GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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Thanks just finished trading a copy to BB. Local game stop only had one copy for PS4 so I had to get one for xbox one.
Glad it worked for you. They had 3 copies for X1, none for PS4. The guy was nice enough to hold 2 of the 3 for an hour until I could get there.

The past few days have been good to me trade-wise. The only hiccup I ran into was trading in Rise of the Tomb Raider yesterday. The site had a lower TIV than the app. The guy happily adjusted it to the $27.50 with PUR, but when I added the 20% collectible promo it only added 20% of the site base, not the adjusted value. In the end I lost a whopping $1.60. You can tell I'm a CAG because that bugs me. I'll survive, though. Karmic payback, perhaps, for getting Walmart to price-match GCU on Disney Infinity figs last week.

The past few days have been good to me trade-wise. The only hiccup I ran into was trading in Rise of the Tomb Raider yesterday. The site had a lower TIV than the app. The guy happily adjusted it to the $27.50 with PUR, but when I added the 20% collectible promo it only added 20% of the site base, not the adjusted value. In the end I lost a whopping $1.60. You can tell I'm a CAG because that bugs me. I'll survive, though. Karmic payback, perhaps, for getting Walmart to price-match GCU on Disney Infinity figs last week.
yeah we are not used to lose money lol

so I can use the same retail me coupon in many stores?

Anyone know if I could get away with 4 Xbox deadpools and 4 ps4 (because they're different skus) or would a combo totaling 4 be the max before a ban?
yeah we are not used to lose money lol

so I can use the same retail me coupon in many stores?
Not sure. Yesterday I took advantage of the 20% TIV collectible bump on a trade. Today I used the 20% Retailmenot coupon to buy 2 games. From previous posts it sounds like the coupon is one-time use?

Not sure. Yesterday I took advantage of the 20% TIV collectible bump on a trade. Today I used the 20% Retailmenot coupon to buy 2 games. From previous posts it sounds like the coupon is one-time use?
The coupon codes are one time use, but appear to generate new codes on refresh. I used the coupon twice by having someone else pull up the coupon and getting another code.

alright thank you all, I will use the coupon to buy many used games then I will trade them in at another GS with the 20% bonus  :D/  :D/

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so I can use the same retail me coupon in many stores?
make sure u r getting a new code each time, yesterday my 1st & 3rd & 4th code were the same, idk why.

I generated 3 coupons and they have different codes. I haven't used any of them yet, though.
i thought i saw earlier ppl were saying the code didn't work, I'm guessing the site regenerated an already used code for them, idk

make sure u r getting a new code each time, yesterday my 1st & 3rd & 4th code were the same, idk why.

i thought i saw earlier ppl were saying the code didn't work, I'm guessing the site regenerated an already used code for them, idk
Aw, really? I don't wanna ring up 20 games in store only to have my coupon fail.
Hmm Rise of Tomb Raider trading in for 25 bucks right now is tempting with the PS4 complete version coming out very soon

Overwatch for 30 is very tempting as well

Aw, really? I don't wanna ring up 20 games in store only to have my coupon fail.
I think it was 3 pages back or so, people were comparing the last part of their codes. lol just go in store with multiple codes already generated, not just one coupon so u have another one to use in case the 1st one fails

This doesn't have to be in groups of 2 right? If I get like 5 games it would still take 20% each right lol just as long as it's over 2? Just making sure no one has had any issues about that lol

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I know the limit is 4 per platform when trading in, but what if you trade in games often? The pass 3 days I have traded in games each day for cash, will that get me banned? Banned because of being a habitual trader?

I know the limit is 4 per platform when trading in, but what if you trade in games often? The pass 3 days I have traded in games each day for cash, will that get me banned? Banned because of being a habitual trader?
Bans can come from a variety of sources and there is no static formula for being banned. If the employees at the store think you are suspicious they can flag your account for review, and hitting the limits discussed in this thread will also lead to automatic limits being placed. Best bet is to stay within the item limits, and not to lose track of how many of each item you have traded in a given 30 day rolling period.

I know the limit is 4 per platform when trading in, but what if you trade in games often? The pass 3 days I have traded in games each day for cash, will that get me banned? Banned because of being a habitual trader?
There's a variety of thresholds. Number per title per platform, cash and credit each have their own cap, and it's likely there's an overall volume cap as well.

The first step is picking up a book called "how not to be a lurker for dummies"

They used to end after Monday, but the last few have ended after Tuesday.
Ok, that's why I couldn't remember which day it was. Guess there's no way to know for sure this time.
I know the limit is 4 per platform when trading in, but what if you trade in games often? The pass 3 days I have traded in games each day for cash, will that get me banned? Banned because of being a habitual trader?
We are likely going to get a better idea of what the cash limit is once people start getting banned from going crazy on these flips. If you get banned, let us know the value you traded in for cash/credit.

We are likely going to get a better idea of what the cash limit is once people start getting banned from going crazy on these flips. If you get banned, let us know the value you traded in for cash/credit.
I am no where near the $500 "limit". I have traded 2 L4D2 on Saturday, 2 RoTR Sunday, and 1 UC4 Monday total of $137.50. It's just the frequency of doing trades that has me concerned (if you trade games everyday, if the system will flag you as a habitual trader).

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I am no where near the $500 "limit". I have traded 2 L4D2 on Saturday, 2 RoTR Sunday, and 1 UC4 Monday total of $137.50. It's just the frequency of doing trades that has me concerned (if you trade games everyday, if the system will flag you as a habitual trader).
One notable factor is likely the games that you actually trade in--if you trade in the same games every day for a few days, it's bound to look suspicious, but if the games are different each day, you're hopefully seen as just a guy who likes visiting Gamestop to get rid of his games.

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I was just looking at that GS coupon and had assumed it only worked on two games at a time but does the wording say it works on all used games you buy?

I was just looking at that GS coupon and had assumed it only worked on two games at a time but does the wording say it works on all used games you buy?
It is 2 or more Pre Owned games. On my receipt it took 20% off first then took 10% off for PUR Pro on each game.

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I am no where near the $500 "limit". I have traded 2 L4D2 on Saturday, 2 RoTR Sunday, and 1 UC4 Monday total of $137.50. It's just the frequency of doing trades that has me concerned (if you trade games everyday, if the system will flag you as a habitual trader).
You should not have a problem with that. As Eldridge said, just try to frequent multiple stores to trade in.

Was anyone able to confirm promo #18526? What it is, how to get it, or when it expires?

Looks like it stacks an extra 10% onto the 20% collectables promo.
Guys make sure you print like 3 or 4 unique coupons at least before going to GS, my first 2 said they were redeemed, third worked like a charm, eventually these will all be dead so better hurry.

Were the .99c Dorbz keychains or something else? I'd like the extra bump when I go trade later.
I got the little figure like this. If your store has a clearance box just look in it and find something cheap, that's all I did.


Do you know the last 5 digits of the coupon? I have 3 different ones, but other people were reporting that theirs ended with HF3LR.
I got the same HF3LR coupon rofl, 1st, 3rd, & 4th time even after going into private window. Only when I changed browsers did it finally get me another one, weird.

That is probably why it did not work, because 5 of us got the same coupon code. I printed my code out 3 times and got 3 different codes, one being the HF3LR. Sorry it did not work for you but, at least you got a nice clerk who gave you 15%. I personally have not tried the coupon, because I was saving it for the 4 for $40 sale next week.
I managed to generate 6 unique codes I thought out of 9 attempts, turns out only 5 unique now coz 1 was the HF3LR lol.

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