Game Informer: Multiple Sources confirm new HD console at E3 for Nintendo

I knew about Earthbound back in the day, but only started becoming interested in it after Smash Bros. came out.

I still think this console should come out this fall, with 1 Nintendo franchise backing it, because of the third party games you could potentially get for it in the first 6 months of the system's lifecycle: Arkham City, Elder Scrolls V, Assassin's Creed ___, COD, Mass Effect 3, GTA5, Max Payne, FFXIII-2, etc. I'm not saying it'll happen, but if Nintendo got it out this fall with the big third party games, it'd really do a lot for their cause.
Another thing no one has brought up, if Nintendo went the more mainstream route with this console, and all the third parties returned to them and started developing for the system, is the market big enough to sustain three consoles that would all have more or less the same selection of third party content them way it does now with PS3 and X-Box? As it stands, the only reason the market has sustained three major consoles is because Nintendo has been marching to the beat of their own drum since the Gamecube days, and aren't really competing in the same market Sony and MS are, but what if they did decide to turn around and compete for that market share by having more similar third party content on their console?
[quote name='spmahn']Another thing no one has brought up, if Nintendo went the more mainstream route with this console, and all the third parties returned to them and started developing for the system, is the market big enough to sustain three consoles that would all have more or less the same selection of third party content them way it does now with PS3 and X-Box? As it stands, the only reason the market has sustained three major consoles is because Nintendo has been marching to the beat of their own drum since the Gamecube days, and aren't really competing in the same market Sony and MS are, but what if they did decide to turn around and compete for that market share by having more similar third party content on their console?[/QUOTE]

Microsoft has a (paid) online following and the most organized and functional game lobby service of the three consoles. Nintendo has friend codes. For them to go mainstream now would likely have sh*t of an impact. They've ignored the hardcore crowd, and as a result, they've all left for Microsoft and Sony. I doubt many of them will go back to Nintendo and it's half-a$$ed attempt at a comeback. I know I won't.
[quote name='spmahn']Another thing no one has brought up, if Nintendo went the more mainstream route with this console, and all the third parties returned to them and started developing for the system, is the market big enough to sustain three consoles that would all have more or less the same selection of third party content them way it does now with PS3 and X-Box? As it stands, the only reason the market has sustained three major consoles is because Nintendo has been marching to the beat of their own drum since the Gamecube days, and aren't really competing in the same market Sony and MS are, but what if they did decide to turn around and compete for that market share by having more similar third party content on their console?[/QUOTE]

Good point. They might pull a Dreamcast if they do that.

[quote name='confoosious']I dont think they want to support 2 launch units in the same year.[/QUOTE]

GBA & GC. Still I don't think it's a good idea, the GC didn't exactly have many great games right away. However, maybe their worse off by waiting longer. Afterall, the 720 can't be too many years off.
Nintendo can maintain their market with their own console because of their games. If they got equal support from third parties (which will probably never happen) then it'd probably be Sony to dropout. You have to remember that Nintendo has stated once they stop developing system they will stop developing games.

Besides, Nintendo basically set the trend this generation: You have to make money out of the gate or be close to it. Sony and Microsoft are only just now making money on their system while Nintendo's been doing it from the start.
It'll be great to get an HD system.
Nintendo ~usually~ ends up with somewhat decent launches.
Or a launch with at least 1-2 excellent games.
They will ~probably~ do what they do know and try to appeal to everyone, and thus keep the price as low as possible.

But what I don't like is (and I just woke up so maybe I missed it) that over the last 4 1/2 years I (and I am sure MAAAANY others) have spent a lot of money in the Virtual Console and WiiWare. They can promote backwards comparability all they want.. but if I have no way of taking my download games off of my Wii and moving it to the 'HD Wii', then that's just retarded.
I wouldn't worry about that lilboo, if the 3DS is any indication, you'll be able to move your stuff over to the new system.
Wii so excited.

I just hope they don't delay Skyward Sword for this release and that it's fully backwards-compatible with Wii games (and even controllers?)
fuck Nintendo.

They threw hardcore games under the bus this generation. I have no use for them. I'll buy a used system for their next console when I can get it for under one hundred dollars.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']fuck Nintendo.

They threw hardcore games under the bus this generation. I have no use for them. I'll buy a used system for their next console when I can get it for under one hundred dollars.[/QUOTE]

Except they put together a hell of a lot of hardcore content for the Wii and DS.

It's actually the other way around, bub. They have no use for YOU.

P.S. Grow up.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']It's actually the other way around, bub. They have no use for YOU.[/QUOTE]

That's just a hurtful thing to say. Don't put words in Reggie's mouth. He'll have your ass for it, then he'll kick your name across the block.
Nintendo put out more content this generation than they ever have before. However, the nearly 2 year wait for something hardcore was really hurtful to their commitment to their fans, hence why a lot of people felt betrayed. They've been trying to win these fans back over the last 2 years, but for some it was too little, too late.

In addition, their failure to get with the times in terms of online multiplayer for their 2D platformers is troubling. When they say they need to increase their online prowess, that's an area that need to expand in.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Except they put together a hell of a lot of hardcore content for the Wii and DS.

It's actually the other way around, bub. They have no use for YOU.

P.S. Grow up.[/QUOTE]

Oh bug off!

They didn't do much my friend. If you're living in a void and comparing the Wii and DS as such, then sure, "they put together a hell of a lot of hardcore content", but in the real world it simply isn't true. The PS3 and 360 both have far more varied content for the hardcore gamer than Nintendo pushed on the Wii.

This shit has been going on since the Gamecube. Their 2003 E3 showing was particularly horrible. Pac-Man was their big reveal for Christ's sake! How about their awesome 2008 showing?


It's only been through 2010 that Nintendo managed to barely get its act together and work with Third Parties to get us content that mattered. But please don't let that shade your view of the three full years of mediocre casual content before that was shoved down our throats.

Where is the Nintendo equivalent of Uncharted? Where is the Nintendo equivalent of LittleBigPlanet? Where is the Nintendo equivalent of Heavy Rain?

The company has completely defaulted on the Wii in 2011.

There has literally not been a single great game released for the system in the past four months when the other consoles (including PC) have offered content such as LittleBigPlanet2, Dead Space 2, Amnesia, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, Dragon Age 2, or even hardcore niche titles like Yakuza 4.

I'd even go as far as to say that with the Wii, Nintendo has begun to position it less as a software developer than ever before.

So as my previous post said.

fuck Nintendo.
You consider Killzone 3, LBP2 and DA2 great games? What are you smoking? Amnesia was released last year. And why the hell would Nintendo want an equivalent of Heavy Rain? That game is terrible.
[quote name='KingBroly']You consider Killzone 3, LBP2 and DA2 great games? What are you smoking? Amnesia was released last year. And why the hell would Nintendo want an equivalent of Heavy Rain? That game is terrible.[/QUOTE]

I'm not the only one.

I respect your opinion that these games may not be for you, but the truth remains that for gamers such as myself, Nintendo has offered no counter-point to cater to my needs. If you disagree, that is fine. However I consider your opinion to be impotent if you should take the stance that games such the aforementioned carry no weight in comparative quality in regards to what Nintendo has released in the last few months.

LBP(2) moved the medium forward through its online distribution services. Heavy Rain did so with it's storytelling. Killzone 3 with it's graphical prowess. You may not love them but they did more for the hardcore gamer than Wii Music did even for the casual one.

fuck Nintendo.
PS3 has plenty of great games, but some of your examples are questionable at best.

I'm always amazed when people talk about Heavy Rain as a key title. Gameplay is shit and the story is terrible - especially when you get to the end. Oh wait, but maybe that means I'm the delusional fanboy with sour grapes because it's not on Wii...? Nope. Heavy Rain was a great idea that should have spent more time developing a better story instead of focusing on graphics that still end up looking odd and unreal. It's worth playing, but only as a curiosity and not a key title.

The entire Killzone series has been weak, although 3 is the best so far. Not terrible if you are desperate for FPS titles... but are you really that desperate given the selection on both PS3 and 360? There are a least a half-dozen better (possibly less hyped) titles in the genre.

And LittleBigPlanet 2? Great game for a tiny niche market, interesting idea for the rest but hardly worth playing. At least it's an improvement over the first one, where horrid controls wasted all of the potential the game had to be anything more than a design showpiece for the handful of people dedicated enough to make something worthwhile.
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[quote name='M-PG71C']I'm okay if they are the like the 3DS (One code for everything, very much like having a Gamertag) and I'm sure that's the direction they may be going at.[/QUOTE]

I hope it isn't like the 3DS, or it will be one friend code/account per console. Hopefully they aren't that stupid.
[quote name='ejamer']PS3 has plenty of great games, but some of your examples are questionable at best.

I'm always amazed when people talk about Heavy Rain as a key title. Gameplay is shit and the story is terrible - especially when you get to the end. Oh wait, but maybe that means I'm the delusional fanboy with sour grapes because it's not on Wii...? Nope. Heavy Rain was a great idea that should have spent more time developing a better story instead of focusing on graphics that still end up looking odd and unreal. It's worth playing, but only as a curiosity and not a key title.

The entire Killzone series has been weak, although 3 is the best so far. Not terrible if you are desperate for FPS titles... but are you really that desperate given the selection on both PS3 and 360? There are a least a half-dozen better (possibly less hyped) titles in the genre.

And LittleBigPlanet 2? Great game for a tiny niche market, interesting idea for the rest but hardly worth playing. At least it's an improvement over the first one, where horrid controls wasted all of the potential the game had to be anything more than a design showpiece for the handful of people dedicated enough to make something worthwhile.

Aww... does the butthurt make you cranky?

Maybe for "gamers such as [your]self", the Wii doesn't have much to offer. But you're in the minority. Most people (gamers and casuals alike) will find a host of great titles on the console as long as they don't buy into the gamers are too cool for Wii stereotype.

Why don't you go play in the PS3 threads since you're such a fanboy, and stop wasting everyone's time with your self-centered bullshit. You're bound to find a more receptive audience there.[/QUOTE]

Excuse me. I was trying to avoid having to enter my den of vulgarities.

The difference between the Wii and other consoles is that we can at least have a conversation on the merits of a Heavy Rain or Killzone 3. That's fine. You don't like them? No worries. Now lets try that with a potentially good Wii exclusive that hit retail in 2011. I'll even let you pick the game. In fact I challenge you to find a single good Wii exclusive title released to retailers in 2011 so we can discuss its merits.

By the way, how is that Virtual Console going? Last I heard, there were going months as well without releasing a single game for the system.

Seriously. fuck Nintendo. At least Sony didn't throw it's entire PS2 fanbase under the bus when the PS3 came out. Some of you guys are as bad as Sarah Palin supporters.
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oh god uncharted sucks

look each of these products have been successful because they appeal to different people. Don't take it as an insult that it doesn't appeal to you.
[quote name='ejamer']And LittleBigPlanet 2? Great game for a tiny niche market, interesting idea for the rest but hardly worth playing. At least it's an improvement over the first one, where horrid controls wasted all of the potential the game had to be anything more than a design showpiece for the handful of people dedicated enough to make something worthwhile.[/QUOTE]

And it is, unfortunately, one of the few examples of a "family" title on the PS3. Really, part of the motivation for me to get a Wii was because there wasn't much appropriate content for my now 5 year old.

I'd also say that I'm probably as happy with the games on my Wii that I probably would have been with a PS3. There are probably about as many "want to play" games on both systems for me, with the key difference is that many of the games on the Wii I can play with my son.
Virtual Console's getting Mega Man X today, and soon the non-insane load times version of Final Fantasy III (VI) so...whatever, man.

And Sony did sell their PS2 fanbase under the bus by ditching backwards compatibility for it in favor of HD remakes. But I guess paying Sony $40 for games I already own is great, right?

Coming into the Nintendo forum and spouting off like a troll isn't going to get you anywhere. Bringing up Heavy Rain isn't going to help your cause. If I did the same as you but in the Sony section I'd have the right to get my chops blown off. But for some reason you feel entitled to your trolling? It doesn't work like that.
[quote name='KingBroly']... Coming into the Nintendo forum and spouting off like a troll isn't going to get you anywhere. Bringing up Heavy Rain isn't going to help your cause. If I did the same as you but in the Sony section I'd have the right to get my chops blown off. But for some reason you feel entitled to your trolling? It doesn't work like that.[/QUOTE]

On the upside, having easily identifiable trolls who go out of their way to post ridiculous opinions in places where they don't belong is helpful. It makes knowing who isn't worth listening to or caring about that much easier.
[quote name='shrike4242']Let's tone things down a bit, please.[/QUOTE]

Hey baby... I know sometimes things get... heated, but that's just passion baby.
[quote name='KingBroly']Virtual Console's getting Mega Man X today, and soon the non-insane load times version of Final Fantasy III (VI) so...whatever, man.

And Sony did sell their PS2 fanbase under the bus by ditching backwards compatibility for it in favor of HD remakes. But I guess paying Sony $40 for games I already own is great, right?

Coming into the Nintendo forum and spouting off like a troll isn't going to get you anywhere. Bringing up Heavy Rain isn't going to help your cause. If I did the same as you but in the Sony section I'd have the right to get my chops blown off. But for some reason you feel entitled to your trolling? It doesn't work like that.[/QUOTE]

You're missing the point my friend. And I say this with respect.

I laid down a challenge.

Lets discuss the merits of a good exclusive Nintendo Wii game released to retailers in 2011? Pick one. Any one.


Regarding your celebration of the Virtual Console and the release of Mega Man X:


Enjoy the peanuts Nintendo throws your way. You would be better off just buying a SNES like me from Ebay with a physical copy of the game.
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[quote name='KingBroly']Virtual Console's getting Mega Man X today, and soon the non-insane load times version of Final Fantasy III (VI) so...whatever, man.

And Sony did sell their PS2 fanbase under the bus by ditching backwards compatibility for it in favor of HD remakes. But I guess paying Sony $40 for games I already own is great, right?

Coming into the Nintendo forum and spouting off like a troll isn't going to get you anywhere. Bringing up Heavy Rain isn't going to help your cause. If I did the same as you but in the Sony section I'd have the right to get my chops blown off. But for some reason you feel entitled to your trolling? It doesn't work like that.[/QUOTE]
I frankly like the remakes. In many cases (God of War and Sly specifically, but PoP as well), it was of games that I never got around to playing (and never would have) if not for the HD remake. I say that and have a PS3 that is backwards compatible.

You also don't have to pay $40 to play them unless you wanted it very early on (nor is it exactly the same as the ps2 version), so that isn't much of a knock IMO.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']You're missing the point my friend. And I say this with respect.

I laid down a challenge.

Lets discuss the merits of a good exclusive Nintendo Wii game released to retailers in 2011. [/quote]

So, your point is to cherrypick a 4 month period when there has been a dead spot in the release schedule?

How about we talk about the good exclusive games of last year, which there were quite a few.

As for a second question.

How long after the Playstation 3 was released did Sony stop supporting the Playstation 2?

In case you didn't know, I've done the research for you and the answer is YEARS. In fact the Playstation 2 format is still supported by Sony and other publishers. Nintendo killed the Gamecube and made us wait over a year for any titles worth our attention until the Wii came out. Just look back at the complaints regarding how long Twilight Princess was delayed.

Now the exact same thing is happening with the Wii.

I think you should wait until the end of the year to declare that Nintendo is doing "the exact same thing".

What is the next game ANY of you are looking forward to on the Wii? Skyward Sword? That is not coming out for another 5-8 months at the very least and it would have been at least 11 months since a single AA or AAA title would have graced the console.


I'm sure some are looking forward to The Conduit 2, which comes out this week.

The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles are the two most brought up. While we don't know if they will come out here, there is the posibility of them coming. (Particularly since JRPGs have been pretty sparse on all platforms in this generation.)

Then there is the rumors of another Kirby game.
You're missing the point my friend. And I say this with respect.

I laid down a challenge.

Lets discuss the merits of a good exclusive Nintendo Wii game released to retailers in 2011. What is the next game ANY of you are looking forward to on the Wii? Skyward Sword? That is not coming out for another 5-8 months at the very least and it would have been at least 11 months since a single AA or AAA title would have graced the console.


The PS2 format is STILL supported by Sony and other publishers. Nintendo killed the Gamecube and made us wait over a year for any titles worth our attention until the Wii came out. Just look back at the complaints regarding how long Twilight Princess was delayed. Now the exact same thing is happening with the Wii.

Besides, passion is good Shrike. I've done my best to refrain from personal insults and to use valid points to show that Nintendo has thrown hardcore gamers under the bus. I expect the situation to be the same with the next console. I'll be happy to talk numbers and stats and to have a meaningful debate but some people want to argue about the little things so we they don't have to look at the big picture.

It's easy to pick any one title and crap over it under the guise of personal taste but the truth of the matter is that overall libraries and experiences of the Xbox 360, the Playstation, and the PC medium have eclipsed the amount of good content available on the Nintendo Wii.

This is expressed concisely by rating tracking firms such Metacritic and Gamerankings and is stat based proof to back up what I'm saying. If you feel I'm out of line, please let me know and I will edit out those statements.

I'd also argue this is the reason the 3DS hasn't taken off. The hardcore have lost faith and they're not going to get suckered by a gimmick again.

So you say you didn't insult others, then you insult us. Okay...

The 3DS hasn't taken off because there isn't a major game out for the system yet. Not because they've lost faith in Nintendo. Software sells hardware. I refuse to buy a system where the game I want to play isn't out yet. You're saying the software is already there when it isn't.

Reviewers nowadays are coerced by the overhyped game. I can easily point to many games that are overrated that don't deserve what they got, whether it be on Wii, PS3 or 360. Getting into a war over metacritic ratings is hardly worth my time, nor is it worth your effort because someone will always rate a game a 3 while someone else rates it a 9.

You're right, I can't point to a Wii exclusive game from 2011 that has come out that I want. Guess what? I can't do that for PS3 or 360 either. LBP2 and Killzone 2 don't cut it. Socom 4 won't either. And don't get me started on 360, because the only exclusive for that system comes out in September. PS3...November. Now there are multiplatform games I'm looking forward to, but that wasn't your question.

Also, edit faster next time.
[quote name='KingBroly']So you say you didn't insult others, then you insult us. Okay...

The 3DS hasn't taken off because there isn't a major game out for the system yet. Not because they've lost faith in Nintendo. Software sells hardware. I refuse to buy a system where the game I want to play isn't out yet. You're saying the software is already there when it isn't.

Reviewers nowadays are coerced by the overhyped game. I can easily point to many games that are overrated that don't deserve what they got, whether it be on Wii, PS3 or 360. Getting into a war over metacritic ratings is hardly worth my time, nor is it worth your effort because someone will always rate a game a 3 while someone else rates it a 9.

You're right, I can't point to a Wii exclusive game from 2011 that has come out that I want. Guess what? I can't do that for PS3 or 360 either. LBP2 and Killzone 2 don't cut it. Socom 4 won't either. And don't get me started on 360, because the only exclusive for that system comes out in September. PS3...November. Now there are multiplatform games I'm looking forward to, but that wasn't your question.

Also, edit faster next time.[/QUOTE]

So from what was released in 2011 on the Wii, what else didn't cut it for you?

I know I may seem like a Sony fanboy to you, but I'm actually a Nintendo fanboy at heart. I just rebought a Nintendo 64 and have begun rebuilding my childhood collection. In fact, I just got Blast Corps in the mail yesterday. My Gamecube library is relatively complete as well. I think I'm missing only Pikmin 2, Ikaruga, Fire Emblem, and Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.

Over the course of the Wii it felt like Nintendo just stopped trying. And it's going to be a bit of effort on their part to win me back. They simply don't try as hard as they can to attract third parties and willingly accept lazy ports. It's so infuriating. I absolutely do not expect the trend to change.

[quote name='TheLongshot']So, your point is to cherrypick a 4 month period when there has been a dead spot in the release schedule?[/quote]

Nintendo has released their calender for upcoming games for the next few months. There is still nothing on the horizon worth a second look. I didn't cherry pick anything. Look through their upcoming schedule. You'll see.


Transformers: Dark of the Moon Stealth Force Edition – June 14
Deep Silver, Inc.
Get Fit with Mel B – Spring
Disney Interactive Studios
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game - May

Cars 2: The Video Game – Summer

Graffiti Entertainment, Inc.
Reader Rabbit Preschool – April
Reader Rabbi t Kindergarten – April
Reader Rabbit 1st Grade – April
Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade – April

Konami Digital Entertainment
Karaoke Revolution Glee: Volume 2 – Spring

NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.
ExerBeat – April 26

Wii Play: Motion – June 13
Mystery Case Files: Dust to Dust – June 27

Thor: God of Thunder – May 3
The Conduit 2 – April 12

THQ Inc.
Rio – April 12
SpongeBob SquigglePants – April 12
Kung Fu Panda 2 – May 24
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters – June 7
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I just had to double check, but yeah, there's been a dry spell. I can say though that I've been enjoying Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns. Mario Sports Mix is also enjoyable when people are over. I'm not a typical gamer though. I only recently beat NSMB Wii and still have Twilight Princess and both Mario Galaxies to play through.

Anyway, my point is that I've been having fun and if it weren't for Nintendo there'd be a whole lot less to play on the Wii, so I don't see how they "stopped trying".
[quote name='Ansé Solis']So from what was released in 2011 on the Wii, what else didn't cut it for you?

I know I may seem like a Sony fanboy to you, but I'm actually a Nintendo fanboy at heart. I just rebought a Nintendo 64 and have begun rebuilding my childhood collection. In fact, I just got Blast Corps in the mail yesterday. My Gamecube library is relatively complete as well. I think I'm missing only Pikmin 2, Ikaruga, Fire Emblem, and Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.

Over the course of the Wii it felt like Nintendo just stopped trying. And it's going to be a bit of effort on their part to win me back. They simply don't try as hard as they can to attract third parties and willingly accept lazy ports. It's so infuriating. I absolutely do not expect the trend to change.[/QUOTE]

No exclusive game for any system this year has interested me to buy it yet.

It has been mentioned before, third parties didn't support the Wii from the start. Plain and simple. That's why we have the dry spell. That and Capcom's idiotic tests with pathetic lightgun shooters. Yeah, I admit Nintendo saying Animal Crossing was a core title was a joke, but they have released some good stuff since then, and there have been a couple of great third party games since then, including House of the Dead Overkill and Little King's Story.

As far as I'm concerned, Zelda is one game away from being in the hands of Retro, especially is Skyward Sword isn't all that.
[quote name='KingBroly']No exclusive game for any system this year has interested me to buy it yet.

It has been mentioned before, third parties didn't support the Wii from the start. Plain and simple. That's why we have the dry spell. That and Capcom's idiotic tests with pathetic lightgun shooters. Yeah, I admit Nintendo saying Animal Crossing was a core title was a joke, but they have released some good stuff since then, and there have been a couple of great third party games since then, including House of the Dead Overkill and Little King's Story.

As far as I'm concerned, Zelda is one game away from being in the hands of Retro, especially is Skyward Sword isn't all that.[/QUOTE]

I agree. House of the Dead Overkill was hilarious and Little King's Story was amazing. But consider me greedy, but Nintendo should have pushed for more. Third party support was a joke and Nintendo didn't help.

The point I'm making is that you can't name ANY exclusive game for the Nintendo Wii in 2011 because it just doesn't exist. That argument can't be made for the PS3 and 360 or the PC. The system is dead.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']I agree. House of the Dead Overkill was hilarious and Little King's Story was amazing. But consider me greedy, but Nintendo should have pushed for more. Third party support was a joke and Nintendo didn't help.

The point I'm making is that you can't name ANY exclusive game for the Nintendo Wii in 2011 because it just doesn't exist. That argument can't be made for the PS3 and 360 or the PC. The system is dead.[/QUOTE]

conduit 2

[quote name='buffcorp']conduit 2


Yes. The Conduit 2 is the AA/AAA exclusive we've all been waiting for.


Do you want to compare what comes out for the PS3/360/PC at the same time?

Portal 2.

Wii has more exclusive games (by far) that are worth playing than any other console. Argue all you want, but it's true. Obviously that makes it the best console available!

Of course the console also misses out on a ton of great third-party games that PS3 and 360 share, and it's nearly devoid of quality games in certain genres that are popular. But if you only look at half the facts you can make anything appear to be true, just like how saying that you respect others means nothing when it's obvious from your stance and choice of words that you don't.

Grow up already and realize that the world is big place with different opinions. Yours isn't always "right".
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[quote name='Ansé Solis']Yes. The Conduit 2 is the AA/AAA exclusive we've all been waiting for.


Do you want to compare what comes out for the PS3/360/PC at the same time?

Portal 2.


Fail. Portal 2 isn't exclusive.

and it's nearly devoid of quality games in certain genres that are popular.

You can say that for all the consoles. As I said before, the other two consoles aren't very kid friendly overall. JRPGs have sucked for all three consoles.
[quote name='TheLongshot']Fail. Portal 2 isn't exclusive.

You can say that for all the consoles. As I said before, the other two consoles aren't very kid friendly overall. JRPGs have sucked for all three consoles.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't have to be.


Part of the crux of my anger towards Nintendo is that they didn't do enough to get Third Parties on board. Said in the post before last as well. Still consistent!


Additionally, The Conduit 2 isn't a AA/AAA title.

double success!

Furthermore, guess what I'll be playing tomorrow (in co-op)? Hint: It isn't The Conduit 2... suckers! ;)

[quote name='TheLongshot']You can say that for all the consoles. As I said before, the other two consoles aren't very kid friendly overall. JRPGs have sucked for all three consoles.[/QUOTE]

Not in Japan.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']Yes. The Conduit 2 is the AA/AAA exclusive we've all been waiting for.


Do you want to compare what comes out for the PS3/360/PC at the same time?

Portal 2.


How can you compare 2 games that aren't even out yet? Essentially you're saying that because Portal 2 has much more fanfare associated with it that it will automatically be a better game than The Conduit 2.

Oh and since you'll make the inevitable Valve's a better developer of games than High Voltage, which is something I won't disagree with. A developer's pedigree isn't always a rule when determining their future products. For instance Valve's last 2 big outings? Left4Dead (ok for a little while but not deserving of a full price tag) and Left4Dead 2 (should have been an expansion pack). Sure Valve may have made Half Life 2 but that doesn't mean everything they make is going to be that expansive and noteworthy.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']How can you compare 2 games that aren't even out yet?[/QUOTE]

Pro tip: it's easy when your opinions are based solely on the fictional world inside your head.

And where did that post go? It was there when I replied, pointing out how foolish it would be to compare two games that aren't even released yet. It also wasn't at all inflammatory (unlike my post).
[quote name='ejamer']Pro tip: it's easy when your opinions are based solely on the fictional world inside your head.

Portal 2 leaked on the 360 and rave reviews have been pouring in. It got a 94/100 from PC Gamer.

So hyped.


Nintendo Power gave the Conduit a 7.5.

Mind pointing out what's so fictional about those scores?

The sad truth is that there are better games coming out more consistently on other consoles than the Wii.

I expect the trend to remain the same with Project Cafe.
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Anse Solis is butthurt, so now he's stuck trolling.

Like I said, grow up, you pathetic console warrior.

[quote name='SuperPhillip']Anse Solis is butthurt, so now he's stuck trolling.

Like I said, grow up, you pathetic console warrior.


I don't get to be butthurt when I'm already right.

Besides, at least I'm not the tasteless jerk who makes jokes about rape.

The numbers stand behind me. You stand for nothing other than sick attacks and flamebaiting. Your rape post in the other thread was reported. This post will be similarly reported as it has serves no purpose and is demeaning.
lol So your argument is "at least I..."

Again, grow up. This isn't second grade, so stop using second grade arguments.
You're a pathetic loser who is sore that a video game company isn't looking out for him.
How sad. I almost feel sorry for you, but then I read your posts here.

"At least I'm not the tasteless jerk who makes jokes about rape."

This changes the subject, does it not? Pathetic. You can't even defend yourself, so you change the subject.
Keep trollin', Mr. Troll. I'm sure Nintendo gives a shit that you're so pathetically bitter. Frankly, I don't even care. lol
[quote name='SuperPhillip']lol So your argument is "at least I..."

Again, grow up. This isn't second grade, so stop using second grade arguments.
You're a pathetic loser who is sore that a video game company isn't looking out for him.
How sad. I almost feel sorry for you, but then I read your posts here.

"At least I'm not the tasteless jerk who makes jokes about rape."

This changes the subject, does it not? Pathetic. You can't even defend yourself, so you change the subject.
Keep trollin', Mr. Troll. I'm sure Nintendo gives a shit that you're so pathetically bitter. Frankly, I don't even care. lol[/QUOTE]

You're severely crossing the line mate. Post reported to the moderators once more. I haven't used personal attacks to make my points. You've clearly have to sunk to that. I'll let the moderators deal with your immaturity.
Some people didn't get this hint the first time, so I'll repeat it again:
[quote name='shrike4242']Let's tone things down a bit, please.[/QUOTE]

There's a fine line between expressing your opinion in a civil fashion and going well beyond that line. Some of you have crossed it, one well beyond it, as I'm sure everyone can see.

Keep it civil and away from personal attacks, if that's possible.
To get this back on track.

The only thing that will get me excited for Project Cafe is if third party support for Nintendo's next console significantly increases and the company is able to get the same multi-platform exclusives that the 360 and PS3 get. Not ports.

I think the Wii would have eclipsed the sales of the PS3 and 360 if it were released as an HD system. It would have still had the motion controller gimmick, but gamers would have also gotten all the same multiplatform titles as well.

I think Nintendo was thinking too much about the short term when the console was released and wanted to hedge their bets since the Gamecube had practically failed as a platform and they wanted to be careful as to how things might turn out.

Had they gone high-end in the start, they would still be going strong today. Now the question with Project Cafe is just HOW high-end the company will go.
Really? The Wii HAS eclipsed sales of PS3 and 360 - to the point where they will have to sell for years just to catch up. Being an HD system would've make it more expensive and less accessible, and done nothing to improve Nintendo's fortunes in their planned 5-year lifecycle.

Also, calling the Gamecube a "practical failure" is an interesting stance. It made many improvement over the N64, offered some of the best games (exclusive or otherwise) from last generation, set the stage for one of the most successful consoles ever, and made a moderate amount of money for Nintendo. So I guess you mean it somehow failed for you? Shame that nobody cares about that.

As for the mod warnings, does it really hurt so much for a troll to be called after repeatedly posting nothing but negative commentary in a forum where it's obviously not useful or wanted?

"Trolling & Harassment
Posting unsubstantiated negative commentary intended solely to annoy and/or offend other users is not allowed. You may not 'stalk' or otherwise harass or harm another user in any way."
-- CAG Community Rules

I wonder what the value of these community rules (or the community in general) when the vast majority of posts in the Wii forums are blatant, useless trolls restating the same negative statements and echoing tired, dismissive opinions. These people - people like Anse in this thread - are foolish parrots who poke fun and laugh because they can... nothing wrong with that, but nothing wrong with calling them as much either.

Ban worthy? Who cares? It's not like there would be anything worthwhile lost as long as rampant trolling is what dominates the boards.
bread's done