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Gaming community site Raptr is going to open their Raptr Rewards beta, a system where members of the service can gain “real rewards based on the games you play and the ranks you earn.” As an example, Raptr will be distributing 2500 free copies of Minecraft for Xbox Live Arcade. The reward goes live on May 10.
More information on how to obtain these rewards can be found here.
Raptr allows gamers to connect and see what they’re friends are playing and for how long in addition to other social networking functions (e.g. likes or dislikes, posting, tracking, etc). Since Gaming Bus began working with them, Raptr has been a wonderful editorial partner. Raptr Rewards is set to expand to include more rewards, such as hardware, more games, and a month of free Xbox Live access. Given the variety of the rewards and the potential for expansion, Raptr Rewards could see some significant success in the future. Rewards are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so newcomers are encouraged to sign up quickly.