Free Xbox Microsoft Points, Wii Points, DS Lites, PSP, WoW Sub cards and More!

[quote name='Ryosuke_Gunma']I don't have a credit card and most of the offers with a lot of points requires a credit card. Guess I'm lucked out.[/quote]

Nah, you just need patience and willing to do the smaller offers. I got 2 MS points cards from free offers.
Yeah, you definitely won't need a credit card for this site. Though, one can greatly speed up the process. Thus far, I haven't used any CC offers, but I think I will here with all the great ones offered now. The best deal on the site, by far, is the SilverTag auction site for 6.00 points with a Paypal account. It took like 10 minutes for confirmation, and 20 seconds to cancel through PP.

And with all the updates today, I've racked up a full 8 or so points. All of those dating sites were ultra fast and all were approved in minutes!
Hooray, I just ordered my second MS Points card.

I sure would like another one because I am getting a 360 in two days!!! (March 7)

Good luck to everyone!
Yeah, they definitely added new offers, quite a few of them actually since I last checked, handy. And no CC is needed for the majority.
[quote name='Foladar']Yeah, they definitely added new offers, quite a few of them actually since I last checked, handy. And no CC is needed for the majority.[/quote]

I hope they add a lot more continuously because after my recent "prize out" I do not have very much and there are no more offers for me to do!

By the way I am chatting with you on AIM...:)
When filling out my surveys, I used slightly modified info. I used my real school address for surveys (but not for prizes) so that whoever lives here next gets the shit spammed out of them! But I used a similar, but fake phone number.

What's required is that you always use the same email address as GL and most likely your proper name.
[quote name='iowaholdem']When filling out my surveys, I used slightly modified info. I used my real school address for surveys (but not for prizes) so that whoever lives here next gets the shit spammed out of them! But I used a similar, but fake phone number.

What's required is that you always use the same email address as GL and most likely your proper name.[/quote]
I sure hope that the phone number you used is not someone else's. As Foladar mentioned earlier you can just sign up for PrivatePhone from NetZero. It is essentially a number from any area you choose with voicemail. You cannot call from this number. It is free by the way, so I use mine to collect all those nasty calls, because using another person's real number is pretty bad...the spam mail is OK because at least they can recycle it and get money from that! lol :)

If anybody wants to call my number it is (818) 459-6055 Leave me interesting messages CAG community!
[quote name='greydemise']holy legit batman! i got a WoW 2 month card in the mail, im going for another one :) possible ebay fodder[/QUOTE]
Thats exactly what I got, a WoW card and I'm halfway towards my second. If they add enough for me to get a WoW card every two months, I'm a happy man.
[quote name='Foladar']Thats exactly what I got, a WoW card and I'm halfway towards my second. If they add enough for me to get a WoW card every two months, I'm a happy man.[/quote]

Sounds like a plan. I am letting Gaming Lagoon buy all of my Xbox Live Arcade games...and I am sure they like buying it too! lol
The new 11.50 point for $1 deal at is a super easy offer. Just go there with a CC, sign up, wait for approval, return to the site and you can cancel right there by clicking on Customer Service > How do I cancel.

It took only a couple minutes and I never even got email from them! So now I have enough for another Classic Controller since I racked up those points over night! I heart this site.
[quote name='iowaholdem']The new 11.50 point for $1 deal at is a super easy offer. Just go there with a CC, sign up, wait for approval, return to the site and you can cancel right there by clicking on Customer Service > How do I cancel.

It took only a couple minutes and I never even got email from them! So now I have enough for another Classic Controller since I racked up those points over night! I heart this site.[/QUOTE]
Did you have to call them up to cancel or did you do it online?
I also just signed up for the $0.25 for 4.00 points at Romeo World. Sign up went very smoothly, and from the looks of it, I can cancel by emailing them. I'll update when I've actually cancelled.

I got approved for this 4.00 offer in about 10 minutes. So that brought me up to a full 30.40 points and I ordered the Nyko Wii Charging Station! That's a full $50+ of merchandise I've gotten from this site for free. I heart it!

Did everyone notice that there are tons of new prizes? Most are for the Wii and include various carrying bags, the charge station, the LAN adapter, and then Battlefield 2142 and more!
I also did the Driving4deals (or whatever that one is called) for 11.50. Quick and easy cancelation. ALSO! The is 9.50 and it's the SAME company, just a different service. I'm waiting on that now, then cancel then order my third Wii points card :)
I've got a Wii Charging Station on the way!

lilboo, thanks for letting me know about the 9.50 point site. I hadn't looked into that, but if it's just as easy, I'll definitely be doing that soon!
Hey, I just thought I'd share this with you guys, seeing as you all like deals.
this site is one of those 1)fill out survey 2) get points, type of sites(sorta like treasuretrooper, but points instead of money). Anyway its really legit, I just got my second 2000 wii Points card. Working on a third now, and I thought since I finally found a site that works, I'd share.
they also have some games(like WoW, WoW:BC, BF2142, WiiPlay, etc.) and accessories, as well as some gift cards.

No credit card needed for most offers(offers that require on are worth big points though, up to like 18, and in comparison, 1600 Marketplace points for the 360 are only 20 points)
Not trying to spam, just showing you guys a deal.

Here's the site.

enjoy, and be patient with it, it takes at least a week before you can build up enough points for a Gamecard or MS points or what not.
We already have a huge thread about this...and I think it just got deleted like a few hours ago.

Oh did it? My bad, you can delete this then, sorry about that. I'll admit I didn't do much searching, just trying to get word out.
I cancelled my account AGAIN for this, and the lady on there was so nice! She even complemented my name! It was awesome!
[quote name='shrike4242']Removed the OP's link from the OP of this thread, because this doesn't need to turn into his own personal referral thread.[/QUOTE]
I'm just wondering why my link was removed and the thread for that matter. I had both the referral and non-referral links clearly marked the standard on this site. Also a congo line was started so many CAGs have gotten referrals off this thread so the love was spread all around. I was updating the op for new "offers" and prizes to help cags on this offer.

Also I had some CAGS PM me last night asking why this thread was removed.

This site is no different then the "True" offer to get a free Microsoft points/ Wii Points card and the referrals were just a bonus on gaminglagoon, not like the free PS3 sites where you need x amount of people to sign up under you and do x amount of CC offers under you.

I just don't understand how/why you thought this thread turned into "my own personal referral thread." If I could get some feedback on why this thread wasn't ok but the netwinner, whizzy, promosquad......(this list could go on and on) were ok but I got singled out on a GAMING related thread.

This site is CHEAPASSGAMER just in case you forgot and what is cheaper then free? Gaminglagoon and CAG is a great match in my eyes you should try it shrike through the non referral link or by any of the referral links in this thread.

I am not affiliated by gaminglagoon in any shape or form, I just like seeing my fellow CAGS also getting free gaming stuff with little effort.
It was due to someones complaints mid-afternoon when I created a thread, similar to yours, on another website .. apparently he wants refs there too, and would stop nowhere short of getting the thread removed, which caused several threads to feel the same fate, which then caused this section .. which is a step down, since its now user threads rather than website threads =\

edit: you weren't singled out though, I know atleast three threads suffered the same fate.
My wii points that I request almost 2 days ago now STILL hasn't processed :(

Plus I got a 360 point card that I just ordered:)

That makes:
3 Wii Point Cards
1 XBLA Point Card

Prize processing is really slow this week. The owners of the company are currently moving into a new office.

So far I've received:
5 wii point cards + 1 pending
1 Classic controller
[quote name='Popnmusic']Prize processing is really slow this week. The owners of the company are currently moving into a new office.

So far I've received:
5 wii point cards + 1 pending
1 Classic controller[/quote]

I figure I can get one last 3rd one without any credit card offers.
[quote name='Legolas813']How are you people getting so many? There aren't nearly enough offers. I could barely get one prize.[/QUOTE]
There's enough with CC involved.
[quote name='TheGreat2nd']There's enough with CC involved.[/QUOTE]

Well I was also referring to this post:

"I figure I can get one last 3rd one without any credit card offers."
i dont know if they came from this thread but i have three referalls now but none of them ever seemingly completed any offers :(
Another update. 3 more offers and 5 PS3 prizes.
Sony Playstation 3 Blu-Ray DVD Remote [25.00 pts]
Sony Playstation 3 Memory Card Adaptor [19.00 pts]
Sony Playstation 3 ChillSTream Controller by Logitech [40.00 pts]
30 Day - Sony Online Enterainment Cards [15.00 pts]
90 Day - Sony Online Enterainment Cards [45.00 pts]
I'm still waiting for them to add Everquest/Everquest2/Planetside cards..

edit: cancel that, appears thats what the Sony Online Enterainment Cards do .. thought those were for PS3.
Yeah, that guy went to another country and they're just getting stuff together now .. possibly might take as long as Monday I think they said.
A few new offers added.

I'm pleasently surprised that gaminglagoon is adding new offers on a regular basis.

On a side not use lilboo's referral link above he has added much to this thread.

CPA - Memolink
and both party like stars worked for me.
bread's done