Gamestop removed OnLive vouchers from Deus EX: HR; Now Pulling Game From Shelves

[quote name='midloo']Sorry - I just don't agree with most of the ideas that come out of Texas. Until they put Austin in charge, you guys are headed the wrong direction - especially on job creation. We don't need a country full of minimum wage government jobs.

Back on topic!: Gamestop is crap.[/QUOTE]

I know this is off topic, but Austin? Really Austin? And were headed in the wrong direction? So should we become like California, whose never heard of a bad tax? Do you know anything about Texas, sorry to go off topic, but I just had to say something about this ignorance
wow.. im just floored... i mean... wow.

I read the first couple and last few pages here. (not reading 28 pages =P)
I just want to ask one thing.. how can this be legal? No, seriously, how? Your buying something that is supposed to come with a certain item/feature. The company is going in without your knowlege and OPENING your package, stealing the item then giving it to you. That cant be legal. I hate them for their policy of opening 'new' games and then selling them to you but this is just way beyond that. Theyre fucking stealing your shit

I know Frys used to sell opened and refurbished stuff as 'new' in the past until they got sued. I dont get why no ones sued GS over this shit. This may be the final straw, maybe someone will finally do it now
Can't say I'm surprised at all, these are the same a$$holes who keep paying off publishers to give them extra game content instead of just bonus items in nearly every game that does the bullshit preorder DLC thing lately. They also were known for opening Atlus SMT games on the PS2 and selling them "used" for $40-60 instead of for the ~$30 MSRP.
[quote name='Kenshindono']wow.. im just floored... i mean... wow.

I read the first couple and last few pages here. (not reading 28 pages =P)
I just want to ask one thing.. how can this be legal? No, seriously, how? Your buying something that is supposed to come with a certain item/feature. The company is going in without your knowlege and OPENING your package, stealing the item then giving it to you. That cant be legal. I hate them for their policy of opening 'new' games and then selling them to you but this is just way beyond that. Theyre fucking stealing your shit

I know Frys used to sell opened and refurbished stuff as 'new' in the past until they got sued. I dont get why no ones sued GS over this shit. This may be the final straw, maybe someone will finally do it now[/QUOTE]

Good thing you seriously asked again. At first, I thought you were joking.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']I get the feeling that Nintendonly has 3 or 4 chins.[/QUOTE]

LOL, it must be from posting so much. Nah, I'm not fat. Just have nothing to do today, so I'm enjoying all of the GameStop bashing.

I do, however, have a neckbeard.
once again this proves me im right on never buying anything at their stores, they should get hit hard with a law suit on this one to shake things up a little on how they handle customers
i cut up my poweruprewards card (was good till december) and i will never EVER buy anything from gamestop again, regardless of the deal. i am sick of their website scamming people with piss poor quality used games that are too scratched to work, missing cases and manuals for 90% of their used games, selling gutted games as new, and the absolute idiot TRASH employees that they hire. screw them.
[quote name='eLefAdEr']I probably won't be setting foot inside another GameStop B&M for a long time. Ever, if I can avoid it.

Now what to do with the free giftcards I get every fiscal quarter... burn them?[/QUOTE] will take them and give you cash or amazon credit for them
I like how some of their used games will cost you $8 more than buying a new copy would cost if you desire to play them online (MMA for instance).
Where's the thread to complain about that?

edit:Oh, Mortal Kombat will cost you $10 more than a new copy if you want online. Gamestop rocks!
[quote name='kraftwerks']I like how some of their used games will cost you $8 more than buying a new copy would cost if you desire to play them online (MMA for instance).
Where's the thread to complain about that?[/QUOTE]
I think gamestop hopes that the player buys that game not knowing about that rule so they make profit :lol:
TBH I didn't read any of the 20+ pages but, how didn't gamestop know about this BEFORE handing them to customers? Don't they give copies to the workers or whatever?
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Update: GameStop Pulls PC Deus Ex: Human Revolution From Shelves Following OnLive Debacle

I know this isn't a deal, but nobody will see this in shopping discussion.

Gamestop is opening up copies of Deus Ex Human Revolution for PC and removing the free Onlive copy that you get with the game.

Now, Onlive might be a piece of shit, like Gamestop, but this is still bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Translation: "I am so pissed at GameStop about this and I know the rest of CAG cares about this as much as I do that I will post news on the deals section because this IS MASSIVE NEWS that affects all CAGS."

Dude, no, we don't give a shit.
[quote name='dEvAnGeL']once again this proves me im right on never buying anything at their stores, they should get hit hard with a law suit on this one to shake things up a little on how they handle customers[/QUOTE]

If GameStop tomorrow sold Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3 for $10 you would be there waiting for the store to open like every one else who claims they will never buy anything at GameStop.

We are CAGS and don't care about company practices, all we want is a deal. If Amazon pulled a stunt like GameStop did, everyone would still buy and trade at Amazon. To sum it up, everyone is a hypocrite.
[quote name='oasisboy']Translation: "I am so pissed at GameStop about this and I know the rest of CAG cares about this as much as I do that I will post news on the deals section because this IS MASSIVE NEWS that affects all CAGS."

Dude, no, we don't give a shit.[/QUOTE]

If no one cares why is there almost 600 posts and 27,000 views?
Gamestop makes absolutely no sense. I mean, I kind of understand where they were coming from removing the OnLive vouchers- it's all kinds of unethical/illegal, and I sure as hell don't agree with it- but the less people who know about it, the better it is for Gamestop's sales.

But now with all the free publicity Gamestop's been giving OnLive whilst drawing negative attention to themselves, they're removing PC copies from the shelves so that people can ONLY get copies from OnLive? What the fuck are they thinking?
[quote name='oasisboy']Translation: "I am so pissed at GameStop about this and I know the rest of CAG cares about this as much as I do that I will post news on the deals section because this IS MASSIVE NEWS that affects all CAGS."

Dude, no, we don't give a shit.[/QUOTE]

I guess you clicked on page 1, then end? Because there is 29 pages of no one caring in here?
[quote name='oasisboy']

We are CAGS and don't care about company practices, all we want is a deal. .[/QUOTE]
Yea and it's a sh*tty deal when you pay the price of a brand new game for an opened copy with things missing. Originally OP was posting just that, telling people not to buy Deus Ex from Gamestop because they're pulling out the code. Then since people are "caring", they chimed in and he updated news on the subject.
[quote name='jaydepps']If no one cares why is there almost 600 posts and 27,000 views?[/QUOTE]

Because people like to bitch about GameStop... yet run to the store when there is a buy 2 get 1 free... and did we forget their giveway they sponsored at CAG? Wasn't it like $10,000 in gift cards? I wish I could find that thread and see how many loved GameStop back then for giving all those gift cards to fellow CAGS...

I like how everyone quoted me on the first comment but suddenly become blind and don't comment on this:

[quote name='oasisboy']If GameStop tomorrow sold Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3 for $10 you would be there waiting for the store to open like every one else who claims they will never buy anything at GameStop. [/QUOTE]
I refuse to purchase any NEW product from GS if it has been opened. I've been burned by them once this year on that crap. I have a ton of credit with them I need to burn off thanks to e-rewards. That is the only reason I keep going back.

NOW, if somebody wants to purchase my credit......
[quote name='kouleefoh']Yea and it's a sh*tty deal when you pay the price of a brand new game for an opened copy with things missing. Originally OP was posting just that, telling people not to buy Deus Ex from Gamestop because they're pulling out the code. Then since people are "caring", they chimed in and he updated news on the subject.[/QUOTE]

What update?
[quote name='oasisboy']Because people like to bitch about GameStop... yet run to the store when there is a buy 2 get 1 free... and did we forget their giveway they sponsored at CAG? Wasn't it like $10,000 in gift cards? I wish I could find that thread and see how many loved GameStop back then for giving all those gift cards to fellow CAGS...

I like how everyone quoted me on the first comment but suddenly become blind and don't comment on this:[/QUOTE]

I am a supporter of OnLive, and because of this I am done with Gamestop no matter the sale. I am officially sticking to OnLive, Amazon, and Best Buy. All you really need anymore (well plus Steam). I think many people agree with me on this topic too.
[quote name='lllGurulll']I refuse to purchase any NEW product from GS if it has been opened. I've been burned by them once this year on that crap. I have a ton of credit with them I need to burn off thanks to e-rewards. That is the only reason I keep going back.

NOW, if somebody wants to purchase my credit......[/QUOTE]

You do know that you can get other rewards at e-rewards... right?
[quote name='lllGurulll']Funny how they didn't do this with Portal 2 though eh?[/QUOTE]

Because at the time, they didn't own Impulse.
[quote name='oasisboy']You do know that you can get other rewards at e-rewards... right?[/QUOTE]

Yes I do. And I don't have any use for any of them. The sooner they get amazon and walmart credit the better.
This was one of the comments posted from Gamespy website on this article.

"I smell class action lawsuit. You opened my package and sold it as new. Flat out against the law period. No business has the right to open and remove contents of any product and then sell it as NEW. This is not just imoral but not legal. I will never buy anything from gamestop ever again and I will make sure everytime i walk past a gamestop to remind anyone walking in that this has happened. You should be shut down for this kind of poor business practice permanently. Do I smell better business buero?"
My 2 cents...I don't shop there unless there is a B2G1 sale and even then i kind of feel like it is a waste since the prices are raised and the stock is limited. Also, i feel like there are better deals elsewhere. I am a CAG above all else so i will go where the best price is and i think most people here agree with me so there will be no GS Boycott lol.

What they did is (was) a dick move. They did it because they knew they could get away with it. Square Enix accepted it because they can't afford to lose a major retailer like that and thats business for you. If you don't want the game, take it back and get a refund. If you want the onlive code, buy elsewhere. Problem solved.
[quote name='Nintendonly'][quote name='lllGurulll']Funny how they didn't do this with Portal 2 though eh?[/QUOTE]Because at the time, they didn't own Impulse.[/QUOTE]
I'd also assume Valve gave them the heads up on that too (which SE didn't do here).

The above post is neither in defense or support of what GameStop did. Just want people to have the facts.
[quote name='Nintendonly']Yeah, I'm a short sighted moron because mom and pop shops that charge more are worth shopping at, right?

Anyone who opens a video game store only to have it closed down in a month has him/herself to blame. It has nothing to do with the economy and more to do with making a right business choice.[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily true. For some people, they would rather pay a few extra dollars to support their local community, people they live with and know, that provide a higher level of service that can sometimes cater to more specific requests or wants. I know my local independent bookstores have some big loyal followings due to these very same points. They can provide something that the big box stores can't. And it isn't cheaper prices. They host more events. They ask their patrons what authors they want to come by and arrange it.

Same with local comic/gaming stores. People can order their board games or comics much cheaper online, but they come to these stores in droves to participate in themed gaming nights and support them fiercely with their dollars.

There are also times where you can save more money by spending more up front locally. There is a local vacuum store I buy my vacuums from. They charge me a bit more than a Wal Mart does, yes. But I am hard on my vacuums. This store services them for me on issues that WalMart would not because they know me. I save more money and lessen my frustrations in the end.

I won't go to a local store that provides no value adds, inferior service and still charges more. But I, and others, look at the consumer/merchant experience as a whole and decide where the best value is. It is possible for me to get more value out of a purchase by not paying the cheapest price possible.
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[quote name='oasisboy']If GameStop tomorrow sold Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3 for $10 you would be there waiting for the store to open like every one else who claims they will never buy anything at GameStop.

We are CAGS and don't care about company practices, all we want is a deal. If Amazon pulled a stunt like GameStop did, everyone would still buy and trade at Amazon. To sum it up, everyone is a hypocrite.[/QUOTE]

I disagree, but I am only one person. I stopped shopping at gamestop because they didn't offer me anything that amazon could and do it better. Amazon has time and time again met and exceeded my expectations when ordering from them. It is the track record that does it. I've had things lost by ups yet amazon turns around and overnights me a new shipment. Second, that's a big hypothetical. Is this a surprise that gamestop would do this? Not to me because I've read other articles about the company's shady stuff about resealing games as new. Amazon has yet to pull a stunt like this so that's moot, however they have done great things, at least for me for me. This just solidifies my choice in choosing another company to do business with. A friend of mine doesn't care either way.

As a cag I love a great deal, but the companies do matter and I think you would believe that too. Why else do so many of us vouch for the companies that have done us good, yet shun a great deal from a cdkey site even if it has been deemed "legit". I guess I've been buying games long enough to know the purchase doesn't end at the time the money transaction is done. The company matters, such as with customer service.
[quote name='oasisboy']Because people like to bitch about GameStop... yet run to the store when there is a buy 2 get 1 free... and did we forget their giveway they sponsored at CAG? Wasn't it like $10,000 in gift cards? I wish I could find that thread and see how many loved GameStop back then for giving all those gift cards to fellow CAGS...

I like how everyone quoted me on the first comment but suddenly become blind and don't comment on this:[/QUOTE]

soooo if a child molester gives you some candy, the diddles you, its cool because you got some candy?

thats some fucked up logic

[quote name='vlv723']Ignore Oasisboy. He's a regular CAG troll.[/QUOTE]

ya, seems to be the case.

Honestly though, i really dont understand how this is legal. If you were buying, say, Oreos in a grocery store, and the store opened and took some out before giving them to you, would that fly? No. So why does this?
[quote name='Maynard']While this isn't a deal per say, I'm all for anything that brings attention to the fact that gamestop corporation is a collection of fucking maggots. I'm amazed that people still buy games from them in this day and age. Buy your games from Amazon or Greenman Gaming and stop giving money to the "Activision" of gaming retailers.

PS Buy Deus Ex because it is fucking amazing

PPS Buy it from Greenman Gaming because it's only $40![/QUOTE]

This made me laugh. Not everyone buys online, owns a credit card to buy onlne, or even wants to buy online if able to. Have never heard of Green Man Gaming, so would never shop there. Nor Amazon, you couldn't pay me to shop there (I consider them worse than GS, since they're one of the reasons my local Borders closed down and now the closest bookshop is 30 minutes away). GS might be evil, but I'll probably always continue to buy/trade there since it's a real BM store.
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[quote name='werc22']all i was saying is i was work day of launch for this game i worked all day and while i was at work all the pc versions of this game were sealed we aren't a gs that has many pc games but uness they did that today before i went to work they should be in our stores copies we don't display our pc games we just have them in a draw behind the counter but the 1st day they sold pretty quick maybe gs store that are more pc sellers gutted there copies but i don't know what to tell you i can just say how my store is not your store or any other store. i understand that some stores did that but like i said we sold them quickly on launch so even if we got the memo our pc copies were sold out. plus my rant of you say tossed together works and the i have a dream speach i was trying to be funny at so early in the morning talking about how it is different than the portal 2 that came with the steam pc codes.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure werc22 is one of the younger members here and also from reading all his posts was in many Special Ed./Remedial classes. Had a friend I went to church with who spoke just like this and was in High School until he was 20. werc22 there are tools on the internet to help you with spelling, grammar and punctuation.
I can only hope that my fellow CAGers really do boycott GameStop for real and not just take this convenient time to bitch about them and just go crawling back the next time they run a big deal.

I haven't walked in a GameStop in almost a year because of various bullcrap they've done to me and I already vowed I wouldn't go back.
[quote name='VyseArcad1a']I can only hope that my fellow CAGers really do boycott GameStop for real and not just take this convenient time to bitch about them and just go crawling back the next time they run a big deal.

I haven't walked in a GameStop in almost a year because of various bullcrap they've done to me and I already vowed I wouldn't go back.[/QUOTE]
I've replaced Gamestop with Amazon.
Much better deals at half the headache.
[quote name='Amethyst']This was one of the comments posted from Gamespy website on this article.

"I smell class action lawsuit. You opened my package and sold it as new. Flat out against the law period. No business has the right to open and remove contents of any product and then sell it as NEW. This is not just imoral but not legal. I will never buy anything from gamestop ever again and I will make sure everytime i walk past a gamestop to remind anyone walking in that this has happened. You should be shut down for this kind of poor business practice permanently. Do I smell better business buero?"[/QUOTE]

Hahaha at buero. Holy shit.
[quote name='VyseArcad1a']I can only hope that my fellow CAGers really do boycott GameStop for real and not just take this convenient time to bitch about them and just go crawling back the next time they run a big deal.

I haven't walked in a GameStop in almost a year because of various bullcrap they've done to me and I already vowed I wouldn't go back.[/QUOTE]

Haven't bought anything from Gamestop in a while. The last time they got my money was when they were taking in old Xbox 360s for preorders of the Xbox slim, and I dumped my old first generation non-HDMI, already been refurbished once for the RROD Xbox on them for more than I would've gotten elsewhere.

I don't buy used games so there's no reason for me to buy from them when I can actually get good release date deals from Amazon or Newegg or any number of other places.
I hate GameStop's practices, but I don't hate their employees. My local GameStop has some great people working for it. They're very nice. They're the only reason I continue to come back.
[quote name='praxus07']This made me laugh. Not everyone buys online, owns a credit card to buy onlne, or even wants to buy online if able to. Have never heard of Green Man Gaming, so would never shop there. Nor Amazon, you couldn't pay me to shop there (I consider them worse than GS, since they're one of the reasons my local Borders closed down and now the closest bookshop is 30 minutes away). GS might be evil, but I'll probably always continue to buy/trade there since it's a real BM store.[/QUOTE]

What's that grandpa? I can't hear you, put your teeth back in.
I don't know all the details to this, but if Square had previously disclosed what was in the game package, then changed it to include an ad for a competitor, I think that Gamestop is well within their rights to remove it. It would have been better not to sell it at all, but I think that there is plenty of blame to go around here.

I do a fair bit of business with gamestop, as I know how to work their deals. Do they take advantage of uneducated consumers? Sure, but so do banks, car dealers, cleaning services, and most of the other retail stores out there. As gamers there would be far fewer deals to be had if gamestop was gone. Has anyone else noticed how deals seemed to dry up at Best Buy after Circuit City left? It was only when Amazon and kmart stepped up that Best Buy started offering deals again.

And before someone (else) says that buying used games hurts developers, I think it's priced into the system already. If developers want to make more money, then they should experiment with lowering prices. Why would anyone want to pay $60 for a steaming piece of crap like DNF when it is going to drop in price within weeks - oh wait - that would be the developers taking advantage of consumers! Where's the hate for them?
[quote name='praxus07']This made me laugh. Not everyone buys online, owns a credit card to buy onlne, or even wants to buy online if able to. Have never heard of Green Man Gaming, so would never shop there. Nor Amazon, you couldn't pay me to shop there (I consider them worse than GS, since they're one of the reasons my local Borders closed down and now the closest bookshop is 30 minutes away). GS might be evil, but I'll probably always continue to buy/trade there since it's a real BM store.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, because you can't do things like prepaid Visa cards to buy stuff online. And you can't buy games at Target, Wal-mart, K-Mart (if applicable), Best Buy either. It's totally worth the stop at the (you just said was) evil company to get treated like shit and get a big $5 of trade for the game you just spent $40 for when I can guarantee that Amazon or Best Buy will give you much more than that.

Just a thought.

To all the people coming up with farfetched reasons to defend GameStop, just think of this... It's something you were supposed to get with the PC game you just spent $50 on. Thus, they are STEALING from you.

[quote name='Oaxan']I've replaced Gamestop with Amazon.
Much better deals at half the headache.[/QUOTE]

Me too. Them and Best Buy since Amazon has good deals and a price match guarantee & Best Buy doesn't treat me like a scrub and you know, a price match guarantee.
[quote name='praxus07']This made me laugh. Not everyone buys online, owns a credit card to buy onlne, or even wants to buy online if able to. Have never heard of Green Man Gaming, so would never shop there. Nor Amazon, you couldn't pay me to shop there (I consider them worse than GS, since they're one of the reasons my local Borders closed down and now the closest bookshop is 30 minutes away). GS might be evil, but I'll probably always continue to buy/trade there since it's a real BM store.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the main reason Borders closed is because of Borders. Terrible decision after terrible decision led to them being in the state that forced them to close down.You may as well blame the internet itself if you are blaming Amazon. If it wasn't Amazon, it would have been another website that provided that niche. Times change, and businesses need to learn to adapt with them or they will fade away.
bread's done