Game you wrote off, gave a 2nd chance then loved


Was there a game or games you initially hated but after you gave it another chance or more playtime, you've come to enjoy it?

Mine would have to be (avatar obvious) Makai Kingdom. At first, I was randomly fighting in the worlds and trying to make the typical Nippon Ichi Superteam of gigadamage warriors. I sold it off after finding it hard to earn mana fast enough for my reincarnations. I bought it back and now that I have a better sense of what to do (hey, why not create a carrot guy, kill him off THEN create a preferred class with the carrot guys Mana and EXP bonus attached), I'm actually progressing better now than I did the first time. Still have a few more classes to unlock but overall I'm doing good.
Final Fantasy 8. The "different" battle system totally turned me off from the game for a year. Then I decided to pick it up again for some reason and ended up loving it once I figured it out.
Super Monkey Ball. I thought it was kind of boring at first when I got my Gamecube but after finishing Luigi's Mansion I decided to give it a second chance and I became a total addict. It is probably in my top 10 of all time list now. God I love that game.
[quote name='SMMM']Final Fantasy 8. The "different" battle system totally turned me off from the game for a year. Then I decided to pick it up again for some reason and ended up loving it once I figured it out.[/QUOTE]

Seconded. 'Draw magic? Screw this'. Rebought, replayed, finally (no pun intended) finished it.
Believe it or not. Half life. I played it a bit and got bored because there wasnt any shooting. I went back later and loved it.
Jet Grind Radio. When I first played it on a rental, I couldn't stand the floaty, slippery controls. After I bought it and spent some more time with it, it became one of my favorite games.

Also to some extent, Halo. I never hated it, but after playing through the single player on normal, I didn't think it was all that great. After being prodded by some message board folks, I played it again on legendary and loved it. On the harder difficulty, the repetitive rooms and linear progression fade away into the intricate micro battles and balanced shield and weapons system.
Mine would be Devil May Cry, Jak and Daxter, and Rygar. I played all of them a little bit, got stuck, put them away for a couple of years, and couldn't stop playing them when I picked them back up.

Another game that got better was True Crime:NYC. Once I figured out I could take a cab to the points in the storyline, it got significantly more interesting. The driving from A to B was definately boring.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Played it a little even though I had never really gotten into any other Castlevanias, got bored after a while and figured the whole game would just be the same over and over. I waited a couple weeks, and after I beat the first bosses I was hooked.

Frequency, I tried the demo that came with the PS2 online adapter, and thought it was stupid. About a year or two after Circuit City had their first $5 game sale, and I figured it might be worth a shot to see if the full game was any different. I and all my friends who bought a copy for $5 that day were instantly addicted, Freq and Amplitude are probably the two most addicting games I've ever played.

Disgaea is a current example. I bought it way back in the winter, tried it out (through the tutorial) and thought it was boring, so it sat on the shelf until about 2 weeks ago. I popped it in and forced myself to play it since I paid like $30 for it, and I love it.
Metal Gear Solid 3. I originally bought Snake Eater and the camera turned me off on the game. I just found it frustrating to navigate in a wide open jungle with the typical MGS camera system.

When Subsistence came out, I bought that. I fell in love with the game. As stupid as it sounds, the new camera system really helped me enjoy the game more. Being able to switch back and forth between the old and new camera systems, was a nice touch.
Kingdom Hearts

Borrowed it from a friend, quit about 45 minutes into it during the first island area. Came back to it later and couldn't put it down.

Final Fantasy 9

First time I played I got to the little town where they find the black mage factory under ground. I got just into the second disc and after a long period without a chance to save, I made the mistake of examining the book in the Castle. Well I was raped and lost like an hours worth of time. I turned it off and put it back on the shelf. Had tried playing it at least 6 times before I finally got into it late last year and finished it. Fantastic game.
Advance Wars (DS)

The first time i was exposed to this was playing 2p with my brother that has played every one up to that point. Hes notorious for telling you nothing about playing the game until its too late.

Needless to say, he crushed me, and i hated the game for MONTHS.

it wasnt until i traded for a copy (due to its worth) that i gave it a chance on 1p mode and loved the game from then on.

I tried explaining this to my brother, but he seemed unreceptive of my rationale
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - My cousin got this for me at random for Christmas one year. I played it once and tossed it to the side, then a friend told me about it, and I gave it another chance and was floored at how good this gae was. It's now in my top 10 favorites of all time.
MGS 3. This was actually a game I tried and hated twice, but on the third time I forced myself to play it to the point that it became interesting, then I loved it. But like the previous poster the camera was the main thing that bothered me about the game.

Fire Emblem. This was more of a constant love/hate thing because I erroneously didn't level up the main characters so I had an excrutiatingly hard time at the end of the game, but I managed to beat it eventually. Then I picked up The Sacred Stones at TRU since it's on clearance and I avoided my previous mistake and I'm loving it.
Jak and Daxter 1
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando.
I don't know why I didn't like these games at first, but now they are some of my favorites.
Decided Ninja Gaiden was too hard first time I played it. Then I decided to put it in one day when I was bored and now it's one of my favorite games this generation.
Metal Gear Solid 3 the game itself seemed boring, but after I learned how to choke a guard and throw him to the ground it was great and I finshed the game shortly after.
final fantasy 7 (i was new to the whole memory card it pissed me off in the beginning..then i figured it all out, got one, and then loved the game) i was convinced you had to beat it all in one sitting, seriously...

final fantasy tactics..i had NO idea how to save either..but i found of my favorite games of all time :)

shadow hearts - picked up slow, but then LOVED it
I didn't hate it, but I wrote off Psychonauts at first. I played part of the first level, and didn't really see what all the hype was. I shelved it for a few months, but eventually started playing again. Once I got the gargalor and milkman stages, I was loving it.
Xenosaga. Played it for about an hour before shelving it. Nothing about it really grabbed me, and it was almost a year later before I picked it up again. Played it for a couple of hours and still couldn't get into it. It was a few months later that I decided to start again and force myself to play further. After the gnosis attack I was completely hooked.
Mario Kart 64.

Played it a couple of times and I really, really sucked. Then had knee surgery one summer - my college roommate gave me the game as some sort of sick joke I think - and I played the game for a month straight.

At the end of the Summer, I emerged from my video game bunker unbeatable in all that is Mario Kart 64.
[quote name='greydemise']f
final fantasy tactics..i had NO idea how to save either..but i found of my favorite games of all time :)

Ha, I actually fought the first battle a couple times without adding any characters other than Ramza, so needless to say I thought everything about it sucked and was way too hard. Then I tried paying attention to what I was doing and it was all good from there.

I'm hoping next time I try out Kingdom Hearts I will like it, but two attempts have not worked so far and I'm still fairly close to the beginning.
[quote name='msdmoney']I didn't hate it, but I wrote off Psychonauts at first. I played part of the first level, and didn't really see what all the hype was. I shelved it for a few months, but eventually started playing again. Once I got the gargalor and milkman stages, I was loving it.[/QUOTE]
Exactly what I was gonna say. The game started real slow, having to collect a bunch of crap. It turned out to be great though.
Ikaruga. I'm finally figuring out that you have to think of it as sorta a puzzle/shmup more than a traditional shmup.
I thought Metal Gear Solid 3 was far worse than the first two the first time I played it. I bought it at KB for $20 a few months later (just to sell for profit) and I realized the game was far better than the first two (still not fantastic, but pretty good).

There's a few others that I didn't expect to be good, but were fantastic (Resident Evil 4, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb), but most of the time my opinion of a game doesn't change too much between play times.

On a side note I was severly dissapointed by the first Halo as I had extremely high expectations. I thought it was good at first but still far below expectations, it's slowly inched its way to my Top 50 since then (still not anywhere near original expectations though, nothing revolutionary about it and there are far better FPSs). The second one just sucked.
I wasn't that impressed with GoldenEye when I first got it. Then I played my first multi-player match and the single player mode picked up speed. It's now one of my favorite games of all time.
I agree with those who have said FFVII. When I first played I didn't understand the huge fanbase of the game. Later I picked it up, beat it, and loved it.
[quote name='greydemise']final fantasy tactics..i had NO idea how to save either..but i found of my favorite games of all time :)[/quote]

Mine was Final Fantasy tactics too. When I first played it, I was only able to make it up to the 5th level and those damn black mages would always kill me. It pissed me off so much that I didnt touch it for a year. Then I was finally able to beat that level and ultimately beat the game. Its also one of my favorite games.
[quote name='Starwishi']Mine was Final Fantasy tactics too. When I first played it, I was only able to make it up to the 5th level and those damn black mages would always kill me. It pissed me off so much that I didnt touch it for a year. Then I was finally able to beat that level and ultimately beat the game. Its also one of my favorite games.[/QUOTE]

My recent replay of the game ended when I saved during one of those one stage multiple battles areas. I only have Ramza against Wiegraf in Zodiac form. Needless to say my ass is handed to me each time.
Splinter Cell.. Hated the trail and error gameplay at first. Seemed too much you had to do everything perfect. I didn't play it for months. Picked it up again and it just clicked..they I played all 3.
second Morrowind.

that game is boring and stupid until you "get" it. you've got to kind of use your imagination or else the game indeed is pretty lame. i probably sank about 100+ hours into that one
[quote name='tehweezner']second Morrowind.

that game is boring and stupid until you "get" it. you've got to kind of use your imagination or else the game indeed is pretty lame. i probably sank about 100+ hours into that one[/QUOTE]

Then I guess I don't 'get' Oblivion. I guess the only thing I 'got' out of it was the hype machine, suckering me right on in.
[quote name='Fatesealer']Then I guess I don't 'get' Oblivion. I guess the only thing I 'got' out of it was the hype machine, suckering me right on in.[/quote]

yeah i know lots of people haven't liked oblivion.

if you want to give it another chance:

1. mods. the standard oblivion gameplay is crappy cuz everything levels up with you, and basically the system is broken. there is a mod coming out in the next couple weeks called Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul v1.3, that alone will reshape and rehaul the entire gameplay immensely. also, Natural Environments and BTmod are frickin essential.

2. frame of mind. this game is only a rpg when you're "role playing", otherwise it's just a pretty lame first person hack slash.

the game is damn fun though, i swear to god :D
[quote name='sevdustflyer']Decided Ninja Gaiden was too hard first time I played it. Then I decided to put it in one day when I was bored and now it's one of my favorite games this generation.[/QUOTE]

Same for me. The fucking horse on stage two kept kicking my ass. After I creeped past that boss, I flew through the rest of the game, and loved every minute.
[quote name='alongx']Same for me. The fucking horse on stage two kept kicking my ass. After I creeped past that boss, I flew through the rest of the game, and loved every minute.[/QUOTE]

Ya, I'm at the horse part right now and haven't played the game in over a week, so tough.
I hated Bankshot Billiards on XBLA. Too hard, and not exciting.

Then I realized I could adjust the difficulty and switch the view so I have some idea what I'm doing....and I still don't really like it. I've been playing it a lot lately though. Probably the call of the nerd points.
Shenmue- Decided to try again even though it was locking up everytime I tried to save. This time it worked though and now I'm on the 3rd disc. Great game, hilarious voice acting.
Final Fantasy 1 for the NES.

Here's an embarrassing story... I bought the game around the release date after all they hype Nintendo Power gave it. I kept dying and my weapons that I bought seemed to have little to no effect on the enemies. I became so irritated I returned the game. Months later I had an epiphany that I actually had to EQUIP the weapons first! I re-bought the game and loved every minute of it after that.
Morrowind for sure. Baldur's Gate is the best example I have. I hated that game at first, it was hard, confusing and it was boring. Then a year or so later I play it again on a whim and I freaking love it. The Baldur's Gate series is now one of my favorite series ever.
final fantasy 7. i had hated rpgs for a long time before i played that game because i tried dragon warrior back in the nes days and i couldnt get into it. so because of that i never gave rpgs a chance and then one summer due to boredom i decided to buy FF7 from a local pawn shop for 6 bucks ( this was maybe 3 or so years into the ps1's lifespan) and i got hooked. that was the first game i actually felt like i was in a huge world with tons of possibilities and choices most games that that point were pretty cut and dry but that game was just huge in scope and detail.

i regret never finisheing it though i got as far as the underwater sub level out where you got to fight the emerald robot thingy but i accidentally erased the wrong gamesave while making space on my memory card and the only other FF 7 save i had was so early into the game i couldnt get into playing it anymore.

parasite eve was another game i didnt think much of at first but enjoyed .
Another vote for MGS3. I played about 10-20 minutes of it and after that I was about to give up on the game. It just felt really boring at first and the camera was a pain in the ass. I stopped playing for about a week or two and then went back and gave it another shot because it's still MGS and I played a little further and the story got really interesting and I was just hooked again. I eventually got over the camera too.
bread's done