GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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CAG Veteran
181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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So its confirmed that only one xbox controller can be traded for that elite promo? I have two (fully working) controllers and wouldnt mind paying $50 for an elite.
I don't give a shit if someone trades in a broken controller with a refurb fee on it. I care when someone tries to hide it and get full price so they toss it on the shelf and people buy broken shit.
Yes very true things like drifting analog sticks and broken trigger mechanisms are probably hard to detect using the normal GS push all buttons and see if they click method and people hiding that to get full value are shady fucks but I seem to recall them saying the controllers were cracked and missing buttons so if the employee missed that then that's on the employee.

I don't give a shit if someone trades in a broken controller with a refurb fee on it. I care when someone tries to hide it and get full price so they toss it on the shelf and people buy broken shit.
Except for the first statement that didn't acknowledge one way or the other, he has been saying all along he would take the refurb fee for the broken controllers. Basically stating we wasn't trying to "hide it".

Lol because GameStop allows you to trade in defective items at a lesser value but still allows you to receive a promotional value? Lol sorry for offending y'all but not really
What part of them giving me a refurb do you not understand? Why would you buy a controller with missing buttons? They send it to the warehouse to get it fixed. Direct your nerd rage elsewhere plz.
Now, I admit, the dude got right on the defensive when questioned about what his intentions were but he never stated he was being anything other up front with the condition of his trades.
It looks like Gamestop credit for Amazon gift cards was an easy exchange for me today which was a nice surprise. I picked up a $200 Amazon card and a couple others. Thanks for the heads up guys.
Hey 'beard, wondering if GS is showing an unusually high or disproportionate number of 360 Black Ops One & Threes. Have people been trading all three or just the two that don't work on XB1, or just Blops 2 because it fetches more?

Hoping all three get a stealth bump this month. Three will never get the Back Compat boost cause there's already a next gen version of it. Maybe I'll hold onto my copies of BO1 in case.
Black ops 1 is bc with x1. Played a couple of multiplayer matches last week. Still a fun game.
You bitch at what he is doing but try to hold the moral high ground for taking advantage of other gamestop loopholes (which is what got you banned, your actions)? It is not like he is asking how to bake a 360 so it will pass as not having a RROD. Heck I just traded a bum PS4 controller in a couple of weeks ago because the material on the stick had ripped, the lady just charged me a refurb fee and I agreed. Granted the likelihood of it just end up bagged on the floor is high but that is gamestops fault for their policy. The Dead Rising 2 HD I was going to flip to at the same time she tried to hit me with a refurb fee when I had just bought it less than 1 hour prior at another store for scratches on the top of the disk, I declined as she would have just put it back on the floor and I was interested in playing through it again. sent in a controller that was not only busted, but also a clear ass fake that make it through the cracks. Gamestop does not purchase fakes from vendors, the fakes comes straight from the customers that successfully trade to those who either are distracted, new, or out of mind at the moment. That said, when I attempted to get an even exchange of the controller that I PAID for, using MY CREDIT, received from trading MY GAMES, that Gamestop will sell for AT LEAST EQUAL VALUE, the rep insisted that I just take a return of payment ( That I've YET to receive after 3 calls ) and keep the product. After multiple attempts to just do the exchange, the rep convinced me that I would probably receive another fake. I caved, next day I receive a ban.

Let's be clear, I may flip at Gamestop, but I've spent far more than I received from them, and I continue to drive their COL by trading, reserving, and purchasing. I don't buy new, unless it is consoles or releases, and I always purchase the warranty. That said, I feel as if I have the ability to expect fair working shit when I make my purchases and not the fake and busted bull that some asshat intentionally traded to line their pockets.

Hopefully that is enough to make you understand.

Except for the first statement that didn't acknowledge one way or the other, he has been saying all along he would take the refurb fee for the broken controllers. Basically stating we wasn't trying to "hide it".

Now, I admit, the dude got right on the defensive when questioned about what his intentions were but he never stated he was being anything other up front with the condition of his trades.
My original comment said I was going to trade in a 3 broke to shit controllers. sent in a controller that was not only busted, but also a clear ass fake that make it through the cracks. Gamestop does not purchase fakes from vendors, the fakes comes straight from the customers that successfully trade to those who either are distracted, new, or out of mind at the moment. That said, when I attempted to get an even exchange of the controller that I PAID for, using MY CREDIT, received from trading MY GAMES, that Gamestop will sell for AT LEAST EQUAL VALUE, the rep insisted that I just take a return of payment ( That I've YET to receive after 3 calls ) and keep the product. After multiple attempts to just do the exchange, the rep convinced me that I would probably receive another fake. I caved, next day I receive a ban.

Let's be clear, I may flip at Gamestop, but I've spent far more than I received from them, and I continue to drive their COL by trading, reserving, and purchasing. I don't buy new, unless it is consoles or releases, and I always purchase the warranty. That said, I feel as if I have the ability to expect fair working shit when I make my purchases and not the fake and busted bull that some asshat intentionally traded to line their pockets.

Hopefully that is enough to make you understand.
I understand perfectly clear. You do not know who traded in the controller, if they got hit with a refurb fee, if they traded it under the same option as you bought it, what their intentions were, if the controller worked when traded in, if there was some mix up from a fulfillment center, etc. All you know for certain is gamestop decided to send you a bum controller which is their fault. Instead of showing up in store to return or exchange it you called and got a junior detective to look into your account that decided that you should get banned. It sucks but that is no one else's fault except gamestop's (for their part) and you for taking the actions that made the JD decide you should get the banhammer. Hopefully you get your refund though.

Btw, got $46 for a broke to shit Xbox controller

Anyone see the thread on the GS Reddit about the mom who bought her kid GTA V, and it had meth in the case? The employees on there are all saying how the mom bought her kid a game with violence and drugs in it, and how therefore she's advocating drugs and violence in real life for her kid, and shouldn't care about real life meth being in the case. Anyone who points out that real life =/= video games gets swarmed with downvotes

Like wow, some people will defend anything
Hey 'beard, wondering if GS is showing an unusually high or disproportionate number of 360 Black Ops One & Threes. Have people been trading all three or just the two that don't work on XB1, or just Blops 2 because it fetches more?

Hoping all three get a stealth bump this month. Three will never get the Back Compat boost cause there's already a next gen version of it. Maybe I'll hold onto my copies of BO1 in case.
Both 1 and 2 for the :360: come up like below. I would say they are really in demand or GS is shipping extra out to the warehouse for some reason. I find it hard to believe that my 360 sample stores which are located across the US in densely populated areas all are low stock.

In Stock: 0
Low Stock: 360
No Stock: 0
Sample Range: 360 - 450
National Range: 3900 - 4875
National Estimation: 4388
Regarding the multiple controllers towards the Elite controller my GS today the guy tried it and the $50 only applied to the first controller he scanned, next ones went in at regular value. Perhaps a manager could override? 

Regarding the multiple controllers towards the Elite controller my GS today the guy tried it and the $50 only applied to the first controller he scanned, next ones went in at regular value. Perhaps a manager could override?
We went over this like 70 posts ago bro
Anyone see the thread on the GS Reddit about the mom who bought her kid GTA V, and it had meth in the case? The employees on there are all saying how the mom bought her kid a game with violence and drugs in it, and how therefore she's advocating drugs and violence in real life for her kid, and shouldn't care about real life meth being in the case. Anyone who points out that real life =/= video games gets swarmed with downvotes

Like wow, some people will defend anything
The majority of the employees on reddit are disgruntled hypocrites. They bitch and complain all day about GS but when a customer comes on to complain about a legit problem they defend GS like someone slapped their mother. Weeks later they write new posts about how they got fired / quit.

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The majority of the employees on reddit are disgruntled hypocrites. They bitch and complain all day about GS but when a customer comes on to complain about a legit problem they defend GS like someone slapped their mother.
It's pretty sad, I just couldn't imagine working for a company that treats its workers so bad and then defending that company anytime someone brings up a legitimate gripe about it
I'm not saying an 11 year old shouldn't want to play GTA, and find a way to, but it's crazy how nonchalantly this preachers wife from the Simpsons mom publicly admitted to the world she bought her kid a game he's legally too young to play. Normally I wouldn't call a parent who buys their kid GTA a bad parent, but one of THOSE types that runs to the media over every little thing "corrupting" her precious snowflake child... on the other hand.

This would be like a mother complaining about girls wearing spaghetti strap gowns to prom, then getting caught throwing an underage drinking after prom party in her own house and giving lap dances to the boys.
I'm not saying an 11 year old shouldn't want to play GTA, and find a way to, but it's crazy how nonchalantly this preachers wife from the Simpsons mom publicly admitted to the world she bought her kid a game he's legally too young to play. Normally I wouldn't call a parent who buys their kid GTA a bad parent, but one of THOSE types that runs to the media over every little thing "corrupting" her precious snowflake child... on the other hand.

This would be like a mother complaining about girls wearing spaghetti strap gowns to prom, then getting caught throwing an underage drinking after prom party in her own house and giving lap dances to the boys.
Legally he could play whatever and legally a gamestop can sell him any game as the ESRB is just a tool to help as a guideline on what is appropriate for people at "socially accepted" ages. As for her complaint, well if it is legit, she is not complaining that she bought him a game that was too mature for him but rather that there was actual hard drugs in the case which is a legit health hazard that a gamestop employee should have discovered. This opens them up for a possible lawsuit which could be the mother's angle which would be troublesome to prove in court but public awareness could get them a settlement. Reminds me of the nudes being on a preowned 3ds a couple of years back but I am not sure what came out of that story.

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I understand perfectly clear. You do not know who traded in the controller, if they got hit with a refurb fee, if they traded it under the same option as you bought it, what their intentions were, if the controller worked when traded in, if there was some mix up from a fulfillment center, etc. All you know for certain is gamestop decided to send you a bum controller which is their fault. Instead of showing up in store to return or exchange it you called and got a junior detective to look into your account that decided that you should get banned. It sucks but that is no one else's fault except gamestop's (for their part) and you for taking the actions that made the JD decide you should get the banhammer. Hopefully you get your refund though.
So...... feel free to say I brought this on myself for trying to do right by the stores, but why would I return a clear fake to the stores, just so they can send it back to the warehouse and be dinged for shrink? Either way, if they took back a fake in return or exchange, they wouldve been popped. I called into cs knowing full well this fact.
So...... feel free to say I brought this on myself for trying to do right by the stores, but why would I return a clear fake to the stores, just so they can send it back to the warehouse and be dinged for shrink? Either way, if they took back a fake in return or exchange, they wouldve been popped. I called into cs knowing full well this fact.
What you're saying makes me hate GameStop even more. You were honest with them and you got fucked. As a former GameStop employee, you should know this was coming though.

If it was me, I would've took the controller to any local store and tell them in person and I'm sure they would've swapped it out for me. If not, then I guess we take it to the next level.

And who cares about shrink or whatever retail bullshit metric they deal with. That's not the customer's problem.
So...... feel free to say I brought this on myself for trying to do right by the stores, but why would I return a clear fake to the stores, just so they can send it back to the warehouse and be dinged for shrink? Either way, if they took back a fake in return or exchange, they wouldve been popped. I called into cs knowing full well this fact.
Does not matter to them if it is OEM or not which is why they always have style may vary on the trade in image and product pages. If you are in the return period and did not like it or it was not functioning as it should then it should not matter to the store, if the employee bitches about it tell them that gamestop sent it to you and that you are following their policy. You should get your refund and I never stated otherwise. What I did take umbrage with was you trying to blame everything on this mythical villain trading in fakes to take advantage of poor gamestop being the reason you got banned and then trying to draw that correlation to another user. The reason you got banned is because a JD did not like the activity they saw on your account which is the activity you did prior to getting the controller. The example that I gave earlier about Dead Rising 2 HD could have been avoided if I would have returned it but if I would have gave her the receipt that showed that I just bought several of the games I was trading in and would have been flagged by a JD so instead I cut my loss and kept it. Flipping is nothing but risk management, I am sorry you got your account banned, hopefully you get your refund and the only advice I have would be to try working around it possibly with a relative or significant other.

Has anyone pre ordered a console or game from Do they soft charge you when you order or closer to release? I remember for the switch they didn't charge my trade card until the week of, is that the common practice?
It's pretty sad, I just couldn't imagine working for a company that treats its workers so bad and then defending that company anytime someone brings up a legitimate gripe about it
The majority of the employees on reddit are disgruntled hypocrites. They bitch and complain all day about GS but when a customer comes on to complain about a legit problem they defend GS like someone slapped their mother. Weeks later they write new posts about how they got fired / quit.

lol it's funny you guys bought this up, because i've only been browsing that sub for about a week and it's exactly what i picked up on. some many complaints about corporate and stuff from the employees. but when a customers talks about a problem, they get downvoted like crazy. anyone caught siding with the customer/problem also gets attacked.

Wonder if i can find 3 xbox controllers to trade towards an elite.... hmmm
I have two extra regular black controllers I'd trade for $100 towards an elite. It sounds too good to be true. I'd honestly like to do the same thing with the Infinite Warfare Promo. I would like to trade 4 of the older cheaper games I have on the list for $120 off the legacy pro edition making it free. Does anyone think there's any possibility of this actually working? I have to think the GS system to too smart for this... but I would have also thought the system would be too smart to sell a $500 amazon card paid with trade credit, so what the hell do I know?

I have two extra regular black controllers I'd trade for $100 towards an elite. It sounds too good to be true. I'd honestly like to do the same thing with the Infinite Warfare Promo. I would like to trade 4 of the older cheaper games I have on the list for $120 off the legacy pro edition making it free. Does anyone think there's any possibility of this actually working? I have to think the GS system to too smart for this... but I would have also thought the system would be too smart to sell a $500 amazon card paid with trade credit, so what the hell do I know?
I believe it's been confirmed the controller promo only grants $50 on the first. So you'd need an override for that.

COD promo: I think it's just a set of 2. No ones tried it here and reported it though
I believe it's been confirmed the controller promo only grants $50 on the first. So you'd need an override for that.

COD promo: I think it's just a set of 2. No ones tried it here and reported it though
Thanks. I wish I had a chance to try the deals tomorrow, but that's not going to be possible. I'll do the cod deal on friday for $60 off the legacy edition at least. I'll bring some extra games from the list just in case more work but I don't have my hopes up even 1%. I'm also wondering if the $5 coupon will work with the cod deal. We've had luck having it stack with the % bonuses. I might include a cheap game trade just to be safe.

I would never contemplate doing this cod deal if it wasn't for those cheap black ops 360 collections when they were on sale. I'm just curious to see the infinite warfare campaign and try out cod 4 remastered. I also really enjoyed that first zombies map when the free demo was out. It's a shame the multiplayer is such a disappointment.

As of now a manager has to add the value.
Did u trade in phones in the system or not in the system?

Does not matter to them if it is OEM or not which is why they always have style may vary on the trade in image and product pages. If you are in the return period and did not like it or it was not functioning as it should then it should not matter to the store, if the employee bitches about it tell them that gamestop sent it to you and that you are following their policy. You should get your refund and I never stated otherwise. What I did take umbrage with was you trying to blame everything on this mythical villain trading in fakes to take advantage of poor gamestop being the reason you got banned and then trying to draw that correlation to another user. The reason you got banned is because a JD did not like the activity they saw on your account which is the activity you did prior to getting the controller. The example that I gave earlier about Dead Rising 2 HD could have been avoided if I would have returned it but if I would have gave her the receipt that showed that I just bought several of the games I was trading in and would have been flagged by a JD so instead I cut my loss and kept it. Flipping is nothing but risk management, I am sorry you got your account banned, hopefully you get your refund and the only advice I have would be to try working around it possibly with a relative or significant other.
Hmmm..Unless I'm confusing Confidance with someone else, Confidance is a former GS SL/ASL/whatever who is still bffs with local store employees iirc so don't think a JD at store level would've gotten onto Confidance's case, but maybe LP at corporate level (who thinks Confidance may have gotten a real controller but claiming its a fake & going to return a Confidance-made fake controller) instead of JD that u keep referring to btw

Tried trading some old phones that were not in their system so no success for me
awww =/

Really kicking myself for not picking up those $15 camo controllers at Walmart.
I wish they were $15! Lowest is ttill $25 around here up to full price lol though i would keep 1 or 2 & trade the rest in

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yikes, how good is that elite controller that you'd all either spend $150 on it or give up $150 worth of controllers ($150 meaning the price you could sell them off for not necessarily paid for them in the first place)?

Isn't it based on the 2013 version of their controllers anyway (no mic port, Bluetooth , textured grip)?
yikes, how good is that elite controller that you'd all either spend $150 on it or give up $150 worth of controllers ($150 meaning the price you could sell them off for not necessarily paid for them in the first place)?

Isn't it based on the 2013 version of their controllers anyway (no mic port, Bluetooth , textured grip)?
I'll stick with my Xbox One Controller because I'll only be using it for a small amount of PC games. The Elite controller is too expensive. lol

yikes, how good is that elite controller that you'd all either spend $150 on it or give up $150 worth of controllers ($150 meaning the price you could sell them off for not necessarily paid for them in the first place)?

Isn't it based on the 2013 version of their controllers anyway (no mic port, Bluetooth , textured grip)?
My controller definitely has textured grip and a built in 3.5mm jack. Not sure about bluetooth, but I don't need anything else giving me cancer, so yeah

edit: buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... I never use the thing lol. Purchased it for about $100 when they first came out. I feel like it's too special to use for "regular" games or I want to save it's life expectancy for worthy times or marathon multiplayer sessions (which haven't happened since I purchased it lol). Awesome controller though. I just use my Lunar White for everything

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I have two extra regular black controllers I'd trade for $100 towards an elite. It sounds too good to be true. I'd honestly like to do the same thing with the Infinite Warfare Promo. I would like to trade 4 of the older cheaper games I have on the list for $120 off the legacy pro edition making it free. Does anyone think there's any possibility of this actually working? I have to think the GS system to too smart for this... but I would have also thought the system would be too smart to sell a $500 amazon card paid with trade credit, so what the hell do I know.
The infinite warfare promo has been confirmed to only work with 2 games. You might be able to find someone to override it though.

My controller definitely has textured grip and a built in 3.5mm jack. Not sure about bluetooth, but I don't need anything else giving me cancer, so yeah

edit: buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... I never use the thing lol. Purchased it for about $100 when they first came out. I feel like it's too special to use for "regular" games or I want to save it's life expectancy for worthy times or marathon multiplayer sessions (which haven't happened since I purchased it lol). Awesome controller though. I just use my Lunar White for everything
What annoys me is that the Gears 4 themed Elite controller, which was announced after the Xbox One S and the better controllers, is not based on one of those controllers. Missed opportunity.
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