Fullscreen vs. Widescreen

[quote name='neocisco']You also have the whole generalization thing down pat too. Once you figure out how to use the shift key you will have achieved complete enlightenment.[/quote]
What exactly am I generalizing? Because you're generalizing too by not specifying what, in fact, I was generalizing, so that's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

I simply see both sides of the coin. I haven't been saying that widescreen is inferior to fullscreen. All I have been saying, if you'd care to pay attention, is that I see why people can want to watch fullscreen versions and I can see why people want to watch widescreen versions.

I know, I know, I should commit to one way of thinking and one way only. It's more sleek, makes me more of an elitist, all that fun stuff. Alas though, I have been taught to see both sides of any and all arguments, if indeed, any are present. That is what I, in a bit of the Devil's advocate position, have done here is to present the reasons why people can and do prefer fullscreen to widescreen.

I did not declare that fullscreen beat widescreen, nor did I make a declaration that anyone should indeed choose one over the other. All I supplied were reasons why fullscreen was even preferred by anyone in the first place. Everyone then attacked me for my implied opinion that they took from my defense of the fullscreen format to be one of a fullscreen backer, which is simply untrue. I do not advocate either over the other.

It, ultimately, is up to the person themselves, all my intent was to add to this discussion, which has quickly devolved since my first post and even a bit before then, was to present why fullscreen was preferred by some, who lack probably the sanity to put up with being insulted for their opinion and stand up for it, then, and only then, to add my personal opinon. Which I know, my opinion lacks the fierce solidarity of adhering to one way thinking, but one way thinking is something I do not do on a daily basis.

One way thinking is what starts wars, so forgive me for not thinking that way. Although, if you are thinking only one way, you will not forgive me, and will indeed continue to argue your point, to someone who was never making an argument at all, in fact, but merely observations. If that is the case then, I will forgive you for not being able to think about why other peoples opinions even exist, because completely alienating other peoples beliefs and opinions is one of the worst things that anyone can do, and it truly is the source of some of the worst events to ever happen to the world at large.

Also, how very nice that you attack my lack of capitalization in my previous posts, of all things. That's a very good sign that all of you really are just out to stir shit, which means that I am now officially declaring any further involvement of mine here to be a waste of my time, as I do not stay in conversation with people whose only goals are to stir shit, and not further the aformentioned conversation. I've said all that I needed to say, so instead of inducing more unneeded argument, I'll leave you all to continue your one-way thinking, fullscreen hating, intolerant ways.
[quote name='mscott62']I'll leave you all to continue your one-way thinking, fullscreen hating, intolerant ways.[/QUOTE]

Looks like you left us all a nice essay too!
To each their own... I'll take widescreen every single time. Would rather watch a widescreen movie on a 12" TV than a Pan&Scan movie on a 40"+ 4:3 screen.

I personally just want to see everything the artists intended to be seen in a movie. Even if it's often times just extensions of the environments and such... it all adds up to me. And DAMN it sure is NICE in games having your peripheral vision restored in FPS games viewed in Widescreen.

I just wish 16:9 Widescreen TVs were standardized just as soon as the movies all pretty much agreed on that as their resolution. Woulda' saved people a lot of movie right about now. Since yeah, HD resolution is great, I love mine... but ya know what? I wouldn't have bought a 16:9 HDTV if I already somehow had a 16:9 SDTV.
[quote name='DJ K8E']Because I want my whole screen to be used. Not half of it, not a third of it, all of it. I paid for the entire screen, I should get an image on the entire screen. Yeah Fullscreen can take out characters, whatever, but it never affects my viewing of it.

It's one of the first things they teach you in photography, to put the main subject in the center. Because peoples eyes go straight to the center. I'm not paying attention to the left or right unless I'm bored.

Bottom line with me. Is there a difference? Yes. Can I tell the difference? No. Not unless you put them side by side. So I'll take the image that fills up my screen thanks very much.[/quote]

Yeah, but your sig avatar/banner thing is in widescreen, so you must kinda appreciate its qualities.
[quote name='mscott62']What exactly am I generalizing? Because you're generalizing too by not specifying what, in fact, I was generalizing, so that's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

I simply see both sides of the coin. I haven't been saying that widescreen is inferior to fullscreen. All I have been saying, if you'd care to pay attention, is that I see why people can want to watch fullscreen versions and I can see why people want to watch widescreen versions.

I know, I know, I should commit to one way of thinking and one way only. It's more sleek, makes me more of an elitist, all that fun stuff. Alas though, I have been taught to see both sides of any and all arguments, if indeed, any are present. That is what I, in a bit of the Devil's advocate position, have done here is to present the reasons why people can and do prefer fullscreen to widescreen.

I did not declare that fullscreen beat widescreen, nor did I make a declaration that anyone should indeed choose one over the other. All I supplied were reasons why fullscreen was even preferred by anyone in the first place. Everyone then attacked me for my implied opinion that they took from my defense of the fullscreen format to be one of a fullscreen backer, which is simply untrue. I do not advocate either over the other.

It, ultimately, is up to the person themselves, all my intent was to add to this discussion, which has quickly devolved since my first post and even a bit before then, was to present why fullscreen was preferred by some, who lack probably the sanity to put up with being insulted for their opinion and stand up for it, then, and only then, to add my personal opinon. Which I know, my opinion lacks the fierce solidarity of adhering to one way thinking, but one way thinking is something I do not do on a daily basis.

One way thinking is what starts wars, so forgive me for not thinking that way. Although, if you are thinking only one way, you will not forgive me, and will indeed continue to argue your point, to someone who was never making an argument at all, in fact, but merely observations. If that is the case then, I will forgive you for not being able to think about why other peoples opinions even exist, because completely alienating other peoples beliefs and opinions is one of the worst things that anyone can do, and it truly is the source of some of the worst events to ever happen to the world at large.

Also, how very nice that you attack my lack of capitalization in my previous posts, of all things. That's a very good sign that all of you really are just out to stir shit, which means that I am now officially declaring any further involvement of mine here to be a waste of my time, as I do not stay in conversation with people whose only goals are to stir shit, and not further the aformentioned conversation. I've said all that I needed to say, so instead of inducing more unneeded argument, I'll leave you all to continue your one-way thinking, fullscreen hating, intolerant ways.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for this treatise on intolerance. Though you could've just said "OAR is best" and you would not only have been right, but you'd also have saved a lot of time.
If you're gripe is "I want the whole television screen filled", in favor of fullscreen, then that's like saying "I want my whole wall filled" when you hang a painting on it.

The painting is presented within its frame, artistically, for a reason.
[quote name='camoor']Black bras on the screen need to go - I hate the VH1 version of Showgirls with all those black bras on the screen.[/QUOTE]
Do you have a thing against black bras? :lol:
[quote name='Brak']If you're gripe is "I want the whole television screen filled", in favor of fullscreen, then that's like saying "I want my whole wall filled" when you hang a painting on it.

The painting is presented within its frame, artistically, for a reason.[/quote]

Nice. :)
[quote name='Kaijufan']Has anyone ever seen the fullscreen version of Ghostbusters, where the camera pans between the characters every few seconds in most of the scenes? You could get sick watching that.[/quote]
Good example. That movie's a blurry mess with all the panning back and forth.
[quote name='Chacrana']I want the original aspect ratio. If something was originally Fullscreen, I'll watch it in that aspect ratio and the same goes for widescreen. Stretching out 4:3 stuff is for losers.[/QUOTE]

I only choose to watch fullscreen because in my opinion seeing more of the movie on the left and right is not as important as seeing a bigger image with no fucking black bars. On some movies i would need a magnifying glass to see the extra stuff provided in widescreen, which takes away from my movie watching experience. However saying that my opinion might differ if i had a huge ass big screen tv where the black bars would be minimalized. Until that glorious day in the distant future when i get one of those out of reach tvs Fullscreen is my DVD of choice, unless they only sell a dvd in widescreen then i will compromise my high standards :D
I have a 24 inch SDTV and I do not see any reason to buy a fullscreen version of a movie (unless it's OAR as noted in previous posts). You are paying the SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY for something that inherently has less because of a technical/design limitation of your television or your own ignorance, whatever excuse you'd prefer.

Of course it's a brilliant plan the industry has- getting people to buy that rubbish and then when HDTVs become commonplace I'm sure some significant number of people will buy replacements for all those DVDs because of the dreaded vertical black bars!
[quote name='sketch226']
Of course it's a brilliant plan the industry has- getting people to buy that rubbish and then when HDTVs become commonplace I'm sure some significant number of people will buy replacements for all those DVDs because of the dreaded vertical black bars![/QUOTE]

The funny thing is a lot of people won't upgrade those dvd's, because the widescreen TV's usually have some sort of stretch mode, so people will be watching less picture stretched out of proportion to fit a bigger screen.
[quote name='starman9000']The funny thing is a lot of people won't upgrade those dvd's, because the widescreen TV's usually have some sort of stretch mode, so people will be watching less picture stretched out of proportion to fit a bigger screen.[/QUOTE]

i don't even want to think about how horrible that would look.....
[quote name='starman9000']The funny thing is a lot of people won't upgrade those dvd's, because the widescreen TV's usually have some sort of stretch mode, so people will be watching less picture stretched out of proportion to fit a bigger screen.[/quote]
Do you read abridged versions of books, too? D-bag...

[quote name='mscott62']i don't see why the hate for people who like fullscreen, especially if they don't yet have a widescreen ready tv. a story is a story, it's not like watching a fullscreen disrupts the story in a major way. in shot for shot comparisons yeah but for those of us who aren't film nerds with sticks shoved up our asses it makes no real difference. we just want the story and we can get it the same from fullscreen as from widescreen along with having the image fit our whole screen.
[quote name='sketch226']I have a 24 inch SDTV and I do not see any reason to buy a fullscreen version of a movie (unless it's OAR as noted in previous posts). You are paying the SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY for something that inherently has less because of a technical/design limitation of your television or your own ignorance, whatever excuse you'd prefer.

Of course it's a brilliant plan the industry has- getting people to buy that rubbish and then when HDTVs become commonplace I'm sure some significant number of people will buy replacements for all those DVDs because of the dreaded vertical black bars![/quote]

Its not really ignorance as i know what i am missing, and trust me i dont miss any of it. You get a little more of the movie yes but the overly sized bars on some take away your focus and even more so on smaller TVs. Now if i had a bigger tv i would probably buy more widescreen, and i would never replace my full screens. Having full screen doesnt change any understanding of the plot and the actions in the movie it just adds additional views which is a plus but doesnt deprive movies significantly enough to ruin a movie you saw in a theater. Call me ignorant but i know what i like
[quote name='nharmon91']Full screen got toasted.[/QUOTE]

it's good to see that most CAGs are well educated, informed, and just plain smart about how they watch their movies....
For the minority that choose full screen over widescreen, what are you going to do when you get a wide screen TV? There will be black bars on the left and right of the screen if you play a full screen movie on a widescreen TV.

Now, if you buy a widescreen movie on a full screen tv, atleast you can zoom in with most dvd players and make it full screen. And if you ever get a widescreen tv, you wont be screwed either.
Widescreen. What pisses me off though is when Movies are released on DVD but are 2 seperate DVD's Widescreen and Fullscreen. Instead of just having both on a single disc.

The problem is with this is that sometimes my Mom or Sister buy DVD's and since they have seperate DVD's with different screen formats they mite buy the Fullscreen instead of the Widescreen. My Dad got a little down when he got Serenity as a gift for the full screen version and not widescreen.
[quote name='VAD3R or Fro']My Dad got a little down when he got Serenity as a gift for the full screen version and not widescreen.[/quote]

Then whoever got it for him doesn't really love him.;)
[quote name='VAD3R or Fro']Widescreen. What pisses me off though is when Movies are released on DVD but are 2 seperate DVD's Widescreen and Fullscreen. Instead of just having both on a single disc.[/QUOTE]

I actually prefer to have them on seperate discs since most of the time cramming them together onto one disc will not give as good of a picture due to having to compress more video onto the disc.
This topic made me laugh, because I frequently get into arguments with my roommate about this. He thinks I'm a WS Nazi, and maybe I can be a little bit, but I get so annoyed watching full screen movies after being used to the more cinematic WS that I'd almost rather not watch it at all, knowing it's not how it was intended to be seen.

Obviously, sitcoms or shows originally done in 4:3, I have no problem with, but why would anyone prefer a butchered film???
If widescreen was the only option, I'd stop renting and buying movies. I hate WS and I won't watch TV shows that have gone to WS.
[quote name='ragtop70']If widescreen was the only option, I'd stop renting and buying movies. I hate WS and I won't watch TV shows that have gone to WS.[/QUOTE]

Better start getting used to it. Widescreen is here and its here to STAY!
[quote name='ragtop70']I hate WS and I won't watch TV shows that have gone to WS.[/QUOTE]

It's going to suck for you in a few years, innit?
[quote name='Cormier6083']Meh... as long as I can see juggies.[/QUOTE]

Jaggies aren't very good.....oh...wait...Carry on.

As has been said before, you don't get "a little more movie". You get anywhere from 25-60% more of what you're supposed to see.
I can somewhat see the argument, "I have a small TV, so if I watch WS, it's like I have an even smaller TV." However, there's actually an art/science to watching TV, for analog content the viewing position should be 2-2.5 times as far away, as the image width; for HD content, I think it's 1.5x.
If you have say a 19" TV, and are watching 480i content, the maximum recommended viewing distance is 6 feet. If you're watching a WS movie or program, that distance shrinks down a bit because your effect screen width is less.
So if you're resistant to WS because you have a smaller TV and 'can't see'.....move closer. (It really won't hurt your eyes.)

If we have to have "full"screen, I think I prefer separate releases. More room on the WS/OAR disk for audio/video and extras. Of course it needs to be pretty obvious to the purchaser if it's OAR or P&S.
[quote name='ragtop70']If widescreen was the only option, I'd stop renting and buying movies. I hate WS and I won't watch TV shows that have gone to WS.[/QUOTE]

Considering every movie of today is filmed in WS, and nearly all movies from the past, and a good chunk of shows already, you better start buying alot of VHS tapes.
My 20" WS moniter will never let me go back to FS...Yuck. WS is the way to go. Just look at all the new tvs/moniters, theaters, psps,....blah blah.
[quote name='Allnatural']Could we not call it "fullscreen" please? You're not really seeing the "full screen." It's more like, 60-70 percent of the original image or something? [/quote]
How about modified aspect ratio or pan and scan?
[quote name='ragtop70']I'm guessing the answer to this is yes, but I'm still asking. Are the black bars still there on a wide screen set?[/quote]

Depends on the aspect ration of the film.

1:85:1 = No black bars

2:35:1 = Black bars
There's no such thing as "black bars". What you're "seeing" is actually the fact that there's no image there.
If you watch 4:3 content, such as much legacy television programs, on a 16:9 set, without stretching, you will now have the "windowbox" effect, that is, the absence of used screen space on the left and right of the actual image.
There is no screen size/ratio that will perfectly fit all content without stretching/cropping/zooming--except for a screen with variable vertical/horizontal masking.
bread's done