[quote name='Severose']Where are you getting your information?
As far as I'm concerned, why post about this stuff if you don't establish your own credibility?[/QUOTE]
The teaser for the new character class indicated it was "en route to PAX East." From the other info in the teaser, I'm guessing Gearbox's panel is tomorrow at 12:30pm.
One of the producers is also on record as saying the level cap raise would come by the end of March (unless Gearbox's business quarters don't coincide with the calendar, since the interview said Q1). Whether they've been able to work out whatever kinks there were with the code (level scaling, additional skill points, etc.) remains to be seen, we'll just have to see what is announced tomorrow. Even if it's just talked about with a release date a little farther down the line, that's been bandied about in news and forums for a while.
In either case, Inbox's credibility hasn't been established because of the ambiguity of his posts (that trading ban under his name also doesn't help). If he says something concrete about the 4th DLC for the season pass before Gearbox's panel or a potential news leak later today, then we can talk about credibility. Otherwise, I'd consider it closer to trolling.