Pre-Owned Box & Manual Guarantee - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

I've been putting off Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 for a while- now that the price has dropped this would be a great time to go ahead and do it! If I had $100 to throw around, I'd probably throw in Batman: Arkham Asylum while I was at it...
For the Wii, I'm interested in Metroid Prime Trilogy, The Conduit, and Little King's Story. For the DS, I'm interested in Scribblenauts, Kingdom Hearts and Mario & Luigi.
There were quite a few Wii games I never wanted to pay full price for.... Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime Trilogy, maybe Mario Kart, etc.
I would like to pick up The Orange Box, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, and possibly Mirror's Edge used during the next B2G1F offer. There are plenty of games I've been meaning to pick up...
I want some import Pokemans titles if they would ever consider it.

Otherwise, I would probably order Battle Fantasia once they lower the used price of it to lower than the new price.
That's pretty cool of gamestop!

At the moment - I'd kind of like to pick up Modern Warefare for xbox again or World at War - I sold them off a while back. I might be interested in some ds games like the new prof. layton and maybe desktop tower defense if it gets cheap enough!
I would want to get the following used:

Katamari Forever
Gran Turismo 5
Little Big Planet (once PSP version is out and available used)
Well, I don't have a PS3 yet, but I have been collecting used games (mostly from Goozex) for when I do get the system. But now that GS can guarantee used games come complete (something I like about Goozex), I'd consider buying some of the PS3 greats: Batman Arkham Asylum, Modern Warfare etc.
I'm very glad to hear Gamestop is now offering a guarantee on the Boxart and Booklet for online orders. I remember finding a copy of a game that was either out of print or hard to find, and it was missing the box art. I think I might pick up Zack and Wiki for my wii. Been meaning to dust that off, since I've been ignoring it and playing the Xbox instead.
I'd totally forgotten that Edge and CAG16 stacked, that's actually pretty compelling. I'd not ordered used online since my first (and last) purchase came in a POS beat up box with nothing original in it at all.

I'm seriously tempted to pick up the Wolverine game, hearing the guys talk about it on the CAGcast reminded me how much I dug the demo.
BlazBlue is pretty damned tempting... I also wouldn't mind picking up Red Faction: Guerrilla or Sacred 2, though I don't know how much time I'd invest in them with L4D2 and CoD:MW2 right around the corner.
I would get Fable 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Halo Wars, and Dead Space all for the 360. I have to say I buy nearly all of my games used since I have such a big backlog.
Oh man, where do I start?

Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame II
Fatal Frame III
Guitar Hero 5
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Ghost Busters
Street Fighter IV
Demon's Souls
Battlefield Bad Company
Fallout 3
Batman Arkum Asylum
Gears of War 2
Resident Evil 5
Overlord 2
Farcry 2
Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction
Metal Gear Solid 4
Orange Box
Lost Odyssey
List goes on and on........
Wow folks are coming out of the woodwork.

I guess I will too, I wouldnt mind picking up a copy of Demon's Souls (I've already seen em used lol) and that Pinball game that Cheapy, Shipwreck, and wombat talked about on the last cagcast.

Heres hoping Im one of ten out of thousands :cool:
Some games I am looking for

Dynasty Warriors 6
Tales of Vesperia
The Last Remnant
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Phantasy Star Universe
Halo 3
Saints Row 2
Rune Factory Frontier, Demon's Souls, Muramasa: Demon Blace, ICO (although I have it a backup would be nice,) and Psychonauts to name a few.
I wouldn't mind picking up Skate 2, or another copy of Virtua Fighter 5, since my first copy was lost.
bread's done