Gamerush-Use this thread for flipping discussions, morals, etc.


other thread is becoming way too massive, too quickly, and most of those posts arent about the deals. use this thread about flipping discussions.

my opinion on it all: people, just dont do it. it isnt needed. i have 380 in credit, and 21 games paid for, and i havent broken any part of the trade agreement, or even flipped. people who are flipping daily/weekly deserve to be banned. shouldnt even be discussed IMHO. if you really are desperate for some cheap preorders and used games, you dont need to flip to get your games. if you guys want, ill post a list of 7 good games to get.

I'm sure some of you other CAGers from GR have some other valid points, so post your opinions. Flippers, give your point of view. Please use this thread for anything GR related that doesnt include deals. Post Away
Thanks Spin03 for making this thread. I was tired of the contamination of the other GR thread. Now I have my choice as to what I want to read with respect to GR.
[quote name='Friedle']What exactly is flipping? I missed the thread in question.[/QUOTE]

let me give you an example.

trade 3 games to blockbuster and get a used game for $5, and then going back later that day and sell it back to the store for $35. if you get a game for $5, play it for a week or 2.

worst grammar ever before revision.
wait i don't get it, so you trade in 3 games, get another for $5 or whatever the promotion is, play is and beat it then trade it back for credit?
[quote name='uuaww']wait i don't get it, so you trade in 3 games, get another for $5 or whatever the promotion is, play is and beat it then trade it back for credit?[/QUOTE]

not really sure what you are asking, but flipping screw gamerush over because you are buying a game for $5, then trading it back to them for $35, and you didnt even play it. taking advantage of the deals, or flipping can result in a banning if done multiple times.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']Thanks for the thread, the discussion within the other thread made it hard to follow trade in prices.[/QUOTE]

yeah. 20% off the posts were on topic.
I'm so tempted to do some flipping...I did the math, and I can get $240 if I trade in the games I have now, get new games, and trade them back. So tempting, I really do want to get an XBOX, PSP, or DS. My XBOX died, so I might just get another, instead of a new system. We'll see. Any advice/opinons?
well my GS usually has crappy games, but they have a big stock of good(new) games. I traded in some games today and saw they had Unreal Champ 2. I was really close to getting it even though I didn't want it. I could trade it back for 35 in credit and then flip it to get WM21 or KOTOR 2. But I don't think I will since, by the time I would have time to play those games I will be able to find them for 15 bucks after GGC.

I kinda belive that some one at GR knows that fliping is possible, but they don't care since the deals they get in alot of non-flipping customers.
I think I'm gonna go flip today, first time on this. I'm going to get roughly $250 in credit after its all said and done, and I might get a couple more new games when I trade in the originals to get another 3, bumping my over all total to $320. I really want to get a PSP. I guess I don't feel bad because I bought (not with credit, with cash) some games before my store was doing well. Checked my credit card, and one day, long ago, I spent around $500 (tax refund) all on games at GR. This'll be my only flipping I suppose, I'll be OVERWHELMINGLY satisfied if I get a PSP and 2 games, probably won't do much other gaming for a while either, dropping that much cash (even if it's credit) on something makes me oh so very dedicated to it. I'll use the remaining credit to buy a game rental pass. Still mulling this all over, but it's tempting.
Well I have been flipping and flopping for a couple of days now and I am about at $260 in store credit plus I have two copies of Fight Night Round 2 (one sealed but marked as used) and two games for my kids...I started off with crap games too and they even let through some of my old sports games, 2002 and 2003....
I noticed at Gamerush in Lomita, Ca there was a hand written note by the register regarding the game trades. I couldn't see the whole note, but it did state something about only 1 game per day for the first 2 weeks of the promotion, and any suspicious activity for the employee to call other stores and check on the customer account. It seems that GR does know about the flipping and they probably tolerate it to a point as long as it doesn't become abusive.
[quote name='Friedle']What exactly is flipping? I missed the thread in question.[/QUOTE]

It is simple. I will give a quick example.

Go out to a store like for instance K-Mart find three different games for $5 bucks each for a total of $15 and buy them. Then go to Gamerush trade in those three games and use the credit you get on the Trade 3 for $5 deal (To understand the deal it is trade in 3 games and get any pre-owned game for $5). Next, get a pre-owned copy of Forza for $5. Finally, go back to the same Gamerush the next day and trade in Forza for $35 bucks.

The reason why Gamerush/Blockbuster frown upon this is because people get the games just to trade back for the extra credit and not to actually buy it to play.

To end the explanation is this. Forza trades in for $35 and you just bought it for $5 store credit (You only ended up paying $15 out of pocket for a newer video game). Gamerush gets upset if too many people do this.
[quote name='uzumaki_star']It is simple. I will give a quick example.

Go out to a store like for instance K-Mart find three different games for $5 bucks each for a total of $15 and buy them. Then go to Gamerush trade in those three games and use the credit you get on the Trade 3 for $5 deal (To understand the deal it is trade in 3 games and get any pre-owned game for $5). Next, get a pre-owned copy of Forza for $5. Finally, go back to the same Gamerush the next day and trade in Forza for $35 bucks.

The reason why Gamerush/Blockbuster frown upon this is because people get the games just to trade back for the extra credit and not to actually buy it to play.

To end the explanation is this. Forza trades in for $35 and you just bought it for $5. Gamerush gets upset if too many people do this.[/QUOTE]

actually, you bought it for $15 cash out of pocket... but yea, you pretty much summed up the term "flipping."
I think I'm going to have a friend trade all the games back in, I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'll just have him take back all the ones that I buy, then he'll buy different ones, and I'll take em back. I'll give him like $10 for his trouble. :p
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']actually, you bought it for $15 cash out of pocket... but yea, you pretty much summed up the term "flipping."[/QUOTE]

I guess you can call my boyfriend a flipper because he buys games from Gamerush and after a couple of weeks he trades them back in.
I was told last night, btw, that corporate tells them not to trade after 11:00. Some stores do, but if they get audited, they frown on it. Not sure if the emloyees were just lazy though.
yea I used to flip

I did it twice but it was when gamerush first started like last year

I think the deal they had when they first started was trade 2 get any game for 5 and how could you not take advantage of that

I dont know how I got banned though now

i buy a game keep it for 2 weeks or so. I play the game, beat it whatever, then trade it back in and get another
[quote name='uzumaki_star']I guess you can call my boyfriend a flipper because he buys games from Gamerush and after a couple of weeks he trades them back in.[/QUOTE]

personally, i don't think being a "flipper" is a bad thing unless you abuse it or are buying up expensive used games at gamerush soley for the purpose of trading them back in for more credit. peeps who do this have wayyyyyyyyy too much time on their hands LOL! :D to each their own hehe.
So is it still considered flipping if you get that $5 game and beat it and then trade it in a week later? I'm planning on trading in SW:BF which I beat, and I only bought it last week. I think I'm going to trade in NFS:U and that plus some other crap game (which I'll probably buy for $5) for NSF:U2 to "upgrade" Am I considered a flipper?
[quote name='DV8']So is it still considered flipping if you get that $5 game and beat it and then trade it in a week later? I'm planning on trading in SW:BF which I beat, and I only bought it last week. I think I'm going to trade in NFS:U and that plus some other crap game (which I'll probably buy for $5) for NSF:U2 to "upgrade" Am I considered a flipper?[/QUOTE]

Flipping is all about image and intent. As it's hard for blockbuster to gauge intent unless someone is ridiculously obvious about it (trade for games at one store, drive five miles, dump those off and get new ones), or have the appearence of impropriety over an extended period.

Because of that, there will be a degree of overlap between people that trade rapidly and people who flip. Blockbuster will be careful about cutting people off, however, because people who trade games in within a week or so of the intial release are fairly profitable (provided the game they brought in wasn't purchased on a promo they were running).

Most of the people who were whining about getting thier accounts frozen were exceeding reasonable levels... stores don't expect you to generate or hold on to 500+ dollars in credit. That's a big red flag right there.
buying and trading should never benefit the customer. the company has to make a profit at your expense or else they go belly up. take for instance those who buy a game on a deal and sell if back for more than what was paid for it. you are getting a free rental, or worse, making a few bucks on top. the company notices this and presto change-o, you are now banned. i guess if you break even they dont really care that much cause they could most likely sell the game for more than they bought it off you in a short period of time if the title is a fairly recent one.

You guys would really hate me.

I ended up with almost $900 in credit tonight.

I had about $4000 the other week. For the record gift cards / trading cards max out at $500.

Then again Im not really "flipping" as defined in this thread. Im just driving a truck through some massive holes they have left open up here in Canada now that all stores have started trading, quite frankly Im sure it is a matter of time until they stop me, however I cant believe they havent yet.

The stores I have been going to about 15 in total are encouraging me, only one has somewhat slowed up, the rest are all about the trades, they cant get enough.

It really is quite ridiculous what they have going on here now, however I think I shall keep going until they 1, Change their system. 2, They Ban me.

One guy tonight was laughing as he handed me a gift card with $180 on it, he was like "dude what the hell are you ever going to do with all that credit?, why do you even bother?"

Im sure its only a matter of time until others / employees catch on and exploit the current holes.

Sometimes being in Canada is a good thing.

[quote name='nakanenui']buying and trading should never benefit the customer. the company has to make a profit at your expense or else they go belly up. take for instance those who buy a game on a deal and sell if back for more than what was paid for it. you are getting a free rental, or worse, making a few bucks on top. the company notices this and presto change-o, you are now banned. i guess if you break even they dont really care that much cause they could most likely sell the game for more than they bought it off you in a short period of time if the title is a fairly recent one.[/QUOTE]

Companies aren't that shortsighted. They're willing to take a couple losses on a good customer, as they'll eventually get that money back. It's people that are obviously exploiting the system and aren't offering them value back that are going to be clamped down on. It would take a pattern of losses on thier part before they likely even begin to notice.
This thread is ridiculous. I say just do whatever you want there's no need to discuss this issue and people shouldn't be preaching from "the good book of blockbuster." You don't have to obey the almighty "spin03" it is not illegal to flip and please don't buy into his whole thing about "awww poor little blockbuster all they want to do is make an honest dollar be nice to the little blockbuster" blockbuster rips off an amazing amount of people on a daily basis. 8 dollars to rent a game for a week? I'm not paying that. Remember late fees? Ever return a game/movie an hour or so late only to be slammed with late fees? Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth I say. Just do whatever you want, it's up to you as an individual to decide if flipping is worth the risk of being banned. There really is no moral issue here, blockbuster makes these deals and realize it is possible to exploit them. If they were losing money on this they wouldn't be doing it anymore. This is what...the fourth time they've run this promotion? Even if you do rake in the credit you are still spending it at blockbuster.

All I have to say is don't be a sheep just do whatever you want.
[quote name='sevdustflyer']This thread is ridiculous. I say just do whatever you want there's no need to discuss this issue and people shouldn't be preaching from "the good book of blockbuster." You don't have to obey the almighty "spin03" it is not illegal to flip and please don't buy into his whole thing about "awww poor little blockbuster all they want to do is make an honest dollar be nice to the little blockbuster" blockbuster rips off an amazing amount of people on a daily basis. 8 dollars to rent a game for a week? I'm not paying that. Remember late fees? Ever return a game/movie an hour or so late only to be slammed with late fees? Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth I say. Just do whatever you want, it's up to you as an individual to decide if flipping is worth the risk of being banned. There really is no moral issue here, blockbuster makes these deals and realize it is possible to exploit them. If they were losing money on this they wouldn't be doing it anymore. This is what...the fourth time they've run this promotion? Even if you do rake in the credit you are still spending it at blockbuster.

All I have to say is don't be a sheep just do whatever you want.[/QUOTE]

I agree somewhat with both what you say and what jsweeney says. First off, flipping certainly isn't "illegal". I don't even think it is even really amoral - just that it might ruin a good thing. Do it to your heart's content if you so wish. However, what I, and presumably others here, don't like is that they have started banning people who are just trading in a bunch of things, even if flipping is not involved (if we're getting the full stories - perhaps we aren't in some cases). Perhaps it is a case of the flippers ruining it for everyone, and busy store managers not having the time or inclination to investigate each account in detail. I don't know. Maybe they just decided they didn't like all the crappy games they've been getting and they are cracking down in any case, regardless of flipping.

What I wish they would do, though, is tighten up the requirement A LITTLE. Perhaps limiting a single title to 4 trade-ins, period (instead of the 2 of a title per day). The 2 per title per day is fine with me, of course, as long as they aren't banning people who bring in 5 of something over a one month period, as it seems they have. In that case they aren't following their own guidelines. I understand fully them not wanting to accept too many of a title - so just make the restrictions tighter, and anyone who works within those restrictions should then not have to worry about being banned.

I do agree, though, that the deals must be working for them in the long run, or else why would they keep doing them? I thought the worst thing for them was the double-dip of a $10 trade-in bonus (for 2 games) AND selling a new game for $30. They HAD to be losing money on that. Some stores never allowed that, my store stopped doing it in the very last week, but many others, including Cory's, happily did it the whole time. He seemed to indicate that it wasn't a big problem for them. If THAT didn't cost them, I don't see how many of the other deals, even when fully-exploited, do (with the exception of PURE flipping back and forth multiple times)...

Anyway, sorry about the rambling... Obviously there is SOME problem with their trade deals and vaguely-worded policies or there wouldn't be so much discussion here. Personally I don't want to see them change a thing, but I would trade some slightly tighter restrictions for the security of knowing I can follow what they lay out and not fear being banned. The problem is, they would probably tighten things, and then STILL ban people semi-randomly and inconsistently - certainly from one store to the next.
Dusty has a point. Store credit is not the same as cash. If you have $100 in credit you can buy $100 worth of retail merchandise, which is really worth about 60-70 cash. And when you trade 3 to get a used game for $5 you aren't just buying a game for $5, you are spending 3 of your used games which have value.
BB will turn around and sell those for $5-10 a piece even if they are crappy ones.

Flipping may not be illegal, but it is against the trade agreement policy. However, there is no way to prove that you are flipping. There is no way to prove your copy of a game came from blockbuster or not.

The really strange thing about Gamerush is that they allow you to "double dip" on regular deals unlike any other store: They give you the game value as credit AND allow you to purchase a used for $5. No other store has ever done this. They could start making a great deal more if they eliminated store credit on this deal and made it a straight trade 3 get a used for $5. They would still be giving the best deal in town AND building an inventory.
So I have a question for whomever has a good answer. Why is it that I have to sign up for a trade account at each blockbuster/gamerush that I go to? The credit I had at gr was not usable at bb. If this is the case, how do they know if you buy at one and trade at another??
I am interested to see what they start doing in Canada, promo wise, in the future. As it stands now, you recieve a min $8 in credit on ANYTHING, Yes ANYTHING.

Between $8-$30, with all kinds of fun points in between, my favourite so far are the baseball games they are giving $18 a piece for.

Sadly they have just reduced Madden 2003 from $15 to $9. :)

One store decided after a month or so and about 60 copies of Madden 2003 to stop taking it, the other 14 or so still are. Go figure.

Go Go Blockbuster!
[quote name='h2dk']So I have a question for whomever has a good answer. Why is it that I have to sign up for a trade account at each blockbuster/gamerush that I go to? The credit I had at gr was not usable at bb. If this is the case, how do they know if you buy at one and trade at another??[/QUOTE]

That is the thing they don't unless they call the original store you have a trade agreement with. That is why most times when I get a newer game from Gamerush I just go to my local blockbuster and trade it in.
[quote name='mr99']Interesting.

You guys would really hate me.

I ended up with almost $900 in credit tonight.

I had about $4000 the other week. For the record gift cards / trading cards max out at $500.

Then again Im not really "flipping" as defined in this thread. Im just driving a truck through some massive holes they have left open up here in Canada now that all stores have started trading, quite frankly Im sure it is a matter of time until they stop me, however I cant believe they havent yet.

The stores I have been going to about 15 in total are encouraging me, only one has somewhat slowed up, the rest are all about the trades, they cant get enough.

It really is quite ridiculous what they have going on here now, however I think I shall keep going until they 1, Change their system. 2, They Ban me.

One guy tonight was laughing as he handed me a gift card with $180 on it, he was like "dude what the hell are you ever going to do with all that credit?, why do you even bother?"

Im sure its only a matter of time until others / employees catch on and exploit the current holes.

Sometimes being in Canada is a good thing.


Can you share some of that Canadian love into Michigan? Damn! that is a lot of credit.
[quote name='CoryCubed']The problem is that people are so shortsighted and dumb that they take advantage of a deal and then that deal may be gone forever if the company catches on.

THEN these same people gripe and moan because companies don't ever have any good deals. Its so f'ing retarded.

To Flippers credit is the same as cash as they can buy ps2s or some other new item and sell it for a pretty close dollar to dollar ratio.

Those that follow the rules will do just fine by themselves. Remember the deal lasts til September so even then.

just don't get too carried away and spread the good titles around for regular people too.

My big complaint is that we get tons of crap games that I have to process and put out thus affecting my ability to do other things that are more important such as repricing, putting up signage to promote the new deals, rebalancing, cleaning, straightening, putting the right locater boxes out there, alphabetizing, and most of all provide great and personalized customer service.

If I am lacking time I can't actually talk to people yet I still haft to mention trades, preorders or something. I hate being the asshole that goes through the motions and haft to bug people about preorders.

Yes I still haft to ask everyone but I'd much rather spend time talking to them about games, what they play, that kind of thing. Thats why I work at Game Rush and not Home Depot or McDonalds while I'm in school.

Then my DL gets pissed at me for shit not being done. I hate flippers and will stop them when it affects my ability to do my job the way it should be done.

I've already identified three problem people (one dumbass went to at least 4 stores in one day) I and will be enforcing trade policy to the max as I am sick of processing crap like RTX Red Rock and Extermination and Cubix and Driving Type Emotion S and HeadHunter and Project Eden and Red Faction and all the other $4.99 junk. (there's a helpful list for some of ya)

I have a meeting with a corporate person and I'm am damn near close on doing what I can to change the requirements on this deal because my ability to do what needs done is becoming affected.

$7 is a perfectly reasonable price to rent a game. It takes Blockbuster at least 6 rentals just to break even on a game. Games are 2 times the price of movies on average.

You get a week. Thats $1 a day. Thats what the gas station nearby charges only they charge by the day. If you don't like the policy then don't rent there its that simple. You can always do gamefly or hell even the gamepass if you like (since you flippers are so smart I'm sure you can figure out the way to get it without a credit card).

I bet you go pay $6.50 or whatever to see a measely two hour movie right? Most flippers are the average 15-25 male dumbass that drives a honda and thinks he's the shit.

There's tons of factors in price increases its not just companies. You all after to remember things like inflation and taxes. Remember if a company raises a rental price the tax will be more as well.

Hell the arcade by my house just went to electronic token paying and they have raised their prices to 30 cents from 25 cents for credits and some games are $1.10 instead of $1.0

Do I complain? No. I Realize that over time prices are going to increase. Its life. No company in their right mind would be dumb enough to raise a price unless the current price was really hurting them.

Anyways enough ranting do what you want to do and just don't come to my store with your crap k thanks bye[/QUOTE]

CoreyCubed let me just be the first person to say that was a lot to take in but most of us understand your rant. Thanks for all the info that you provide for us.
I've found that if you don't use crap titles (4.99 stuff), it works out a lot better for the stores. I did flipping for the first time today, and I didn't have any titles that were cheapo, the cheapest trade I had was like 7.00. I've traded "crap" games before, but they were racing games, and in texas, racing games fly off the shelf whether or not they are good. Just try to not make too much of a profit, and it's a lot better.
Regarding flipping:

I trade 3 games (including Forza and Republic Commando) at gamerush and get UC2. A couple days later, I go to a blockbuster (very limited selection) I trade 3 games (SC:CT, Jade Empire, etc.) but the only game worth a crap is Republic Commando. So I grab it for $5 (not my fault they have a crap selection, but I want to maximize my deal). Now if I were to take that Republic Commando to yet another blockbuster (a week later) with another high profile game and some 3rd game..... Well I know the moral answer...but is it terrible to do? I am trading in a bunch of high profile games that won't sit on their shelf long (especially with this deal:)) and not sticking them with multiple copies of crap games.
I think that there is a major grey area in deciding if this is moral or not. I live in a town with two Gamerush stores within maybe 7 miles of each other. I traded some stuff in until I had a decent amount of credit then realized that I could buy two 4.99 or 6.99 games using credit and get one free with the current deal. Then I would take the three games to the other Blockbuster, trade them in and get any high priced used came for free ($5 credit) plus any extra credit if there is any. It didn't take long however for one of the employees (I believe the manager) at one of the stores to call me on it though and he wouldn't let me trade them. I'm not sure if he was in contact with the other store of if he just made a good guess but it was my fault for making so many returns in a small amount of time. I wasn't banned from the store but afterwards I felt like a real ass and don't ever look forward to going back into that store again. Not so much because I was caught but because I felt like as ass for taking advantage of a good deal. Kind of the "I'm not angry, just dissapointed" thing. On the other hand the comapny had to know that this kind of things were going to happen. These deals are just ridiculous. The only reason I can think that this really helps BB is that it gets people out of Gamestop and EBgames and into BB. I don't think that flipping really hurts the company but it could hurt each store and each store manager (gross profit, expenses, etc.). I'm sure it's very frustrating for a manager to find people doing this as it mostly just recycles crappy games through there stores and takes up there time and untimately wastes money. Anyway, I'm through with it. I just hope that if the time comes when I want to legitimately trade something in, I can. You could really screw yourself by getting caught. Not only do I not want to get caught again but in my opinion it's really just a crappy thing to be doing. But...I also don't look down on anyone who does this. Just be careful.
[quote name='CoryCubed']Bottom line though is internally the high level Game Rush management main priority right now is getting flipping stopped and under control by end of June. Doubt that'll happen without getting rid of some of the deals but enjoy it while it lasts kids.

Sad part is I have been overly lenient on some deals. I had a guy yesterday trade in 5 n64 games. he wanted zelda but it was $9.99 and he only had $5.5 credit from the n64. Guess what I did? I let him do the $5 deal. Why? He wasn't trying to scam the system and he traded games I knew we'd sell (Mario Kart and Star Fox, at least $12 when sold).

I have no problem using the deals when it is advantageous to the customer and helps build loyalty to the business. If any of you have seen my post right under the op and compare it with what I did above you will get a good idea of what I did during the trade 3 get an extra $5 per game.

I know the business and I know where it hurts and helps Blockbuster. Plus, if I know they are not a flipper, it is always good to leave at least $3 credit on someones account. it helps bring them back in the store giving me more time to talk about games and what not rather than advertisements.


does the system say what system the game is for

like if one trades in splinter cell CT for xbox, does it say that?
[quote name='CoryCubed']
I know the business and I know where it hurts and helps Blockbuster. Plus, if I know they are not a flipper, it is always good to leave at least $3 credit on someones account. it helps bring them back in the store giving me more time to talk about games and what not rather than advertisements.



Going away from the topic of flipping - and moving to the one of taking advantage (as I have) of the preorder/new game deal...

Can you reiterate what you said a while back (buried in an old GR thread) about the trade 2 for $29.99 preorder deal? I believe that you said this was a good thing for GR even if the 2 titles are crap games (but not from flips) because the preorders generated, first off, are good for the individual store's numbers, and secondly, good over all for BB because they can then put in bigger orders with the publishers (and subsequently get greater discounts). I might be mixing up what you said with what I've heard in EB or GS discussions, so please (as you know the business) elaborate/clarify if you can.

On the flip side (no pun intended), is the same deal BAD if it is used to get a new ($50) game sitting in the store because that didn't count in the preorder numbers?

I, personally, have used the deal for a number of $40 games and even some $35 games (in addition to many $50 titles of course). I certainly don't feel bad in those cases, because I'm sure between my trade-ins and the $29.99, GR is making money. Also, I have been passing up great deals at Fry's (like $34.99 for SW Ep. III) and Target to buy all my games exclusively at GR. So, they have been successful in swiping my business away from their nearby competitors - but ONLY because of the trade 2/$29.99 deal. If that continues through September and they don't get too stingy with the trade requirements (and they aren't at all now) I don't forsee myself buying ANY games anywhere else for a while. (Just wish they'd carry more DS games!).
bread's done