Gamer Dads

[quote name='ZeroSupporT']Super Mario Bros. on our NES for christmas, I was too little to actually get into it but from my moms recounts he would often get up in the middle of the night and play. He was absolutely "pissed on" when he beat the first bowser and didn't get the princess, 4 months later he woke the whole house up at 4 AM to announce victory and take us out to breakfast at Friday's. We had to leave the end screen up till my Uncle could drive over and see it for himself to win a bet between the two of them.[/QUOTE]
That's awesome! I could totally see myself doing that ;)
I have two kids, one mine(4yr. old boy) and a two yr. old girl that I have legal custody of.(relatives child)

And me, my wife , and my 4yr. old(sometimes the 2 yr. old) will have a blast with maro kart, super smash bros. melee , power stone 2, etc. My son loves sonic and mario. (and pikachu in smash bros.)

Sometimes my son will beat me in games like sonic adventure 2( he is really good at sonic games) I need to hook up the nes for him.
I'm a dad too. 5 year old girl and 3 year old boy. Both showing interest in gaming but still having trouble mastering the controller. My daughter is getting better and got hooked on Spyro recently. My "little man" made me open his Spiderman wireless controller just tonight. They had better be into gaming or my beautiful collection will collect dust instead of being appreciated and enjoyed.
I'm a father of two. My son is 8 and pretty much lives for videogames. My daughter is 6 and has no interest in them at all. Occasionally she'll join the rest of us when we play Mario Party 4, but that's about it.

My wife and son have been battling for time with the GC since we picked up Paper Mario when EB dropped it to $20 a couple weeks ago. It's the first game my wife has been hooked on since Animal Crossing.
I have a 2 yr. old son and I picked up GTA San Andreas for XBox this week for my Father's Day gift.
My dad has been into gaming well before I have. The story in the family is that when he got married, my mom had to give him an arcade budget so he didn't spend too much money. He was really into strategy games on the PC, especially Civilization. He got into Warcraft and Starcraft series pretty hard when they came out. My friends would actually call him up when I wasn't around to play a modem game. Now he plays games more than I do. He's always playing Crimson Skies on Live!, as anyone who knows my gamer tag can attest to.
I have a 2 year old daughter that loved holding my gameboy sp, nintendo ds , and psp just to watch spongebob on each does that count ? on occasions she will sit down on the bed watching me play . For some reason she has been intrigued by god of war ( I try not let her see me actually fight anyone just hop around and swing the blades). Also she stayed with me for 2 hours straight watching me play breakdown I wonder why .
My daughter just turned 2. When she sees me playing something, she wants the controller, so I gave her the dreamcast controller that is broken to play with. She'll aim it at the tv and push the buttons on it. :)
I have a 3 month old girl. She is just starting to watch the TV (as long as there are bright colors). So, she sometimes enjoys watching me play my games.
I'm a father of two. My son turned two back in April and my daughter is just 6 months old. Both kids were born premature; my son was born 3 months early and my daughter 2 months and each had to spend months in the NICU right after birth. Not a good time. But they're perfectly fine now except for the fact they sare my DNA. :)

My son is a great sleeper! 11-12 hours at night and a 2-3 hour nap durring the day. My daughter on the other hand...:( Couple weeks ago, she started sleeping through the night. This lasted almost 2 weeks. Then, for some reason, she reverted back and is now getting up again in the middle of the night. Just like a woman to tease like that. ;)

My gaming time has dwindled considerably, but I still manage to get it in. Usually start playing around 10 p.m. or try to get in a bit in the morning before work while everyone is asleep.Stupid me stayed up 'til 1:30 am on Monday playing Halo 2 online. My son woke up sick around 2:45 then mydaughter got up to feed at 3:30. Thank God for caffiene!

For all you other dads hooping to get your kids into gaming, enjoy this:

And happy early Father's Day!
[quote name='rabidmonkeys']csidegamer:
That is downright awesome. The family that games together stays together. :D[/QUOTE]

I think so too.

My wife doesn't get it sometimes, but she's outnumbered.
She hates our family room.

35" TV for DVD/Satellite
27" TV (Right Next to the 35") for the PS2
With a couch facing both
Behind the couch (and facing the TV's) are two desks with 7 Computers setup.

My son is 4 and has become as big of a geek as I am about gaming (my poor wife). He's constantly pretending to be Luigi or DK. He plays mostly Mario and Sonic, but he's finally gotten to the point where he can all the way around the track in Gran Turismo 4. Now we just need to work on his timing :) I think it's safe to say even at this young age that he's a gamer. Let's hope I'm so lucky with the next one!

My dad used to play Colecovision, but pretty much nothing after that. He did pick up a couple of those retro plug-in-to-the-tv things (my Mom loves Frogger), and he seems to think the MAME cabinet I'm building is pretty cool.
bread's done