GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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Ah shit, I just realized there are tons of copies of Amazing Spider Man 2 around me. Guess I'm making a couple more trips to stores tonight.

PSA: Check your Best Buys again if you're looking to flip Amazing Spider-Man 2 from BB to GS. A few days ago only a couple stores around me had it, but now pretty much every location has several copies. Looks like a restock

I've traded in somewhere between 20-25 $3 Walmart clearance games since early January. At last count, I now own 83 different clearance titles across all the consoles, handhelds, and PC from the store near me that did one of those markdowns. Every one of the games that I traded were duplicates. But whether or not those games have been marked down to $3 at your local Walmart or not depends on the store itself. And no, I'm not posting their names because there will be none left for me! Knowledge is power! Hahahahaha!!!
Wow you're so kewl brah. You growing in that sweet neck beard or what?
Wow you're so kewl brah. You growing in that sweet neck beard or what?
My neck beard is coming in nicely. But I have posted names of titles in both the GameStop and Walmart threads before, so I do contribute. I just don't understand why people whine about a YMMV clearance that varies from store to store. Besides, anyone who reads the Walmart thread knows that most of the good stuff is long gone now since that clearance began right after Christmas. Um, President's Day just came and went. Does everybody think these clearance games just sit around waiting to be snapped up a month and a half later? Seriously?
Made the mistake of trying to order PSN credit on with trade credit and now $40 is gone from my trade card but no PSN credit to show for it. Does GS have a phone line you can call? All I see is an email. It sucks because the orders didn't "go through" so I don't have an order number, but the money is gone all the same.

Oh well. Hoping I'll be able to take some of my remaining credit and turn it into some Best Buy credit with their 30% promo. I've got a B2G1 coupon and about $150 left on that trade card.
Happened to me last week. Call the number on the back of the trade card. You'll get it back.

Their phones are swamped today. Don't bother until tomorrow.
forgot to whip out the gamer shirts we got for free w/tradeins last year to wear while flipping... another way to "blend" in among the average crowd that shops at GS lol

has anyone's acct ever survived after a 2nd 90 day tradeban for exceeding trade limit? Or is the 2nd time the last one for the life of the acct?
I got banned twice last year. I am still around to redeem myself and act like a grown up.
My neck beard is coming in nicely. But I have posted names of titles in both the GameStop and Walmart threads before, so I do contribute. I just don't understand why people whine about a YMMV clearance that varies from store to store. Besides, anyone who reads the Walmart thread knows that most of the good stuff is long gone now since that clearance began right after Christmas. Um, President's Day just came and went. Does everybody think these clearance games just sit around waiting to be snapped up a month and a half later? Seriously?
This response is fine your fuck you I'm da best response was shit. Just say this next time no one will blame you. Hell I do this.
This response is fine your fuck you I'm da best response was shit. Just say this next time no one will blame you. Hell I do this.
I just think it's crazy that I got flamed when I've seen better examples of grandstanding than mine in all the years I've been a CAG member. But sour grapes do make the best "whine!"
Overheard quite a bit of gossip at GS today.

In response to the Kotaku article, GS is adding a 5th "new game" metric to CoL and CoL numbers will be for entire stores and not per employee. Should start in a couple weeks.

There was some redbox scam where people figured out they could rent games with a gift card and so traded in massive amounts of newer games the last week. Anyhow there is some inspecting going on on accounts. Check your trade card balances and keep your receipts.

My trade card I've been using this week is showing $0. Haven't fixed it yet.
Overheard quite a bit of gossip at GS today.

In response to the Kotaku article, GS is adding a 5th "new game" metric to CoL and CoL numbers will be for entire stores and not per employee. Should start in a couple weeks.

There was some redbox scam where people figured out they could rent games with a gift card and so traded in massive amounts of newer games the last week. Anyhow there is some inspecting going on on accounts. Check your trade card balances and keep your receipts.

My trade card I've been using this week is showing $0. Haven't fixed it yet.
A gamestop employee mentioned an article. I assume it's the Gamestop CoL new policy because I was buying the new CoD bundle to flip.

Great weekend to trade, flip!
I'm officially done with this one GS store that gives me a stinkeye whenever I come in.
I traded in around 10 games. Put $20 down towards a switch game preorder and the rest to pay off my switch console. I talk friendly ask questions about upcoming switch release, but the worker is just in a bad mood; maybe bc it's the end of his shift.
I thank him and bounce. After I leave I notice he gave me an extra $27 credit for trading in the same game twice (spiderman 2). I go back and bring the error in my favor to his attention. He says not to worry, it's his mistake and nothing can be done about it. Pretty happy, but I already traded that game twice before, so I'm at the trade limit for this particular game. So long as I don't get banned, its all good. Peace out shitty GS in the mall !!
Blech. Ended up needing to trade in my original xbone today since the grinding drive just entirely stopped working.
Ended up with a gow blue xbone for $130 out the door since I didn't have anything else to add to the trade in and needed to renew my membership.
Would have preferred to wait until later this week, but needed a new one today
Happened to me last week. Call the number on the back of the trade card. You'll get it back.

Their phones are swamped today. Don't bother until tomorrow.
Phone wait is down to 15 minutes. Give em a call!

I just got through and had my credit returned on a card I haven't even used online in a week, but they Randomly put my credit "on hold." Their system is a mess.
Phone wait is down to 15 minutes. Give em a call!

I just got through and had my credit returned on a card I haven't even used online in a week, but they Randomly put my credit "on hold." Their system is a mess.
Wait a minute. Does this happen often where credits on trade cards disappear? I've had a few cards I tried to use and thought they still had credit, but had $0 on it. I always assumed that I already used all the credit on the card.

Went and got around $700 in credit off a bunch of sub-30 games I got from BB over the holidays. I'll have to switch my Switch Zelda preorder later, but it was worth it. Also, not sure how Gamestop can check new systems to see if they work since every disc has to install. 

Denied(need case for 1-2)for xb360 call of duty 1-3 disc only . Almost the same price after $5 coupon  so I let it slide.. anyone traded in not for resell ps3 version?

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I traded it the ps3 not for resale COD BO pack. I just took the art out of the BO3 case, so both games wouldn't have not for resale.

Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Denied(need case for 1-2)for xb360 call of duty 1-3 disc only . Almost the same price after $5 coupon so I let it slide.. anyone traded in not for resell ps3 version?
I traded one in today, no sleeve. Employee even pointed out that I'd get more trading in separately,even though that was the whole plan to begin with. He was shocked to see the base value of dirt rally so high, even more so when I added $1 onto my pre-order of zelda. I of course have no switch pre-order, but he then tipped me off they'd have 8 extra switches at launch.
The $5 cards are the real MVP here (along with Blackbeard), I was able to use enough cards to pay all of Zelda and half of 12Switch at my home store.  The manager gave me a whole stack a couple weeks ago.  Putting 5 at each trade was a nice bonus on top of the 50/60 and trade bump.  

The $5 cards are the real MVP here (along with Blackbeard), I was able to use enough cards to pay all of Zelda and half of 12Switch at my home store. The manager gave me a whole stack a couple weeks ago. Putting 5 at each trade was a nice bonus on top of the 50/60 and trade bump.
I stopped using mine to save my home store's employees the scrutiny of an account constantly using those.
Ugh, all these games I bought for $10 on Black Friday at GameStop are trading in for $20~ after promo. They still have their shrink wrap on...
Ugh, all these games I bought for $10 on Black Friday at GameStop are trading in for $20~ after promo. They still have their shrink wrap on...
LOL. I spent this morning taking the plastic off a bunch of $25 games from BF. Take the plastic off, sniff the case, take out all the codes and trade 'em.

Only decent flip from GS to BB I've seen so far for tomorrow is BF1  and that's a 10% loser.  34.20 to $30.80 after 40% bump incl GCU assuming trade value holds.

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The 2nd time is not the last, they will gladly get you a 3rd time
I meant if the acct terminated & closed after the 2nd time o_O not if they stop giving tradebans lol.

Just wanted to say that it's cool posting about your profits and the amazing trade totals you got, but all this couldn't have been done without Blackbeard. So special shoutouts to him for keeping it real amidst all the chaos he has to deal with like GS corporate A-holes, Best Buy balloon heads, and Reddit/CAG trolls. Seriously, a round of applause for this man's hard work. I have no idea how he does it, I still think he is a robot like Ultron or something.

Also a big shoutout to ~starlight~, I didn't get to flip much but that CoD Black Ops collection was a nice touch. Thank you for the heads up! You know she is a pro when she manages to wear glasses and change her hairstyle just to fool the Gamestop employees into thinking she is a different person. I'm thinking I will have to shave my head bald to top that.

Here's to you guys!

o geez smh lol I don't do anything drastic like dye my hair rofl. I just meant I would put my hair up or curl it or have bangs or braid it or hide it under a hat if it's cold so it'll look like I have short hair XD... I mostly look the same usual self when doing trades coz that's when they really go into ur acct and stare at ur ID for however long lol (no point in looking different here) since it is not just a simple transaction like just purchasing, so when buying stuff to boomerang I just put together different looks/styles... have more purchasing transactions than trade transactions. I guess it helps if u have outfits for different types of themed parties lolol.

The part that bothers me or I think is suspect are the boomerangs. This is a quantity flip not a quality flip. So the amount of games we need to make it worthwhile is pretty large.

I expect a ban but not from any jr detective but from some auditor somewhere.
Possibly so. I remember trading 30 games on the last transaction before the ban last yr, that could've did me in -_-

You probably got junior detective
Maybe that too.

Was waiting to trade and guy in front of me traded in about 10 Xbox One games straight up - no bonus, no PUR, nada. I cringed. Lost out on at least $50-60 easily.

I don't get people.
If they were games that don't hold value at all, I probably would've offered to link the transaction to my PUR acct so I get pts & the guy gets extra $ lol

I got banned twice last year. I am still around to redeem myself and act like a grown up.
lol I meant if the acct is back to good standing or was it terminated from GS's system after the 2nd time XD not if the acct owner survived the oh-so-embarrassing ban lol

Denied(need case for 1-2)for xb360 call of duty 1-3 disc only . Almost the same price after $5 coupon so I let it slide.. anyone traded in not for resell ps3 version?
I'm not sure how the X360 bundle is packaged so idk. Sometimes the same bundles are packaged differently for the same game series for whatever reason. Like X360 Borderlands Trilogy Pack & Bioshock Rapture Collection were in bigger & better collectible-ish type of packaging than the PS3 versions...both of PS3's versions for those 2 series were in a single standard regular blu-ray box. PS3's CoD BO Collection has 2 boxes inside so u could trade those in sounds like the X360 version was in a single box...

The $5 cards are the real MVP here (along with Blackbeard), I was able to use enough cards to pay all of Zelda and half of 12Switch at my home store. The manager gave me a whole stack a couple weeks ago. Putting 5 at each trade was a nice bonus on top of the 50/60 and trade bump.
a whole stack lolol and $5 on each trade o_O... the biggest stack I ever got from a single visit at a store was...ummm like 6 cards I think. reminds me of a few pages back, someone took a snapshot of their scattered cards & another snapshot of it all neatly stacked into a verrry tall stack O.O

Wonder how much the stack is... 25 cards??? $100?? Ooooo

Did a test trade today & it went thru so the autologging out of the GS app must've been a phone issue...

Yes thank u to Blackbeard for scraping the GS data for us so we can continue to roll in more credit XD

Totally random: my For Honor - Knight shirt arrived from Ubisoft Rewards program today, :whee: was 1 of the last people to redeem that before it went oos, so if u haven't gotten yours, it'll arrive soon =)

(would've rather had the drinking horns o_O but those weren't available last year, & now oos this year)

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I can't believe I'm going to trade FF again for the second time.haha....will I ever play it.
Ugh, all these games I bought for $10 on Black Friday at GameStop are trading in for $20~ after promo. They still have their shrink wrap on...
LOL. I spent this morning taking the plastic off a bunch of $25 games from BF. Take the plastic off, sniff the case, take out all the codes and trade 'em.
I swear I am not meant to play Assassin's Creed Syndicate.

I feel like we need to have an intervention pre-Black Friday. We spend tens of hours searching for BF deals, just to trade them in at the next 50% bonus. I did make more off them on average than I paid for them, so welp.

Wait a minute. Does this happen often where credits on trade cards disappear? I've had a few cards I tried to use and thought they still had credit, but had $0 on it. I always assumed that I already used all the credit on the card.
It's only happened to me the last 2 weeks. People mention it somewhat regularly on this thread. Usually saying it's probably gone forever or something like that. I have found calling is the fastest way to get it back. Email seems to be useless.
No BOTW ME yet....

But I did find a few stores showing the SE in stock

Special Edition Stores with Stock:

Maple Hill Pavilion,5300 W MAIN ST,KALAMAZOO MI 49009 - Low Stock (1-2)
Vicksburg Plaza,2310 IOWA AVE,Vicksburg MS 39180 - Low Stock (1-2)

Standard Edition Stores with Stock:

Panola Centre,3054 PANOLA RD STE B,LITHONIA GA 30038 - In Stock (3 or More)
Oak Park Mall,11775 W 95TH ST,Overland Park KS 66214 - In Stock (3 or More)
Veterans Starbucks,2705 Veterans Memorial Blvd STE B,Kenner LA 70062 - In Stock (3 or More)
Wii U Version Stores with Stock:
College Mall EB,2872 E. THIRD STREET SPACE C-02,BLOOMINGTON IN 47401 - In Stock (3 or More)
Panola Centre,3054 PANOLA RD STE B,LITHONIA GA 30038 - In Stock (3 or More)
Cunningham Place,1614 Fort Campbell Blvd,Clarksville TN 37042 - In Stock (3 or More)
Oak Park Mall,11775 W 95TH ST,Overland Park KS 66214 - In Stock (3 or More)
Veterans Starbucks,2705 Veterans Memorial Blvd STE B,Kenner LA 70062 - In Stock (3 or More)
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So what game or accessory is everyone trading towards to trigger the bonus 50%? Just any switch game? I have a bunch of games to trade in. Thanks.
Well I had the screen protector already pre ordered so they just put the rest on it which was like 3 bucks and the rest went on a trade card. Glad there was chill employees today hopefully there back tomorrow or atleast one that I always see all the time.
I've seemed to have forgotten. When does the 50% switch bonus last until? I've had a good amount of success boomeranging this weekend. Thanks for all the hard work.
I'm a Lego addict now so I wish GameStop sold Lego store gift cards :(
I also traded in a bunch of black Friday games that I only played for a minute or two today lol
I did finally open overwatch from BF though , pretty fun game

Those red box games got a decent boost , mortal kombat x especially , got $24 for it 0_o
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