Free Xbox 360 Games (from Trainn...who is updating slowly)

[quote name='spauldingfan']Crossing fingers Gta4 is o n the upcoming update....... crossing them even harder that it will be the special edition:)[/quote]

Me too, but it will most likely be added next month. We may get lucky, though.
hahaha. GTA4 is the only game i'll actually buy this year, that and gears. theres no way i'm waiting for train to send me a game.
I have several options for GTA IV:

1) Goozex
2) Gamestop credit
3) wait for Trainn deal
4) wait for a siginicant price drop (and then either buy used with credit or new at a retail shop)

The first two options don't require any additional cost from me, while the other two would allow me to finish 1 or 2 other games from my backlog before I get GTA IV. If you were in this situation, what would you do?
[quote name='shieryda']I have several options for GTA IV:

1) Goozex
2) Gamestop credit
3) wait for Trainn deal
4) wait for a siginicant price drop (and then either buy used with credit or new at a retail shop)

The first two options don't require any additional cost from me, while the other two would allow me to finish 1 or 2 other games from my backlog before I get GTA IV. If you were in this situation, what would you do?[/QUOTE]

Id do whatever is cheapest, but then again I might just brake down buy the game cuz ive been waiting since it got delayed back in october 07' to pay it.
[quote name='Mako1215']Id do whatever is cheapest, but then again I might just brake down buy the game cuz ive been waiting since it got delayed back in october 07' to pay it.[/quote]

I know. I'm really having a hard time with this decision. I reallllllly want the game when it comes out, but I should probably wait until I finish Bioshock, The Darkness, HL2/Portal and Rock Band. Maybe by the time I'm ready to play GTA IV, I can find the strategy guide for a penny.:)
Just called in to cancel CompleteHome.

Interestingly enough she said my trial was good for like ten days after the 30 day mark of when I signed up.

They really don't want you to cancel that shit. I mean, damn. Then, to top it off, she planned to transfer me to another "special deal" after she cancelled me.

Pacific Webworks was much better.
[quote name='shieryda']I know. I'm really having a hard time with this decision. I reallllllly want the game when it comes out, but I should probably wait until I finish Bioshock, The Darkness, HL2/Portal and Rock Band. Maybe by the time I'm ready to play GTA IV, I can find the strategy guide for a penny.:)[/QUOTE]

ya i feel you. Rockband is a never ending game lol. I have to borrow my brothers bioshock and assassins creed. I have a huge list of games that I must have. GTA4 and Too Human are at the top. Long ass games that take up too much of life. who needs friends hahaha
[quote name='benzene']^ I know what you mean. After I canceled Great Fun, she transferred me to the AutoVantage people[/QUOTE]

They tried that stuff with me. I just kept saying "NO" and they got the hint. It seems some companies ask for yer Teleph0ne number and their done and other just badger you to death. Owell, hopefully my drums arrive soon. My first set is wearing thin I believe.
[quote name='classact']Anyone Get MLB yet? I have had my ordered for about 3 weeks.[/QUOTE]

im waiting for mine the shipped email last wednesday.
[quote name='janglypangly']No sign of GH3, even though they were "shipped" on the same day :(.[/quote]

I'm still waiting for mine that "shipped" Feb 14
Got the last $102 amazon credit for shipping back a slowly-shipped GH Bundle, it'll be my last it seems since they instituted the 2 GH max per account :(
^^ hey same =) and shipped out another two via ups so it should be faster =D here's to a ps3 lol

waiting on a GHIII in the mail too "shipped" 2/28 and waiting. ALso did gamefly, but no confirm e-mail from them yet. I'll do a quick search in part 4 to see how long it takes.
I'm at work right now and don't have my login info for the 360 site to check:

Can anyone tell me if I completed an offer on March 4th does the MCR link became clickable today or tomorrow?

wow, I was looking through the offers.. they took down a LOT! damn pretty horrible now =(

I just need to done one more offer to get my last game. Has anyone been credited by autosave MCR or otherwise? I don't see any newer offers that look good, opinions would be great. Might try e-music instead =/
my mlb 2k8 shipped today. although im not expecting it in march, my game shipped on 2/28 still isnt here =/ i filed a support ticket to see whats up with that.

oh and i think my phone number got out now, i got 2 calls today for the first time. sounds almost like its from complete home as they both had to deal with homes and both people were from arizona. atleast the one lady said shes going to take me off the list. we'll see if thats true.
[quote name='BL00DW0LF']i just got the "shipped" email for Condemned 2...[/quote]

Hoping mine will change tomorrow at the least.. Ordered Feb. 25th.
[quote name='aznguyen316']Hoping mine will change tomorrow at the least.. Ordered Feb. 25th.[/quote]

thats weird...I ordered mine Mar. 3rd, the release date on Amazon is tomorrow I hope it actually ships. I'm looking forward to playing it
Is Guitar Hero 2 shipped from Amazon? I don't see it on the site.

I'd like to get something else I could return for credit.
I'll have to check out Free credit report and see what it says..

edit: tried free credit, but as I thought, it asks for your social security number. No free game is worth giving this info out to potential spammers and online info. I advise anyone against doing this, especially online. My 2cents.
[quote name='aznguyen316']I'll have to check out Free credit report and see what it says..

edit: tried free credit, but as I thought, it asks for your social security number. No free game is worth giving this info out to potential spammers and online info. I advise anyone against doing this, especially online. My 2cents.[/quote]

i actually did this one a few months back when i needed proof of my credit score to movie into my new place, its a legit site, just cancel it right after if you dont want to get charged...they need your ssn# to look up your credit score.
[quote name='aznguyen316']I'll have to check out Free credit report and see what it says..

edit: tried free credit, but as I thought, it asks for your social security number. No free game is worth giving this info out to potential spammers and online info. I advise anyone against doing this, especially online. My 2cents.[/quote]

i actually did this one a few months back when i needed proof of my credit score to movie into my new place, its a legit site, just cancel it right after if you dont want to get charged...they need your ssn# to look up your credit score.
My father has actually used and its legit, the only thing that I dont want is if there are any other hidden offers included in this. Im most likely going to do it soon, see how fast it credits.

I need to get Sega Superstar Tennis.
Don't you have to return the Overnight Genius materials to not be charged? I thought I read something about that previously.
[quote name='Okatha']Don't you have to return the Overnight Genius materials to not be charged? I thought I read something about that previously.[/quote]

yep..its just like rising stars, but i did that one and just sent it back.
[quote name='aznguyen316']I'll have to check out Free credit report and see what it says..

edit: tried free credit, but as I thought, it asks for your social security number. No free game is worth giving this info out to potential spammers and online info. I advise anyone against doing this, especially online. My 2cents.[/quote]

Free Credit Report is a very legit site. I've used it twice. Once a few years ago when I was applying for a car loan and again tonight. You can request the report once per year.

They need the SSN for credit checks as your credit is basically governed by it and theres no way to check it otherwise.

Don't sweat it if you do this offer. Very legit site. I've even seen commercials for them in the past. In fact, out of all the offers on the site, this one is probably one of the most foolproof and its very useful. The moment I saw it up there it was a definite do.
Yeah I figured freecreditreport was legit, but I'm still a bit iffy on doing the whole credit check anyway. I mean I don't think I want that info on my account as it says it will be put on there that credit has been checked.. and I don't think it's worth it. This is just me, as I've been sketchy w/ giving out the SSN. I understand why it's necessary though, I mean how else are they supposed to look us up hah.
I you're in good standing, you usually get a credit report for free once per year. is just an extra thing, and it's handy for this site.
hmm okay.. but I don't really need a credit report check right now lol. Is this good to like.. print off or anything? Since it's once/year. Don't know much about credit checks, haven't really needed to do one myself.

If anyone has done it, let me know the details, such as piggy backs etc. There is something on the site saying about 3 different sites for it or something, I forget.
Yeah I'd probably do the FreeCreditReport, as long as there's nothing weird with it like harsh piggybacks.
I suggest staying away from First Club Save, I knew about the piggy back offer, figured 6 bucks for a credit might as well, so signed up got to one of the join this to, clicked no thanks, got to another one, was no option for no thanks, was New York Times, so waited about 10 minz then just had to x out of it, no emails or anything, they charged my the 6 bucks. So just a heads up stay away.

PS: Wheres My MLB 2k8 Trainn
[quote name='classact']I suggest staying away from First Club Save, I knew about the piggy back offer, figured 6 bucks for a credit might as well, so signed up got to one of the join this to, clicked no thanks, got to another one, was no option for no thanks, was New York Times, so waited about 10 minz then just had to x out of it, no emails or anything, they charged my the 6 bucks. So just a heads up stay away.

PS: Wheres My MLB 2k8 Trainn

wait whats this youre talking about? i signed up for first club last week and everything was fine.
blah, nothing yet. been 2 weeks since it said shipped too. =/

still waiting for an answer to my support ticket, and my MCRs to go through. this is taking alot longer then i want.

also has anyone recieved a letter from zooba after canceling saying theres an error with your account? i got a cancelation number and they even refunded the $10, so i guess the letter goes hand in hand with that

i also just cancelled great fun, they transfered me to waht it seemed like was autovantage and tried to offer me a bunch of shit.
For those who did First Club Save, how long did it take to credit? Also has anyone tried Wanted to know if it credits instantly as it claims to do.
bread's done