Gamer mom/dad thread

I think my kid is going through that terrible 2 stage early, she has started throwing tantrums when she doesn't get her way :/
Good luck. Just stay consistant with how you react to the tantrums. At times it seems a lot easier to get them what they want. But if you cave she'll walk all over you for the next several years. I've seen it happen with friends and it's not pretty.

I think it's hilarious when my girl throws a tantrum when I snatch things out of her hands after I tell her to hand it over. She gets on her belly and starts crying. Sometimes, she'll even kick stuff. I try not to laugh because it's so cute, but I still try to explain things to her before and after. She's only 1.5 so we'll see how 2 goes...haha.

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Yeah, my 15 month old does the same thing.  He just falls to the floor and starts kicking around.  I leave him there for a bit until he calms down.

My 4 year old though... yesterday I told him he wouldn't be playing the 3DS after dinner anymore because he was acting up.  He started yelling and screaming and didn't want to say goodbye to his grandparents who were leaving.  He was like that for about an hour so we took him to bed.  I don't think skipping nap time is a good idea for him.

I think we're over the tantrum stage (5 yr old). I don't remember the last time she just completely broke down. But yeh, sometimes I thought her meltdowns were kinda cute. And they were always over the dumbest things because she's tired.

One of my daughter's friends (3 yr) had the biggest tantrum I've ever seen a few months back. She came over to our house for a play date and it was getting a little late and time for her to go home. Well, she didn't want to go. This kid would not stop screaming, punching and kicking her mom. For like 15 minutes she was just going bat shit insane. After figuring out she's not calming down the mom pretty much dragged her out of our house and threw her in the car. I could tell the mom was very embarrassed.

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One of my daughter's friends (3 yr) had the biggest tantrum I've ever seen a few months back. She came over to our house for a play date and it was getting a little late and time for her to go home. Well, she didn't want to go. This kid would not stop screaming, punching and kicking her mom. For like 15 minutes she was just going bat shit insane. After figuring out she's not calming down the mom pretty much dragged her out of our house and threw her in the car. I could tell the mom was very embarrassed.
Kids have this innate ability to know when they can best manipulate you, and usually that's when there are other people around to pressure you into reacting to their behavior. My 6 and 3 yo daughters are (relatively) fine if it's just mom and dad, but when we have people over or we go out to public settings they know the power balance shifts a bit in their favor.

Thankfully my 6 yo is pretty logical for her age and more or less pouts when she doesn't get her way without much more than the typical whining. The 3 yo is much less verbal than her sister ever was and tends to get more physical during her tantrums, but again when it's just mom and dad she knows it's not going to work and it doesn't last long.

Have you guys ever lost sight of your kid? I had a scare 2 weeks ago at a Christmas event. It was at a park at night so dark and tons of kids. We where there with 2 other families so the kids where playing in some playground.

I go to sit down on the curb then notice my daughter go into a little cubbyhole area with her friends. So for several minutes I think that's where she is, just talking with her friends. I walk over to go check on her but she isn't there. I'm not too worried so I just start looking around. I don't see her so I start getting worried. I see all her friends but no sign of her. I start asking her friends and the parents if they've seen her but no one knows. Now we're all looking for her. For what seemed like forever no one sees her and everyone is calling her name. I'm a frantic mess and my chest feels like it's in my stomach.

Finally one of her friends finds her climbing one of those rock walls at the other end of the park but facing away from us. I'm relieved, furious at her for just running off and myself for taking my eye off her for just 2 minutes.

I didn't yell at her (since I was to blame too) but we had a long talk afterwards. She was crying and for the rest of the night felt really bad. I just never expected her to run off on her own like that since she usually stays with the group. It was the worst feeling in the world.

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^^ That is one of my worst nightmares.  I've only "lost" my son for less than a minute or so when he goes running off in a store.  

On a lighter note...It was raining and dark out last night when picking him up from daycare so my son didn't realize he stepped on a soggy turd before getting in my car.  Needless to say, he got it on the back seat, the carpet, and the door sill.  I spent about an hour cleaning that $hit up and his sneakers went straight to the trash.

That happened one time with my oldest, hiding in one of the clothes racks at the store (classic hiding spot).  Normally I can tell where she is when she hides there, but she had good placement and was pretty quiet that time, even when we walked off a bit from where she was.  Hard to get mad when she told me she was playing spy, but I certainly know the pit of your stomach feeling.

I'm lucky. I have 4 kids 7 (girl) 7 (boy) 8 (boy) 10 (girl). They all love to play games, I have bought or upgraded and passed on each of them a 3ds. I passed down my wii to them, and am in the process of getting cables for a second 360 I have to give them. They love playing minecraft and Mario games. 

Losing your kid is the most frightening thing ever. My son is almost 3 now but when he was about 1 and half he started learning to unlock the front and back door. So I just had dropped my wife off at work at 7am and was still tired. So my son and I are just hanging out and he is watching Umizoomi and I doze off for 5 min and open my eyes and he is gone. Vanished. I bolt up and notice the back door is wide open and run and check out back and the neighbors yards (no fence) but nothing. Then out of the corner of my eye I see him ru. He managed to get to the neighbors yard in the back (they left there gate open) and was just playing on their swingset. Scared the shit out of me. Luckily, now he knows better not to go out without Mom or Dad
And this is why I'm a believer in those backpack leashes. Yeah, it's tacky as all hell amongst other things, but I'd rather be judged as a shitty parent than lose a kid. I can't imagine anything being worse than that as a parent.

And this is why I'm a believer in those backpack leashes. Yeah, it's tacky as all hell amongst other things, but I'd rather be judged as a shitty parent than lose a kid. I can't imagine anything being worse than that as a parent.
I have to admit, I've made fun of people when I see them use these. You see them a lot at Disney. It's just looks so demeaning to the child like they're a dog or something. What's wrong with hand holding? But if it works for you use it. Maybe some kids have tendencies to run off.

I used to wear one of those baby carriers where they're strapped to your chest. Talk about a chick magnet.

I have to admit, I've made fun of people when I see them use these. You see them a lot at Disney. It's just looks so demeaning to the child like they're a dog or something. What's wrong with hand holding? But if it works for you use it. Maybe some kids have tendencies to run off.

I used to wear one of those baby carriers where they're strapped to your chest. Talk about a chick magnet.
Before I was a parent, I felt the same way and to a certain extent, I still do. My daughter is actually pretty good with not running off for now, but she doesn't consistently hold my hand either, so I'm leaving the option open if I feel I need to use it. Some of them are cute looking backpacks anyways even if you don't use them as a leash...haha

My 5 year old is pretty shy and sticks close to us usually but this Halloween we went to a neighborhood party where she gave us a short scare. They had a large bouncy house with a slide and when we got there she said she wasn't interested. We grabbed some food and she and her 22mo sister played on the swing set for a while. Well me and my wife got to chatting with some others and we look up and daughter isn't anywhere around! It's dark by this point and there are probably 40 kids running around plus parents. We both get a little frantic and start calling for her. My wife finally finds her in the bouncy house. She's happily bouncing away with a nasty looking bloody nose. She said she bumped in to another kid. (I guess she fit right in with it being Halloween and all) Both incidents gave us a bit of a scare.

The 5yo also had a wild and kinda humorous breakdown tantrum at my wife's parents over thanksgiving. My wife's mother and sister always make all the kids dress up in matching shirts/outfits and take photos. Me and my wife aren't real keen on it but whatever. Well my 5yo threw an amazing tantrum not wanting to put on the "ugly" snowman shirt. (thank goodness Nana didn't make them this year - that would have been even more embarrassing) She kicked and screamed and said she wanted to rip the shirt up - wanted to take scissors and cut it in to a thousand peices! Haha! She's incredibly independent about her clothes. (Mind you - 95% of her clothes come from the thrift stores/yard sales though - but her pickiness about clothes worries me for the future!) She eventually put the shirt on and took the photos (through bribery from Nana - not my bag either but whatever - we are only there a few times a year.)

I have to admit, I've made fun of people when I see them use these. You see them a lot at Disney. It's just looks so demeaning to the child like they're a dog or something. What's wrong with hand holding? But if it works for you use it. Maybe some kids have tendencies to run off.

I used to wear one of those baby carriers where they're strapped to your chest. Talk about a chick magnet.
I had a cute doggy type backpack for my oldest when she hit 2. It looks demeaning, and I didn't like using it, but the truth is she liked walking on her own, and the alternative of putting stress on her arm socket trying to keep her in line when she wanted to run off instead of putting the stress on her torso wasn't appealing.

Also I still use those front carriers with my son at 11 mo, I constantly get remarks when I'm out and about with that, plus its so much easier on my back (the whole center of gravity thing at your chest for guys) and frees up my hands. I basically call him an accessory at that point.

I guess our best method of "child transport containment" has always been her lightweight MaClaren stroller. This sucker has been to Japan 3 times and Disney about 12. But I think it's time to dump it. She's just too old for a stroller now. We sure got our moneys worth out of the cheap little MaClaren.

She kicked and screamed and said she wanted to rip the shirt up - wanted to take scissors and cut it in to a thousand peices! Haha! She's incredibly independent about her clothes. (Mind you - 95% of her clothes come from the thrift stores/yard sales though - but her pickiness about clothes worries me for the future!)
Bro, I'm with ya. My girl is 5yrs too. She just wants to wear dresses all the time. I bought her a really cute pair of denim jeans. She wore them once and complained the whole time. A waste of $30. But she's extremely picky when it comes to shoes. If she's not wearing the correct pair of shoes it's the end of the world. Luckily she wears a uniform to school so there's no argument in the mornings anymore.

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Luckily she wears a uniform to school so there's no argument in the mornings anymore.
*I'm* lucky that our school *doesn't* do uniforms!! I don't know what we'd do if we had to do uniforms! Sounds like our girls clothing choices are the opposite though. My 5yo with ONLY wear casual stuff like jeans and t-shirts and leggings and such. She won't wear a dress (she's refused to be flower girl at my nephew's wedding - probably in large part due to what she'd have to wear). She prefers wild, bright colors and the more colors the better. Rainbow strip leggings for days - literally. She's very particular about her shoes too. And she's very "princess and the pea" about stuff. Any little thing that might be off really bothers her. I was always kinda like that with socks though. I needed my seam to go neatly over the top of my toes and not at the end or off to one side.

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So my daughter goes to a day care that has clients that wouldn't lose their jobs or have a reduction in income for taking a couple days off if their child was sick, but for some strange fucking reason, they decide to send their kids to school and get everyone else's kid sick anyways. I can understand if you're barely making a living wage and can't take the time, but keep your snot factories at home goddamn it.


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She's very particular about her shoes too. And she's very "princess and the pea" about stuff.
This sums it up perfectly. Those socks aren't on right or these shoes are too tight.

As for kids in her class getting sick we haven't had a major problem yet. But I notice a lot of kids cough & sneeze without covering their mouths. Come on parents, teach your asshole kids not to cough in my kids face. I saw this happen once. The kid looked at my daughter and coughed point blank. I wanted to smack the little ass-hat.

We did have a lice scare a couple weeks back. A note was sent out but we got lucky. I was worried because my daughter has really long hair. Too long I think.

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Well in a later stage with my kids than the majority of the folks posting on here. Added my oldest to our car insurance last week and it doubled what we have to pay. So you have that to look forward to!

It has been quite some time since I've been in this thread.  Went from having one to two and now expecting our third this spring.  I'll have three under three there is never a dull moment in my house :drool:

It has been quite some time since I've been in this thread. Went from having one to two and now expecting our third this spring. I'll have three under three there is never a dull moment in my house :drool:
Congrats bud!

What are you guys getting your kids for Christmas? My four year old is really into Star Wars right now, so I was thinking maybe some Lego or that build-a-lightsaber toy or something. My 1 year old will be getting a hockey set and maybe a golf set. I don't even know if toys are the best option anymore either. They play with them for 5 minutes and then they just sit in a bin.

Also I still use those front carriers with my son at 11 mo, I constantly get remarks when I'm out and about with that, plus its so much easier on my back (the whole center of gravity thing at your chest for guys) and frees up my hands. I basically call him an accessory at that point.
I can no longer carry my daughter (3yo) for prolonged periods of time. We're trying to wean her off the stroller too so we dont have to carry it around all the time. Those with older children, at least you dont have to deal with picky eaters any more. Good stuff with my son though (5yo) as he's starting to learn to use a TV remote.. i'd almost go as far as saying he's more competent with it than my wife is!

FFRK is slowly becoming a way for my son to learn about the Final Fantasy series. He's really loving it.

My daughter is intrested in the Legend of Zelda series. She's seen me play Wind Waker and says when she gets older she wants to play it all by herself. I said that's an awesome starting point to get into the Zelda series and I can't wait to watch her play.

We were playing Smash Bros a week ago and she really likes ROB for some reason. I ask why and she just says, "Because he's the strongest!!!!"

It has been quite some time since I've been in this thread. Went from having one to two and now expecting our third this spring. I'll have three under three there is never a dull moment in my house :drool:
Congrats on your third!

I'm in a similar position. It's been a good amount of time since I've been in the thread but I did read up on the last couple months of thread because there's no such thing as too much parenting input/discussion.

Like bike, my wife is expecting. We're on baby #2 and it's a girl! My son is 2.5 (to chime in on recent discussion, he's throwing tantrums fairly often but getting better at controlling them and listening) and definitely a blast to be around. I was hoping for another boy because ideally, I would've liked boy-boy-girl, but my wife won. She wants boy-girl-boy/girl.

Got a question for those of you with at least one child of each gender. What is the biggest difference you noticed in raising a girl from raising a boy?

Congrats to all you guys expecting or with newborns. It feels like a century since my girl was a baby.

Got a question for those of you with at least one child of each gender. What is the biggest difference you noticed in raising a girl from raising a boy?
Not sure how much my opinion is worth since I only have 1 girl, but I've had my fair share of playdates & classes. Boys definatly are more active & physical while girls tend to bring on drama but also are a little more focused. But the best thing I can tell you is every kid is diffrent so expect to be surprised. You might have a little tomboy, who knows.

Got a question for those of you with at least one child of each gender. What is the biggest difference you noticed in raising a girl from raising a boy?
From my experience (two girls and my 11mo boy), the girls definitely bring more emotional drama to the forefront, and I found it harder to keep them mentally entertained for any period of time. Both of my girls were indecisive about what they wanted half of the time, and I found them wavering between wanting their freedom and wanting to be comforted.

My boy, however, he's very simple, you can read what he wants most all of the time, and loves to be held as much as possible. Now he's only 11mo now, and I have already seen his physical side come out more (caught on to crawling and walking sooner than my girls, and also throws / hits more). My oldest grew up with my wife's cousin's son at about the same age, and I already see the same traits in my own son in him (more mellow, easier to entertain with longer attention span, though much more physical / daring).

Just another sampling though, you may find out the exact opposite.

So with Christmas coming up next Friday, what is everyone getting there kids? We mainly got our son Paw patrol toys. Pain in the ass to get them all though. I'm missing two toys that go with the patroller. Besides that though, puzzles, hot wheels plus track, clothes. I really can't remember everything though since my wife already wrapped everything. He is getting the paw patroller on the 22nd though, it will be his 3rd birthday.

I just can't wait to see his face when he opens all his gifts though. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face
^^ I asked tat on the last page and didn't get a response :lol:

I managed to find the Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage for my 4 year old after a lot of searching.  We went to a Target we hadn't been before and they had 5-7 sitting on the shelf.  Brickseek showed 0, so I don't know what happened there.  My 1 year old is getting a Thomas tower playset.  Santa is giving my 4 year old a Star Wars Lego set and a couple of Amiibo and a hockey set and a small Thomas playset for my 1 year old.

It's been difficult this year since she doesn't play with dolls or toys much. She's not needy and never says "I want that." like most kids do. She likes video games but I have every game she'd ever want to play (since I'm a gamer.. duh)

We went for more interactive stuff this year. A nice keyboard, board games. She does like Amiibo so we got her a Zelda one. Thinking of getting her R.O.B. (she likes him for some odd reason.) A bunch of clothes since she's such a fashionista. Plus some little things to throw in her stocking. I'm sure I'll get her a few more things in the days to come. And Grandma & Grandpa on both sides have things for her as well, so I think we're good.

The big problem is my wife........ I'm in trouble here CAG spouses.....

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The big problem is my wife........ I'm in trouble here CAG spouses.....
Me too!! I feel awful because I'm not getting her any surprises. She knows about everything. She picked it all out. And it's not much. I got an xbone as an early gift and I haven't exactly "equaled" that I don't think. She's pretty chill about it all though and just says she doesn't need anything. We'll see.

For my girls - my 5yo has asked for several things. Jewelry box, lunchbox and thermos for preschool, flying unicorn, hula hoop. Together they get a huge geodesic dome climber - that I've yet to put together... I also built them a new table using the existing legs/aprons of our old small IKEA table. They just didn't have room to both be drawing at the old one. For my almost 2yo we are at a loss. She plays with all my 5yo's toys. We are suppose to be getting her a twin bed at some point. I made her a quilt (made my other daughter one around 2yo as well). But we just can't figure out any toys she wants/needs.

Also - congrats to all the new and newly expecting parents that have recently commented!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday season.

In other news, I'm gaming! Nearly every day I get in a couple of hours. Divinity: Original Sin. Been playing for 3 or 4 weeks now. I have a solo campaign and a co-op one with my nephew. Having a blast!

I bet it did. Pic at the end sums it up perfectly. Thanks for sharing.

Some of the FB comments made me shake my head thou
Haha...yeah. It was obviously staged and made for LOLZ

We get stuff for our daughter all the time and not big on Christmas, so we're not doing the gifts-thing. My folks and extended family celebrate it though and we'll do gifts at the family get together. They'll probably get her some hello kitty stuff, but I think we need to get her more clothes...haha.

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My wife knows everything I'm getting her too.  I got her a Fitbit HR and some of those adult coloring books.  I feel like I need to find a "surprise" gift though.  That reminds me, I should check her Pinterest page.

The big problem is my wife........ I'm in trouble here CAG spouses.....
I can't help out much there, my wife and I haven't gotten each other Christmas gifts in a long time (probably since we got married honestly). We opt for doing something creative or thoughtful for each other instead, but in either case there isn't much pressure for either of us, especially moreso since the focus has shifted on the kids.

Maybe this isn't normal, but my wife and I have mutually enjoyed the arrangement thus far...

For the kids, they are getting an activity table, a set of solid chairs, and a bunch of toys and sets that go with it (mainly wooden toys this year). Usually the toy sets and pieces just go all over the place, hopefully the table and its storage will keep it organized.

Another fun idea my wife had was over the past few months, she's been looking out for fancy / fun dress up stuff for our girls, mainly at thrift stores and whatnot. Adding it all together in a chest she bought, its become a dress up box for them, which in the end didn't cost much but I know they will love it.

And hate on me if you will, but I did buy Amiibo Festival for my two oldest as their only video game related gift. I've been toiling over the reviews and I am well aware of its shortcomings, but my oldest is in love with Animal Crossing, and the main game is simple enough that the middle child will be able to play too. I guess I'm pretty much their target market for this kind of game.

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Got a question for those of you with at least one child of each gender. What is the biggest difference you noticed in raising a girl from raising a boy?
Here's one more observation. Boys fuck shit up physically. Like breaking stuff & writing on walls. Girls fuck shit up mentally. "I can't get my arm through my shirt / my shoes aren't on right / I don't like this toothbrush / I don't want to sit in this chair"

You can't pick your poison.

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I can't help out much there, my wife and I haven't gotten each other Christmas gifts in a long time (probably since we got married honestly). We opt for doing something creative or thoughtful for each other instead, but in either case there isn't much pressure for either of us, especially moreso since the focus has shifted on the kids.

Maybe this isn't normal, but my wife and I have mutually enjoyed the arrangement thus far...
We usually don't buy birthday presents for each other. Just take each other out to our favorite restaurants is good enough. But Christmas is with family and when you don't have a present under the tree from your significant other it's a little sad. Even if we know what we're getting the thrill of opening the gift is ingrained in my brain since I was a child. I already know I'm getting Transformers Devestation and a new high ball glass w/ a mystery present.

But I got some ideas. I remember she wanted boots. Plus I got her a gift card (Lame I know).... Still I have a ways to go.....

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The leash in action:


Big Boss got a bit of an upset stomach this morning and puked on herself in the car on the way to daycare. Good thing she had a light breakfast or else it would've ended up all over the place. Got it on her seat, her coat, and then my coat and shirt while bringing her in. Kudos to them for letting me keep her there to clean up the car and they helped clean her up too. Worst thing about it is that The Boss had my freaking car key and I had already dropped her off at the shuttle, so she was already at the office and I was stranded for a bit. I know there are some car CAGs here, so let this be a lesson for you cause this is the second time it's happened! I think I just need to leave the spare key in her bag or something...haha.

Edit: Car has a keyless ignition and I handed the fob to the Boss to start the car this morning. Good thing we're all within 2 miles of eachother on Weds or I'd be in a real pickle. I hope this makes the story more coherent...:D

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Big Boss got a bit of an upset stomach this morning and puked on herself in the car on the way to daycare...
One thing for sure since I've had kids, I've seen more puking in the past 6-7 years than I did in my whole life prior. Worst thing is that as a parent you inevitably get it too (if its a stomach flu bug and contagious), kind of near impossible not to since you have to clean up the mess. Then when you have multiples it kind of bounces around for a month or so...

I need some opinions. I'm think of getting my son a DS (from a pawn shop). He is 3 (4 in December) and he knows how to use phone/tablet no problem and always sits and watched me play my games. I've looked into some games and I have found a handful of games that he would love (Umizoomi, Diego, Dora). So what does everyone think. To young of an age to make the purchase or he should be fine at his age?
^^Hmm, he might be too young still, but every kid is different too.  Has he used one before?

My 4.5 year old had trouble with the 3DS up until recently.  He knew his way around the iPad, but the buttons gave him trouble.  I think he started getting it a couple months ago.  Now he plays Mario 3D Land, Lego Star Wars, and a couple other games.  

I have a 3 1/2 year old who I know wouldnt grasp the controls. Each kid is different though, so maybe test the waters with other handhelds or controllers and see how that works?

Assuming you have those options available to you.
No 3DS but my 5 years old still has trouble with controls. I got Yoshi Wooly World expecting her to get the controls easy. but she gets too frustrated. But I think she's just not good at games because I know when I was 5 I was rocking the NES.

My oldest daughter had trouble with most traditional control schemes at 5, the only one she got consistently was Wii remote pointing and anything touch screen based.  Now at 6 (nearing 7 in four months), she's much better at analog and D-pad movements.

She regularly plays games like Animal Crossing (gamecube version) and Captain Toad without issue, but hop and bop style platformers are still a bit too fast for her.  She loves playing Super Mario Maker though, since she can design her own levels without many enemies, plenty of power-ups and easier jumps.

My oldest daughter had trouble with most traditional control schemes at 5, the only one she got consistently was Wii remote pointing and anything touch screen based. Now at 6 (nearing 7 in four months), she's much better at analog and D-pad movements.

She regularly plays games like Animal Crossing (gamecube version) and Captain Toad without issue, but hop and bop style platformers are still a bit too fast for her. She loves playing Super Mario Maker though, since she can design her own levels without many enemies, plenty of power-ups and easier jumps.
We're pretty similar game selection. She also prefers to play games with no enimies. But she loves watching me play platforms. Recently it's been Rayman

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bread's done