Games that remind you of your old summer days?


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When May/June hits I always get a sudden urge to play a few games. They remind of Summers during my childhood and I always try and replay them every year. I'm weird :(
For a while, I made it my mission to play Super Mario RPG every summer. With it now being on the Virtual Console it'll be easy to do w/o hooking up the ol'e SNES.
StarFox64 is another game. Solo and multi. Plaaaaayed the shit out of that game all Summer long when it came out.
..and Donkey Kong Country. Now I do like DKC2 way better, but this always reminds of the contest (that I lost) that Blockbuster held a few years ago. I would play for HOURS and would keep track of my time/score.

Anyone else? :p
I remember one summer i spent playing Lunar SSSC for the ps1 then right after i player Lunar 2 and beat both and also beat the really hard epilogue levels after the game ended in part 2. Hands down most fav game EVER Lunar SSSC.
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past(which I just got for GBA from Goozex and Street Fighter II(now SF IV since its the most recent one).I will probably play MGS 3 also so I can finally play MGS 4.
Loz:LTTP is another one of those games that i have played till NO end. I play and beat through it at least once every 4 months.
Super Mario World, Star Fox 64, Mario 64, Earthbound, bunch of Nintendo 64 games.
Sega Channel, Red Alert 2. These are some games that my friends and I would play for hours during the summer, and Red Alert 2 was my first game I played Online, My best friend lived across the street and I would run back to my house and we would play online for hours. Build a huge army and attack each other. Tons of hours playing Star Fox 64 multiplayer with 4 people, there was always around 10 of us, so we would have tournments etc. alot of fun.
Man, I get the same feelings. Every time spring rolls around every year I have to pull out some Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and beat it, not even rushing it, just taking my time and playing it like as if it was a brand new game. Link To The Past, as well. Yoshi's Island and Super Mario World also remind me of my ole' summer days. I miss those times.
Summer has always been Super Nintendo season for me. However, ever since graduating college and joining the "real world" summer just doesn't have the same meaning. I'm sure I'll still find the time to make my annual pilgrimage through FFVI though, and I'm going to try to re-visit the first two Breath of Fire games as well if I find the time.
The original Smash Bros. Man, I remember playing it alone until 6AM and still having alot of fun with it. Perfect Dark, Tekken 5, Soul Calibur II, Guitar Hero II and Mario Kart 64 I'd do long ass marathons with, with friends.
final fantasy X, i beat it in two weeks one summer.

star craft....... all night all the dam time during middle school

CS with my sisters friends who were 3 years older and fun to awp.
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Kings of the Beach (nes), Skate or Die (nes), - these are some games that I can remember sitting down with over the summer, with my cousins, playing the hell out of them. When you say summer, these are the games that came to mind.
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