*Former* PS3 Fanboy Here: Just bought a 360

[quote name='BuckinKaeding']I asked the guy at Gamestop if I could trade in my COD World At War PS3 version straight up for the 360 version and he said no.[/QUOTE]

I thought you would've figured this out by now. Gamestop sucks lol.

You can probably make something happen on the CAG Trading Forum.
Okay, a week or so later, I am still using my PS3 more. I am still super happy I have both now though. I get the benefits of both.

P.S. Dead Rising is AWESOME
[quote name='BuckinKaeding']Okay, a week or so later, I am still using my PS3 more. I am still super happy I have both now though. I get the benefits of both.

P.S. Dead Rising is AWESOME[/quote]

I was in the same boat as you. Longtime PS3 owner, got my 360 last year. For a long time I played nothing but 360, thought my PS3 would end up as a glorified blu ray player. But then I fell back in love with the PS3, and now I use both all the time and could never go back to having just one.
I don't even know how people have time for 2 consoles. Theres more than enough games on one alone (esp. the 360 IMO)
[quote name='Spades22']I don't even know how people have time for 2 consoles. Theres more than enough games on one alone (esp. the 360 IMO)[/QUOTE]

I have all three, but the wii is mostly used by my kids. Right now, really heavy into the 360. Just finished Gears 2 and Too Human, working on Fable 2 and Killzone 2.

Lot of 2s in there, haha.
[quote name='Spades22']I don't even know how people have time for 2 consoles. Theres more than enough games on one alone (esp. the 360 IMO)[/quote]

Having owned both for about a year now (had my PS3 since launch) I can say unequivocally that there are exclusives on each that I couldn't have gone without playing. I poured enough time into Mass Effect and Valkyria Chronicles alone to have made owning both well worth it.

If you're wondering what the 360's main advantage over ps3 is as a GAME console, it really comes down to 2 things:

1) Better multiplatform games
2) Exclusives

Nearly any site, from Kotaku to DigitalFoundry will tell you that 9 times out of 10, a multiplatform game is gimped on ps3 compared to the 360. It's really common now that games that come out for both systems be it Resident Evil 5, or Street Fighter, or even Assassin's Creed run better on 360. I don't say this to start any flame wars but it's the simple truth (almost all the tech comparison blogs where they actually use framebuffer captures find that the 360 version usually has more anti-aliasing and run at slightly higher resolution and framerates than the ps3 counterparts).

This has nothing to do with the "strength" of the system or "laziness" of developers. It really comes down to the fact that when you're programming a game that's gonna run on 2 systems with architectures that need very unique optimizations, you're gonna go the most cost effective route. The majority of games don't have the luxury of having huge budgets that can sustain a 3-4 year development cycle. Unfortunately, the ps3 coding takes more time to make efficient so often times it just gets gimped. There are a couple exceptions to this but it's plain and simple that most multi-platform games run better or with higher settings on 360. Examples include the games listed above, the tom clancy games, soul calibur 4, GTA IV, EA Sports games, etc. Most of the exceptions (i.e. multiplat games that run better on ps3) come from games that were released on the 360 but a year or 2 later came out on ps3. In that case, they could optimize and even improve with added time and experience.

All of the above, btw, is supported by tech and developer analyses which you can read up on at real tech forums such as b3d or digitalfoundry and not random gaming journalism pages (i.e. neogaf, gametrailers, etc)

So anyway, I use my 360 for almost all multiplatform games because they simply run better. Xbox live is a plus because it's consistently reliable. The exclusives are great too. I use my ps3 for blurays and exclusives. I'm a huge fan of some sony only games like god of war and metal gear and I'm not here to argue whether exclusives on one console can be done on the other so I won't.

The main thing I'm getting at is that multiplatform games, though theoretically identical, really are not and more often than not, you're better off getting the x360 version if you want the 'flagship' version.
[quote name='zola']@OP

If you're wondering what the 360's main advantage over ps3 is as a GAME console, it really comes down to 2 things:

1) Better multiplatform games
2) Exclusives

Nearly any site, from Kotaku to DigitalFoundry will tell you that 9 times out of 10, a multiplatform game is gimped on ps3 compared to the 360. It's really common now that games that come out for both systems be it Resident Evil 5, or Street Fighter, or even Assassin's Creed run better on 360. I don't say this to start any flame wars but it's the simple truth (almost all the tech comparison blogs where they actually use framebuffer captures find that the 360 version usually has more anti-aliasing and run at slightly higher resolution and framerates than the ps3 counterparts).

This has nothing to do with the "strength" of the system or "laziness" of developers. It really comes down to the fact that when you're programming a game that's gonna run on 2 systems with architectures that need very unique optimizations, you're gonna go the most cost effective route. The majority of games don't have the luxury of having huge budgets that can sustain a 3-4 year development cycle. Unfortunately, the ps3 coding takes more time to make efficient so often times it just gets gimped. There are a couple exceptions to this but it's plain and simple that most multi-platform games run better or with higher settings on 360. Examples include the games listed above, the tom clancy games, soul calibur 4, GTA IV, EA Sports games, etc. Most of the exceptions (i.e. multiplat games that run better on ps3) come from games that were released on the 360 but a year or 2 later came out on ps3. In that case, they could optimize and even improve with added time and experience.

All of the above, btw, is supported by tech and developer analyses which you can read up on at real tech forums such as b3d or digitalfoundry and not random gaming journalism pages (i.e. neogaf, gametrailers, etc)

So anyway, I use my 360 for almost all multiplatform games because they simply run better. Xbox live is a plus because it's consistently reliable. The exclusives are great too. I use my ps3 for blurays and exclusives. I'm a huge fan of some sony only games like god of war and metal gear and I'm not here to argue whether exclusives on one console can be done on the other so I won't.

The main thing I'm getting at is that multiplatform games, though theoretically identical, really are not and more often than not, you're better off getting the x360 version if you want the 'flagship' version.[/quote]

Plus, they have achievements! :roll:

I'm not trying to doubt the veracity of what you're saying here, but I have to believe that the differences you're describing are probably insignificant enough to (most) players that they're not a primary factor. For example, I consider whether I think the game is suited to the PS3 or 360 controllers better before I consider slight graphical differences. For example, availability of DLC is what led me to get Fallout 3 for 360 rather than PS3, nothing else.

I'm not trying to support one side or the other, since I can't even decide for myself which of my babies I like more (and like most proud parents, will continue to insist I love both equally, even if that's not true).

But as for the superiority of the 360 as a gaming platform, while your argument has merit I'd say that you can't ignore the blu ray factor. For example, maybe Final Fantasy XIII will follow your argument and look better on the 360, but I can't imagine it doing so in any less than three discs.
I've have my PS3 for almost 2 years now, and I love it, but there were a handful of games on the 360 that justified getting one. Mainly Fable 2. I just finished it, and it is a MUST HAVE 360 game.

Some features the 360 has;

- Play music from dashboard while in a game, not on PS3 yet.
- Party system, chat with friends no matter what you're doing on your 360, even if your playing different games. Also instant game invites and joining.
- More demos for games and arcade games.
- Easy swapable hard drives, so I don't have to bring my whole console to a buddies place if he already has a 360.
- Voice messaging

(I wanted to add better online, but I've played both and there is no difference with any of the games that I've played)

Some features the PS3 has;

- Copy mp3s or videos from a USB stick to the console, you can ONLY rip cd's onto the 360.
- Built in Wifi
- Can support pretty much ANY USB headset/mouse/keyboard/joystick
- Use almost any Bluetooth headset with it.
- Has a Web browser
- Has a weather channel
- Free online
- You can install Linix on it
- BluRay player

(I'm not adding HOME to the list because, well, its useless right now)

As you can see, the PS3 has MORE featues than the 360, HOWEVER, most of them arn't gaming related. I'd have to say the PS3 is a better mutimedia console with decent gameplay, where the 360 seems to be just an OVERALL better gaming console.

My biggest issue with the 360, (aside from the fear of RROD) is the ports in the back of the console. The HDMI port is WAY too close to the regular port. So if you want to have HDMI video and optical audio, your screwed because both cables do NOT fit in at the same time. (What the hell were they thinking?!?)

The "new" exclusives are pretty much caught up with each other now, but I must suggest checking out some older 360 titles that you can find for cheap...

- Burnout Revenge
- Dead Rising
- Call of Duty 2
- Saints Row
- Bully
- Quake 4

[quote name='bvharris']Plus, they have achievements! :roll:

I'm not trying to doubt the veracity of what you're saying here, but I have to believe that the differences you're describing are probably insignificant enough to (most) players that they're not a primary factor. For example, I consider whether I think the game is suited to the PS3 or 360 controllers better before I consider slight graphical differences. For example, availability of DLC is what led me to get Fallout 3 for 360 rather than PS3, nothing else.

I'm not trying to support one side or the other, since I can't even decide for myself which of my babies I like more (and like most proud parents, will continue to insist I love both equally, even if that's not true).

But as for the superiority of the 360 as a gaming platform, while your argument has merit I'd say that you can't ignore the blu ray factor. For example, maybe Final Fantasy XIII will follow your argument and look better on the 360, but I can't imagine it doing so in any less than three discs.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I guess I have yet to buy a multi-disc game for 360 so I haven't really thought about the bluray (for gaming) that much. You're right too that for the most part, gamers won't notice the difference between versions. At least for me though, I know that it would bother me knowing that I didn't choose the 'best' version when I had the chance.

Anyhoo, it's refreshing to see people who like both systems posting for a change ^_^ - been hanging around too many other forums where the folks are much more one-sided.
Well, some of the advantages that I thought the 360 had to my old ps3 (I'm no longer a ps3 owner) are quite a few.

I prefer xbox live to psn, I prefer the friend system better, and the seamless integration of xbox live into games. More activities on XBL imo.

I like the fact that I can use my harmony 1000 remote with it.


I prefer the games on xbox, although this is a bit subjective.

Windows media center extender, best way to stream hands down

I like the controller better, also subjective.

Seriously, the xbox live experience in general whether it be the features or in game is just 1 bajillion times better than psn.

Now for the cons:

It's noisy

Relatively high failure rate

it's dvd upscaler is the worse I have ever seen out of any device.

doesn't play blu-rays

doesn't have true hdmi support

quite ugly on my audio rack... the ps3 looks more fitting to me. The ps3 feels more solidly built.

You have to pay out the yang for a decent hard drive if you don't have an elite.

I personally sold my ps3. The ps3 was a ok blu-ray player, and a decent dvd upscaler, and it also played SACDs. Good solid package. I sold it because I blu-ray players have dropped. I picked up a pioneer blu-ray player, and it's one of the best blu-ray players available, and I also picked up an oppo upscaling dvd player, and it's the best upscaler hands down. The oppo also plays SACD, and DVD-Audio. The main reasons were, it was a bit too noisy to be a movie player, and I couldn't use a remote with it at the time.
I have both a 720p and 1080p tv. I've tried component, hdmi and vga on my 720p TV and HDMI does actually look better and sharper than component when they're both set to 720p.

TVersity works both on the PS3 and the 360.

Blu-Ray isn't necessarily needed. You can download HD movies/shows on Xbox Live and now stream HD movies/shows on Netflix. And if a game does eventually get too big, then it's not too hard to swap out the DVD when needed. The PSone used to have 4 disc games, remember that?

If you find that playing a game is too loud, you can actually install it to the hard drive if you want. It's actually the DVD drive that's so loud, so doing this will make it a lot quieter. Plus it'll make loading times go quicker. Just go to the game in 'My Xbox' and click the Y button; you can install it from their.

I also wanted to mention that I can get both HDMI and Optical connected at the same time, HDMI to my 1080p tv and the optical to my receiver, it works great. It doesn't seem tight with the component that I'm using, in fact they don't even touch each other.

Here are some games that I like that I haven't seen mention yet:
The Maw (It's kind of cutesy game but it's fun, it's made by indie developers)
Pray (my first great game I enjoyed on the 360)
Condemned 1 and 2
Far Cry Instincts Predator
Geometry Wars (Haven't played 2 yet, but looks interesting)
The Orange Box
Rock Band 2 (Not cheap though)

I just wanted to mention Bioshock even though it's mention already, it's my favorite game.
[quote name='ilivas']
it's dvd upscaler is the worse I have ever seen out of any device.

Actually the DVD upscaler doesn't even run over component cables. It only kicks in through VGA and HDMI. If you thought it looked crappy, and were connected through component, that's probably why.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Actually the DVD upscaler doesn't even run over component cables. It only kicks in through VGA and HDMI. If you thought it looked crappy, and were connected through component, that's probably why.[/quote]
It's not very good over HDMI either. Plug in a good upscaler and you will definitely see a noticeable difference.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Actually the DVD upscaler doesn't even run over component cables. It only kicks in through VGA and HDMI. If you thought it looked crappy, and were connected through component, that's probably why.[/quote]

I have two xboxes, one is ran with hdmi, and the other vga. It's just a bad scaler. Seriously, I've never seen an upscaler worse than the 360. Try an oppo upscaler, the difference between a regular dvd upscaled to 1080p and blu-ray isn't that much. Audio is another story though.
[quote name='bobthegoat2001']I have both a 720p and 1080p tv. I've tried component, hdmi and vga on my 720p TV and HDMI does actually look better and sharper than component when they're both set to 720p.

TVersity works both on the PS3 and the 360.

Blu-Ray isn't necessarily needed. You can download HD movies/shows on Xbox Live and now stream HD movies/shows on Netflix. And if a game does eventually get too big, then it's not too hard to swap out the DVD when needed. The PSone used to have 4 disc games, remember that?

If you find that playing a game is too loud, you can actually install it to the hard drive if you want. It's actually the DVD drive that's so loud, so doing this will make it a lot quieter. Plus it'll make loading times go quicker. Just go to the game in 'My Xbox' and click the Y button; you can install it from their.

I also wanted to mention that I can get both HDMI and Optical connected at the same time, HDMI to my 1080p tv and the optical to my receiver, it works great. It doesn't seem tight with the component that I'm using, in fact they don't even touch each other.

Here are some games that I like that I haven't seen mention yet:
The Maw (It's kind of cutesy game but it's fun, it's made by indie developers)
Pray (my first great game I enjoyed on the 360)
Condemned 1 and 2
Far Cry Instincts Predator
Geometry Wars (Haven't played 2 yet, but looks interesting)
The Orange Box
Rock Band 2 (Not cheap though)

I just wanted to mention Bioshock even though it's mention already, it's my favorite game.[/quote]

Your tv may not handle component well, his tv might handle component well and may not need hdmi or vga.

The xbox live movie downloads are not near the picture quality of blu-ray, and the audio quality isn't even in the same league either. Netflix is even worse.

It's the fans that are loud as well, not just the drive.
[quote name='BuckinKaeding']I have a few questions.

1. Can I use my Fat32 formatted External HDD for both my PS3 and my 360, or do I need 2 separate ones?

2. Please let me know some older exclusives of the 360 so I can scoop some up. The games I purchased today were Halo 3, GOW2, Mass Effect.

3. What are some of the features of the 360 that the PS3 lacks?

4. Do I have to purchase a 360 branded HDMI cable or will any old one work?

Those and anything else cool you can tell me would be appreciated.[/quote]

So being a former PS3 Fanboy did you post on N4G.com all the time lol. I seriously can't believe the crap people say on there or what they try to make others believe. Alright Killzone 2 is a good game, enough.

I don't have a PS3 but have a 360, DS, old xbox, old n4, old snes, and two PCs so just letting you in on my background.

I think it sucks that we have to buy Microsoft's proprietary hard drive since now you can get terabyte storage for cheap, (have the 120 GB HDD). I'd pick up Fable II as its a great RPG that you will have fun with. I also recommend checking out the live arcade games, Pac Man CE is great and Geometry Wars 1 & 2 are also must haves. I have component cables but I use vga with my extra pc monitor and feel vga works well usually. Don't have an elite so no HDMI for me. The VGA cable I grabbed was a third party cable and it was 10-15 bucks I think. I grabbed the 360 before Gears came out and it looked like most dev were going to support it, haven't been disappointed since. Wish the thing was more reliable though but have had good support from repair and exchanges in the past. Happy Gaming!
[quote name='ilivas']Your tv may not handle component well, his tv might handle component well and may not need hdmi or vga.

The xbox live movie downloads are not near the picture quality of blu-ray, and the audio quality isn't even in the same league either. Netflix is even worse.

It's the fans that are loud as well, not just the drive.[/QUOTE]

You may be right about the component part, but I'd also like to add that it's the same way on my 1080p tv on both 720p and 1080p (yes my tv supports 1080p through component).

Netflix may not be pixel perfect to blu-ray, but I think it's good enough for what it is. It's certainly better than DVD. I like the convenience of being able to browse the movies and hitting play on my 360 controller. I'd rather pay $8.99/month for unlimited hd movies/shows than paying $20 to $30 each for new blu-rays. I could rent blu-ray from Netflix, but they charge $1 more and I have to wait 3 days for it.

The fans aren't actually that loud. Your last sentence makes me think your a fanboy.
[quote name='bobthegoat2001']You may be right about the component part, but I'd also like to add that it's the same way on my 1080p tv on both 720p and 1080p (yes my tv supports 1080p through component).

Netflix may not be pixel perfect to blu-ray, but I think it's good enough for what it is. It's certainly better than DVD. I like the convenience of being able to browse the movies and hitting play on my 360 controller. I'd rather pay $8.99/month for unlimited hd movies/shows than paying $20 to $30 each for new blu-rays. I could rent blu-ray from Netflix, but they charge $1 more and I have to wait 3 days for it.

The fans aren't actually that loud. Your last sentence makes me think your a fanboy.[/quote]

Alot of tvs perform better with hdmi, over component. My living room tv handles component quite well, while the one in my bedroom does not. I however don't use component for either though since there is no reason not to. I do run vga on my main gaming rig in the living room for reduced lag.

I use netflix myself, and use the streaming once in awhile. I mainly use netflix for blu-ray since I prefer top notch audio/video quality. I also only listen to SACD, and DVD-Audio. I know this isn't for everyone, but it's my preference. Netflix HD better than DVD? I don't think so. My oppo upconverting dvd player absolutely dominates netflix HD in video, and audio quality. Also, I don't like the limited selection of HD content. I'm also the guy that uses a colorometer, and and spl meter to calibrate the tv, and speakers. Most people probably don't do this.

You should really contact netflix if it takes you 3 days to receive a movie. That is simply unacceptable. It only takes my 1 day to receive a movie.

The fans are too loud for me. Which I thought the PS3 was too loud for movies. The xbox was worse. I do know that the xbox varies in fan noise. Some get lucky, and get the quiet fans while others get the ones that sound like jet engines. It's the luck of the draw. My movie and music players make no noise which is how I prefer it. It may not bother you, but it bothers me.

I'm definitely not a fanboy as I don't even own a PS3 anymore nor will I ever again. If you read my previous post, I own 2 xbox 360s because I prefer it over the PS3 for gaming. I leave it at that though, I wouldn't use tthe xbox for anything else other than gaming. Well, let me take that back, I do watch tv shows on netflix. I'm currently watching Heroes in HD on it, as it would be much too difficult to get all the discs from netflix, and continue to watch the movies I want to even with my 3 disc plan.

I thought the ps3 was a subpar blu-ray player, a medicore dvd upscaler, I didn't like the controller or the way it was charged, it wouldn't work with my harmony 1000 remote without some ghetto hack, and I never used it for games. So, I sold my ps3.
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[quote name='bobthegoat2001']You may be right about the component part, but I'd also like to add that it's the same way on my 1080p tv on both 720p and 1080p (yes my tv supports 1080p through component).

Netflix may not be pixel perfect to blu-ray, but I think it's good enough for what it is. It's certainly better than DVD. I like the convenience of being able to browse the movies and hitting play on my 360 controller. I'd rather pay $8.99/month for unlimited hd movies/shows than paying $20 to $30 each for new blu-rays. I could rent blu-ray from Netflix, but they charge $1 more and I have to wait 3 days for it.

The fans aren't actually that loud. Your last sentence makes me think your a fanboy.[/quote]

Alot of tvs perform better with hdmi, over component. My living room tv handles component quite well, while the one in my bedroom does not. I however don't use component for either though since there is no reason not to. I do run vga on my main gaming rig in the living room for reduced lag.

I use netflix myself, and use the streaming once in awhile. I mainly use netflix for blu-ray since I prefer top notch audio/video quality. I also only listen to SACD, and DVD-Audio. I know this isn't for everyone, but it's my preference. Netflix HD better than DVD? I don't think so. My oppo upconverting dvd player absolutely dominates netflix HD in video, and audio quality. Also, I don't like the limited selection of HD content. I'm also the guy that uses a colorometer, and and spl meter to calibrate the tv, and speakers. Most people probably don't do this.

You should really contact netflix if it takes you 3 days to receive a movie. That is simply unacceptable. It only takes my 1 day to receive a movie.

I'm definitely not a fanboy as I don't even own a PS3 anymore nor will I ever again. If you read my previous post, I own 2 xbox 360s because I prefer it over the PS3 for gaming. I leave it at that though, I wouldn't use tthe xbox for anything else other than gaming. Well, let me take that back, I do watch tv shows on netflix. I'm currently watching Heroes in HD on it, as it would be much too difficult to get all the discs from netflix, and continue to watch the movies I want to even with my 3 disc plan.
bread's done