For all you PS3+360 owners...???


93 (100%)
Ok well I purchased a PS3 a while ago and am very content with my purchase. One of the main reasons I got the PS3 was that it could handle all of my film viewing needs, blu-ray, now divx, HD movie files (.vob or otherwise) and of course the games also factored in. Mainly MLB 08: The Show and LBP.

But a few of my friends own a 360, and having played Bioshock, GOW, Mass Effect, and other exclusives I am very very convinced that yes, 360 has a far superior game selection (for now anyways) and a much better online system, so far and beyond PSN, but it does cost $50 a year. Also no wifi witch was another reason i got the PS3. But now I feel left out as a gamer. I've been a nintendo fan since the NES and than moved on from the N64 to the PS2 and xbox and now PS3 and DS. But I have to admit I don't have much to play on my PS3 right now, Ratchet (beat it and sold it), Uncharted (same), Warhawk (just got when it dropped to $30 on PSN), COD4 (by far the best game on the PS3 and its on the 360 as well, with better online, maybe?). Thats about it for now. oh and MLB 08.

So for those of you CAGs who own both consoles or maybe even a Wii too. Is it necessary as a "gamer" to own both of the HD consoles if you want the best experience? I feel like I should have gotten a 360 first and than a PS3 once 2008 hit.

Do you feel that you give both consoles a good play? I don't want to get hooked on one console and than neglect the other, by that I mean make it seem like waste of money. But to be honest I probably won't but a 360, if I ever do, for a while at least. Until I know exactly what Im getting...that is, the best chance for my console not to fry within the first 6 months. Out of the 360 owning friends I have, I don't know any who haven't sent theirs away in a coffin.
I don't own either but with the failure rate of 360s I'd wait till they come out with a newer model that fixes this problem and then wait at least 6 months to see if anything comes up. Otherwise just be aware that it might break on you but at least you can play your PS3 while its away right?
It's not 'necessary' to get a 360 and a wii on top of a ps3.
Most games are going multi-platform currently. Having both (I eventually sold the 360) I can say that your not missing out on much, which is why I got rid of my 360. When a good exclusive title comes out for either the wii or 360, just go play it at a friends house.

Your not going to miss out much by not playing a AAA title, released for another system, right away. And you're going to end up playing one system exclusively each time a exclusive title comes out so no matter what, your going to neglect your other consoles if you buy all of them.
The 360 and PS3 are both great consoles. I wouldn't want to be without either one. I find I'd be more in a bind without my 360 though as I play a lot of online games w/ a solid group of friends ... plus games feel a bit hollow now if they dont have achievements.

Also, live is $50 only for lazy people. I havent paid that much for it for years now.
I have both and get more use of the 360. The PS3 is a better machine in every way but for games and online play I think the 360 wins.
I'm actually thinking of making the switch to PS3 for the same reasons you picked yours up. The exclusives that you listed and most of them for that matter are released for windows, and for the most part I like playing with a mouse and keyboard for those games in general. Also I really want to play MLB 08, Hot Shots Golf, and Metal Gear 4. Most of the games I do play on the 360 are multi-platform anyway. I also don't use the online enough to spend $50 a year, but I was able to find a card for $25.

I would make the switch now but need to save money since I'm going to Japan next month with my gf. So I'll probably wait until the MGS4 bundle to be released.
I haven't played a game on my PS3 since finishing Uncharted. Kind of a bummer, but I use it for all of my movie-watching needs and have MGS4 lined up. Sure, that's a bit of a wait, still, but I'm not bummed out to have it or anything. My 360 gets a lot more play, but I've been having lots of technical trouble with it (RROD, disc-read error, etc). It's good to have both, but not really necessary. Other than Gears, Bioshock and Lost Odyssey, every game I've loved on 360 is also on PS3, so if I only had PS3 it wouldn't be a terrible thing. I'd actually consider cutting down to just PS3, but then I'd have to replace all my Rock Band accessories with their PS3 equivalents, which would be an unnecessary pain in the ass.
Sure, GoW... Bioshock and LO are great games. Personally, I enjoyed Bioshock and GoW on my PC a lot more than I could on a console. As for the rest of the games? In the next 6 months we get Ghostbusters, Soul Calibur 4, GTA4 all three of which are multi-platform. MGS and Final Fantasy will be some good as well. Do you have to purchase every console? Yeah, if you want the exclusive games. How many are there? Not that many worth playing, honestly. I'd probably just wait until fable 2/GoW2 comes out to pick up a 360. That way you can pick up the older 360 titles on greatest hits or at value cost. Then you won't be short of games to play in your free time.
[quote name='dyeknom']Sure, GoW... Bioshock and LO are great games. Personally, I enjoyed Bioshock and GoW on my PC a lot more than I could on a console. As for the rest of the games? In the next 6 months we get Ghostbusters, Soul Calibur 4, GTA4 all three of which are multi-platform. MGS and Final Fantasy will be some good as well. Do you have to purchase every console? Yeah, if you want the exclusive games. How many are there? Not that many worth playing, honestly. I'd probably just wait until fable 2/GoW2 comes out to pick up a 360. That way you can pick up the older 360 titles on greatest hits or at value cost. Then you won't be short of games to play in your free time.[/QUOTE]

That is probably what I'm going to do. I'll probably drop down the cash for the 360 when GOW2 comes out... Hopefully the hardware issues will be fixed by then...
[quote name='Lsgun1']I have both and get more use of the 360. The PS3 is a better machine in every way but for games and online play I think the 360 wins.[/QUOTE]


My ps3 went practically untouched for several months when I bought it (a day of motorstorm, a couple hours of Pain and Everyday Shooter, then nothing), while my 360 had daily use. Over the last two weeks though, my ps3 has been my main machine thanks to Hot Shots Golf, but if I had to get rid of either, it would probably be the ps3.

All that being said though, there are very few 'big name' exclusives I've cared about on the 360. Didn't play bioshock or gears... although Katamari was a must have for me, so there are some lesser-known exclusives I've loved...

My wii used to get slightly more use than the ps3 as well but lately that's changing a bit again thanks to HSG.
you need both at this point... PS3 has some great exclusive games (The Show anyone?) and is a Blu-Ray player... the best one out there, in my opinion...

but I buy all my multi-platform games on the 360... my friends all have 360's and online play is more enjoyable with my friends, who I can actually TALK to during the games...

PS3 still needs to tweak the online system.
Well I have all three and I play my PS3 the most. Of course I never had a PS2 so most of the time when I'm playing my PS3 it's actually a PS2 game.:oops:
Though there are a few PS3 games I'd like to play, but I'm too cheap to pay full price.
I own all three and I go in spurts. Sometimes I'll hit the 360 hard, other times I'll hit the Wii, but lately I've been on a PS3 kick. Mostly I've been playing Oblivion (I CANNOT get enough of that game), MGS: Essentials, Shadow of the Colossis, Burnout Paradise, and a few more.

If you told me that I absolutely HAD to get rid of either the 360 or PS3, I would get rid of the 360. This year it has almost every game I'm looking forward to (Fallout 3, GTA IV, MGS 4, LBP, Resistance 2, Killzone 2) as well as PS2 BC (I have the 60GB).

Don't get me wrong, the 360 has an awesome library with some great games that can be picked up hella cheap, but I could live without my 360.

The Wii on the other hand, for some reason, lags WAY behind these two consoles in my mind.
I neglect my PS3 and Wii for sure, but I wouldn't give them up and just own a 360. The time I spend with my consoles is quality. I have yet to turn off my PS3 or Wii upset that I spent money on them. I would say, you should get a 360 if you want to partake in some of the CAG shinanagins on LIVE.
My PS3 is my primary console and 360 my secondary, mainly play the RPG's on 360, who would have thought that was going to happen?
If you have extra money, I'd definitely get a 360. I probably play my 360 more then my PS3, but I love both of them equally for various reasons. I have enjoyed the 360 exclusives a bit more then the PS3 ones as well, and the online play is much superior.
I have both of them also with an assortment of games for both...

PS3 primary because..
1. in my living room for BLU-RAY
2. Playing PS2 backlogged games i have

360 secondary because...
1. in the bedroom
2. playing a few exclusives GOW, LO and Frontlines
I've never considered myself a console fanboy so I think my opinion may be relatively unbiased. What's the point in stumping for hardware anyway? Plus, less competition is bad for video gaming. A fractured hardware base encourages more software development.

With that said, I find myself predominately playing the 360 this generation. I have a Wii and DS as well, but I tend to have a hard time seeing games on either of those systems through to the end. I think one reason may be the social aspect of the 360 and also, as ashamed as I am to admit it, those damned achievements. My understanding is that the PS3 does both of those things as well albeit to a much lesser extent. I wouldn't mind getting a PS3, but I haven't seen that killer app yet to push me along towards plunking down the cash. Other than MGS4, I don't see any upcoming PS3 games to convince me either (I've hated Final Fantasy since 8 and pretty much everything else coming out that I'm interested in will be multi platform).

The only real drawback to the 360 in my mind is the reliability issue. I have two 360's, one for me and the gf, that haven't had any problems yet (knock on wood). However, of my immediate pool of gaming friends (around 20-ish), I'd say 5 of them have had to replace their consoles. A 25% failure rate is pretty crappy if you ask me...and that's just my über-small, personal sample.

If that doesn't bother you, I don't see any reason not to own a 360 this generation.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']I've never considered myself a console fanboy so I think my opinion may be relatively unbiased. What's the point in stumping for hardware anyway? Plus, less competition is bad for video gaming. A fractured hardware base encourages more software development.....


But you dont own a PS3 so your explaination is biased.

And I guess your not into HD movies either?
xbl is better than the psn but the psn is free so you can't complain. In cod4, the servers are more stable through xbl. I own a wii as well and that rarely gets played. Once in a blue moon maybe. As of now I have more games on the 360 so I have reason to play that console more. It is necessary to have both because there are some pretty good exclusives. One reason why I bought a ps3 was for MGS4 so the ps3 was a MUST for me. The 360 I bought for exclusives, in game xmb and custom music are great.
I play my consoles in long spurts. It's not on purpose, but just happens that way. Right now and until MGS4 comes out, it's mostly Brawl for Wii.
If you have a lot of friends that play on LIVE regularly, as well as several online games for 360 that you want and know they have or they plan to pick up, it's probably a great investment.

If you are the type of person that doesn't play much online, then it probably isn't worth it. Paying for LIVE when you'll only use it once in a blue moon isn't something I liked doing.
[quote name='XxSmityxX']But you dont own a PS3 so your explaination is biased.

And I guess your not into HD movies either?[/quote]
To some extent, yes. I meant I lack bias in more of the "pushing an agenda" area. My bias only exists due to lack of experience with all consoles (i.e. not due to fanboyism, thus the point of my whole opening explanation).

And yeah, I don't really care about HD movies. Regular old DVD still works for me.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']
So for those of you CAGs who own both consoles or maybe even a Wii too. Is it necessary as a "gamer" to own both of the HD consoles if you want the best experience? [/quote]

Just depends on how much you game. I can't even keep up with all the games I want to play on the 360, so I don't need a PS3. Yes, I'll miss some games I'd like to play, but again I don't really have time for more games anyway.

That was a part of the reason I got rid of my Wii as well, just not enough time for gaming any more to need multiple consoles.
All depends on what type of games you like, I suppose. I have both, and I'm seriously considering getting rid of my 360 because I never play it. Looking at the upcoming exclusives, the only ones I have any kind of interest in at all are Ninja Gaiden 2, GoW2 and Fable 2. And if history is any kind of indication, GoW2 & Fable 2 will hit the pc at some point. And I wouldn't rule out an eventual PS3 port of Gaiden 2 - tho honestly, if that never happened it's not THAT big of an interest for me anyway. None of those are, really.

Again, just depends on what kind of games interest you.
I don't see it being a good investment to have both systems solely for the sake of gaming. Pick one or the other. And pick up a Wii.
[quote name='AppleRaven']It's not 'necessary' to get a 360 and a wii on top of a ps3.
Most games are going multi-platform currently. Having both (I eventually sold the 360) I can say that your not missing out on much, which is why I got rid of my 360. When a good exclusive title comes out for either the wii or 360, just go play it at a friends house.

Your not going to miss out much by not playing a AAA title, released for another system, right away. And you're going to end up playing one system exclusively each time a exclusive title comes out so no matter what, your going to neglect your other consoles if you buy all of them.[/quote]
The same could be said about the PS3. "You are not missing much" You can just go out and buy a blue-ray player and play the PS3 titles at your friends house. When you make a comment like that, it only shows that you are a fan-boy of a particular system. I own every system and every hand-held system, and that is because each system has alot to offer that the others don't.

Now addressing the multi-platform comment, I will not play a game like NBA 2k7 or Madden on the Wii, That system is designed for games that take advantage of the unique control scheme of the Wii. And vice-versa, a game like Trauma Center would really only be fitting on the Wii. Also, when comparisons were done with games that were both on the 360 and the PS3, almost every game on the 360 was superior in gameplay, graphics, quality. Prime example of this is the latest Madden. On the 360 it ran at 60fps, while on the PS3 it only ran at 30fps, thus losing animations and the 360 version looked better and ran smoother.

So the bottomline is, if you can afford to have multiple systems, then buy them. Worse case scenario is you can sell one if you want. To be honest, I have a PS3 my wife bought me for Christmas and I have about 10 games that are all sealed. I have yet to open my system. Don't get me wrong, I am excited about the PS3 and the games that I have for it, but it is only because of the back-log and time restraints that I haven't played it yet.

Amongst the PS2, NGC, Xbox, PS3, Wii, 360, PSP, and DS, I have about 500 games with about 70% of my collection being sealed.
I currently own a Wii, Ps3 and 360. Right now by far the 360 is getting more play time, easier to find deals on the games so I have more, but more importantly the quality and variety of games is just higher right now. Combined with streaming videos and music to my t.v with the network adapter from the computer and I just don't have some huge reason to play the ps3.

Now is it necessary to own both consoles to get the best gaming experience this time around? Funny enough though my post may not seem like it I still believe the answer is yes. Finally tracked down another light gun yesterday and had a ball Co-oping Time Crisis 4, Warhawk really sucked some hours out of me, point is you can have fun with one without feeling like you are "cheating" on the other, get what has games that interest you.
I guess a lot of the posts have been in the middle. And to be honest I am not dying to get my hands on the 360 exclusives at this point. What I am dying to play is on XBL. I play on the PSN most of the time I'm playing games. So the online system is really my main driving force, and maybe the exclusives come in at a near second interest. But I don't think I'll be getting a 360 for a while, 3-5 months, maybe even more. By that time, hope the current sku at the time is more reliable and perhas even cheaper, and of course the current exclusives will be cheaper. I will get one, eventually, but for now, GTAIV, MGS4, and LBP will keep me busy until the next gem on 360 comes out... And who knows maybe some of the exclusives I've been wanting to play on the 360 will got multi-plat...

thanks for any advice anyone tried to provide...
If you value multiplayer online alot, then yes, get a 360. If you like arcadie games (XBLA), then maybe get a 360. Other than that, just stick with the PS3. The upcoming exclusives aren't too huge for the 360 vs. the PS3 ATM, so just hold out.
I've got all 3 too and the 360 gets about 75% of my playing time. It's hard to even look at the PSN after getting comfy with Live, but the difference in quality probably isn't worth $50/year. (Especially if HOME ever comes out)

The reason I play 360 more isn't even Live though. As someone else said there are more 360 games, not just in total selection but as in more copies of each title. As a CAG, I have maybe seen 1 or 2 total ps3 games on discount in the last month(The Bigs & The Show 07 - both one copy left). In that time at the same stores, I've seen thousands of great 360 games available at clearance. And playing lots of cheap games is what I like. :lol: Why so many 360 games unsold you ask? Because they sell that many more too! Look at cross platform software sales overall.

PS3 for "home theater"
360 for online + bigger/cheaper library
wii for the wife and entertaining

Ultimately I would lose the wii first, as its been disappointing overall for me. Lots of fun, but I'm getting tired of the same Mario from 20 years ago!!! All I want is a little variation. They take the best from the next gen technology, combine it with EXCEPTIONAL gameplay, and then they wrap it in the same game design/backdrop they've been using over and over and over again. Grow a set and try a new style, or at least encourage respectable 3rd parties instead of hindering them.
[quote name='seanr1221']360 is the better console IMO. However, the PS3 reliability + MGS4 + blu-ray are big factors.[/quote]

I have both a PS3 and a 360. At this point... I'm really getting tired of waiting for these games. At this point my PS3 has been sitting at my best friends house. Next week It'll be here for GT5P and Blu Ray but other than that I doubt I'll be using it. RSV2 on the 360 is king right now. Another reason I'm going with the 360 is that the 360 controller is better than the PS3s. I'm sorry to say that since I was a big PS fan and loved the DS2.
Hey Oldboy. I highly recommend picking up a 360, man. I had ONLY a 360 for about 6 months, and I was (and still am) overloaded with five-star games to play. However, sometimes I want the opposite of 360- a great, immersive single-player experience (yes, 360 has many of those as well), a nice HD movie player, and an easy Pc-to-console setup.

So the two have many differences/similarities like all the other CAGs mentioned. Definitely pick up a 360, get a warranty at the store you bought it at, and add me as a friend so we can play some UNO!
I would sell my 360 if I didn't have a bunch of games I paid for and haven't finished yet.

PSN is good enough to justify not having to shell out $50 for it over XBox Live. ...And am I the only one that actually has friends on PSN?

Sony is also striving to make their online system better while still keeping it completely FREE. With the release of HOME, you'll find many perks on PSN that XBL doesn't provide. Anyone read about what their going to integrate with Warhawk? You will be able to meet in other players rooms, set up battle plans strategically on a 3D image of the map you'll be playing, and launch the game right from there. It's much more interesting with what Sony is trying to accomplish with HOME... and again, their giving it to you for free.

Last are the Accomplishments. I like the fact that Sony is actually going to try and reward you by doing these time consuming tasks, unlike the 360s achievements that just display a number... whoop-dee-doo!
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']Ok well I purchased a PS3 a while ago and am very content with my purchase. One of the main reasons I got the PS3 was that it could handle all of my film viewing needs, blu-ray, now divx, HD movie files (.vob or otherwise) and of course the games also factored in. Mainly MLB 08: The Show and LBP.

But a few of my friends own a 360, and having played Bioshock, GOW, Mass Effect, and other exclusives I am very very convinced that yes, 360 has a far superior game selection (for now anyways) and a much better online system, so far and beyond PSN, but it does cost $50 a year. Also no wifi witch was another reason i got the PS3. But now I feel left out as a gamer. I've been a nintendo fan since the NES and than moved on from the N64 to the PS2 and xbox and now PS3 and DS. But I have to admit I don't have much to play on my PS3 right now, Ratchet (beat it and sold it), Uncharted (same), Warhawk (just got when it dropped to $30 on PSN), COD4 (by far the best game on the PS3 and its on the 360 as well, with better online, maybe?). Thats about it for now. oh and MLB 08.

So for those of you CAGs who own both consoles or maybe even a Wii too. Is it necessary as a "gamer" to own both of the HD consoles if you want the best experience? I feel like I should have gotten a 360 first and than a PS3 once 2008 hit.

Do you feel that you give both consoles a good play? I don't want to get hooked on one console and than neglect the other, by that I mean make it seem like waste of money. But to be honest I probably won't but a 360, if I ever do, for a while at least. Until I know exactly what Im getting...that is, the best chance for my console not to fry within the first 6 months. Out of the 360 owning friends I have, I don't know any who haven't sent theirs away in a coffin.[/QUOTE]

Its all about what you want, I think its good to own both, but not necessary. Actually, I put my 360 back in the box, and on the shelf next to my original xbox and old systems. I like to play some occassional games on the 360, but overall I enjoy playing games on one system. I'm glad I have my 360, but other than a few title here and there I don't need it. If a game doesn't released on PS3, then I guess I won't be playing it. I can wait for Ninja Gaiden 2, its not a problem. Even with the original xbox, I bought a few games, but I always ended up wishing I had gotten them for the PS2 instead (if it was available).
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']Ok well I purchased a PS3 a while ago and am very content with my purchase. One of the main reasons I got the PS3 was that it could handle all of my film viewing needs, blu-ray, now divx, HD movie files (.vob or otherwise) and of course the games also factored in. Mainly MLB 08: The Show and LBP.

But a few of my friends own a 360, and having played Bioshock, GOW, Mass Effect, and other exclusives I am very very convinced that yes, 360 has a far superior game selection (for now anyways) and a much better online system, so far and beyond PSN, but it does cost $50 a year. Also no wifi witch was another reason i got the PS3. But now I feel left out as a gamer. I've been a nintendo fan since the NES and than moved on from the N64 to the PS2 and xbox and now PS3 and DS. But I have to admit I don't have much to play on my PS3 right now, Ratchet (beat it and sold it), Uncharted (same), Warhawk (just got when it dropped to $30 on PSN), COD4 (by far the best game on the PS3 and its on the 360 as well, with better online, maybe?). Thats about it for now. oh and MLB 08.

So for those of you CAGs who own both consoles or maybe even a Wii too. Is it necessary as a "gamer" to own both of the HD consoles if you want the best experience? I feel like I should have gotten a 360 first and than a PS3 once 2008 hit.

Do you feel that you give both consoles a good play? I don't want to get hooked on one console and than neglect the other, by that I mean make it seem like waste of money. But to be honest I probably won't but a 360, if I ever do, for a while at least. Until I know exactly what Im getting...that is, the best chance for my console not to fry within the first 6 months. Out of the 360 owning friends I have, I don't know any who haven't sent theirs away in a coffin.[/quote]

I own both, and yes I do give both a good play. Before Christmas I barely touched my 360 with Ratchet, Warhawk, Super Stardust and PixelJunk Monsters and Uncharted. However, once I got Call of Duty 4 and GH II and III, I barely play my ps3 except Heavenly Sword, Folklore and blu-rays. And While the online is 50$, it's totally worth it as it's extremely easy to play with my friends.

However, the 360 is more of a luxury than a necessity. I could play all the games I have on the 360 on the PS3 (save GH II, and Crackdown) but I play them on the 360. IMO MP is better on the 360, but the exclusives for the PS3 are better. It's all a matter of taste.
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