gba sp $65 at target (possible ymmv)


I was at my local target today and they had sp's for $65! I don't know if every target has this deal so i said YMMV. There was only one left at my target because they were selling fast. I'm not sure if this is on their site. But I would say it's worth the drive.
[quote name='karmapolice620']It has been confirmed[/quote]

What do you mean? You acutally checked at your Target location?
I went by on my way to work this AM and had them scan two colors (platinum & cobalt) and they scanned $99. Pensacola, FL
I've had and sold a black GBA SP months ago... but something is so alluring about 'limited edition' models of systems that draws me to purchasing them... I currently own the so-called limited edition platinum Gamecube; and my sights are set on trading my refurbished Xbox for the Halo green one w/ Halo (Starting Morrowind: GOTY Edition all the way over... won't THAT be fun... :roll: sarcasm :roll: ).. and on a sidenote, I may be one of the 11 people left who has yet to ever play Halo (I know, I know...). And back on the limited models topic, I'm SO gonna buy the NES-inspired GBA SP in June... even if I don't play with it, it'll be a nice item to collect...
Well, I guess I'll take a drive over to Target even though I'm pretty sure they won't have it for that price...never hurts to check though I guess.
Bruce do are you sure your not confusing what a SP is? I highly doubt you bought one for 65 dollars. Perhaps you are talking about the black GBA's.
[quote name='lordopus99']i was at a Toys R Us in my area in Florida and they were that same price. I saw a Blue, Red, and Silver ones at that price 65,[/quote]

see its the same at another store. that proves it.
[quote name='andersontsia']Not in Wilmington, DE.

Just came back from Target but it's priced and scanned $99[/quote]

Thanks. Saved me a tip. That Target only has deals 5% of the time anyway.
[quote name='karmapolice620']It has been confirmed[/quote]

Because I have seen karmapolice620 post that he is in Nashville, as am I, I decided to PM him asking where he saw it. Here is the response I got:

[quote name='karmapolice620']Sorry it was a joke...I guess I didnt word it right...but if you really want one I have a skeem i pulled on EB...I even told the manager and he was fine with it...Take in your gba and buy some CHEAP games and then return them, and do the trade for like 40$ or how ever much it is right now...and you got yourself a deal![/quote]

Please note, this does not necessarily mean that the original poster meant it as a joke. Also, bruce wrote about this deal being at Target, but lordopus wrote about finding the exact same price at TRU -- odd.
The only way the SP would be dropping in price right now was if Nintendo was planning a surprise launch of the DS at E3. Considering how well an action like that went for Sega, I doubt that would happen.
[quote name='JSweeney']The only way the SP would be dropping in price right now was if Nintendo was planning a surprise launch of the DS at E3. Considering how well an action like that went for Sega, I doubt that would happen.[/quote]

yea. we would like to tell you all the Saturn is now available for purchase. Only problem is no one knew and so you are going to have to wait a long ass time for some new games

It could happen. Everyone says Nintendo is becoming more like SEGA
bread's done