(FREE) ECA Membership, Amazon Codes are down for time being

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12 (100%)
Mods' edit:
No begging for codes. Beggars will be permabanned on the spot.

[img-l=5198]6006[/img-l]Get 10% off all your Amazon gaming purchases for a year and receive other special benefits by joining the ECA, a non-profit advocacy organization which is dedicated to defending and advancing the interests of gamers. Codes aren't available at the moment, unknown ETA when/if they'll be back.

Join the ECA $14.99 (college students & military), others $19.99

(Free memberships available, see below.)

Complete list of discounts/benfits [hiddenlist]
Discounted games sales/rental offerings from:

  • Amazon.com - download a code from the Benefits section to use at Amazon.com towards 10% off your games purchases. If you buy three or more games a year, this benefit alone makes being a member worth it.
  • Direct2Drive.com - download your code from the ECA's exclusive member benefits section to use at Direct2Drive.com towards 10% off your game purchases.Direct2Drive's easy and secure system lets you download full pc games, arcade games, anime, game guides, and comics from home instead of dealing with waiting time and inventory stock-outs. Check out thier site for the best way to buy!
  • GameFly - is offering ECA members a 30-day free trial to their video game rental service.
  • Good Old Games - a leading destination for download-to-own DRM-free classic PC games, is offering members 20% off of new game purchases.
  • Newegg/Patriot Gaming - get $10 off when you buy select memory sticks.
Discounted admission/access offerings from:

  • NYComiCon - is offering members a discount on the price of admission.
  • Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) - members receive 10% off the price of admission to the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle, Washington for pre-registrants.
  • TooManyGames - get $1 off entry to gaming community events.
  • VGXPO - America's Video Game Expo is offering 10% discounted admission.
Discounted/Free Trial offerings from:

  • GameJobs - ECA members receive free resume uploads at GameJobs.com, the leading job board and career site serving the games business.
  • Hyatt Hotels - members receive a 5-10% discount on room rates at Hyatt Hotels throughout the US and Canada.
  • Prima Publishing - get 10% off of over 500 hint book and strategy guides.
  • Warcry - ECA members are invited to take advantage of a 30-day free trial membership in the Warcry Network's "Choice" program.

[quote name='dallascowboys']If you use the code GIMAG on theeca.com (found in an article of the new Crackdown GI issue), you can receive a free, full 1 year membership (I think it's only for new accounts). You do need a credit card to sign up, but if you cancel before the 1 year is up, you won't be charged. This is a great deal for the free amazon discount. Be sure to use the coupon soon, because the article doesn't mention the expiration for the coupon.

Enjoy guys!

P.S. Now all of CAG can have an ECA membership!

Also, after you enter your CC number and the coupon, the page after lets you check everything before you submit your order. That way you know that the coupon worked and you won't be charged.


LinkinPrime Edit:

Check your spam filters for the confirmation link, if you signed up for the newsletter you will get 2 emails, one for the newsletter and one for the membership. For some reason the newsletter one showed up in my inbox and the membership was in my junk mail folder, so keep an eye out.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='slickkill77']You weren't kidding. Ok I found this on page 28. All credit goes to jacknicklson for the original faq (1-6).

ECA/Amazon FAQ

1. I can't get into the member's area/can't find out where to pay. Help!

After the initial registration email, you should receive a second email linking you to a payment page. You can request that this email be resent if need be. Make sure to check your junk/spam folders as well.

2. Will this work on consoles?

No. Games and most accessories only. Physical point cards are also eligible, but not digital point codes.

3. Do these work on Quick Picks/Deals of the Day/Trade-in Coupons?

Yes, Yes, and Yes!

4. How do I get my Quick Picks to show games?

This should be a basis to get it to work for whatever you are interested in. It is not a science though so be persistent.

5. Does this work on Pre-orders?

Yes, it does. The price will also automatically take off 10% of whatever the final selling point is due to the Pre-Price Guarantee that Amazon offers.

6. I have heard that these offers have expired/been removed, is this true?

There have been a few instances where codes expired or they ran out but The ECA and Amazon have usually rectified the situation within a week or so. Also, the Terms of Service state that any membership benefits can change or be canceled without any notice so keep that in mind when signing up.

7. Double and Triple stacking

This is no longer possible. Don't bother trying. Originally when the ECA would run out of codes and switch to a new batch members were able to stack codes. A glitch in Amazon's system would keep older codes in your account, and it was possible to add codes from the newer batches to obtain more than 10% off. Amazon found out about this, hence the reason the codes are currently down/ being worked on.

8. Begging/Asking for codes

This is not allowed. If you beg/ask for a code you will be permabanned. No questions asked.

9. Selling codes

Definitely a big no no. If you do this, you will get reported to the ECA and your account will be shut down.

10. If I make a pre-order with a code a cancel it, will the code still work?

Yes. Codes should remain in your account but again they will no longer stack. It is one code per game. Amazon and the ECA are working on codes tied into our accounts but this option is not yet available.

11. If I already have a pre-order made, can I add a 10% off code to it?

You can not add a anything to an order once it is made except a gift card. You can try emailing Amazon customer support and ask them to add it. Generally they have no issue doing this for you but it's a crap shoot.

12. What if I already have a pre-order with the old codes applied? Should I be worried?

We don't know definitively, but chances are good that Amazon will not touch the pre orders we have already made.[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='blueweltall']"Formed in 2006, the ECA is an advocacy organization for consumers of interactive entertainment. Gamers represent nearly fifty percent of the US population and spend $10 billion annually on gaming, yet as a group are continually overlooked by both politicians and the mainstream press. The mission of the ECA is to give game consumers a voice and to ensure that elected officials hear their concerns and appreciate the growing influence of the gamer demographic."

"The organization, which is headquartered in Connecticut, focuses its advocacy efforts on consumer rights, anti-games legislation, and a host of other public policy concerns as well as providing substantial community, educational, and affinity benefits to its members—from discounts on subscriptions and game rentals and purchases to education, employment assistance, and insider access to industry news and events."

Yeah it sucks that the codes are down but their real mission is more important than that 10% off amazon code. Just because they give you some benefits doesn't mean that your always entitle to it.[/QUOTE]

Please explain to me what significant lobbying or advocacy efforts ECA has been pivotal in supporting in the last two years? I regularly see other industry groups like ESA make actual impact with their efforts, but I have yet to see ECA do anything of substance. I'm perfectly happy to pay $20 a year in exchange for the Amazon benefit, but like 99% of the people on here who signed up, I could care less about the ECA and don't believe it does anything worthwhile besides provide this discount. As soon as the Amazon benefit goes away for good, so does my membership and I know I'm not alone here.
I agree with bojay from what Ive seen and read about the Eca doesnt do very much at all except make its founders and officers well off. Hell even there daily newsletter is just a bunch of links to articles from other sites that put the work in to write them. Also there member forums which I also checked out are a freaking ghost town. The only reason Im a member is for that 10% discount I have no shame in admitting that. It would almost be more worthwhile to form our own dam organization of gamers and get our own amazon discount lol.
Well that's good for you; I'm just saying that their main purpose isn't to provide you with codes. I also joined because of the 10% off amazon code and if they run out or stop doing this promotion, just click cancel or wait until they get more codes back up. Seriously it's not the end of the world.
[quote name='blueweltall']Well that's good for you; I'm just saying that their main purpose isn't to provide you with codes. I also joined because of the 10% off amazon code and if they run out or stop doing this promotion, just click cancel or wait until they get more codes back up. Seriously it's not the end of the world.[/QUOTE]
First off no said its the end of the world. Second its not really as simple as someone clicking cancel, did you read the terms you don't get refunded for the year so why would you cancel what you paid for unless your an idiot? Im pretty sure everyones content on getting what they paid for whether or not we have to wait for the codes to return or even if they never return at least being able to access whatever benefits are available for the time span of our paid membership term.
[quote name='blissskr']I agree with bojay from what Ive seen and read about the Eca doesnt do very much at all except make its founders and officers well off. Hell even there daily newsletter is just a bunch of links to articles from other sites that put the work in to write them. Also there member forums which I also checked out are a freaking ghost town. The only reason Im a member is for that 10% discount I have no shame in admitting that. It would almost be more worthwhile to form our own dam organization of gamers and get our own amazon discount lol.[/QUOTE]

Post # 1337, and quite possibly the least leet post I've ever seen. :-({|=

You know they started in 2006? That's fairly new, just a fyi. And when you do get that amazon discount as a random bunch of gamers, let me know, I'll be holding my breath in anticipation. :wall:
[quote name='Vortextk']Post # 1337, and quite possibly the least leet post I've ever seen. :-({|=

You know they started in 2006? That's fairly new, just a fyi. And when you do get that amazon discount as a random bunch of gamers, let me know, I'll be holding my breath in anticipation. :wall:[/QUOTE]

Three years is a long time for an organization to be around with zero to show for it. While I agree that random gamers won't get Amazon to grant a discount, I suspect if Cheapy D worked hard enough to make it happen, we could probably get something going with Amazon for members of this site. It's not like Amazon gets anything from ECA for offering the codes other than more business, so I don't think it's impossible for them to create a program especially for us.
[quote name='bojay1997']Three years is a long time for an organization to be around with zero to show for it. While I agree that random gamers won't get Amazon to grant a discount, I suspect if Cheapy D worked hard enough to make it happen, we could probably get something going with Amazon for members of this site. It's not like Amazon gets anything from ECA for offering the codes other than more business, so I don't think it's impossible for them to create a program especially for us.[/QUOTE]

I don't think they have zero to show, they provide alot of other stuff that some members tend to over look. Like discount in health insurance plans, hotels, movies tickets, and even 10% off amazon code! I'm pretty sure that took some negotiations and some effort to provide these nice benefits to its members.

ECA is working even if their effort isn't being notice and recognize by the vast majority, but you know what at least they're doing something for the gaming community. It's always easy being the critics when all you're doing is the judging and doing jack shit yourself.
fuckin ECA! I just got Uncharted 2 in my gold box. You guys sure that if I preorder it, Amazon will allow me to apply the ECA code later? Can anyone speak from experience?
[quote name='robpe36']fuckin ECA! I just got Uncharted 2 in my gold box. You guys sure that if I preorder it, Amazon will allow me to apply the ECA code later? Can anyone speak from experience?[/QUOTE]

um... never added an ECA code... but have done several other promotional codes... pretty sure it'll work, worst case scenario is that you have to try it 2-3 times till you get a cs rep that'll add it (so far I've never had to try more than once to add a code but I'm sure it'll happen sometime)... even then if you don't find someone... just cancel the order and I bet it'll be back in your gold box within a week or 2.
[quote name='robpe36']fuckin ECA! I just got Uncharted 2 in my gold box. You guys sure that if I preorder it, Amazon will allow me to apply the ECA code later? Can anyone speak from experience?[/QUOTE]

I have read posts where people have called Amazon's customer service and have been able to apply a ECA code to a pre-order.
[quote name='blueweltall']I don't think they have zero to show, they provide alot of other stuff that some members tend to over look. Like discount in health insurance plans, hotels, movies tickets, and even 10% off amazon code! I'm pretty sure that took some negotiations and some effort to provide these nice benefits to its members.

ECA is working even if their effort isn't being notice and recognize by the vast majority, but you know what at least they're doing something for the gaming community. It's always easy being the critics when all you're doing is the judging and doing jack shit yourself.[/QUOTE]
*clap clap*
Just wanted to hop in to talk about what the ECA has done with/for gamers in the few years we've been around other than the discounts on Amazon, Buy.com, Hyatt Hotels, 30-free trial for Gamefly, the numerous other benefits and discounts, or providing blogs such as GamePolitics and GameCulture, and the job service GameJobs.

There's numerous legislative battles that would adversely affect gamers like taxes on digital downloads or the restriction of sales of video games due to content. We've also stood up to support Net Neutrality which has it's best chance of passing this year, or standing against ISP's who want to charge you more for your bandwidth consumption. Our fight in that alone led to legislation being introduced by Congressman Massa. Not bad for a relatively new organization. The ECA is also works with the Media Coalition who have been leading the fight in California which may very well be heard by the Supreme Court. We also have initiatives like Gamers for Net Neutrality and Gamers for Universal Broadband.

The ECA has chapters that have sprung up across the country, bringing gamers together in their communities and hosting events like the Saturday ECA game nights.

Hope that answers some of the questions as to what we've been up to!

Brett Schenker
Online Advocacy Manager
the ECA
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[quote name='Bucknut']Went to order batman tonight and now I cant get a ECA code, how lame.[/QUOTE]

same here. i thought this was sorted out a few days ago. better be fixed by tomorrow
Well, I just signed up and paid for a membership, but when I logged in, no codes!! Am I going to be able to get batman?
[quote name='lakers2008']same here. i thought this was sorted out a few days ago. better be fixed by tomorrow[/QUOTE]

I wonder if release day shipping will still be available tomorrow.
[quote name='Brett Schenker']Just wanted to hop in to talk about what the ECA has done with/for gamers in the few years we've been around other than the discounts on Amazon, Buy.com, Hyatt Hotels, 30-free trial for Gamefly, the numerous other benefits and discounts, or providing blogs such as GamePolitics and GameCulture, and the job service GameJobs.

There's also the numerous legislative battles that would adversely affect gamers like taxes on digital downloads or the restriction of sales of video games due to content. We've also stood up to support Net Neutrality which has it's best chance of passing this year, or standing against ISP's who want to charge you more for your bandwidth consumption. Our fight in that alone lead to legislation being introduced by Congressman Massa. Not bad for a relatively new organization. The ECA is also joing with the Media Coalition who have been leading the fight in California which may very well be heard by the Supreme Court. There's also initiatives like Gamers for Net Neutrality and Gamers for Universal Broadband.

There's also ECA chapters which have sprung up across the country, bringing gamers together in their communities and events like the Saturday ECA game nights.

Hope that answers some of the questions as to what we've been up to!

Brett Schenker
Online Advocacy Manager

Thanks for weighing in here Brett! In addition to the Amazon discount of course (which has already paid for my membership ;)), I know that my membership dues will be well spent if you manage to have any effect on the Net Neutrality issue.

But since you're here, any update on when the codes may be available again? I have a few more Amazon orders on hold waiting for codes to use.
Seriously... why does everyone wait till the last day to preorder games?

It's not like amazon doesn't have the prerelease guarantee.... and most of the times if you preorder earlier you get the best possible price like when they drop it for 1 day and then raise it back up till after release.

Not to mention that amazon is probably the quickest/most painless retailer to cancel preorders from if you decide that you don't want it.
[quote name='Afflicted']Seriously... why does everyone wait till the last day to preorder games?[/QUOTE]

because we're waiting for the game to appear in our gold boxes so we can get another 5% off? :hot:
[quote name='buckythekat']because we're waiting for the game to appear in our gold boxes so we can get another 5% off? :hot:[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that amazon flags the items that can appear in people's gold boxes... and unless it's flagged it's not going to appear in anyone's gold box.... would explain why I don't think I've heard of anyone having this in theirs... or that there's like 20 or so things that have been in my recommendations for the last 2 months that haven't shown up yet... but the same 5-10 things (Heavy Rain, Advent children Blu, Resident Evil Chronicles, Gran Turismo, Wolverine DVD, etc) appear at least once a week.

Basically what I'm saying is that if you see noone else getting it... then just give up and order :)
I've decided at the last second to preorder the collectors edition of Bats. I hope they get codes and fix this tomorrow.
[quote name='Brett Schenker']Just wanted to hop in to talk about what the ECA has done with/for gamers in the few years we've been around other than the discounts on Amazon, Buy.com, Hyatt Hotels, 30-free trial for Gamefly, the numerous other benefits and discounts, or providing blogs such as GamePolitics and GameCulture, and the job service GameJobs.

There's also the numerous legislative battles that would adversely affect gamers like taxes on digital downloads or the restriction of sales of video games due to content. We've also stood up to support Net Neutrality which has it's best chance of passing this year, or standing against ISP's who want to charge you more for your bandwidth consumption. Our fight in that alone lead to legislation being introduced by Congressman Massa. Not bad for a relatively new organization. The ECA is also joing with the Media Coalition who have been leading the fight in California which may very well be heard by the Supreme Court. There's also initiatives like Gamers for Net Neutrality and Gamers for Universal Broadband.

There's also ECA chapters which have sprung up across the country, bringing gamers together in their communities and events like the Saturday ECA game nights.

Hope that answers some of the questions as to what we've been up to!

Brett Schenker
Online Advocacy Manager

I figured the ECA some sort of lobby group. Happy to support you guys.
[quote name='Afflicted']
Basically what I'm saying is that if you see noone else getting it... then just give up and order :)[/QUOTE]

With that in mind, has anyone seen Demon's Souls LE show up in their gold box quick picks? I've been waiting for a while for that one. If not, I'll just order it. But of course I want the ECA codes to come back first. There's plenty of time so there's no point going through the hassle of calling customer service and adding it in later (unless, of course, it shows up in my gold box ;)).
[quote name='io']Thanks for weighing in here Brett! In addition to the Amazon discount of course (which has already paid for my membership ;)), I know that my membership dues will be well spent if you manage to have any effect on the Net Neutrality issue.

But since you're here, any update on when the codes may be available again? I have a few more Amazon orders on hold waiting for codes to use.[/QUOTE]

We're working on it, I'll check in as to what the latest update is and get back to everyone. As soon as we get the new batch of codes from Amazon, we load them up. I have a few games I'd like to order too, so even staff are affected.

Brett Schenker
Online Advocacy Manager
the ECA
[quote name='Francinium']I figured the ECA some sort of lobby group. Happy to support you guys.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the support and the support of everyone here.

Brett Schenker
Online Advocacy Manager
the ECA
Hey Brett thanks for coming on here to speak up! Speaks very well of the ECA to not shy away when things aren't going as planned. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we look forward to the codes working again soon!
[quote name='io']With that in mind, has anyone seen Demon's Souls LE show up in their gold box quick picks? I've been waiting for a while for that one. If not, I'll just order it. But of course I want the ECA codes to come back first. There's plenty of time so there's no point going through the hassle of calling customer service and adding it in later (unless, of course, it shows up in my gold box ;)).[/QUOTE]

I have, honestly his theory is pretty much crap, I'm sure someone has had Batman show up

heck I've had such big name titles at FFXIII and Halo Reach show up in my goldbox along with Halo ODST

if those games will be given another 5% off by Amazon I highly doubt Batman wouldn't
[quote name='buckythekat']I have, honestly his theory is pretty much crap, I'm sure someone has had Batman show up

heck I've had such big name titles at FFXIII and Halo Reach show up in my goldbox along with Halo ODST

if those games will be given another 5% off by Amazon I highly doubt Batman wouldn't[/QUOTE]

Well, good to know, thanks. I've had Halo Reach as well but only FF Versus XIII and not the regular one (which I would preorder in a second if it showed up - gotta use my $30 codes too). So I'll definitely give it a few more weeks for Demon's Souls LE.

But I think there may be a few games exempt. Has anyone gotten GH5 for example? I just went ahead and ordered that without the gold box just to make sure I locked in the $10 promo since it disappeared for a while there.

And they definitely push some games more than others. I've had Steal Princess and Black Sigil show up more than 2 times. And today both me and my wife had Cross Edge in our picks. I'm very tempted by that but I'm holding out for a price drop first.
Thanks for the update Brett. Good to know that the ECA is working hard for Net Neutrality. I'm glad my membership is going towards that (in addition to the awesome 10% off Amazon codes ;)).

And people complaining about the ECA are really putting unfair blame on them, the fault should really lie with Amazon. The ECA has just about always been fairly responsive when these issues come up, and if Amazon is slow in sending them new codes, they can't really do too much about it. I like having the codes available just as much as the next person, but it's usually on a couple of days downtime at worst, is it really that much inconvenience just to save a couple of bucks?
[quote name='io'] And today both me and my wife had Cross Edge in our picks. I'm very tempted by that but I'm holding out for a price drop first.[/QUOTE]

I would....;)

These quick picks are annoying the crap out of me. I have my damn gold box page always open in firefox so every morning I get up, refresh, and sigh :wall:

And then I log out/in on my other account, and check that one too. One page talked about "Refreshing" if you keep getting random crap by basically deleting every single item you have that is making you get recommendations, then redoing it. We'll see how that turns out.
[quote name='io']With that in mind, has anyone seen Demon's Souls LE show up in their gold box quick picks? I've been waiting for a while for that one. If not, I'll just order it. But of course I want the ECA codes to come back first. There's plenty of time so there's no point going through the hassle of calling customer service and adding it in later (unless, of course, it shows up in my gold box ;)).[/QUOTE]

Don't give up just yet io, I got it on my gold box on July 23 along with Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days. So yeah it does show up on the gold box. I'm still waiting for MW2 Hardened Edition, FFXIII, and Fallout 3 GOTY myself.
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[quote name='blueweltall']Don't give up just yet io, I got it on my gold box on July 23 along with Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days. So yeah it does show up on the gold box. I'm still waiting for MW2 Hardened Edition, FFXIII, and Fallout 3 GOTY myself.[/QUOTE]

I let Kingdom Hearts come and go with the lack of the ECA coupon a few days ago :cry:. I didn't want it badly enough to deal with the hassle of adding the ECA discount in later. If it shows up again when I have an ECA code to use I'll go for it though.

So, keeping this train of thought alive, here is what I've managed to snag with the gold box + ECA combo (and in many cases I also piled on a $30 code from the trade-in program):

Digital Devil Saga 1
Persona PSP
Devil Survivor
Disgaea 2 PSP
Katamari Forever
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Other M
Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
Sands of Destruction

So all of those, in any case, have been verified (by me, anyway) to show up as gold box quick picks. I have also seen Halo Reach, Heavy Rain, Kingdom Hearts, FF Dissidia, FF Versus XIII and a few others. So I've pretty much already got the big ones I wanted covered (NSMB, SMG2, Metroid, Katamari). I'm still hoping for FF XIII and of course Demon's Souls LE. I might get Mass Effect 2 if it shows up (though felt kind of burned paying full price for the first one and seeing it so cheap recently). After that, I'm not sure. I have more $30 trade-in program codes to use but have till the end of the year to use those. So hopefully some more long-range preorders that I haven't even considered yet will show up by then.
I've been in the same boat in trying to coerce the Demon's Souls LE into my Gold Box. I had it pop up once back a month or two ago, about a week after it went up on Amazon, but the ECA codes were down at the time.

I had it pop up recently because I completely purged nearly everything on my account. Three words to live by: keep it small. The key was threefold:
1. To look at "Recommended For You" and make sure the item I wanted (Demon Soul's LE in this case) was in the top 3. This was done by first using the process in this thread.
2. Delete Wish Lists or any saved items in your cart. The recommendations come also from things either in your wish list or things you've added to your cart.
3. After wish lists and owned items are taken out (and Amazon.com purchases are marked not to use as recommendations) I manually go through the Fix this link on items I don't want and say not to use them for recommendations.

Big explanation, and a bit long winded, but it helped me quite a bit, and just a slight addition to Affliction's awesome thread.
[quote name='Brett Schenker']We're working on it, I'll check in as to what the latest update is and get back to everyone. As soon as we get the new batch of codes from Amazon, we load them up. I have a few games I'd like to order too, so even staff are affected.

Brett Schenker
Online Advocacy Manager

Are you also working with Amazon to get ECA members their own single, permanent (as long as their dues are currently paid) 10% coupon?

I know there have been a few complaints from people here about that idea. However, it's only fair that you should have to buy one ECA membership per Amazon account. Besides, if you buy enough games over the course of a year, said memberships should more than pay for themselves.
Come on man, I got Infamous, New SMB Wii, Halo ODST, and Metroid Prime Trilogy all in my gold box. I'd like to order atleast one of them today with ECA!
Sigh kingdom hearts again. One of like 3 games I've actually seen in my goldbox, this is the third time. Other than that, twilight, michael jackson, a crapload of office supplies.
How much does Battalion Wars 2 go for? It's $9.97 for me but I don't think it's in my Gold Box. I'm probably going to bite on this deal since ECA would only save me $1.

EDIT: Nevermind, it ships from J&R Music & Computer World, not Amazon. Also $3 shipping. Might be worth it for $13 still.
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Please, please, please get the codes back today. Here is my gold box today: Heavy Rain, FFVSXIII, MAG and Last Guardian.

And thanx to all the posters who gave gold box tips. Here's one from me, pre-order a game and then cancel the pre-order the next day. I pre-ordered batman Friday, cancelled it saturday. Got Gran Turismo 5 yesterday in my gold box and bought it and today 4 of 6 are games I had in my recommendations list. :)
[quote name='sauron07']Please, please, please get the codes back today. Here is my gold box today: Heavy Rain, FFVSXIII, MAG and Last Guardian.

And thanx to all the posters who gave gold box tips. Here's one from me, pre-order a game and then cancel the pre-order the next day. I pre-ordered batman Friday, cancelled it saturday. Got Gran Turismo 5 yesterday in my gold box and bought it and today 4 of 6 are games I had in my recommendations list. :)[/QUOTE]

Tried that =/
Well I can thank the ECA for the free one month Gamefly. I was able to rent Batman AA. I was going to buy it but the Amazon codes are still not up. I'll put the money towards a Dual Shock 3.
[quote name='wildcpac']Well I can thank the ECA for the free one month Gamefly. I was able to rent Batman AA. I was going to buy it but the Amazon codes are still not up. I'll put the money towards a Dual Shock 3.[/QUOTE]

I just started my gamefly trial from eca yesterday and requested Batman as my first rental.. woke up this morning telling me Batman has shipped.. Hopefully they package the dlc code for the joker map with it since i will be the first to have got this disc.:D:D
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