[Game] Guess the game (Pictures inside)

Yes, both correct. By the way, a tiny hint, if you all don't know. There is a theme amongst all of these. The theme? None of them are out yet, save for the last two.

You're welcome. :)
*Casts ressurection spell on topic*

Okay here's the first letters of each that haven't been guessed correctly.

1. S
2. A
3. I
5. B
6. W
7. S
9. F
10. S
11. P
12. F
13. W
14. W
16. G
17. K
19. L
21. G
23. B
24. M
25. D
I saw a preview for 25 on xplay...I think its like a stealth game but you play a ghost or something who can turn into it's victims(hence the mouse). I can't remember the name though.
10. Spirits and Spells

25. Deus Ex 2: Invisible War

no, no... don't give out the next letters. I know quite a few of them, but the 2 per post per hour limit is not letting me post them quickly.

Don't cheat by following the link or clicking on image properties.
my guess would be either some version of splinter cell or that new poltergeist game on the PC which has a very similar screenshot.
[quote name='minx']my guess would be either some version of splinter cell or that new poltergeist game on the PC which has a very similar screenshot.[/quote]

Definitely not PC. The green "A" button would indicate either Xbox or Gamecube. And it looks more Xbox-ish.

Ok, I have now cheated, I know what it is, but I won't post the answer in case someone wants to legitimately guess it.
Im stumped. I even cheated and looked at a few more images from the same game and I still dont have the slightest idea.
If I give you the first letter you will probably guess it real quick so a few more guesses and I'll give the answer. Well here is a hint: the game takes place in the future.
[quote name='SS4Brolly']Im stumped. I even cheated and looked at a few more images from the same game and I still dont have the slightest idea.[/quote]

You call that cheating? Geez, amateurs. :lol:

Cheating is -- getting the image url from the properties, and surfing to the site, determining their image naming convention, checking the other images from the same game (ok, you got this far), going to the (p)reviews section on the same site and plugging in the game id from the image to go to the game's (p)review page. Now, that's cheating :D

None of you cheaters post the answer. Only cheat if you are not participating in the game and just want to know the answer before it is posted.
Its Dues Ex 2. Took me a while to relize it was cause it was on X-Box and not PC :) Stupid A to exit B to attack thing.
[quote name='ShortThug']Heh I could've figured all these out. It's pretty simple once you look at the URLs :wink:[/quote]

um...the point is NOT to cheat. That is the fun of the game. What would be the point otherwise?
bread's done