Free games at


CAG Veteran
Everything is free, as long a as you sign up for a few offers. Most of the offers require a credit card*, even if there is no fee. They have a great selection of games, though. The prices are determined by points, and the average for a new $50 game is 1950 pts. Mosts of the offers give about 300 to 500 pts., so it shouldn't take long to get a free game.

Confirmation: This deal is real... see note below for my uh... impressions on it...

NOTE: This deal officially sucks ass for those of us who aren't in possesion of a "credit card." These "credit cards" are evil inventions designed to make people suffer. CASH people! CASH! its all about cash credit cards suck... or at least they do until i get one...
You guys dont worry you will get your stuff. I always have.

The sad thing is all the games I ordered have had unexpected price drops.....

Prince of Persia (has free splinter cell now) I missed the free SC

Metal Arms (has been reduced to $29.99) I could have picked it up for $25 after ggc....


Oh well
so do you guys think i should try to order steel battalion? i have 2140 pts. it costs 2100. think it would be the complete package?

also, i sent an email asking about SB and about my account being verified, and the only email i got back was "your account has been verified" with no mention of SB in the email at all. sound fishy? i'm tempted to try it.
You could always send their customer service a quick e-mail and find out whether or not it's the complete package. 2100 points is quite a lot to gamble on something like that.

Edit: Hey, I'm almost positive that you didn't have the note about contacting them when I read it the first time. I'm either tired or you edited! :)

I have been trying to get my verification email sent to me for a couple days now, from different web sites in their program. It never comes. I wrote them an email about it and I got this back today:

Subject : Delivery Status Notification (Delay)

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.

[email protected]

Anyone else have a similar problem? It's annoying because as soon as I get the points I am owed I have enough for a game.
Wowser! It worked. I LOVE this site now...

Out of no where, Pokemon Ruby came in a white cardboard box, factory sealed. I wasn't expecting it, considering my Account Status still has it listed as Pending. Only took me a week.

I used $23 for all of my workings. A Webcertificate worked wonders. Only problem; I used my REAL address for many of the offers. My advice; use your Email address (so you GET the points), and a Webcertificate, along with a fake name and address. I am likely to cancel all of the offers, considering the revolve around the 5 for $.50 + $5 for $20 offers. Use a fake address, or send it to some schmoe you hate ;/

I currently have ordered Fire Emblem, Pokemon Ruby, and have 310 spare points. If I can get another 300, I'll refer for 200, and get Advance Wars aswell. Very nice for $23 and some phone calls.

BTW, I'm receiving other free stuff through the mail. Some Vitamins came, and a quick phone call canceled that membership. Some Coupons came, and another Phone call should cancel that (didn't receive it till yesterday, and calling is M-F till 5). The 5 DVDs I got could be a problem. I'll have to send that back, but book shipping may cost another $1. Not bad, though.

Either way, this works wonders if you have some spare time, and some patience.
[quote name='"GSBS"']Wowser! It worked. I LOVE this site now...
Use a fake address, or send it to some schmoe you hate ;/

Not sure thats legal, but it's a nice idea...
GSBS...can you give more info anout this webcertificate?? Never heard of them before.

I'm really tempted to try this deal
A webcertificate is basically an online gift certificate, but they way it works is you get assigned a Mastercard number to spend it. The web site calls it "The Virtual Mastercard Gift Card".

So you can give yourself a webcetificate and use the assigned credit card number to sign up for the deals. That way, if they try to charge you in the future, even though you cancelled, they won't be able to. Think of it as a prepaid credit card.
Why can't they charge you though? Because you've already spent all the money on it, or does it have some more redundent method of stopping it?
Oh, here's another thing. I signed up for Netflix through Unlike most offers on there, it stays up after you've done it. No big you might say...I think its a big big, hehe, here's why.

If you actually WANT to be a member, it works out great. Join every month, and cancel every month. Everytime you sign back up however make sure you do it through, to net yourself the 550 points. Since a new $50 game is around 2000 pts, they're giving you about $13 dollars in game credit everytime you sign up. More really since you don't have to pay sales tax OR shipping charges. Do that monthly and watch it add up. Save points for the next generation consoles or use'em up!
[quote name='DeanofPSU']Why can't they charge you though? Because you've already spent all the money on it, or does it have some more redundent method of stopping it?[/quote]

Pretty much just because the account has a preset amount on it and once its gone its gone.
My webcertificate wont work on many of the sites though. That is a problem for me. It doesn't work for any of the 200 point offers that cost $1. Is there any reason for this, or is it just me?
i got into a fight with one of these trilegiant bitches when i was trying to cancel some travel program. she kept saying "well that doesnt make any sense, you can save so much money doing yadda yadda yadda" holy shit i was getting pissed off

good stuff, i've only got a few more offers to cancel, hopefully they'll be half as interesting
grrrrr.....they just made the points higher for all the games now.....a 50 dolalr game is now about 2350 while 40 dollars games are not 1950......
I STILL cannot get a verification email. I don't think it's because of hotmail because I turned off all the filters and even tried having it sent to an AOL address and it didn't work there either. Has anyone been able to verify their account in the past few days?

Update: they finally fixed it for me. Of course, now they jacked up the prices on their items, so for me to get enough points to get a game for free I'll have to spend some actual money. I'll probably just go for the Xbox controller (at an actual cost of $4) then bail.
[quote name='JasonB5449']Those bastards at Traveler Innovations charged me a $5 cancelation charge.[/quote]

You guys are probably spending more money on this bullshit than you would if you waited for a decent $5 or $10 deal to be posted. Not a very smart consumer move boys and girls. :roll:
[quote name='daphatty'][quote name='JasonB5449']Those bastards at Traveler Innovations charged me a $5 cancelation charge.[/quote]

You guys are probably spending more money on this bullshit than you would if you waited for a decent $5 or $10 deal to be posted. Not a very smart consumer move boys and girls. :roll:[/quote]

This is probably the biggest YMMV vary deal ever. Some people got loads of free stuff, some people got hosed.

But again, READ the fine print, people. Somewhere, in some tiny thing, it had to say $5 cancellation charge (if it didn't sue them). As long as you are VERY careful about cancelling before the trial ends and know every single possible charge, you should do ok.

EDIT: At the very least, call your credit card company and dispute the charge. It's an odd situation, no one else here or on FatWallet complained about this charge before.
I ended up cancelling my game orders and getting 13 CDs and 3 DVDs. For all of that it probably cost me $15, which isn't a bad deal by any means. I think the videogame part of the site is unreliable, but for DVDs and CDs it's perfect. If I can figure out these webcertificates, I might be getting a lot more.
I managed to get 4 games from this deal so far. Crimson Skies, Project Gotham Racing 2, Champions of Norath, and Armed and Dangerous. It took a couple weeks for the games to ship form the date of release. I probably ended up spending about $15 of my money to participate in the trial offers, but you end up getting free stuff from them. I only have 4 trials left to cancel. The reps are always persistent, so just be persistent (and courteous) back and you shouldn't have any problems. Just think about the free games you're getting out of the deal.

Good deal. Sucks that point ranges went up. Oh, and doing the big point offers, especially online casinos, can be a pain. It takes a long time to get your points, and they don't do it automatically. You have to contact and provide proof.
Hey guys, I'm thinking seriously about giving this site a shot, but I'm curious to see if anyone knows of some of the current offers they have and which ones are good ones to try out, and which ones are nothing but scams...

Any help?
bread's done