Gamecrap has brought itself to an all time low.

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I hate gamefaqs, i hate it so much that i wish i was a good hacker just so i can hack that site. Anyway i still go there to look at the faqs and user reviews that are posted, because i like hearing what other gamers think of games not the gamers to get paid to think a certain way about a game.

Yesterday there was a review posted to a game that i used to play, Gunz the Duel which i am not going to explain here. This game is alright but I didnt like it at all so I promptly uninstalled it, but i do go look at the boards about 1 a week to see if there is any cause for me to download the beta again.

Anyway this guy posted a review of it....he hated it 4/10, but he did logicaly put in everything that he felt was wrong with the game. I to had almost the exact same problems with the game that he had. So the babies over on that board cry their god damn ass off and pout and stomp and wet their god damn panites "Gamecrap mod gamecrap mod that guy said our game was bad, and since he doesnt like it everything he put must be untrue. please please take the review down it upsets me to no end and i lose sleep over it."

So these cunts that run gamedicks actully take that guys review down. Just because he doesnt like the game apparently give him no right to speak. So now i have decided to never view that site for any reason.

So anyone know of a good gaming/faq/forum board that i could go to? One that isnt full of cry baby fucking god damn monkeys asses?
[quote name='Soodmeg']I hate gamefaqs, i hate it so much that i wish i was a good hacker just so i can hack that site. Anyway i still go there to look at the faqs and user reviews that are posted, because i like hearing what other gamers think of games not the gamers to get paid to think a certain way about a game.

Yesterday there was a review posted to a game that i used to play, Gunz the Duel which i am not going to explain here. This game is alright but I didnt like it at all so I promptly uninstalled it, but i do go look at the boards about 1 a week to see if there is any cause for me to download the beta again.

Anyway this guy posted a review of it....he hated it 4/10, but he did logicaly put in everything that he felt was wrong with the game. I to had almost the exact same problems with the game that he had. So the babies over on that board cry their god damn ass off and pout and stomp and wet their god damn panites "Gamecrap mod gamecrap mod that guy said our game was bad, and since he doesnt like it everything he put must be untrue. please please take the review down it upsets me to no end and i lose sleep over it."

So these cunts that run gamedicks actully take that guys review down. Just because he doesnt like the game apparently give him no right to speak. So now i have decided to never view that site for any reason.

So anyone know of a good gaming/faq/forum board that i could go to? One that isnt full of cry baby fucking god damn monkeys asses?[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but with the attitude you're espousing right now, any board you touch would be immediately afflicted with the same plague.
"So anyone know of a good gaming/faq/forum board that i could go to? One that isnt full of cry baby ing god damn monkeys asses?"

Your posting on it.
Except for the faq part, I find these boards to be very honest in thier reviews and opinions on games. Also, unlike gamefecks, you can ignore the people you dont like or agree with :p
You know, there has to be some truthery involved if Zion and I are in agreement on something so quickly. Rarely are we in agreement on much of anything.
just a reminder for all CAGs: if you ever see CAG mentioned on gamefaqs, immediately post saying this place sucks and that it gave you spyware, a virus and auto-installed a gay porn toolbar.

Only YOU can prevent Gamefaqs refugees!
[quote name='JSweeney']You know, there has to be some truthery involved if Zion and I are in agreement on something so quickly. Rarely are we in agreement on much of anything.[/QUOTE]

Well nothing pertaining to the topics on this site anyway.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Whoa that was so witty and hurtful there fire. Remind me to cry about that later.[/QUOTE]

It is often more to one's service if they look at what people are saying rather than how they are saying it.
So now we aren't letting refugees into CAG?
If there was an idiot genocide wouldn't you let the idiots have safe harbor in your country?

Nah, I wouldn't either.
[quote name='JSweeney']It is often more to one's service if they look at what people are saying rather than how they are saying it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='smalien1']So now we aren't letting refugees into CAG?
If there was an idiot genocide wouldn't you let the idiots have safe harbor in your country?

Nah, I wouldn't either.[/QUOTE]

Acceptable refugees: "Hey guys, how's it going? Just came from Gamefaqs. Got kinda sick of that place, just a bunch of 13 year olds wasting their lives arguing about videogames and cracking the dumbest jokes you've ever read. Btw, I'm hot, have big tits, am over 18, live in Chicago and want Apossum."

Unacceptable: see above.
Sooooooo useless jabs at soodmega aside, is anyone going to answer my question, or does the pointless internet self-esteem booter of gang making fun of someone with non-original puns and 100 year old fourtine cookie adivse need to go to the required 20 min?
Triple post score. Anyway just in case anyone ever came back to read this crappy post i would like to make it worth while.

There is a new game coming out for the xbox 360 called King Kong that looks pretty interesting. You should read up on it because it seems to have the coconuts to be a good game.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Triple post score. Anyway just in case anyone ever came back to read this crappy post i would like to make it worth while.

There is a new game coming out for the xbox 360 called King Kong that looks pretty interesting. You should read up on it because it seems to have the coconuts to be a good game.[/QUOTE]

Really. Huh. I guess I'll pop on over to Gamefaqs and check it out.
Jesus, just read the FAQ's off the site and don't post and ignore the idiots. It's really not that fucking hard. Watch after I make this post I'll ignore you!
[quote name='Soodmeg']Sooooooo useless jabs at soodmega aside, is anyone going to answer my question, or does the pointless internet self-esteem booter of gang making fun of someone with non-original puns and 100 year old fourtine cookie adivse need to go to the required 20 min?[/QUOTE]
Any chance that if it keeps up you'll leave here forever and go to another board and bitch about us?
[quote name='Soodmeg']Triple post score. Anyway just in case anyone ever came back to read this crappy post i would like to make it worth while.

There is a new game coming out for the xbox 360 called King Kong that looks pretty interesting. You should read up on it because it seems to have the coconuts to be a good game.[/QUOTE]

I would discuss this King Kong game, but this is like the one forum that's not used for talking about games on this site.
No, i like cag. It seems pretty cool. There are not enough reviews on it though. As for ingoring me thats fine, what do i care? Anyway i can see this isnt going anywhere so would anyone like to tell me how to delete topics?

Ummmmmmmmm blah?
I suggest you go back to gamefaqs or find another site to crap on. We at CAG dont care about gamefaqs or care about the rant you posted in a very childish manor. Try to speak and explain things more intelligently than by using words like "dick", "cunt", and so on.
A somewhat-related Gamefaqs story: On the Atelier Iris reviews, some moron copied another guy's review on the SAME game WORD-FOR-WORD. Just copied and pasted it right off Gamefaqs. It was taken down after a few days.
What are you talking about? I see people posting those words all the time. Anyway i would suggest you......tell me how to delete this topic instead of telling me how childish i am. Then we will all be happy.
[quote name='Soodmeg']What are you talking about? I see people posting those words all the time. Anyway i would suggest you......tell me how to delete this topic instead of telling me how childish i am. Then we will all be happy.[/QUOTE]

Topics are forever, so that future generations can see them.
Ahhhhhhhh.... so like cockroaches and barba streisand. Soooo i guess i am stuck. Soooooooooooooo hows the kids? Hows your mother?

...........I just want to ride my motorcycle. Oooooo i dont know......MOTORCYCLE...... G.I. JOE!!!!
[quote name='Soodmeg']So anyone know of a good gaming/faq/forum board that i could go to? One that isnt full of cry baby fucking god damn monkeys asses?[/QUOTE]
Good luck. Let me know if you ever come across the Holy Grail or anything like that in your searches for such a forum.

Seriously, though. My advice is to just say "Who cares about stupid forums"? It's just the intarwebs, aka the Biggest Joke in History.

And furthermore, never, ever go to GameFAQs for anything other than the FAQs. The boards (except the Big Rigs board) and the reviews are pointless.

If you ask me, pretty much the only forums where any sort of vaguely mature videogame discussion goes on are on classic/oldie games forums, generally because the users are often a bit older. But unless you're a lover of the classics (and no, I don't mean PS1 games), I'd reccomend that you not bother them.

I think this forum is pretty good, though. :D
[quote name='evanft']I love Gamefaqs. It makes buying guides obsolete![/QUOTE]
yes I think everyone appreciates gamefaqs more than helpful FAQ & Game Guides, but the topic in discussion is related to the Gamefaqs forum
[quote name='Soodmeg']No, i like cag. It seems pretty cool. There are not enough reviews on it though.[/QUOTE]
I guess that's because we're not a review site.

There is a new game coming out for the xbox 360 called King Kong that looks pretty interesting. You should read up on it because it seems to have the coconuts to be a good game.
Wow. You really are from GameFAQs, aren't you? #-o

I just have to point out that that game's heading to all the current consoles, as well.
yea....i know this is not a review site. Which was why i made this topic in the first place. I did indeed ask what is a good review site but no one answered.

Also King Kong seems to be a differnt type of games in the land of all FPS and RPGS that have been coming out. It just looks differnt so i thought people should look into it? How does that make me from gamefaqs (which i assume you are saying it like i am an idiot or something) meh.
[quote name='Soodmeg']yea....i know this is not a review site. Which was why i made this topic in the first place. I did indeed ask what is a good review site but no one answered.

Also King Kong seems to be a differnt type of games in the land of all FPS and RPGS that have been coming out. It just looks differnt so i thought people should look into it? How does that make me from gamefaqs (which i assume you are saying it like i am an idiot or something) meh.[/QUOTE]
Save your spelling errors, im not quite getting your message since out of all the next gen games, King Kong really doesnt stand out as as much of anything
[quote name='Soodmeg']Also King Kong seems to be a differnt type of games in the land of all FPS and RPGS that have been coming out. It just looks differnt so i thought people should look into it? How does that make me from gamefaqs (which i assume you are saying it like i am an idiot or something) meh.[/QUOTE]
I was merely joking about how you were going way off-topic, talking about a game, and in the one forum intended for discussion of everything EXCEPT gaming and shopping, no less.

And hey, some advice: Take stuff on this forum lightly. Try not to get upset over the little jabs and jokes. No need to get offended, as it's all in jest, and remember: this IS the intartron we're talking about here. :mrgreen:

If you want to see what can happen when you take other people's forum comments too seriously, check out some of the old threads where our friend electrictroy got upset over other user's comments. Not pretty. ;)

And if you see this, troy, I mean NO offense whatsoever. Honestly. has message boards (you have to register to post but it's free), user reviews, and user written faqs/ walkthroughs. I can't speak to the quality of it all as I only go there rarely. also has user written reviews and limited message boards.
Dont know..... i dont take internet conversation to seriouly anyway. I just always on a light auto-defense thanks to gamefaqs where no matter what you post you get flamed. Unless its type "cheap ass gamers" with your chin topics. Those seem to always have 90 posts in them, yet never get marked for being off topic.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Sooooooo useless jabs at soodmega aside, is anyone going to answer my question, or does the pointless internet self-esteem booter of gang making fun of someone with non-original puns and 100 year old fourtine cookie adivse need to go to the required 20 min?[/QUOTE]

The first step to solving your issue is introspection.
You must learn why it bothers you so much, and way you see it as personally insulting. People rarely share opinions... its one of the things that make life so rich and varied.

Remove your ego from the situation, and look at where your issue are coming from.
After that, think about what you'd actually want out of site, and then refine that down to it's essence to find a keyword that may provide a fruitful search off of google.

More intellectual pursuits would lead you to progamming and graphical design oriented sites.
Queries on music will lead you to site more concerned with aural qualities.

Your biggest issue seems to be with general sites, which will often draw the most ignorant on the topic.

Dig deeper and you may find your prize. But don't be shocked if people intially find your attitude off-putting, as it's already been referenced as an issue here multiple times.
Man you must eat alot of chinese food my friend......that or you are a budda monk. But why would a budda monk be on a computer?
Why are we all complaining about Soodmeg?

The ignore list is there for a reason, is it not?

[quote name='Soodmeg']Man you must eat alot of chinese food my friend......that or you are a budda monk. But why would a budda monk be on a computer?[/QUOTE]
Stupid stereotypes or generalizations get you nowhere in life, and this one is almost insulting.
[quote name='road3283'] has message boards (you have to register to post but it's free), user reviews, and user written faqs/ walkthroughs. I can't speak to the quality of it all as I only go there rarely. also has user written reviews and limited message boards.[/QUOTE]

The only good boards at IGN WERE the private boards for "insider" members but they two have become a mess. The 12 year old populace shot up, the profanity went through the roof, and the mods went all powertrippy banning anyone who disagreed with them (or any of their friends) EVER.

When its free, its not that big of a deal. But being banned and losing your "insider" account because some 12 year old mod disagrees with you finding his handling of a situation in very poor taste, it really is uncool.

So, to summerize, IGN boards stink. Unless you are an immature idiot who makes friends with the mostly immature mods there.

Stay away.
1) You're taking Gamefaqs reviews far too seriously. For every useful review, there's 20 with horrible grammar and useless fanboyism. If you think you can change this, you can't.

2) All gaming forums have useless people. Think about it. Gamers are people who have nothing better to do with their free time. Gaming board posters spend their free time, posting about their hobby which is a poor excuse to use their free time. These people are socially awkward, and use said boards to lash out their anger. Obviously, a major problem here... and every other gaming board.
Dude gothic what the hell is up with you? Everyone else is having a good time just joking around and you come in with this ignore soodmeg, stupid sterotypes stuff.

Calm down man, everyone else got over it pretty quickly.
[quote name='supadupacheap']The only good boards at IGN WERE the private boards for "insider" members but they two have become a mess. The 12 year old populace shot up, the profanity went through the roof, and the mods went all powertrippy banning anyone who disagreed with them (or any of their friends) EVER.

When its free, its not that big of a deal. But being banned and losing your "insider" account because some 12 year old mod disagrees with you finding his handling of a situation in very poor taste, it really is uncool.

So, to summerize, IGN boards stink. Unless you are an immature idiot who makes friends with the mostly immature mods there.

Stay away.[/QUOTE]
As the old saying goes, "You can't spell 'ignorant' without IGN."
[quote name='Soodmeg']Dude gothic what the hell is up with you? Everyone else is having a good time just joking around and you come in with this ignore soodmeg, stupid sterotypes stuff.

Calm down man, everyone else got over it pretty quickly.[/QUOTE]

He looks pretty calm to me. Hell, he's pretty much indifferent to you completely in his statement.

If I had to take a guess, hes simply mentioning the ignore function and hoping people will use it NOT so much to ignore you but to put an end to the flaming. The site threads are easily getting out of control these days. He's doing his best to be a voice of reason.

And I dont see everybody having a good time here. Maybe you find it fun or funny to rile people up and get a flame war going. I, and I bet Walrus, do not. Especially when its CAG.

Guess we have different ideas of entertainment.
All gaming forums have useless people.

True, but opinions on who those are will vary from board to board and thread to thread. I'm fairly certain there are even those here who would view me as useless and unecessary. They are welcome to thier opinion.

Think about it. Gamers are people who have nothing better to do with their free time.

As opposed to scrapbookers, gamblers, and people who play fantasy football?
That's a rather inflamatory statement, and some may overreact to such a statement. So long as one derives pleasure from the experience, and it does not become an unhealthy fixation that dominates time that would be better spent in other areas, the time is not wasted.

Gaming board posters spend their free time, posting about their hobby which is a poor excuse to use their free time.

I'd have to disagree with that. So long as one is reasonable in how they apportion thier time, there is never a poor use of time so long as one recieves from said time what they were seeking. In the case of hobbies and the like, it is more often pleasure or satisfaction. More often, people meet this aim.

These people are socially awkward, and use said boards to lash out their anger.

Blanket statements are dangerous. You of all people should know this, kittie.

Obviously, a major problem here... and every other gaming board.

A major problem in all human relationships more likely. People are often greedy, selfish and self important. The psuedoanonymity granted them by the internet just draws this out more markedly in some.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']As the old saying goes, "You can't spell 'ignorant' without IGN."[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I hadnt heard that one before but it really is true.

Although it is better than GameFaqs. But I guess thats like saying loosing 3 of your limbs in a wreck is better than losing 4.
...uuuuuhhhhh What the hell are you talking about also? I started the flame war? How was that? I dont remember calling anyone any names. And i could have sworn the suppose "flame war" ended on page 1.

Maybe its just you not having a good time, maybe its you taking the board a little to serious.

Plus yes i did find it damn funny when he said his advise all monk like, sorry you didnt but i think he wrote it to be funny.

Anyway i dont care either way.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Man you must eat alot of chinese food my friend......that or you are a budda monk. But why would a budda monk be on a computer?[/QUOTE]
...Personally, I thought it was very nice of him to write such a thoughtful response to your situation.

Insulting people who are offering help doesn't make the best first impression.
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