'm going to be a senior. Oh, and I start September 1st.

But XboxMaster, I wouldn't worry too much about 8th grade despite my experiences. Just don't let anyone give you any shit if they are starting to, and you'll be fine.
[quote name='Trakan']good luck, 8th grade was the funnest year for me[/quote]

If was fun for me too. Metallica and Guns 'n Roses!
[quote name='BigNick'][quote name='Trakan']good luck, 8th grade was the funnest year for me[/quote]

If was fun for me too. Metallica and Guns 'n Roses![/quote]

Ugh, I think back about all the music people liked when I was in 8th grade and I want to puke. It was the height of the Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, and N Sync craze, and 8th graders all want to be cool so they follow MTV blindly. And then, of course, were some of the "radical" people who were the diehard Blink 182 fans. Occasionally I'll hear one of those old songs by either of the above mentioned bands or other similar stuff (Vengaboys, bunch of others I can't think of right now) and laugh when I think how popular it used to be. Middle school rock, I call it.
[quote name='XboxMaster']I think I have at least a slight case of anxiety. I'm always thinking of ways we're gonna crash if so-and-so car does this. If my Mom checks me outta school early and doesn't tell before-hand, thoughts of a close relative dieing or some kind of emergency race through my mind. This also makes horror movies have a lasting effect on me. Now, with all this thinking, do you think I haven't thought of more important things? Like, for instance, how hard the real life is gonna be? For awhile I was afraid of getting a car when I was older because of gas. Hell, I've contemplated for countless hours on where we go when we die and the point of life. And I've already mapped out my wanted lifestyle all the way till I die. I may not have as much responsibilities than other kids my age, but I obviously do my share of worrying. Yes, it's obvious that after the transition from college to the real world, my life will become more difficult. I think about this just about everyday. So why don't you stop the "you're so lucky you're young, you have no responsibilities" act, it's pretty unoriginal. I was mostly looking forward to tips for middle or high school. Or posts describing the dread others my age or close my age are facing because of school. If I want to hear a lecture about how hard the real life is, I'll go talk to my ISS teacher.[/quote]

It's important for older people to remind younger people that life will indeed be more difficult in their later years. This is simply because many young people today live in a huge fantasy-land where all responsibilities are on the shoulders of the parents. I used to think that going to school was the worst thing ever, but time sure has taught me a great deal. You'd be wise to listen to the older members as,honestly, it's all going to hit you all at once. It's a huge mindfuck.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']So... how was the first day?[/quote]

I wanna say it was terrible, but in the end it was an okay day. I was happy to see a lot of my friends when I first got there and I got a funny homeroom teacher. For the first hour in the classroom, he was going over the normal first-day stuff, the lights blinded me. I guess I wasn't used to those lights and was in the dark a lot during the summer. I started feeling sick right before we could actually go to one of our classes, so I went the bathroom where I commenced throwing up. I got back a little after they had dismissed so I rushed to my first class without telling my teacher I had thrown-up. I thought I was gonna be better, but ten minutes into my class, I started feeling bad again. I put my head down and tried to go to sleep. The teacher was really nice and it was the first day of school, so he didn't care that much that I was going to sleep. As long as I kept my head down, I felt okay. I eventually told him I needed to go to the office and that I had already thrown-up earlier. He told me that he'd said me at the end of class and that I could go to sleep. So I go back over to my desk and do just that. A fellow student wakes me up and I get up quick. I walk over to my teacher and he starts writing me a note to the office. I started to feel really sick, really fast as he was writing the note. I knew I had to get outta there quick, but I'm not a pushy guy, and I thought I could hold my throw-up long enough, so I didn't just run to the bathroom. I finally get the note and walk out the door. As I was doing this, I could feel my vomit coming up and I started to tilt my head upwards. But it was too late, I started throwing-up right outside his door. After getting most of it out, I ran to the bathroom and finished in the trash can in there. I then went to the office, but no one was home, so I had to stay the rest of the day. I felt better after that, I guess I got out whatever was making me feel bad. After all that, most people would call it a bad a day, but since I gotta catch up with friends, I'll call it okay.
[quote name='Dok Diamond']im so glad im suspended the first 10 days of school.[/quote]

Your statement and your avatar match up perfectly.
[quote name='XboxMaster'][quote name='Dead of Knight']So... how was the first day?[/quote]

I wanna say it was terrible, but in the end it was an okay day. I was happy to see a lot of my friends when I first got there and I got a funny homeroom teacher. For the first hour in the classroom, he was going over the normal first-day stuff, the lights blinded me. I guess I wasn't used to those lights and was in the dark a lot during the summer. I started feeling sick right before we could actually go to one of our classes, so I went the bathroom where I commenced throwing up. I got back a little after they had dismissed so I rushed to my first class without telling my teacher I had thrown-up. I thought I was gonna be better, but ten minutes into my class, I started feeling bad again. I put my head down and tried to go to sleep. The teacher was really nice and it was the first day of school, so he didn't care that much that I was going to sleep. As long as I kept my head down, I felt okay. I eventually told him I needed to go to the office and that I had already thrown-up earlier. He told me that he'd said me at the end of class and that I could go to sleep. So I go back over to my desk and do just that. A fellow student wakes me up and I get up quick. I walk over to my teacher and he starts writing me a note to the office. I started to feel really sick, really fast as he was writing the note. I knew I had to get outta there quick, but I'm not a pushy guy, and I thought I could hold my throw-up long enough, so I didn't just run to the bathroom. I finally get the note and walk out the door. As I was doing this, I could feel my vomit coming up and I started to tilt my head upwards. But it was too late, I started throwing-up right outside his door. After getting most of it out, I ran to the bathroom and finished in the trash can in there. I then went to the office, but no one was home, so I had to stay the rest of the day. I felt better after that, I guess I got out whatever was making me feel bad. After all that, most people would call it a bad a day, but since I gotta catch up with friends, I'll call it okay.[/quote]

God DAMN, dude! That's quite a first day! I'm glad you aren't negative about it, though.
I was thinking and I remembered something. You actually do have to try in middle school, 'cause if you don't, they'll fail you and you'll stay back. A couple of my classmates are in 7th grade again.
[quote name='XboxMaster']I was thinking and I remembered something. You actually do have to try in middle school, 'cause if you don't, they'll fail you and you'll stay back. A couple of my classmates are in 7th grade again.[/quote]

Technically all you have to do is try to pass.
I have two books to read for English 4 H, one book to read for Physics, and 24 compositions to draw for my AP Art class. It's 8:45 right now. My first day is tomorrow bright and early at 8:00. I'm screwed.
I go back to college at Purdue University in two weeks. I'm somewhat glad to get back because most all my friends are there. My problem is that it will be my hardest semester yet.
Heh, I go back end of aug. and I will be a junior.

High School > middle school

Middle school is full of annoying people who are stuck up and stubborn. High school everyone is just kind of "Yeah whatever". At least at my school it's like this. Everyone is just OK, no "social supremacy" like middle school has. Then again I switched towns when I switched schools, so who knows. Anyway, I guarantee HS will be MUCH better than Middle School.
bread's done