Gamestop B2G1: 5/16 - 5/23 (online only)


Member since Oct. 2003
2 (100%)

Promo code: MAY2G1

And before anyone asks, it's only for used/pre-owned games that are in-stock.


Also, YMMV, but you may be able to stack MAY2G1, CAG16, FREESHIPORDER20, and EDGE/PU. No error codes come up. We'll see when the sale starts tomorrow.

Sale is active. The codes can all be entered together, but MAY2G1 is disabled when any other codes are entered. Shame.
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[quote name='caedeskhan']They definitely frown on returns....I got banned from the website partly because I returned too many of poor condition games they kept sending me.[/QUOTE]

How many? I just returned 7 games. I frown on non-working items :)
Well I was buying a lot of games in 3's...sometimes for flipping on goozex/amazon, other times to give or trade with friends, etc.

I had about 4-5 orders of 3 copies of a game (which is not as bad as some people on here) from summer to end of the year, but they kept sending me disc only everytime and I usually swapped them out or just returned outright. Mind you this was mixed with plenty of other orders for both new and used titles. I eventually complained to the corporate office and I got banned from the website in turn. They would not tell me why but they said returning so many games had to do with it.

Honestly you can easily get by without GS. The employees in my area are very good and I love chatting with them but the company itself is pretty bad.
[quote name='caedeskhan']Well I was buying a lot of games in 3's...sometimes for flipping on goozex/amazon, other times to give or trade with friends, etc.

I had about 4-5 orders of 3 copies of a game (which is not as bad as some people on here) from summer to end of the year, but they kept sending me disc only everytime and I usually swapped them out or just returned outright. Mind you this was mixed with plenty of other orders for both new and used titles. I eventually complained to the corporate office and I got banned from the website in turn. They would not tell me why but they said returning so many games had to do with it.

Honestly you can easily get by without GS. The employees in my area are very good and I love chatting with them but the company itself is pretty bad.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm... I was going write them a letter to complain about how poor their used sales are. I'm a completist, and I have plenty of complaints and suggestions on that end but that's a whole different topic. However during the B2G2 sale, I got lots of copies of games that didn't straight up work. That's just some bad quality control in their warehouses or how ever they do online sales.

After your story about complaining, maybe I'll just have to stay quiet. :whistle2:# Of course, I have given up ordering online and as long as they let me keep my PUR card and shop in the friendly B&M stores I can find, I think I'll just sound off :cool:
[quote name='imacgod']Hmmm... I was going write them a letter to complain about how poor their used sales are. I'm a completist, and I have plenty of complaints and suggestions on that end but that's a whole different topic. However during the B2G2 sale, I got lots of copies of games that didn't straight up work. That's just some bad quality control in their warehouses or how ever they do online sales.

After your story about complaining, maybe I'll just have to stay quiet. :whistle2:# Of course, I have given up ordering online and as long as they let me keep my PUR card and shop in the friendly B&M stores I can find, I think I'll just sound off :cool:[/QUOTE]

Trust me they won't change. The employees know the culture is bad but the sales are there. People will still buy CoD or Madden day 1 for $60 and not care about getting it cheaper elsewhere.

It will take a few years but the bigger retailers, rapid overexpansion, and a digital game market (yes I know GS has a position in this with the dlc cards) will probably take a toll on GS.

Amazon is great. Best Buy has defied a lot of expectations since CC closed by improving their sales and their customer service. Gohastings is very good price-wise and I personally have had no problems with their customer service.

GS a few years ago offered credits for online preorders and a complete game guarantee, but that fell by the wayside after a few months.
Yeah they had a "Guarantee complete game" thing not too long ago. I managed to get Tokobot, Dark Sector, and Sonic 2006 all complete due to that guarantee... albeit, Dark Sector was defective, and Tokobot had a clear UMD shell.

So even though they were "complete", they could still be disfunctional.

Still, I ordered a now 7 year old gamecube game from gamestop, and when I got the disc... it was like near mint. Not complete by any means, but... wow. is a real gamble. Maybe it's best to have some lucky charms around when you confirm your next online order. Might help? :p
Heh, a little off topic but I have a friend who always double orders from GS in hopes of upping his complete % chance with the shipments and just returning the rest to GS. During the last b2g2 sale he got an average of 1 complete 3 generic/no manuals. It was pretty amusing. XD Next thing you know he'll be doing all his orders in 3s.
This is totally off topic, but why exactly do like 80% of used games from / B&M stores have no original case or manual? WTF do people do with them before they trade them in? Do they think the case is just packaging and throw it away? It seems like when I go into a Gamestop store and look at their used game rack.. I see more generic cases than original ones.

4 or 5 years ago when I used to go to Gamestop to buy a used game I remember worrying about trying to find the game disc in good condition, but I never worried about the case/manual being there.. it always was. These days it seems like the exact opposite with perfect condition discs and not a case with original artwork or manual in sight.
[quote name='xxjonoxx']This is totally off topic, but why exactly do like 80% of used games from / B&M stores have no original case or manual? WTF do people do with them before they trade them in? Do they think the case is just packaging and throw it away? It seems like when I go into a Gamestop store and look at their used game rack.. I see more generic cases than original ones.

4 or 5 years ago when I used to go to Gamestop to buy a used game I remember worrying about trying to find the game disc in good condition, but I never worried about the case/manual being there.. it always was. These days it seems like the exact opposite with perfect condition discs and not a case with original artwork or manual in sight.[/QUOTE]

Everyone knows Gamestop takes games without case and manuals without affecting the value. They're already pretty notorious when it comes to ripping gamers off with their whole trade-in system. Why would you give them something for free?

Plus, with more and more games filling people's homes, they simply run out of room for all the packaging. Why fill up a whole bookshelf or media center with hundreds of cases when you can fit them all into one portable cd case?
I was told that corporate okayed them to dispose of cases, manuals, and art for games that go below $5, hence if you went shopping during the B2G2, finding even just the case was tough. That is one reason for the incomplete games.

Another reason, consider the average GameStop customer: probably a kid or the parent of a child. Children aren't always the best at keeping their things nice and clean. And some people just toss the box and keep games in a CD binder. It takes all kinds.
I was told less than $10.

And for DS games... the actual order was to dispose of GAMESTOP brand cases, but some Gamestops misunderstood it as get rid of ALL used DS cases+manuals, including my home store.

Good thing I already have cases for the majority that I want... also VGIB for the remainder.

VGIB can't solve everything though. And I agree that decision was aimed for those little kids... and I can understand that, but they shouldn't have shunned older people who want to get a good deal...
F'n idiots with their corporate directives. I don't see how a game with no original case/manual would appeal to anyone. It's maddening going in to see nothing but generic holders, if even.

I know this is mainly for the portables and old gen stuff, but it is frustrating nonetheless. Forcing customers to turn to the gougers on ebay, etc. doesn't leave me with warm fuzzies for GS.
Amen to that.

(Unless the incomplete games were free as part of a B2G2... but even then it's a hollow victory because they COULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETE!)
I can sort of? understand when games for PS2, 4 year old 360 titles, portable games don't have cases. I don't understand when 90% of games released in the past 3 months for 360/PS3 don't have them. Also I hear people always say "kids abuse the cases and lose them". Why do I rarely ever see generic cases for Wii shovelware? The entire used Wii section is 100% mint.
[quote name='caedeskhan'] I eventually complained to the corporate office and I got banned from the website in turn. They would not tell me why but they said returning so many games had to do with it.

Honestly you can easily get by without GS. The employees in my area are very good and I love chatting with them but the company itself is pretty bad.[/QUOTE]

Disclosure again: I used to work for GameStop corporate

You may (and I said "may") be one of those crazies that calls corporate every day to bitch about a game that didn't work or was incomplete. These people call and demand a manager. They get a manager and go all physcho for 15 minutes about how their life is ruined because they got screwed by the company. Usually these folks are banned from buying again online. Somedays we had random fuks showing up at corporate demanding to speak with the CEO about their shitty experience.

[quote name='caedeskhan']

1. Amazon is great.
2. Best Buy has defied a lot of expectations since CC closed by improving their sales and their customer service.
3. Gohastings is very good price-wise and I personally have had no problems with their customer service.
4. GS a few years ago offered credits for online preorders and a complete game guarantee, but that fell by the wayside after a few months.[/QUOTE]

1. Amazon is good for bonus credit with new releases, but their trade-in system is not that great. Yes, some games have great TIV, but they are very bitchy about having to send complete games to get credit and good luck if you ship a game with a barcode exclusive to a store. They will return the game to you just because the barcode is not recognized by them (even though the game is complete).

2. Best Buy is struggling and their stock is taking a hit. Amazon and Wal-Mart are killing Best Buy. Personally, I cannot stand some employees who don't know shit when you ask them about an item. Most of the times I know more about their sales and products than they do.

3. I hate going to Hastings to only see 1 cashier for 20 people and all the games are behind glass. WTF. Oh yeah, and tons of games are mislabeled when it comes to prices.

4. GameStop now focuses on exclusives with preorders.
[quote name='xxjonoxx']This is totally off topic, but why exactly do like 80% of used games from / B&M stores have no original case or manual? WTF do people do with them before they trade them in? Do they think the case is just packaging and throw it away? It seems like when I go into a Gamestop store and look at their used game rack.. I see more generic cases than original ones.


80%? Where did you pull that number from? Your ass? People trade in games without cases. As simple as that. Get over it.
[quote name='imacgod']1. I was told that corporate okayed them to dispose of cases, manuals, and art for games that go below $5, hence if you went shopping during the B2G2, finding even just the case was tough. That is one reason for the incomplete games.

2. Another reason, consider the average GameStop customer: probably a kid or the parent of a child. Children aren't always the best at keeping their things nice and clean. And some people just toss the box and keep games in a CD binder. It takes all kinds.[/QUOTE]

1. I used to work at GameStop corporate and never saw anyone disposing cases or manuals or art. The only items that are disposed are collectibles from CE versions of games. The company cannot resale CE games as used. Whoever told you that is making up some shit. Why would GameStop throw away cases and then spend money on generic cases? Just think about that for 2 seconds.

2. That is exactly why games are incomplete. And stolen games being traded in.

Ok, last post. I don't want to troll here but having worked at the company, I wanted to eliminate some myths and misinformation.
[quote name='oasisboy']1. I used to work at GameStop corporate and never saw anyone disposing cases or manuals or art. The only items that are disposed are collectibles from CE versions of games. The company cannot resale CE games as used. Whoever told you that is making up some shit. Why would GameStop throw away cases and then spend money on generic cases? Just think about that for 2 seconds.[/QUOTE]

Just to clarify, I should've said I was told it was okay to throw away if the store was running low on space. And this was the exact response from two different stores. Maybe it's BS, but it still sounds reasonable based on my experience. I've had plenty of times where GameStop had no issue in offering me just a disc in a paper sleeve because they were missing the case and certainly saw this when they were clearing the last of their Xbox games last summer.

Nevertheless, nobody minds hearing any information you can share with us. Myself and others here don't understand how GameStop gets away with its practices of gutting new games or selling used games incomplete at the same price of a used game that is complete. But obviously there's a majority of consumers that don't mind getting disc only games since GameStop still appears to be in business and even amongst CAGs, I seem to be in the minority in demanding complete games.
[quote name='imacgod']1. Just to clarify, I should've said I was told it was okay to throw away if the store was running low on space. And this was the exact response from two different stores.

2. Nevertheless, nobody minds hearing any information you can share with us. Myself and others here don't understand how GameStop gets away with its practices of gutting new games or selling used games incomplete at the same price of a used game that is complete. But obviously there's a majority of consumers that don't mind getting disc only games since GameStop still appears to be in business and even amongst CAGs, I seem to be in the minority in demanding complete games.[/QUOTE]

1. I can see stores throwing away things if they run out of space, but that is totally decided by the store managers.

2. We had annual meetings with leadership and this question was asked. Pretty much the answer is that we are at the mercy of customers as they bring games to the stores without cases and artwork. It would be a logistic nightmare to separate complete games from incomplete games, therefore the company takes a one size fits all approach. Amazon is smart by just taking complete games, but GameStop sees the market where customers don't mind getting incomplete games. They will take games that nobody else will. In my opinion it makes sense. The thing about gutted games well... just don't buy them and they will eventually be converted to "used". Then you can buy an used game that is literally brand new (which of course nobody bitches about). I can vouch to that, especially with DS games that are unpopular. It happens all the time.
[quote name='oasisboy']1. Amazon is good for bonus credit with new releases, but their trade-in system is not that great. Yes, some games have great TIV, but they are very bitchy about having to send complete games to get credit and good luck if you ship a game with a barcode exclusive to a store. They will return the game to you just because the barcode is not recognized by them (even though the game is complete).

2. Best Buy is struggling and their stock is taking a hit. Amazon and Wal-Mart are killing Best Buy. Personally, I cannot stand some employees who don't know shit when you ask them about an item. Most of the times I know more about their sales and products than they do.

3. I hate going to Hastings to only see 1 cashier for 20 people and all the games are behind glass. WTF. Oh yeah, and tons of games are mislabeled when it comes to prices.

4. GameStop now focuses on exclusives with preorders.[/QUOTE]

1. Yes they have their smaller problems (from price glitches or different upcs) but the ease of sending games in and Amazon's awesome customer support makes up for that. Their trade in values are extremely competitive. Amazon credit is also vastly more useful...the sales are awesome and a lot of us don't have to pay tax.

2. The gaming employees in BB are just as knowledgeable as those in GS. They ditched restocking fees (albeit they sometimes require an ID) and are working to make price-matching streamlined (still need work on this front). And honestly, their prices on new releases have been great (i.e. La Noire and Portal 2).

3. I can't speak to B&M (I'm in the northeast) but I've had great luck online.

4. Amazon and BB offer comparable exclusives and credits (i.e. LA Noire), so Gamestop still won't cut it with the CAG community.
[quote name='imacgod'] But obviously there's a majority of consumers that don't mind getting disc only games since GameStop still appears to be in business and even amongst CAGs, I seem to be in the minority in demanding complete games.[/QUOTE]

i think its because they allow us to go in store and swap them for original cases.

just got heavy rain yesterday-in a beat up cheap black case/ no manual/ nor original artwork--instead i got a gamestop cover promoting the edge card. With the words heavy rain typed on it.

so im going to get that replaced cuz yeah the game works--which i agree is the most important part-but i also don't want this ugly ass incomplete eyesore when i can have a complete copy.

for a moment i thought that gamestop might not mind selling their games like this-since it makes it harder for the buyer to sell it or trade it somewhere else-thus we end up selling them back to gamestop for cheap and they get to resell it at a higher price all over again.
[quote name='caedeskhan']1. Yes they have their smaller problems (from price glitches or different upcs) but the ease of sending games in and Amazon's awesome customer support makes up for that. Their trade in values are extremely competitive. Amazon credit is also vastly more useful...the sales are awesome and a lot of us don't have to pay tax.

2. The gaming employees in BB are just as knowledgeable as those in GS. They ditched restocking fees (albeit they sometimes require an ID) and are working to make price-matching streamlined (still need work on this front). And honestly, their prices on new releases have been great (i.e. La Noire and Portal 2).

3. Amazon and BB offer comparable exclusives and credits (i.e. LA Noire), so Gamestop still won't cut it with the CAG community.[/QUOTE]

1. Different UPC = small problems? Have you shipped a game to amazon and then it have it returned to you almost 3 weeks later because of the UPC? That's a shitty feeling. Their trade-in values are ok, but not great. I just posted somewhere else how my wife got $15 more at GameStop than what amazon is offering for 2 ds games.

2. Sounds like you work for Best Buy. Every store has their good and shitty employees, but Best Buy has become the place where people go to look at products and then go home and buy them online. Especially with TVs.

3. GameStop has more exclusives than BB and Amazon, but yeah these stores have exclusives as well.
I just can't stand now. Their B2G1 only include a skeleton-like selection of their library...And not only that...They increase the prices of everything in stock.
[quote name='oasisboy']1. Different UPC = small problems? Have you shipped a game to amazon and then it have it returned to you almost 3 weeks later because of the UPC? That's a shitty feeling. Their trade-in values are ok, but not great. I just posted somewhere else how my wife got $15 more at GameStop than what amazon is offering for 2 ds games.

2. Sounds like you work for Best Buy. Every store has their good and shitty employees, but Best Buy has become the place where people go to look at products and then go home and buy them online. Especially with TVs.

3. GameStop has more exclusives than BB and Amazon, but yeah these stores have exclusives as well.[/QUOTE]

1. Yes it isn't a significant issue as it only affects certain titles. Annoying yes but it doesn't ruin the service. Most people on this site much prefer Amazon to Gamestop for trading in...around 68% choose Amazon and 21% Gamestop.

2. Fortunately I don't work for Best Buy. I've just been buying a lot more stuff from them over the past year because of great sales. They had a collectors edition markdown (Fable 3 CE for $30, GT5 CE for $60, CoD Prestige for $80) with a B2G1FREE in January, and great preorder deals on LA Noire and Portal 2. They also had Dragon Quest 9 for $7.

3. Ultimately a credit means a lot more than a piece of DLC to me, so the worthiness of each exclusive isn't too important.
I swear I fucken hate gamestop sometimes. I returned my order to a local gamestop and there i saw this bitchy ass flat chest manager i saw there last time who gave me shit about my coupon for 50% trade for MK(only gave me 50% for one game because it say CREDIT not CREDITS) i handed her my mailing list and she told she can only refund me in credit because there was nothing on the online receipt saying what i paid for. I told her i must have paid with my debit/credit card cuz how else i would have my order shipped from the website. we argued for a few minutes and i asked for the manager. Prior to that, i asked for a used wireless controller. Then she said " what difference does it make since you want to buy the controller" i told her i paid in debit card not in CREDIT. she told me then if i wanted my refund, i should send it back to i told her if i was to verify that i paid with my debit, would she refund me..she said no..i the other gamestop and the guys helped me out refunded my money back and told me they sent HER to that gamestop because she was a fuqen bitch..i went back to the old gamestop to cancel my pre-order and i had the receipt in my pocket ready to tell that bitch off but i decided to be a bigger man and just kept quiet. FUNNY thing happend tho..when i was refunded my preorder, she gave me back CASH instead of putting the money back in the debit card..hahah STUPID BROAD MANAGER..
thehoweller - If you're clicking the add from the site you realize that at the bottom it says click for more pre owned games right. The main page just lists a few games but after clicking the button at the bottom you get 890+ results. When sorted by price they even have new releases but I see games like LA Noire & Brink are listed as currently unavailable online. Hardly skeleton like.
Expected delivery date: Tuesday.

Placed an order on these games for the Xbox 360: Armored Core 4, Metro 2033, Warriors Orochi, Splinter Cell Convictions, Supreme Commander, TMNT, Rumble Roses XX, Dead or Alive Xtreme 2, Samurai Warriors 2, Samurai Warriors 2: Empires, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja & The Simpsons Game.

Wii game: Trauma Team
PS2 game: Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu & .hack/G.U. volume 2: Reminisce

Taking advantage of the sale since the prices are reasonable along with these games not being in stock at the GameStops near me.
Made out way better this deal than the B2G2 one. My faith has been restored... for now. XD

Order 1:
The Mark of Kri - Generic
Rise Of The Kasai - Complete
Star Wars Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron - Case no Manual

Order 2:
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - Case no Manual
Tales of Symphonia - Complete (Jackpot! ^_^)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection- Complete

Order 3:
Grandia 3 - Complete
Dragon Quest VIII - Generic
Radiata Stories - Case no Manual
[quote name='Ketsui']I swear I fucken hate gamestop sometimes. I returned my order to a local gamestop and there i saw this bitchy ass flat chest manager i saw there last time who gave me shit about my coupon for 50% trade for MK(only gave me 50% for one game because it say CREDIT not CREDITS) i handed her my mailing list and she told she can only refund me in credit because there was nothing on the online receipt saying what i paid for. I told her i must have paid with my debit/credit card cuz how else i would have my order shipped from the website. we argued for a few minutes and i asked for the manager. Prior to that, i asked for a used wireless controller. Then she said " what difference does it make since you want to buy the controller" i told her i paid in debit card not in CREDIT. she told me then if i wanted my refund, i should send it back to i told her if i was to verify that i paid with my debit, would she refund me..she said no..i the other gamestop and the guys helped me out refunded my money back and told me they sent HER to that gamestop because she was a fuqen bitch..i went back to the old gamestop to cancel my pre-order and i had the receipt in my pocket ready to tell that bitch off but i decided to be a bigger man and just kept quiet. FUNNY thing happend tho..when i was refunded my preorder, she gave me back CASH instead of putting the money back in the debit card..hahah STUPID BROAD MANAGER..[/QUOTE]

Somebody needs some writing classes. And what does Broad Manager mean? Is that some ghetto slang?
He was referring to one of two things (or both).

1. Her hair color
2. The generic term for a woman is a broad

Overall his experience was bad, but I can understand where she is coming from. If it doesn't show the method of payment then they should give back store credit. If he can prove he paid with his debit/credit card, which he easily can via the website invoice which they can easily match via the Order # on the invoice and the packing slip then they should give it back via the payment method. The fact that she refused that part is wrong.

I don't see what is funny about her giving him cash for the pre-order though. Debit card=cash some stores just give cash instead of returning it on the card since it's much faster that way for the store and you. You should be happy about it and not be pissed off or think she is stupid for doing things proper/normal with the pre-order.
Got my order today. What a joke. All the PSP games are borked salvage yard rejects popped out of their original white UMD shells, and slapped into the clear generics. Of course no art, no manual, just to make the hurt complete. DS game was cart only in a generic box too. :bomb:

I think I'll stay far away from's used bullshit. Buying in the store is already unpredictable, but gambling online sight unseen is far worse.

It's all going back unless I can track down exchanges at the scattering of stores that purport to have them in stock. Ugh.

They shouldn't take in incomplete games. Period.
Guys, I honestly don't know why everyone is complaining. It's cool, get it off your chest. Everyone knows Gamestops online used games are buy at your own risk. Just saying.

On topic, anyone heard of this going live at stores for the weekend?
Received my shipment today... 2 games out of 15 could be identified bad right away due to cracks. Still testing the other games... 1 game: Armored Core 4 wouldn't be recognized at all except as a dvd or game... Then it would pop up saying not a valid x360 disc.
bread's done