Flip Successes and Flip Flops

[quote name='Slim Gatsby']Wow, I had no idea RE2 spiked up to $40+ on practically all versions. I've got three copies of the PSX version just sitting in my closet (yard sale finds I had set aside for trading or possibly selling at a con for $15).

And I hadn't checked this thread in a while...I'm really glad I did! This really changed from a story-swapping thread to a more consummate "where to get the most for X" for flipping.

On that note -- I have a brand new DDR Mario Mix. The outer seal is broken, but the game and mat are both sealed. I haven't had much luck on eBay (BIN/BO at $179 and later $149)...should I just hold on to it at this point, or drop the price?[/quote]

I think maybe you should let it go for a while at 149 or maybe even drop it a little bit more. I don't see it ever getting up to the prices it was at before and am guessing eventually people will just begin to forget about it.

I also think it has to do a little bit with the lack of interest these days in DDR as a whole.
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']I've been with holding 2 flips as well, but apparently being a member of CAG for 2.5 years with hundreds of posts, and posting a few flips in this thread wasn't enough for an invite to the cool kids club.

I'll make a new group, as it doesn't look hard to set one up if people are interested. PM me.

Side note, a store showed up as having a Network adapter and I stopped by on my way to class this morning...low and behold they had 3...im guessing someone gave up their ps2 modding business.[/QUOTE]

there you go, start your own group. would take less effort than complaining.
All fallout 3 collectors editions are $60 now at Best Buy, not sure if it's still a good enough flip but the price on the CE is pretty good for anyone looking to pick it up for their collection.
Right now it isn't a good flip because of everyone who got them for $30 - $42 at CC in the past few weeks so the market is flooded.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Right now it isn't a good flip because of everyone who got them for $30 - $42 at CC in the past few weeks so the market is flooded.[/quote]

that explains the flood of them recently i've seen then being sold for like 45 - 50 on craigslist.
[quote name='Dokstarr']that explains the flood of them recently i've seen then being sold for like 45 - 50 on craigslist.[/quote]

Also if you are in the midwest they are 39.99 at Meijer, people bought em up during the b2g1 with the additional percent off deal a month ago.
Here are a few of the flips that I found through this thread, most of these are well known but it can give someone new a starting point. Obviously any new ones I find will eventually find their way into a social group when one gets started. It's listed as name, gamestop used price, rough ebay value (used/new), and gamestop link to search in your area.
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[quote name='bug_nuts']good list! that is pretty much most of the ones on the market now..... too bad the profits have tanked on most of them :([/quote]

It's because most of the idiots who are selling these things keep cutting everyone's prices. If you see a game selling at $35 frequently, don't undercut that person and sell yours for $30. You'll just make the prices tank. A lot of flips have disappeared because of that. Most notably ICO and Wii Sports.
And Devil Summoner, also the idiots that post multiple copies of the same item at the same time...do they not realize they are competing with themselves? A recent DS flip has like 10 copies from the same idiot up right now.
I assume Ebay is better then craigslist to flip stuff, because of the wider audience, but, is craigslist also a good venue?
[quote name='animemaniac14']Get ready for the prices on all those games to TANK now that the list has been posted :bomb:[/QUOTE]
Well, I didn't get invited to the cool club, so I'm ready to contribute to that list! It'll be the biggest, most public flip list EVER. I'm going to go to Ebay and search for good flips and EVERYONE WILL KNOW ABOUT THEM!!!

EDIT: Interesting, earlier this week I saw online that three Gamestops literally in a ten mile strip on a highway I took home after work had network adapters. Now they don't, I wonder if there's competition.
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[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Well, I didn't get invited to the cool club, so I'm ready to contribute to that list! It'll be the biggest, most public flip list EVER. I'm going to go to Ebay and search for good flips and EVERYONE WILL KNOW ABOUT THEM!!!

Oh come on don't do that, another group is in the process of being made, that won't be elitist...and will only be around so lurkers don't pick up on flips. :) This is still CAG people no need to take things so seriously.

Also everyone that quoted neiname's post are part of the problem as well (since even if he takes it down it will still be up).
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']Oh come on don't do that, another group is in the process of being made, that won't be elitist...and will only be around so lurkers don't pick up on flips. :) This is still CAG people no need to take things so seriously.

Also everyone that quoted neiname's post are part of the problem as well (since even if he takes it down it will still be up).[/QUOTE]
I was just kidding around.

I think I found one of the forementioned DS flips. And to think I passed it up when it went on clearance at Target...
I got a couple of flips and hope to be invited to a group but i'm sure i'm not cool enough.

Thank you to anyone who has ever contributed to anything here. Once I clean out my area on something I just found, I'll post it here.
Ok I've a free hour, so I am setting up the group, send me a pm if interested. (if you sent one previously, please send again, as my inbox was full and had to be 'cleaned')
I finally got my free Windows Vista from Microsoft several months ago and decided to put it on Craigslist. Sold it in about 10 minutes for $200. I was hoping for $20s, but he gave me two $100s. Oh well.
There must be something wrong with the Gamestops in my area, there is no way they would let anyone buy 7 network adapters. A couple weeks ago I saw a Gamestop employee tell a woman only one of each title per person. The game was Madden 07 for PS2. I had a Gamestop guy tell me no one buys netowrk adapters to use, you are going to sell it on eBay. I paid him and said don't you feel like an ass for not buying it first. Another store denied me sale on a network adapter because they sell on eBay and since I did not feel like an arguement I just left. Then sent my girlfriend in for it :D She flipped out, told them it was for her little brother and he wanted to play with all his other friends and we had been searching for one for weeks and the only thing she wants to hear from them is either thank you for your purchase and have a nice day or the district manager's phone number. I got the network adapter :D

My best game flips were all the previously mentioned games. My best flip overall was from Goodwill. I saw a foil and cutting block from Target I thought fit my shaver and it was only $1 (they are between $20 and $30). I took mine and they still had 18 left. Got home and saw it did not fit my shaver so I let it sit for a couple weeks before deciding to sell it on eBay. I saw they were selling for between $15 and $20! So I jumped in the car and they still had all 18 left! I put them up for $20 with free shipping and sold all 19 in two weeks. I made around $14 on each one, total profit of around $260.

Shortly after came for biggest flop, also from Goodwill. I was out with some friends and among other things we were hitting all the Goodwills. First Goodwill I see a Sega Genesis Model 3 with power and a/v for $15! I say awesome deal and grab it. Next Goodwill has a Model 3 with power cord and 4 controllers for $17! Next Goodwill has Model 3 with power, a/v and 2 controller for $14! Next one has random stuff and last one has Model 3 with 1 controller, power, a/v and rf for $19! I buy them all and see I have 4 systems with 2 controllers each and 3 of them have a/v one has rf. So I get home ready to rake in the cash and see the first one went off for $25 with 6 games. I say bad listing. Next one is $30 with 18 games. I say bad end time. Then I scroll through and realize...these aren't worth much and I already knew that. So I got some games for them and gave them to friend's kids. On the plus side at least someone got some joy out of them.
[quote name='vicktor']There must be something wrong with the Gamestops in my area, there is no way they would let anyone buy 7 network adapters. ... I say bad listing... I say bad end time. [/quote]

I love the optimism.

I've gotten creative in dealing with Gamestop. Why do I need four network adapters and 4 copies of this particular unknown ps2 game? I'm getting married in a few weeks and I want to get them as groomsmen gifts so we all can play together, yada yada.
I don't know why it bothers Gamestop so much if people buy multiples. I could see it being an issue if it was an advertised item like during Black Friday but if it is a regular item at regular price, don't they want to sell them?
Haha, the manager at my local store knows who I am and notices a lot of my more eccentric/odd purchases (especially for the ghetto I live in). During the Christmas B2G1 he said "I hope you're making some money on all this," and I just laughed and said "I'm doing alright." It was pretty great. I'm glad he realizes that preventing me (or anyone for that matter) from buying items is just a bad for his store.
[quote name='Rave Child']Haha, the manager at my local store knows who I am and notices a lot of my more eccentric/odd purchases (especially for the ghetto I live in). During the Christmas B2G1 he said "I hope you're making some money on all this," and I just laughed and said "I'm doing alright." It was pretty great. I'm glad he realizes that preventing me (or anyone for that matter) from buying items is just a bad for his store.[/quote]

I love managers like that :). I have a couple of stores around that know me by name now since I'm a regular. I pop in to my local stores about 2-3 times a week and I almost always buy something. They don't really mind the fact that I'm buying doubles. I don't see why they would. They don't get any bitching coming from corporate if they do sell doubles. Instead, their store makes more money which in corporate's eyes is a good thing. Some managers though, amaze the hell out of me with their stupid rules.
Here's why GameStop doesn't want you or I buying multiple copies of a game:

1) They don't want to deal with resellers. They've established that in the fine print of all their deals. No resellers. Considering that the most successful part of their business is the buying and selling of used games, they don't want to deal with the competition. Now, are we the competition? No, not really. Us flipping a couple dozen games a year won't bankrupt GameStop. But when we go in there and buy, say, 5 copies of Wii Sports, they don't know who we are. We could be the owner of a local independent store or an eBay Power Seller. Now, those are entities that do cut into GameStop's business, and they don't want any part of them.

2) When we take those 5 copies of Wii Sports out of the store, that means they are not going to be sold to GameSpot's most beloved customers: children and their parents. GameStop wants little Johnny dragging his parents into the store, convincing them to buy him a game, hoping he gets bored of it beyond the 7-day return period, and getting them back into the store to trade the game in for far less than they paid. The cycle continues. That's why GameStop plasters the fact that they take trade-ins all over the store. They want you coming back there when you get bored of your game. If a reseller takes their product, who knows where their buyers might try to sell it or trade it. There's still a good chance they will turn to GameStop, but someone who buys at a local independent might bring it back to them. Or an eBay buyer might be savvy and resell it on eBay.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Here's why GameStop doesn't want you or I buying multiple copies of a game:

1) They don't want to deal with resellers. They've established that in the fine print of all their deals. No resellers. Considering that the most successful part of their business is the buying and selling of used games, they don't want to deal with the competition. Now, are we the competition? No, not really. Us flipping a couple dozen games a year won't bankrupt GameStop. But when we go in there and buy, say, 5 copies of Wii Sports, they don't know who we are. We could be the owner of a local independent store or an eBay Power Seller. Now, those are entities that do cut into GameStop's business, and they don't want any part of them.

2) When we take those 5 copies of Wii Sports out of the store, that means they are not going to be sold to GameSpot's most beloved customers: children and their parents. GameStop wants little Johnny dragging his parents into the store, convincing them to buy him a game, hoping he gets bored of it beyond the 7-day return period, and getting them back into the store to trade the game in for far less than they paid. The cycle continues. That's why GameStop plasters the fact that they take trade-ins all over the store. They want you coming back there when you get bored of your game. If a reseller takes their product, who knows where their buyers might try to sell it or trade it. There's still a good chance they will turn to GameStop, but someone who buys at a local independent might bring it back to them. Or an eBay buyer might be savvy and resell it on eBay.[/QUOTE]

makes sense..... but........... i mean alot of the flips ... like ps2 network adapter...... would not sell to a young kid.... i htink the stores need to understand that some of these items would not sell at all otherwise.....

but your point makes sense!!!

That's fine, but at the same time, you have to understand that this a massive retail chain. These people get their marching orders from elsewhere. If their district manager tells a manager not to sell multiples of something, most stores won't, because it's not worth the headache. Someone from corporate bitches to the regional office...the regional office bitches to the district office...and all of that ends up on the head of the manager. And then the manager will make sure whatever is left will be directed at his employees.

So, whether it's five copies of a popular game or five old accessories, a lot of stores just won't do it.
im kinda upset.... one of the managers who works at a good store, and by good store i mean always on top of rules and regulations... in particular penny guides, was at the store in which is terrible at rules... teaching them how to get into shape...... and taking all the penny guides off the shelf..... was a sad sad day today....

[quote name='Rave Child']Haha, the manager at my local store knows who I am and notices a lot of my more eccentric/odd purchases (especially for the ghetto I live in). During the Christmas B2G1 he said "I hope you're making some money on all this," and I just laughed and said "I'm doing alright." It was pretty great. I'm glad he realizes that preventing me (or anyone for that matter) from buying items is just a bad for his store.[/QUOTE]

yeah, the guys at my store are on to me, but I also pre-order and buy a lot of games for myself, so they don't care.
Luckily everyone at the Gamestops in my town are newer gamers.. from last gen or current gen system era. They don't know anything about.. well, anything. All they care about is getting online that night so they can boom headshot in Call of Duty... they aren't familiar with eBay or customers reselling. Mostly because, I imagine, I live in a retirement town and no one does that. I was in Movie Gallery the other day, and bought a couple of copies of ICO. The guy just stared at me and asked, "You do know that you have two copies of the same game.. right?"

On another note, I've been trying for close to two weeks for the manager at one GS to get on the phone with another store a few cities over to ship a few network adapters here like he said.. haha.
I got the funny looks and comments when I bought 9 random used 360/Wii from Blockbuster. I had like 2-3 of some titles, so the cashier questioned me about it. Those 9 games got me 2 free DS Lites during the EB promotion!
I'd like to join either private group. I have a fairly large list of flips (around 40 or so) I've been using to resell on ebay. Most of them are probably already known but I may have one or two new ones. I'd rather not post them out in the open for the lurkers to scoop up.

I'm in Eastern oklahoma, so I'm pretty sure I don't share much turf with the rest of you flippers so I shouldn't be stepping on anybody's toes.
I understand Gamestop not wanting resellers, but when a mom or possibly grandma walks up with two games, no coupons and no Edge card and the games are a Madden game, how can you deny her? I guess they did not want their their Madden 07 stock to drop below 80 copies...

I had a guy at Gamestop on a buy 2 get 1 weekend deny me two Luigi's Mansion.

Him: I can not sell you two copies of the same game, you might sell them on eBay.
Me: Can I make money selling this on eBay?
Him: No.
Me: Then I'll take both copies.
Him: I can not sell you two copies of the same game, you might sell them on eBay.
Me: You Just said they aren't worth anything.
Him: Right.
Me: Then I'll take both copies.
Him: I can not sell you two copies of the same game, you might sell them on eBay.
Me: ... (and I left the store)

I have actually had more trouble buying multiples of items at Wal-Mart, and not for stuff I was flipping. They had deodorant I use in buy 1 get 1 packs, so I took 3 packs. I get to the register and she looks at them and says "three of these?" I say "that should last me two weeks" and I smile, she doesn't. So after I wait a manager comes over and I am told she will "let me slide this time" I get my deodorant. Another time I had four Game Boy Micros, the guy checking me out had some sort of manager thing on his tag. Some other employee comes over and says "why you buyin' so many?" with a real attitude. I say because five won't fit in the bag right. "You are gonna sell them on eBay!" I say "can I make money with them on eBay?" No, "Then why would I sell them?" I am sick of this guy and I say I'm buying them for a road trip with my buddies (funny thing was, I was buying them for a road trip with my buddies and they were on clearance). He says "Right" with more attitude. Finally I say "how about we continue this conversation with your manager?" No, that's ok, you can buy them. "No, no, no, you are accusing me of something serious and I think we need a manager." He turned and walked away as quick as could be. I was with my parents for lunch and we all had a good laugh. I guess me and my parents together look like sleazy eBay people...

The best one had to be buying Marvel Legends. I walk up with a complete set and am told they can't sell me this many of the same item. I point out that's Human Torch, that's Thing, that's Mr. Fantastic... They are all the same. I say can we speak to someone else. Next person says they can not sell that many to me, I need to give other people a chance. I point out they are on clearance and no one must have wanted them. He throws his hands up and says Fine! The funny part, I give the set to my cousin, and he has half of them...hah.
I bought multiple GBA SP systems when they were clearanced for $49 at Walmart. I bought 4-6 at a time. Never had a problem. I guess Walmart attitude is YMMV as it is with their clearances.
[quote name='vicktor']He turned and walked away as quick as could be. I was with my parents for lunch and we all had a good laugh.[/quote]

Your town must be filled with ebayers... the only time anything like this happened to me was at best buy for penny guides. I've walked out of Walmart with multiple games many times.
Man. I keep gettingfuck on my flip attempts.

SC 1) I picked up a copy with the GS stickers labeling the game: The documents of MGS 2 for 5, right? I'm checking out pics online and the disc in the pics are Orange while the copy I picked up is black. I think my copy was labeled wrong, and I got the edition included in the MGS PS2 pack.

SC2) At another gamestop, I try to grab Devil Summoner. The girl can't find it. Shows me a PS4 and says the game is just like it, pick up this one instead... Then to add dollars to donuts, she was unable to enter the GS Eternal coupon on another game I found.

SC3) Earlier today, I go to pick up GC component Cables. The girl looks in the bin for it. Pulls it out, I notice the colors are yellow, white and red. I tell her "that those aren't it. The ones for HDMI are suppose to be different colors.' She says "yes they are. I was using them the other day." For some stupid reason I believe her. I hand her Eternal coupon. She looks at it for five minutes and then asks me what the coupon code is because the upc shit is unreadable. I point to it. It fails to go through. She tells me it went through. I do the math in my head and think no it didnt. I look at her name tag. It reads Astrith...(asterisk: *) I think...and I make a mental note of it, tell her I changed my mind and walk out slightly frustrated.

both girls were actually really cute, if that means anything. The girl trying to sell me PS4 was like an 8, and * was a 6-7.

But 3 different gamestops and so far three flops!
i think its a sign

[quote name='YawnAmuroYawn']Man. I keep gettingfuck on my flip attempts.

SC 1) I picked up a copy with the GS stickers labeling the game: The documents of MGS 2 for 5, right? I'm checking out pics online and the disc in the pics are Orange while the copy I picked up is black. I think my copy was labeled wrong, and I got the edition included in the MGS PS2 pack.

SC2) At another gamestop, I try to grab Devil Summoner. The girl can't find it. Shows me a PS4 and says the game is just like it, pick up this one instead... Then to add dollars to donuts, she was unable to enter the GS Eternal coupon on another game I found.

SC3) Earlier today, I go to pick up GC component Cables. The girl looks in the bin for it. Pulls it out, I notice the colors are yellow, white and red. I tell her "that those aren't it. The ones for HDMI are suppose to be different colors.' She says "yes they are. I was using them the other day." For some stupid reason I believe her. I hand her Eternal coupon. She looks at it for five minutes and then asks me what the coupon code is because the upc shit is unreadable. I point to it. It fails to go through. She tells me it went through. I do the math in my head and think no it didnt. I look at her name tag. It reads Astrith...(asterisk: *) I think...and I make a mental note of it, tell her I changed my mind and walk out slightly frustrated.

both girls were actually really cute, if that means anything. The girl trying to sell me PS4 was like an 8, and * was a 6-7.

But 3 different gamestops and so far three flops!
Well, turned out I overestimated the shipping of consoles :/

For a Dreamcast I got for $15, I sold it for $30, shipping though was $12 :/

Sure, it was still $3 of profit, but the amount of work to ship it compared to other things just isn't worth it.

On the flip side, the GBC with a copy of Pokemon Red in it for $15 was a good flip. GBC sold for $18, Pokemon for $13, made $10 for something that wasn't hard to ship (Just wrap the GBC in some Bubble wrap, put it in an envolpe, and mail it off)
bread's done