[quote name='Anythingoo1']You want me to stop with this 'referral shit'?
Alright, I'll just go ahead and say it here then. For those who don't believe me, go onto this link here (
http://www.listia.com/signup/89520) Not sure if you're allowed to post links and I'm sorry if I'm not, so if any mods could just tell me if I'm not allowed. Anyway, 90% of you would probably think "its a virus!!!" and fine, everyone's entitled to an opinion. If you however do the smart thing and click on it, it'll take you to a website where you can bid on these 48 hour codes with credits. How do you get credits? You start out with 100 if you click on this link. I will give me extra credits aswell as you, so its a win-win situation. if you decide not to go to this link, and not give me and yourself some extra credits, fine, I respect that decision and i think if you delete the "/signup/89520" you can create an account like that. If you get lucky, you can even get up to 4 codes with 100 credits! It's kinda like EBay, but almost free!
I've also realised, as AlphaPanda kindy pointed out, I shouldn't be out to benefit from this. I'm sorry guys and I hope this link will make up for that. I guess this is my only way to give back a little that I've got from this Thread.[/QUOTE]
cool story bro
Basically, CAG in Training, quit spamming, and get the
