For those of you who are 21+ (or drink illegally), how often do you drink?

I rarely ever drink during the summer. Once every couple of weeks I'll have a couple glasses of whiskey.
During the school year I'll drink every weekend, though in varying degrees. Some nights one drink, other nights, more than I would care to count.
[quote name='ananag112']I don't drink.

Don't know why. Never appealed to me really.[/quote]

My answer is exact same as yours. I'm 22 now, and was never even interested in trying it.
been thinking about this thread for the past few hours...

i used to drink a bottle of wine one day a week
i used to take shots and make cocktails almost every night
i used to drink a whole 12 bottles of beer in one sitting

but for some reason, i just don't anymore. i guess i realized the booze isn't what makes the experience of being drunk so great, it's the people you are with. haha. good times. ima be getting fucked up next sunday cuz im graduating college and i cannot wait. i think you need a lot of drinking skillz to drink enough just to feel that euphoric inhibition less experience without overdoing. i think i've got to that point

*high fives*
[quote name='javeryh']drinks here and there - maybe 2 a month. Alcohol makes you slow, tired and fat[/QUOTE]

Depends on what you drink. Beer will do that, yes, due to the carbonation making you feel bloated,and the calories (more than most sodas!) and carbohydrates. But hard liquor will not make you fat, and the bloat should be minimal at best due to no carbonation. I used to be fat till I was 19, and excessive drinking of vodka over a 4-5 month period while eating very little caused me to drop from 187 pounds to 125.
Rarely. I'm 22 and I've only had a couple drinks. I hate the taste (and smell) of beer and I don't really have any desire to drink.
I rarely drink. I will go months of not drinking anything but Coke Zero and water, then I will go weekends in a row of drinking Jager and Monster. I believe I have drank more this year than I have in the past three combined. This weekend, I might be going to a grad party and getting trashed. After this weekend, probably nothing for the rest of the month. July and August are my heavy drinking months. Fireworks and Birthdays are fun to drink at. My sister knows how to party.
[quote name='joe2187']You dont need beer, so stay away from that[/quote]

Awesome. You brought that back.

Man, you guys are lightweights. I probably binge 3 nights a week? And probably lightly drink two other nights. If I go my favorite bar, which I do fairly often, I'm drinking a good amount. They know me there and my cheapass can't resist the super hookups I get (if I earn a $40 tab, they will charge me around $10-12.. pretty much everytime.)

They should come up with a term for people that really really like to drink a lot, often. Like a medical term or something.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']
They should come up with a term for people that really really like to drink a lot, often. Like a medical term or something.[/quote]


yea but seriously.. this board isnt exactly the best place to find outgoing drinkers

Everyone on here seems to be afraid of going outside their house... mommaz boiz lol
I'm 21 and still an undergrad, but I don't drink at all. My friends all know me as "the reliably sober friend", and I've accepted the role. There are several reasons why I don't drink, but it basically boils down to this: I have better things to do.

[quote name='Kendal']My sister knows how to party.[/quote]I know what you mean, but when I read that, my left eyebrow (and only my left eyebrow) involuntarily shot up about half of an inch. I blame the common collegiate usage of the word "party".
I usually only on Fridays and Saturdays. There is this brewery about 30 mins away that my friends and I go to that is open Thursday and Friday from 6-8. They have 5-6 beers on keg, with a soda on keg also for the driver or for someone to sober up. You pay $6 and you can drink as much as you want in that duration, they have a band or two that plays every Friday, people bring cards and play drinking games and socialize, and there is a raffle that you can win a case of beer at the end of the night (which I'm 7/10 this year for winning it). As well, when you leave they give you 4 beers to take home. Every other Friday for me consists of that, and/or either a bar or party at a friend's house. Saturday's is hit or miss on drinking, lately it's been only Friday.

The only exceptions to the usual Fri and Sat drinking days comes on Poker nights, when we go tubing, or BBQ's.

EDIT: I'm 22 too.
Yeah, my drinking schedule tended to follow a schedule based on bar events two.

There's a local place that has 19 rotating taps of microbrews mostly, my buddy and I go their most Tuesdays as they have live trivia which is pretty fun--and a good excuse to keep trying new beers. Unfortunately I can't make that for the month or so due to teach a summer under grand course Mon-Thurs. So we'll just hit up that place or some other of our local favorites with good beer selections on Fridays in the meantime I guess.
I'm 25 and I don't drink at all. Call me old, but I consider that a waste of money now. Had I taken that in consideration during college maybe I would have been driving around a better car, lol.
I'm 23 and I dont drink. Last time I had a drink when I was probably around 15, cause I was curious to how beer tasted like.
[quote name='javeryh']It does for me. If I have one drink I notice the next day I feel sluggish and slightly bloated. More than one and I totally feel like shit. I eat healthy and exercise every day though so I'm probably more likely to notice a small change in my daily diet...[/quote]

Yes, I maintain a very healthy lifestyle, but when I drink, like a glass of scotch, I feel like women must feel like when they're on the rag. :oops:
Rarely, used to do it almost every day after work but that gets kinda expensive. I drank so much Corona that a 6 pack didn't get me drunk one or even slightly buzzed one day, that is when I knew I needed to stop for awhile.
I'm 29 and I hardly drink anymore. I'll have some liquor every once and a while but if I never drank again, I wouldn't miss it. I can't justify the cost of it anymore but that might be due to age and being a cheapskate.
26 and don't drink that much any more. When I do it's not to get hammered. I probably drank more before I turned 21.
Okay, so I drank more of that bottle of rum I bought ($5.88 for a fifth) last night with a friend of mine. He's going through some tough times.

This has reminded me of why I rarely drink anymore. I have no idea how the fuck I ever handled daily drinking (as in getting fucked up) over a period of 2 years. Good thing I have the day off from the gym and everything else. Idon't have a hangover as in feeling sick or having a headache, but I woke up with a very dry mouth and I am quit groggy. Tahnk God for Gatorade.
I drink constantly. Genetics are good, and I didn't drink when I was younger. In fact, genetics gave me a metabolism so fast I apparently don't need sleep and can drink as much as I want without getting overly drunk or sick. I rarely if ever get hangovers and have actually never had so much to drink that I threw up. Perscription painkillers help take the edge off the next day, until I can get a break from work and start drinking again. I don't drink (or game) around my kids though. I like to be sober when I'm dishing out verbal abuse. I also don't drink and drive, because people who do that should get rectal cancer and AIDS at the same time, then die from bee stings.
Usually on the weekends, Fridays and Saturdays. I also like to have a couple of bears when I', watching a good soccer, baseball or basketball game. Don't get hammered, everyone in college drinks to get hammered and people are out in 3-4 hours. I'm the kind of drinker that drinks for 8-9 hours straight, sometimes more but I can't do that in college cause it'd be me by myself for half that time. Illegally ofcourse, for now since I'm almost on summer break and am going to Mexico!!
[quote name='eliter1'] I also like to have a couple of bears when I', watching a good soccer, baseball or basketball game. [/quote]
Do the bears mind that you don't give them your full attention? I feel bad for them, with you using them like that. I hope you at least help them put on their suspenders when you're done.
[quote name='mephitical']Do the bears mind that you don't give them your full attention? I feel bad for them, with you using them like that. I hope you at least help them put on their suspenders when you're done.[/quote]

I believe eliter is referring to "having them" in his mouth. :drool:;)
[quote name='chasemurata']I believe eliter is referring to "having them" in his mouth. :drool:;)[/quote]
Ah, I see. It must be hard to see the TV like that.
Well, I'm 29 now, and down to once a week. If I'm drinking, it'll be Saturday nights. I drink most Sat nights, but if I've got anything important on Sunday, I won't.

Though, I was never that big of a drinker. Never drank very much until I was 21. Even then, I think 4 nights in a row was the most I ever did, and that was once (Fri-Mon on a Memorial Day weekend). I use to drink Fri and Sat nights, but that was a bit too much, so I cut it back to just Sat nights.
I do not drink at all, regardless. I just don't feel it's worth the money/time. Not a single drop of alcohol at 21 or over. Just had a sip of beer and rum as a kid. It was disgusting.
[quote name='SpazX']Rarely. I'm 22 and I've only had a couple drinks. I hate the taste (and smell) of beer and I don't really have any desire to drink.[/QUOTE]I agree. I hate the smell of beer and alcoholic drinks.
bread's done