Game Gear Vs. Neo Geo Pocket


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I'm about to pick up one of these handhelds in the next week, and I'm just wondering which one everyone prefers and why?

I was originally leaning towards NG pocket because of Metal slug and some of the fighting games, but game gear has a bigger library and can be had a little cheaper.

Thanks in advance for your opinions.....
I think the Neo Geo would be a better option, more unique games and if I recalll the battery life is better in the NeoGeo. Then again if you are a fan of Sega games at alll, the Gamegear would likely be a good choice too.
GameGear takes like 6-8 batteries and they last maybe 4 hours if that. NGPC takes two batteries and can last 40+ hours.

Good GG games: Shining Force, one of the X-Men games, WS Baseball...uh....Defenders of Oasis...

Good NGPC games: Card Fighter's Clash, Match of the Millenium, Card Fighter's Clash, Faselei!, Card Fighter's Clash, bunch of SNK fighting games, Card Fighter's Clash, Metal Slug (1+2), and Card Fighter's Clash.
Game Gear has true back lighting.

You can get an AC adapter or battery pack which fixes the whole battery fiasco.

But there aren't a lot of great games for the Game Gear. I'm not too familiar with the NGPC, so I can't say much about it.

I really like the GG, though.
Hey, thanks for the replies guys!!!.....keep em' coming!

I had a game gear when they first came out and I remember it being a bit bulky. I also remember my screen getting pretty scuffed up pretty easily, but I guess that can happen to any handheld.

I like the NGP system better, but the limited # of games is what makes me hesitant about buying it.....but then again, from the way it sounds the quality of games sounds better....

Which system would you guys say has better graphics and screen clarity?
[quote name='maccabee72']Hey, thanks for the replies guys!!!.....keep em' coming!

Which system would you guys say has better graphics and screen clarity?[/quote]

Pocket definitely looks a lot better. I always thought the Game Gear screen looked pretty washed out and had a lot of color bleeding. I know that is partially due to the light, but even given that I think it still looks bad.
I have both and would go with NGPC. I just think the games and graphics are better. I've only got a few games for each though. My Gear has recently quit working on me so I'm mad at it. ;) Then again I've had the thing since Launch.
Personally I think the NG library is limited to just fighting and puzzle games, while GG has a bit more variety. From a hardware standpoint I'd go with NG though.
I guess I really don't have to post because everyones writing what I'm thinking, but yeah go for the Neo Geo and get SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters Clash.
Neo Geo Neo Geo all the way!

SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters Clash
The Match of the Millenium SNK vs Capcom
Biomotor Unitron

oopz. forgot to say why. because GameGear sux! :lol:
Psy pretty much named the good games on the GG, along with a few others sonic, etc. Also I see GG games for like a 1 or two all the time at walmart/TRU.

Have you thought about the sega nomad?

However, like the other said, Nomad included the sega systems have terrible battery life, so if travel/portability is a concern go ngpc.
actually the nomad is not so bad.. it's a bit hard to find but i bought my bf one a couple years ago..
travel is not an issue because you can use a plug in adapter for the car.. plus it has a backlit screen (is that what u call it??)
but the only problem is finding games that work on it.. u actually have to bring the nomad with u to try out the games before
u buy it because some games didn't work when he bought (like forgotten worlds) :wink:
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