(GFC) - Friendly Package Forwarding Service for Canada & The World


599 (100%)

GFC is Back in Business! Worldwide Package Forwarding & Item Ordering Services ^_^.

1) Direct Request (DR) Services - The service that started it all, our Direct Request (DR) Service allows you to buy just about anything you want from the USA and have us order it and ship it directly to you. This is perfect for those of you who are unable to buy from USA merchants that will not ship to Canada directly or who do not accept Canadian/International credit cards. We charge $2.00 per item ordered plus shipping. Additional fees apply for items weighing more than 5 pounds shipped or more than $150 USD in value. Our online form will calculate everything for you automatically and there's no obligation to buy anything until you check out with Paypal. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about our services.

2) Package Forwarding (PF) Services, Address & Rates - [PREMIUM SERVICE] If you want to order the items yourself, you can! You can order from any website that ships to the USA. Ship the items to our secure UPS mail box and we will repackage them and ship them to you in Canada (or any other country for that matter). Typical fees apply for this service as usual and you pay only $1.00 per package received at our mail location. Quick, easy and GREAT for limited-time sales when the Direct Request option may not be quick enough. Please note we cannot ship: meat, cigarettes or other nicotine items (including electronic cigarettes and their accessories), alcohol, weapons or gun accessories (including paintball/airsoft), pornographic materials, toxic chemicals (including several cleaning liquids), fertilizer or any items that are illegal to ship internationally. Also, any items containing NI-CD or LI-Ion Batteries can no longer be shipped via USPS (Laptops, cell phones, handheld game systems, etc.) and must be shipped via UPS instead. If you have questions about a particular item, please contact us first before ordering.  You will receive an Email invoice with PDF attachment explaining line-by-line details of all charges and full payment options. GFC PF Service Requires Premium Membership which costs $10.00 a month or $100.00 a year (discount of two free months) and is available in our GFC Store. Full details on website.

3) GYROS Updates - After you have ordered your items, filled out the forms and notified us of your order we will add your items to our GYROS page (generally within a week or less). Once your items have been received, we will invoice you for the shipping costs + our service charge. After receiving your payment, your items will be shipped out to you in a timely manner and you will receive an Email with all relevant shipping information ^_^. If you have any questions feel free to Email us at [email protected] .

Service Charges (Free Members):

GFC Charges $2.00 per item forwarded for standard or "Free" Members. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request 2.0 system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Service Charges (GFC Premium):

GFC Charges $1.00 per item forwarded. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Estimated Shipping Costs:

The following are shipping estimates for standards weights. This will give you a pretty good idea of how much it will cost to ship your item to Canada. If you live in another country, feel free to inquire by contacting us directly.

For all items from 0 - 4 pounds we typically use USPS First Class Mail:

$00.00 = 0 Pounds / Digital Items
$09.00 = 6 ounces
$09.00 = 7 ounces
$09.50 = 12 ounces
$11.00 = 1 Pound
$16.50 = 2 Pounds
$22.00 = 3 Pounds
$27.50 = 4 Pounds

For all items from 5 pounds and up we typically use USPS Priority Mail:

$38.00 = 5 Pounds
$40.00 = 6 Pounds
$42.50 = 7 Pounds
$45.00 = 8 Pounds
$47.50 = 9 Pounds
$49.50 = 10 Pounds
$52.00 = 11 Pounds
$54.50 = 12 Pounds
$57.50 = 13 Pounds
$55.00 = 14 Pounds
$62.50 = 15 Pounds
$60.00 = 16 Pounds
$63.00 = 17 Pounds
$70.00 = 18 Pounds
$72.50 = 19 Pounds
$75.00 = 20 Pounds
$77.50 = 21 Pounds
$80.00 = 22 Pounds
$83.00 = 23 Pounds
$85.50 = 24 Pounds
$88.00 = 25 Pounds

For any items over 25 pounds, we'll have to manually invoice you.

On Hold & Unclaimed Merchandise:

GFC allows you to send items to our secure UPS Package Forwarding address (listed above). After you order your items it is your responsibility to properly fill out our Package Forwarding (PF) Form on our website located here: . Once you do this, we will be notified of the items you have ordered and you will pre-pay the shipping/service charges up front for us to process and re-ship them to you.

The first 30 days are free to hold all Package Forwarding items.This is plenty of time for you to successfully order from the various stores that you want and submit our PF form to notify us. This also allows for adequate time for you to request us to combine items into a single package.

After 30 days, there will be a $5.00 USD charge per ITEM per week (flat rate fee) until the payment has been paid in full. Since you are pre-paying for the item costs, you will be responsible for both shipping to your country, our GFC Service Charges and any processing fees associated with the transaction.

After 90 days, GFC will not be responsible for unclaimed or missing merchandise sent to us at our Package Forwarding address. We suggest that you fully insure all orders sent to our address in case of loss or damage as we will not be responsible for missing or damaged goods.

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Hey Goomba, just wondering if you sent out the ones marked as "shipping soon!" since early last week? Just wanna know if I should be expecting God of War 3 and SMG2 this week same with Kumomo's RDR. Thanks!
Some of the SMG2's got delivered later so they weren't ready to go out for the weekend before the Post Office closed. I will be updating the GYROS tonight around midnight or so. All the "Shipping Soons" should have been shipped :) I will udpate soon. Thanks!
penetratingpincer, I'm in the process of updating it (taking more time than I had planned with packing a few items) but I assure you that your item will ship out first thing in the morning :) I'm going to bed in 30 minutes so I'll be sure to update your order status.

As for the Lowball, yeah I decided I'm going to wait and get more items together. I don't think anyone will really be excited with a 10 item Lowball, so I'll probably be waiting until the re-launch of the new GFC pages mid-June :) Thanks for your support!
I just picked up nearly 20 packages from the UPS. There's a LOT of little Amazon packages, so I think it's safe to assume those are all of the Super Mario Galaxy 2's you guys ordered. I will try to have around 40 packages shipped out in the next two days, so that'll keep me busy for sure. Thanks again!
haha I'm all for it. Thanks man :) I'm hoping I get a bid on the PS3. My rent money sort of depends on it. I think $299 for that system is a bargain. I paid almost $700 with tax and shipping on launch day. OUCH.
Shoot! I just noticed that it shows up as "Condition: Acceptable" for Agarest War. Why is that the default on eBay? I listed it as Brand New (which it is) ...I may have to cancel that item and relist it. I don't want people thinking it's a used copy. Grrr... I wish eBay would let you fix things like that.

edit: Never mind, I was able to change it after going to advanced options. I will have to change my settings in Auctiva as that seems to be the main culprit. Thanks for reminding me :)
Hey guys, look what's in....I'll be invoicing those of you who haven't paid for the shipping money yet and shipping for all others tonight. Thanks! I'll be doing normal shipping tonight as well.

That's not even all of them. There are still like three copies that haven't gotten here. Safe to say it's the most popular item this month due to all the sales from different sites :)
Oh, when you have the major GFC upgrade, will you still keep the old gyros page or records around? It's useful to have so I can see what others have purchased (gift ideas).

If I didn't already have a PS3, I might have put in a bid for it. Some of the other ebay items, I have no clue what they are or don't have the system (I don't have any Nintendo systems)
penetratingpincer, yes and no. The GYROS page will be there FOR SURE as it's vitally important. I am debating whether or not though I'll keep it the same. Lately it has caused a lot of headaches for me with people that don't know how to read it, but don't worry it's not going anywhere. I'm just looking into ways to have it filter the data so you can hide certain options (example: Show only MY orders or "Hide Green Orders"), etc. We'll see ^_^ It's a work in progress!

No problem. I'm sure someone will bid on it. If not then I'll just start it at $99.00 next week and relist it as I really need the money ASAP. Thanks again for your support.
I'd keep it myself as I really like the gunmetal grey color scheme (and the DS3 that goes with it) but I already have a 60GB model that's backwards compatible with PS2 so there's no point right now (not to mention I can't afford it). Thanks though :) Appreciate it.
The hat hasn't arrived yet (should be here tomorrow or Thursday). I will be doing invoices tomorrow :) Today is going to be a packing day for the most part. I won't forget about your watch invoices though. Thanks!
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Hey JJ,

Just wondering if my Red Dead Redemption (Invoice #1249) has shipped yet. It says shiping soon but it's been at that status for a while now.

It's shipping out today ass-assassin :) Sorry for the confusion. They seemed to have shipped you the deluxe edition which was strange to me as I thought we ordered just the standard version. I wanted to wait a few days to make sure it wasn't someone else's, but it seems you lucked out ^_^ Enjoy! I'll Email you the shipping info.
YEAH! We finally have bids on my PS3 :) That's great news. I'm going to list a new sealed copy of Demon's Souls as a 5 day auction and a new sealed copy of Final Fantasy XIII (PS3). Thanks guys!
I just added a like new copy of "Scribblenauts" to the eBay auction list. All auctions will be ending Sunday at 10:30 PM EST. Thanks guys. Back to packing I go :)
Hi Goomba,

Just wondering if my FFXIII and Bayonetta (both PS3) from Kmart came in yet?
Also wondering about the status of a couple of returns (FFXIII and GOW3 to EB), just want to make sure we don't pass the return date. Thanks. :)
Hi Goomba,

Just figured I'd check to see if you managed to have my items put together and sent out.

Thanks =)
Leshita, yes your games are in and I'll have them shipped out in the next day or two :) I will take care of the return copies, no worries. Thanks. I'm off to bed now (work in the morning) but I'll be doing a lot of shipping in the next couple of days especially once I shut down the GFC site. Thanks again :)

Today is the last day that I'll be leaving the Package Forwarding site up with shipping info so if you don't have it, go grab it now. The site will be almost completely down (with the exception of GYROS) from 06/03/2010 until 06/18/2010.... this will give us a lot of time to catch up on all of our inventory, website updates, shipping of existing orders and such. Thanks guys! This will make GFC a better service for everyone!
Hey Goomba,

Got my Steelseries headphones in today but I'm just wondering why the value was listed as $100 when I paid $50 for the entire 3-pack and, double-checking my order with you, I definitely indicated that as well. I got nailed for close to an extra $20 by customs because of it :(

Also, for my large gamestop mega order, I'm wondering why of all games, you're waiting on Lost Planet 2 to come in. If you recall, the games I ordered came out on 3 subsequent Tuesdays and Lost Planet 2 shipped with the first batch (the tracking number also confirms it arrived at your house on the exact same day as the other games in the first batch - Skate 3 and 3D Dot Game Heroes - on May 17th. To your home. Either that or you picked them up from the post office, as they tried to deliver all 3 games on the 14th but left a notice. Either way, you should have had this game well before some of my other stuff you've shipped out. It shipped from Gamestop on May 10 from Louisville, Kentucky, (zip code 40229) so if that can help you find it, seeing as it wasn't an issue to unbox the Mario Galaxy 2 games early, it would be hugely appreciated.

I also emailed you about a Blur "Token" that gamestop threw into the order afterwards for free and shipped separately from the game. The tracking indicates that it was delivered yesterday (June 1). I imagine it's quite a small package, though I don't really know exactly what it is, but it shipped from the same Gamestop facility on May 26 so if you can manage to find it as well and throw it into that last gamestop package pending for me, that would be awesome.

And even earlier than that, order #1236 / 1846839085 should have shipped out to your UPS box in two separate packages on May 6. The wallet should have arrived the next day (May 7) from SECAUCUS, NJ, and the coinpurse should have arrived on the 10th from SPRINGFIELD, OH, both from a company called Shoebuy in an order placed through Amazon. I'm wondering if you've seen any sign of these?

Sorry if I have too many questions, I just wasn't expecting that extra $20 charge and it often feels like some of the stuff you received earlier than certain items ends up getting shipped out much later lol

Oh and BTW... I also received the wins from your lowball auction on monday... thanks! The Transporter 3 case ended up getting cracked a bit in shipping I guess but it's no big deal, especially since I'm digging the Fringe case so much :)
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He's sending it out sometime this week Puppet. He got them yesterday or Monday. I just can't remember when Goomba's USPS weekly trip.

Man, I should have gotten SMG2 -- except, I wanna beat the inferior first one .
[quote name='RoganSarine']He's sending it out sometime this week Puppet. He got them yesterday or Monday. I just can't remember when Goomba's USPS weekly trip.

Man, I should have gotten SMG2 -- except, I wanna beat the inferior first one .[/QUOTE]

Thank you.

And how dare you call the first one inferior it is not (IMO). It is my second favorite Mario game (well maybe third since my second favorite may be Super Mario Bros. 2 USA) in the series. It is the only Mario game I enjoyed in 3D.

I actually think that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is going to be worst. I know its getting 10's everywhere but I enjoyed the story in SMG1 and I wish that they didn't get rid of it.

(If my comment sounded rude it wasn't meant to be).
Im just basing my statement off of reviews. I havn't gotten far into SMG at all (since I have very little time to play games, and Im a music game whore since its the only game you can pick up for like 10 minutes and do something), but I just heard SMG2 has more interesting level design.

We'll see.
I have to agree, SMG1 was unbelievable. SMG2 MIGHT be a better game, but to call it inferior is still ridiculous. I'm the kind of guy that gets impatient with games and often doesn't even finish them. It's also rare that I play a single-player game more than once.

I not only "beat" SMG by defeating Bowser, I 100%ed it with Mario, and with then Luigi unlocked, IMMEDIATELY 100%ed the game again, obtaining the new bonus stars as well. If SMG2 is just as good or even better, it just means we have 2 incredible games, and calling either of them "inferior" is hugely misleading when both games occupy a top 3 spot on :)
[quote name='RoganSarine']Im just basing my statement off of reviews. I havn't gotten far into SMG at all (since I have very little time to play games, and Im a music game whore since its the only game you can pick up for like 10 minutes and do something), but I just heard SMG2 has more interesting level design.

We'll see.[/QUOTE]

Well apparently Nintendo went ahead and improved upon their design from the original game. But you need to remember that when SMG1 was released it was an amazing game and won GoTY at many places. As much as I love Mass Effect 1 (it is one of my top 3 favorite Xbox 360 games) I would still to this name say my 2007 GoTY is SMG1.

I am still upset though that they killed off the story in SMG2 from what I hear and the hub. Why did they get rid of Roslina! The story was optional and I enjoyed when you could unlock more of the story. Now the world map apparently is lines.

Sorry for my rant but enjoy SMG1 because it truly is an amazing game.
[quote name='emjaymj']Hey Goomba,

Got my Steelseries headphones in today but I'm just wondering why the value was listed as $100 when I paid $50 for the entire 3-pack and, double-checking my order with you, I definitely indicated that as well. I got nailed for close to an extra $20 by customs because of it :(

Also, for my large gamestop mega order, I'm wondering why of all games, you're waiting on Lost Planet 2 to come in. If you recall, the games I ordered came out on 3 subsequent Tuesdays and Lost Planet 2 shipped with the first batch (the tracking number also confirms it arrived at your house on the exact same day as the other games in the first batch - Skate 3 and 3D Dot Game Heroes - on May 17th. To your home. Either that or you picked them up from the post office, as they tried to deliver all 3 games on the 14th but left a notice. Either way, you should have had this game well before some of my other stuff you've shipped out. It shipped from Gamestop on May 10 from Louisville, Kentucky, (zip code 40229) so if that can help you find it, seeing as it wasn't an issue to unbox the Mario Galaxy 2 games early, it would be hugely appreciated.

I also emailed you about a Blur "Token" that gamestop threw into the order afterwards for free and shipped separately from the game. The tracking indicates that it was delivered yesterday (June 1). I imagine it's quite a small package, though I don't really know exactly what it is, but it shipped from the same Gamestop facility on May 26 so if you can manage to find it as well and throw it into that last gamestop package pending for me, that would be awesome.

And even earlier than that, order #1236 / 1846839085 should have shipped out to your UPS box in two separate packages on May 6. The wallet should have arrived the next day (May 7) from SECAUCUS, NJ, and the coinpurse should have arrived on the 10th from SPRINGFIELD, OH, both from a company called Shoebuy in an order placed through Amazon. I'm wondering if you've seen any sign of these?

Sorry if I have too many questions, I just wasn't expecting that extra $20 charge and it often feels like some of the stuff you received earlier than certain items ends up getting shipped out much later lol

Oh and BTW... I also received the wins from your lowball auction on monday... thanks! The Transporter 3 case ended up getting cracked a bit in shipping I guess but it's no big deal, especially since I'm digging the Fringe case so much :)[/QUOTE]

You received the items I sent fine right? =)

Too lazy to check the tracking number, lol
[quote name='gsrce']You received the items I sent fine right? =)

Too lazy to check the tracking number, lol[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I received those last week. Thank you too :)
[quote name='emjaymj']I have to agree, SMG1 was unbelievable. SMG2 MIGHT be a better game, but to call it inferior is still ridiculous. I'm the kind of guy that gets impatient with games and often doesn't even finish them. It's also rare that I play a single-player game more than once.

I not only "beat" SMG by defeating Bowser, I 100%ed it with Mario, and with then Luigi unlocked, IMMEDIATELY 100%ed the game again, obtaining the new bonus stars as well. If SMG2 is just as good or even better, it just means we have 2 incredible games, and calling either of them "inferior" is hugely misleading when both games occupy a top 3 spot on :)[/QUOTE]
In comparison to one another, one still is arguably inferior. Inferior in terms of being a worse game, but that doesn't imply that it is a bad game :whistle2:#
emjaymj, it was my understanding that you paid $50 for each one, so I thought marking it at $100 would be less than you paid in that case. Sorry for the misunderstanding there. Just so you know though, customs don't technically want to know what you paid for them, but rather the value of the item. They're not always the same thing as customs will typically (if they inspect them further) put the USA MSRP or Canadian prices of the items. I am sorry though that they they charged you extra. Again, I have no real control over customs but in the future I'll ship them seperately or something to avoid that happening again.

Despite what your tracking may say, I have not yet received Lost Planet 2, while I have received all of your other games. I've looked through all the ones they have delivered, so unless they just left it at the post office or didn't yet deliver to me (may be at my PO Box, though I'm not sure why they'd do that). I will check on that with them tomorrow, but so far that's the only game I haven't received.

I included your Blur Token paper with your copy of Blur in the package, so no worries there. It's just a little card (piece of cardboard) so it didn't add any extra weight. I have located the wallet but haven't yet seen the coinpurse. I will go through the newer packages from UPS and try to hunt it down. Also, your wine cooler things came in as well. I will have all these shipped out by Friday :) I'll do my best to consolidate them as best to avoid future customs charges.

As for when items ship out, it's not so much when I receive's more the order they were ordered if that makes sense. I'm working on getting all items shipped out as soon as they come in (as we used to do) but the thing that has messed it up for me lately are the Package Forwarding orders. Since many people don't pre-pay the shipping/service charges it means I end up having to manually invoice them, which was the exact thing I wanted to avoid with PF orders. The new site will address this and hopefully put these issues to rest, so that we can just process on shipping and a lot less back-and-forth with invoicing :)

Glad you got the Lowball items. Sorry to hear about Transporter 3. I'm glad they made it to you though! Keep in touch and no worries about the long messages. We're shutting down GFC for the TSD for this reason, to catch up on all the loose odds and ends and get things back to normal =P Thanks again!
PuppetDoctor, all 9 copies I have of Super Mario Galaxy 2 are being packed tonight and shipped out first thing tomorrow morning. I will update GYROS and send out Emails. Also, I agree that SMG is far from "inferior"'s one of my all-time favorite Mario games and favorite video games period. I have yet to play the second one, but I don't think it'll diminish my love of the first one, no matter how good it is...and MAN does it look good!

PuppetYuber, Gamestops $10.00 codes are applied directly to new games but they can't be combined with any other discounts (except MAYBE free shipping, but I'm not even sure of that). In all, Amazon's are the most useful and Gamestop's are fine but much more limited. Thanks!
It's one coupon per order, at least that's how it's been. I had a few people order 3-5 games in a single order and only received one code, so order at your own risk :)

And yes it's a one time use meaning only $10.00 off one game (as far as I know). Thanks!
Okay sounds good :) Keep in mind the site will be down for around 2-2.5 weeks. I will still do some order processing through Emails/PM but it won't use the automated system. If there's something you really need just let me know. Thanks.
[quote name='emjaymj']Yeah, I received those last week. Thank you too :)[/QUOTE]

Glad to hear =)

Goomba, I replied to your email. Just FYI as I know it may take awhile for you to receive it with your backlog ^_-
bread's done