Found old girlfriend on the net, we are both married respectively....

[quote name='Michaellvortega']Maybe her husband can fuck your wife and then you can call it even stevens? Would you go for that?[/QUOTE]

i bet he would.
[quote name='hcamacho']This is the thing folks.....12 years back , I went out, with a girl we fell in love, but she was on a relationship with another guy, I met her at work back then....when everything began, I really didn't knew how serious she was with that guy......we spent a hell of a lot together ....we really felt strong emotions for each other, but things got kind of ugly, like my mom got to know she had a boyfriend, so we never told we were like going out, but what the the relationship was then in a downhill slope....

She told me she did'nt knew what she really felt, And I accepted that and continued anyway.....the thing is she decided to quit both of us....and the she said she wanted to be friend with me....

My choice was of course to hell with her, so I broke all kind of relationship with her, even in work all the folks kind of like knew something was wrong with us, cause we were very good friends at work, but nobody knew we were going out.......

The thing is, I found another work, left the old job, forgot about everyone in that workplace, even some cool guys I used to hang out with, cause I didnt wanted to have anything related to that workplace that had hurted me so much with her.....

But after all of these years, in that damn place classmates, I got on october a message saying that she visited my profile, after 12years folks, she was trying to contact me.....

And I'm telling u at that time I hated her and wished her not too good things....but after time I got married and kind of like forgave her for what she did to us.I even prayed for her to be good and happy, anywhere she were.But now she appears, from nowhere.......

Now she lives in another state, and she is also married with kids, and I am married with kids also....but since yesterday we been sending emails, and chatting through mesenger, even WE have talked by cell phone...It kinda like strange that I king of like miss her, and I dont hate her anymore, she's happy and all, but we kind of like continue to talk to each other, and I want to continue the friendship....but its strange, this feeling for her at this time in life?

I am sure as hell that if we were singles, the way we are talking and how we feel good talking again, that if we were singles, we would've hooked again, we feel damn good talking again!

How strange is this life ain't!

If any of u got a damn email from classmates, dont answer them, its dangerous situation, we have.But the only thing that gets me back on earth is that we are a couple of states divided.....[/QUOTE]

12 years back, I went out with a girl we fell in love, but she was on a relationship with another guy. I met her at work. I really didn't know how serious she was with that guy. We spent a hell of a lot of time together. We really felt strong emotions for each other. Things got kind of ugly, like my mom got to know she had a boyfriend. So we never told her we were going out. So the relationship was then in a downhill slope.

She told me she didn't know what she really felt. I accepted that and continued anyway. The thing is she decided to quit both of us, and then she said she wanted to be friends with me.


When you are filing for divorce can I get a good deal on all the games you will be selling to pay the lawyer fees? I am sure your wife is gonna love you being "friends" with an old highschool flame. That could never end badly. You want advice on this situation well here it goes:
1. You have kids, that is your first concern.
2. Your wife does not need to know about the chatting that has already occurred just end it with the other girl and be a good husband.
3. Send all the kids to the babysitter, invite the other girl over and you, your wife and the other girl all have some fun......ok wait were you looking for good or bad advice.
[quote name='CitizenB']12 years back, I went out with a girl we fell in love, but she was on a relationship with another guy. I met her at work. I really didn't know how serious she was with that guy. We spent a hell of a lot of time together. We really felt strong emotions for each other. Things got kind of ugly, like my mom got to know she had a boyfriend. So we never told her we were going out. So the relationship was then in a downhill slope.

She told me she didn't know what she really felt. I accepted that and continued anyway. The thing is she decided to quit both of us, and then she said she wanted to be friends with me.



Hey man thanks, just what I needed!
I agree with others who have voiced the opinion that this can only lead to trouble. It's not worth endangering your relationship with your wife and your kids. I know it may seem great to be back in contact with her again, but that feeling won't'll want more and that will only lead to a lot of heartache.

The best thing you can do is stop contacting her, cherish your wife, love your kids and be a good dad to them. Don't destroy your future by dwelling in the past.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Believe it or not, some people actually are able to maintain platonic relationships with girls...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RegalSin2020']You can always just be freinds with her. It could be like a family relationship where you are really close but never that close.[/quote]

But it is clear the OP is not one of these people, by the fact that he's barely been in contact with this woman for a few days and is already considering popping over a few states to get laid without giving a second thought to his wife and kids. "Just friends" is not a possibility.

I honestly feel sorry for them and the other woman's family, and I genuinely hope you're misreading your ex. It would only be fair if you go to hook up with her, she tells you that you're completely out of line and leaves you in the dust, and your wife finds out and leaves you in the dust as well.

If you're going to be a douchebag and go for this married woman with kids, at least have the bollocks to break it off with your wife first. She deserves to know what a dirtbag homewrecker you are.
My choice was of course to say to hell with her. So I broke off all communications with her. But everyone could tell at work something wasn't right.

I found another job, and never talked to anyone at the other job. Just so I wouldn't have a chance of being around her.

On after 12 years she contacted me.

I hated her at the time. But after I got married, and had kids I forgave her.
She lives in another state, and she is also married with kids. Since yesterday we've been sending emails, and chatting through a messenger client. We even talked on the phone. Its kinda strange that I kind of miss her. We want to be friend but I still have feelings for her. Which is strange to me.

I'm sure if we were single we would hook up again.

Life's strange. Don't answer emails from classmates. I would get with her but were states apart.

finish the fix now everyone can post away :D
[quote name='RegalSin2020']You can always just be freinds with her. It could be like a family relationship where you are really close but never that close.

Then again if your a super religious nut job or you feel that your wife might think differ then I guess you might not want to talk with her. Again does your wife have freinds or whatever that talks with her or you and her know or she just knows.

However it is better to know people then forget about them. Then again your world must be filled with so many people you no need extra set of freinds, buddies, chums, or pals at the side.

I guess we all can't live in a make believe world where everybody loves and respects each other.[/quote]

:rofl: I don't think his posts will ever get old.
I can tell you rt now if you were my husband your ass would be grass for being in contact w/ this woman IF you kept it from me... keep this in mind, it's not worth your marriage, just make sure your wife knows... because if she doesn't and she finds out, even if it is 100% innocent, she isn't going to believe you because you were hiding it and if it were innocent you wouldn't have been hiding....
[quote name='thegarageband']Stay together for the kids.[/QUOTE]

Worst idea, you stay with your wife for the kids. Then you hate your wife all the time thinking what could have been with your girlfriend. In the end you just make your childerns life miserable.
[quote name='CitizenB']Worst idea, you stay with your wife for the kids. Then you hate your wife all the time thinking what could have been with your girlfriend. In the end you just make your childerns life miserable.[/QUOTE]

That's correct, one should never stay with the wife, just for the kids.
If you can't get over the past in one giant leap, then try baby steps, like this one:

Step One -- forget what you think she looked like in twelve years ago. Instead, take that image and tack on forty to sixty pounds, stringy hair, and vericose veins. See what that does for you.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'm absolutely shocked that there's at least 2 women out there that would have sex with the OP...[/QUOTE]

You'd be surprised what a little money can do.
[quote name='JimmieMac']It aint gonna be like it was 12 years ago. Her pussy is all worn out by now, you should just let it slide.[/QUOTE]

While I typically stray from the vulgar, what Jimmie says is a succinct version of what I would say.

12 years ago, huh? Let me assure you that slow dancing to Boyz II Men and fingering her in the theater while watching "The Blair Witch Project" are perhaps scenarios that you would rather reminisce about than actually try to repeat.

Cut off all ties; look at fat 30 year old women in grocery stores instead, staring and muttering "I coulda been a contender."
well, anyways, I think you'll have to open your eyes and realize that the grass is always greener on the otherside, and you're going through a midlife crisis.

What she is to you is your pre-children youth... when things were easy and times were good. Because you were so young, you we're probably a bit green in what really is love, but as you got older you found what true love is, but you're younger idea of love still exists.

What I'm trying to say is,

1. You have kids and a wife who's had kids, you long for the days of fucking all night, as loud as you want with a tight bodied woman doesnt ask you to tuck the kids in or take out the trash.

2. You're getting old, and its freaking you out. And you havent had a chance to play the numbers game and realize life is still young. You're still thinking like a teen, and 30 is Old.

3. Grass is always greener, especially when your married, and even harder if the marriage is turning sour.

What I would suggest is that you cut your losses now, and realize that what you had... will never be again. The mind can play tricks on you, but the harsh reality of it all is that you have kids and she has kids, and in the end, one of you is going to not go through with it and the other will be screwed to the point of no return with their husband/wife.

It seems your marriage is falling apart, and/or you're falling out of love with your wife and you're looking for a way out. Be a Man, and go to marriage counceling and try to work it out. There's a reason you married your wife, and not this other chick. It was her loss... now move on and try to save your marriage. And after Christmas/Valentines day things arent working out, start figuring out your Exit strategy. Just remember, there's a reason this didnt work out in the first place, and this chick was playing both sides (like she is now). Also, you said you prayed for her, good for you, but if you're a religious person, you should concider this to be God plan? Its always easy to overthink about the one that got away.

But never screw over the woman who will take half and your kids away from you, stop being selfish and realize that if you stop talking to this woman now before it esculates, you can keep it your secret and save your marriage.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']But never screw over the woman who will take half and your kids away from you, stop being selfish and realize that if you stop talking to this woman now before it esculates, you can keep it your secret and save your marriage.[/quote]

You must be thinking of a more egalitarian society. In America, women are "entitled" to much more then half.
[quote name='camoor']You must be thinking of a more egalitarian society. In America, women are "entitled" to much more then half.[/quote]

I think things with you and Pam will work out at the end, man.
btw, is Michael Scott as big of a douchebag as he appears on tv?
[quote name='Silencer']I think things with you and Pam will work out at the end, man.
btw, is Michael Scott as big of a douchebag as he appears on tv?[/QUOTE]

I wuv pam in RL.
[quote name='auralia']I can tell you rt now if you were my husband your ass would be grass for being in contact w/ this woman IF you kept it from me... keep this in mind, it's not worth your marriage, just make sure your wife knows... because if she doesn't and she finds out, even if it is 100% innocent, she isn't going to believe you because you were hiding it and if it were innocent you wouldn't have been hiding....[/quote]

Why do women always insist on knowing every detail of their men's lives? I'm all about honesty and open communication but you're not a priest. There are certain things a wife never need know about a man. If my wife was emailing an old boyfriend, I wouldn't flip out and go all crazy. I wouldn't pore over her phone records and credit card receipts to track her whereabouts while I was at work. It's called trust and she knows if I caught her cheating, her ass would be on the street.

As for the OP, I'd stay away from this chick. She might be itching for some no strings attached fun, but there are ALWAYS strings attached. She might think you two can run off and leave all the kids and spouses behind.
[quote name='mykevermin']12 years ago, huh? Let me assure you that slow dancing to Boyz II Men and fingering her in the theater while watching "The Blair Witch Project" are perhaps scenarios that you would rather reminisce about than actually try to repeat.[/QUOTE]
Thread over, you win.
Too much nonsense to wade through, and I don't have the time or the inclination to read through. Op needs an update in the first post. What we need:

1) Pics (of her, not you)
2) What does the Mrs. think?
3) Did you do it; and
4) Was it in the butt (since it's been mentioned)?
[quote name='mykevermin']
12 years ago, huh? Let me assure you that slow dancing to Boyz II Men and fingering her in the theater while watching "The Blair Witch Project" are perhaps scenarios that you would rather reminisce about than actually try to repeat.

Cut off all ties; look at fat 30 year old women in grocery stores instead, staring and muttering "I coulda been a contender."[/QUOTE]

[quote name='depascal22']Why do women always insist on knowing every detail of their men's lives? I'm all about honesty and open communication but you're not a priest. There are certain things a wife never need know about a man. If my wife was emailing an old boyfriend, I wouldn't flip out and go all crazy. I wouldn't pore over her phone records and credit card receipts to track her whereabouts while I was at work. It's called trust and she knows if I caught her cheating, her ass would be on the street.[/quote]

I disagree... kind of. My wife doesn't know everything about me (even though it seems like it) but finding out something like this isn't like finding out about "boogertown" behind the couch while she's cleaning one day - it's serious relationship stuff. My philosophy is that if there's something I want to do and I don't want to tell my wife about it then I don't do it. Of course we do trust each other and she knows if I caught her cheating, her ass would be on the street. :D

That said - OP, don't be a douche. You've got responsibilities to your wife and kid. If you are willing to risk everything you have because you think your ex from 12 years ago is really worth pursuing I feel sorry for you.
Somebody was shitfaced and crying into their Blue Moon when they wrote this...

I don't know, I've always used a rule of thumb in that if a woman will stray from loyalty for one individual and demand exclusivity for another.. it will repeat again as it is a behavioral pattern. It's the same concept of making a one night stand into a relationship.. and someone being surprised when they catch him/her cheating.

Also.. I wanna see pics of this. Those lips may be flapping in the wind by now, and the mammaries may have discovered gravity and become knee warmers.

Oh yeah.. the new version of Firefox has a built in spell checker. I know the difficulties of shitfaced posting while adhering to laws of grammar, but it helps.
i had friends in that situation, i stuck by them even when screwed their lives up. In the end it worked out for them.

I would honestly ask your buds, not the CAGs. You got a family yo, thats sumthin' nobody around me has had the privilege of obtaining.
[quote name='javeryh']"boogertown" behind the couch while she's cleaning one day .[/quote] WTF? Get a tissue lazy-lawyer-man!
[quote name='Number83']Too much nonsense to wade through, and I don't have the time or the inclination to read through. Op needs an update in the first post. What we need:

1) Pics (of her, not you)
2) What does the Mrs. think?
3) Did you do it; and
4) Was it in the butt (since it's been mentioned)?[/quote]

By the way in addition to the above info, also post pics of your wife for comparison :)
[quote name='Skylander7']Oh yeah.. the new version of Firefox has a built in spell checker. I know the difficulties of shitfaced posting while adhering to laws of grammer, but it helps.[/QUOTE]

So how did you not catch that?
[quote name='rickonker']So how did you not catch that?[/QUOTE]

1.) Work forces IE on me
2.) It's an accepted spelling in the South
3.) My boss walked up behind me
4.) My one word error is a far cry from the OP's
5.) 3 hours of sleep

But yeah, I corrected it :)
So, boning your sisters acceptable in the south too.

[quote name='Skylander7']1.) Work forces IE on me
2.) It's an accepted spelling in the South
3.) My boss walked up behind me
4.) My one word error is a far cry from the OP's
5.) 3 hours of sleep

But yeah, I corrected it :)[/quote]
[quote name='JimmieMac']It aint gonna be like it was 12 years ago. Her pussy is all worn out by now, you should just let it slide.[/QUOTE]

Acutally, I think that statement contradicts itself.;)
bread's done