Free 1600 XBox Marketplace Points

just cancelled today. it was really easy. also in an email i got it says

After signing up for the free trial at, it only takes about 3
days before the let us know that we can ship out your Xbox 360 Marketplace
1,600 Points Card. Remember, you don't need to become a paying member,
but please wait at least a couple days before you cancel your

so it sounds like they are okay with us cancelling, plus i think microsoft also sees it as a promotion for their marketplace
Lemme see if I have this straight. Sign up, and cancel as soon as the you receive just the confirmation email? And this all within 7 days after signing up?
Yes. I got my conformation the next day. Seems they need to reorder supplies of the 1600 cards. They told me 10 days to ship, but they are trying to get it out by this weekend.
Shit, I'm getting a little worried. I signed up for the Xbox promotion yesterday but I never actaully signed up for the part. But I'm getting e-mails as if I'm already a member. I didn't give them a credit card number so I don't have to worry about being charged, but I think I just messed it up somehow.
My confirmation email came today. I'm going to call in a bit and cancel.

EDIT: Just called and cancelled. It was pretty easy, though the lady didn't offer me an extra month; she said everyone who signed in September already got an additional month free. But I should be good and cancelled now. Just gotta wait for the points now!
I received my shipping email today, only one day after signing up, so I decided to call TRUE to cancel. The lady asked me my username, and I replied "Promopoints" she told me that was an odd name ^^ So after reading all these posts about how easy it was to cancel, get ready for these shenanigans. The lady tells me that they could not verify my marital status (apparently its very illegal to misrepresent yourself on a dating site, Im talking fines and even possible jail time.) and I tell her Im single. She then rattles off a few names and asks "What about those" I reply that "Well, one is my Mother, and the other is my old Stepmother." She says ok, then I hear the clickity clack of her typing again. after a brief pause she asks me why I decided to cancel after just one day, and I decided to be the funneh internet dweeb and reply "All the chicks in my area on your site are either holmly, single moms, or fat." She scoffs, then after another clickity clack, she tells me that my account was closed.

I have not yet received the confirmation email that I closed my account, which I have to admit has me a little worried.
They don't always send an email, from what I understand it is at the discretion of the person you are talking to. But to err on the side of caution, it doesn't hurt to specifically ask for one as you are cancelling. And like the above poster, when cancelling if you want to keep it short, tell them there was no one in your area that interested you - or better yet, just tell them that you met someone last night at a restuarant or bar and are no longer in need of thier service.

And about the fines... they do have a strict policy, but they are concerned with the convicted criminal part of the "you can't be married or a convicted criminal when signing up". I think what they are really afraid of is sex offenders setting up dates through their webite. If that happened and made it to the press, would be FUBAR. But reguardless, I'd reccommend following the rules and only sign up for if you are not married.
that's a great deal 1600 MS points and seven days to find my babbys mo mo
I been watching this thread for a while... I've really been trying to decide what to do, but I just don't think it's worth the risk / hassle. I don't want to be worried about if it's really canceled like some of the others that have done it.
id go for it. I signed up two nights ago and got my shipping confirmation for the 1600 points. Im going to cancel in the morning. HA, Im getting all of these emails from girls "winking" whatever the hell that means.
you guys should try it, i havent got mine yet but so far canceling has to be the eaiest ever. and i sign up for wierd stuff like this all the time with my credit card.
ok i asked when i cancelled...if they tell you that you get a free month, YOU WILL HAVE TO CALL AGAIN AND CANCEL IF YOU DO NOT MAKE SURE THEY CANCEL ON THE SPOT. So just be warned about that.
I got my email and just canceled. The girl was really wanting me to stay... Offered me the standard 30 day free trial, etc... I stuck to my guns though. I asked for an email confirmation at the end of the conversation and it was sent. Hope to see those points soon!
I figured the "can't be married" thing was a given... but I asked my wife, and she was all for it. She said if I wanted more pint cards, she'd sign up too, but I figured that would raise some red flags with True. So I signed up Saturday, and we LOLed at my "perfect matches." Dude, I'm glad I don't have to date anymore.

The lady I got on the phone today was pretty pushy though. It wasn't hard, but it took a little bit of insistence on my part. She kept talking about how my account was a shoe store, and I needed to put up a sign or some crap like that. Pretty lame analogy. I should have said it was more like an Xbox Marketplace, and I needed my point card first. ;-)
I just got off the phone with them. Apparently, they extended my trial to Nov.1st, but I told the guy I still wanted to cancel. He was cool about it and it was easy.

Almost too easy...
I got my points in the mail today, so I can also confirm this works.

I didn't get any shipping notification or anything for the points. The points card came in a standard white envelope, not from Amazon like the e-mail implied.

I also checked my credit card and I haven't been charged or have anything pending, which leads me to believe that dispite the lack of a cancellation e-mail, the membership was indeed cancelled. I'll continue to monitor it for a few days and if anything changes I'll let you all know.
This is weird.

I haven't gotten ANY confirmation e-mail that my card is being sent out and my "free trial" is nearly up.

What should I do?!

I signed up last friday night BTW...and people that signed up monday are getting their cards sent out.... something isn't right here.
Just for reference, you can login to your True account, find the 'My Account' page, and check the status of your membership. It says my trial goes until October 2nd, and that I have cancelled beginning October 3rd. So it looks like my cancellation went through just fine. I hope my card comes tomorrow.
[quote name='Rig']Just for reference, you can login to your True account, find the 'My Account' page, and check the status of your membership. It says my trial goes until October 2nd, and that I have cancelled beginning October 3rd. So it looks like my cancellation went through just fine. I hope my card comes tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

I don't have a status option, but one that says "Subscribe Now!"

I'm assuming that means my membership has been cancelled.
[quote name='captainfrizo']I don't have a status option, but one that says "Subscribe Now!"

I'm assuming that means my membership has been cancelled.[/quote]

Same here. Ill take that as a good sign. :)
Did anyone else get a "confirmation number" when they called

Cause when I did and canceled they gave me a number and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it.
[quote name='Baylro']Got my points today, thanks again op! :D[/QUOTE]

I don't get this.

Baylro starts the thing the day after I start.... and he has his points already but I have nothing. shows up on any WHOIS as being from a company called Domains By Proxy Inc. which prevents anyone from contacting the true owner.

I'm really mad right now.

(BTW this isn't a knock against Baylro. I'm happy that he got his stuff. I just liken this going to a restaruant, ordering your food, another party sits down 10 minutes later, orders, and ends up getting their food before you get yours.)
^^^usually some mailing services are different in different cities. for example i get all my stuff 1 day later than people who live in corpus christi.
[quote name='Namrepus221']Did anyone else get a "confirmation number" when they called

Cause when I did and canceled they gave me a number and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it.[/quote]

It should be like a reference number. That way if you call back, they can refer to the original calls notes and such
[quote name='Namrepus221']I don't get this.

Baylro starts the thing the day after I start.... and he has his points already but I have nothing.

I signed up like 2 or 3 days before my first post in this thread. I bet youll get yours next week.:p
Signed up on my True thing today because my credit card expires October 1st.
I'm just gonna call, cancel on Thursday.

For people who forgot the number:
well I got an e-mail back from

Apparently their e-mail's are being "eaten" by something on their or my end.

Cause they've sent responces....but they've never reached me save for 2 messages.

Just an FYI, don't use a Gmail account for this stuff.

Hopefully I'll get my card soon.
[quote name='Namrepus221']
Just an FYI, don't use a Gmail account for this stuff.

I used my Gmail account for both True and xbox360achiever and had no problems with either group, so I kinda doubt that's what's causing your problem.
[quote name='captainfrizo']I used my Gmail account for both True and xbox360achiever and had no problems with either group, so I kinda doubt that's what's causing your problem.[/QUOTE]

Well that is weird... now I know something is up. Why would they lie about sending messages.

Unless I get the card next week. I might have to start raising a little hell.
i never got a cancellation email but I checked my credit card and there were no charges. I just got my points card yesterday.
Actually, cancel in time, no charges.
I said at the begining of this thread I was getting charged a dollar a month for this, turns out its not for this, but something from Freepay for clicking the link.
Just be careful.
If I get no card, hey I tried.
[quote name='Callandor']I signed up two weeks ago and canceled last week...still nothing...[/QUOTE]

Have you tried what I've been doing? Mostly spamming their inbox with requests for information on where the hell your points are.

I'm seriously thinking of going to small claims court to get my card, my time wasted, and my legal expences.

I know it sounds harsh...but I'm a total no BS type of individual. You either give me what I earned by your rules...or I start making your life a living hell.
Just got this email.

Hello Kayden,

Thanks for participating in the Xbox 360 Live 1600
Marketplace Points Card promotion. We have recieved confirmation that you
have signed up for and your product will be shipped out in 10
to 14 business days. This is the longest it could take, we'll do our best
to expedite it and ship it out within a week.

The address we will ship to is:
My Place
Eagan, MN 55121

If you need to make any corrections to this address or have any questions,
please reply to this email.

~The Support Team
well it looks like they have decided to acknowledge the problem

"Note: Over the last couple weeks we have had issues with our replies not reaching the recipients.
Please add support[at]xbox360achiever[dot]com to your safe list if you use any junk-mail filtering. "

This doesn't help me though cause I've never had them on my junk-mail filter list.
Got my email via Gmail for all you saying it doesn't work with that.
Cancelled my sub. today, veyr nice woman, and I'm done.
14 days from now=Doom and Small Arms(when it comes out) points!
The girl I talked to on the phone to cancel the account sounded cuter than any of the girls on the damn site.

I think they actually just pay 'hot' girls to sit on this site to tempt people to join.
Is this the message you're supposed to get after you join?

Thank you for registering with us for the + promo.
In case you didn't use the link provided on the page, here it is again:

After signing up for the free trial at, it only takes about 3
days before they let us know that we can ship out your Xbox 360
1,600 Points Card. Remember, you don't need to become a paying member,
but please wait at least a few days before you cancel your
membership. If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email
or contact us with the form at

~ The Staff
Do I cancel now or is there another email I'm supposed to get?
[quote name='da510']So I should cancel now since there's no more emails I'm supposed to get?[/quote]
If you can't do the following cancel:
Click on thing, sign up, wait for confirmation email in 3 to 4 days, call and cancel, and then get 1600 points shipped email, by all means stop.

Honestly, looking at this is a bigger way, its not too hard to do.
I actually signed up Saturday night, and cancelled the following Sunday Morning, because I've heard of websites taking a few days to remove you from their lists and not getting around to it until your trial runs out and you're a paid subscriber, and still got the 'we're shipping the card' email.

The operator actually kinda teased me that i "shouldn't play the ladies like that, signing up and cancelling before they can get back to me."
bread's done