GCU 2 year membership for $30

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Checked my mail today not email and noticed I received a letter from gamers club unlocked and saw they were extending my current membership for an additional 2 years for $30.if posted in wrong thread I apologize
I am only a member of the regular GC and barely used it until the B1G1 50% off deal. I could probably use Unlocked if I got the $30 deal, but the $120 deal is way too expensive for someone who buys video games at Best Buy once or twice a year. I prefer TRU or eBay.
Pretty sure it's a fantastic deal 2 years of GCU for $30.... Plus having the email and the one mailed to me could be MASSIVE if I can redeem them at different times to get them to stack until 2018
i have 3 but only redeemed 1. You'd have to assume that BB will even be around in 3-4 years and I'm not so sure of that. Not like you'd get a refund if they shut down. Even if they are around, this program may not exist in this capacity by then, so I think the safest bet would just be to renew once
Thanks OP just dug this one out of my recycling bin. Between the trade in values, discounts and pre-order bonuses I spend almost nothing at BB on games; and I buy a lot of games there.
I can't see the program surviving at $60 a year.  I would have to buy more than 7 games to break even.  And frankly, a B1G1 or B2G1 could quickly make that program not worth it from other retailers.  

Who knows.. too soon to tell.  2 years should be enough to see which way this program is going.

Definitely watching the mail closer now. Hopefully I get another coupon and it stacks to the one I just do from the email I got.

The posters all saying how great it is, its only great if you get it for 30 for 2 years. The 120 is a freaking joke and way overpriced. I can easily see me making at least 30 in savings over 2 years, but trying to break even on 120 and then save more on top of that, not likely.

30 is good deal, 120 is a joke.

Also tightclaw you're a clown, you should learn to look at a company financials before you go spouting off how they will be out of business in 2 years.


Plenty of cash and they are currently profitable.
Report back if the stacking works.

I got this in the mail too, I am going to go for it at $30 but not if it were $120. Here are the savings of Amazon vs Best Buy for me (it is not $12/game!)

Obviously if you pay tax online then BB would pull out further ahead.

Sales Tax Rate: 8.075%

New $59.95 game

Best Buy:

Subtotal: $47.96

Tax:  $3.87

Total: $51.83

Best Buy Reward Points: $1.92 best buy credit


Subtotal: 59.95

Total: 59.95

Amazon Rewards (3% cashback): $1.80

Effective Cost: $58.03

Total Savings with GCU: $6.20, plus $1.92 in Best Buy credit

I got this in the mail too, I am going to go for it at $30 but not if it were $120. Here are the savings of Amazon vs Best Buy for me (it is not $12/game!)

Obviously if you pay tax online then BB would pull out further ahead.

Sales Tax Rate: 8.075%

New $59.95 game

Best Buy:

Subtotal: $47.96

Tax: $3.87

Total: $51.83

Best Buy Reward Points: $1.92 best buy credit


Subtotal: 59.95

Total: 59.95

Amazon Rewards (3% cashback): $1.80

Effective Cost: $58.03

Total Savings with GCU: $6.20, plus $1.92 in Best Buy credit
In two years, Amazon probably won't have a "tax-free" advantage.

Who the hell pays to get a discount?

I just wait and the games get cheaper and by the time that happens the discount you get on them is just a dollar or two which isn't enough to make it a big deal. So yeah you get a discount on a 60 dollar game but I end up paying 30 or less simply by waiting a couple months and I don't have to pay for it.
The $30 ($15/year) isn't too bad. I don't believe I'm getting the $30 offer because I let my @GAMER expire like 2 years ago. However for $30 I'm sure I would get my money's worth. Especially if the 20% stacks even when the games are discounted, which I believe it does (so $20 game becomes $16 game). It wouldn't take much to get $30 worth of savings.

But they are damn crazy if they think I'll pay $120 up front. That will NEVER happen. I'll just wait for discounts on PSN+ or other places (which can be better) before I join Best Buy's overpriced "club".

The $30 ($15/year) isn't too bad. I don't believe I'm getting the $30 offer because I let my @GAMER expire like 2 years ago. However for $30 I'm sure I would get my money's worth. Especially if the 20% stacks even when the games are discounted, which I believe it does (so $20 game becomes $16 game). It wouldn't take much to get $30 worth of savings.

But they are damn crazy if they think I'll pay $120 up front. That will NEVER happen. I'll just wait for discounts on PSN+ or other places (which can be better) before I join Best Buy's overpriced "club".
I had to contact somebody about the coupon. My last magazine came in the mail this last October. According to the representative I hadn't purchased a GCU membership since before 2012... meaning I somehow have been receiving magazines and using the coupons for over a year? They suggested I had subscribed directly to the magazine somehow... but I'd have never done that because IIRC it was 19.99 for just the mag or 14.99 for the GCU program... and I know what I do and do not subscribe.

I know I purchased multiple years of GCU in 2011 when I was picking up an extra magazine for more coupons... but was effectively told they cannot issue a voucher, They couldnt even tell me WHEN my GCU expired. I definitely will not be purchasing GCU for $120. I'd have thrown $30 their way on the off chance I buy a game here or there, but over the last few years Ive grown tired of the lackluster experiences with Best Buy... so I only go there for specific deals... and while 20% would be nice, if I'm going there for a special, that 20% wouldn't make much of a difference in the decision.

Are you functionally retarded?

Chuck, I see you have George Carlin as your avatar. He had a really great bit about the average IQ. Perhaps before you call someone else retarded, you should check where you are on the bell curve yourself.

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For those questioning it...

I bought Dead Rising 3, Ryse and Black Flag for Xbox One release week. I got them all for $48 each with the discount. I got a $10 certificate for pre-ordering Black Flag. I got $25 for buying three games (or I will, having issues with this but I know it'll get added sooner or later, I bank my points so only a mild annoying so far).  I traded in Ryse and Dead Rising 3 this week for $40 each with a $4 bonus each from my membership making them $44 each.

Yeah, this program is total crap guys. :roll:

Checked my mail today not email and noticed I received a letter from gamers club unlocked and saw they were extending my current membership for an additional 2 years for $30.if posted in wrong thread I apologize
Who else votes for "XzMrHitDatHoezX" screen name of the year?
To be honest $120 is high but not based upon the value of gcu at all. It's "high" b/c the membership has increased by 4x per yr.
Broken down it's a measly $5/month so if you can't figure out how to profit more than $5/month at BB using gcu then I have to seriously question your ability to gauge value at all.

#1-If you were so smart you wouldn't even have to decide about $120 until 2 yrs from now anyways. You'd be sitting pretty with 2-4 yrs of fully paid off PUR and 2 yrs paid GCU thanks to GCU.

#2-The "I buy from amazon or elsewhere" logic is so old/tired. Amazon doesn't have RZ pts or the silver status bonus which can't be offset just by tax. If you buy that much stuff from elsewhere add up all the rz pts you're missing out on.

And no you don't have to spend thousands to get silver status prepaid visas towards bills covers that and the fees are mostly negated by rz pts plus the savings from the added return days adds up too.

GCU will get you at least 2 yrs of fully paid PUR. Correctly using GCU w/PUR allows you to move credit from GS to BB/AMZ or "credit" anywhere and most of the time profit during the moves. The profits to BB helps defer GCU cost.
If you're good with the bigger picture you won't regret GCU it's that simple.
I work at Target, so with 10 percent team member discount and 5 percent red card discount, I get 14.5 percent off (I CAN do math!) Thought about not bothering with this, even at the $30, because I figured Target would cover me well enough.

And then Black Friday came, and BB has the best prices on Scribblenauts and Tomb Raider. They had expanded my GCU to February already, so I got the 20% off on top of the cheapest prices and saved like $9 or so just from BF. I figure with the possibility of them having the cheapest prices COMBINED with this made it a bright idea.

Plus, I probably won't be at Target in 2 years

#2-The "I buy from amazon or elsewhere" logic is so old/tired. Amazon doesn't have RZ pts or the silver status bonus which can't be offset just by tax. If you buy that much stuff from elsewhere add up all the rz pts you're missing out on.
It only really adds up if you buy a lot of games. If you buy an average of 1-2 games every 2-3 months outside of Black Friday the points aren't worth it. Especially if you don't trade in games. I will admit this is a better deal than PUR (which took me 4 years to get enough points for a useless $5 coupon). Even with the discount and certs, it's usually still cheaper on eBay.

Oh, and $48 a game is still way too expensive. Unless it's Smash Bros., but I am not spending $120 to get $12 off of one game.
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It only really adds up if you buy a lot of games. If you buy an average of 1-2 games every 2-3 months outside of Black Friday the points aren't worth it. Especially if you don't trade in games. I will admit this is a better deal than PUR (which took me 4 years to get enough points for a useless $5 coupon). Even with the discount and certs, it's usually still cheaper on eBay.

Oh, and $48 a game is still way too expensive. Unless it's Smash Bros., but I am not spending $120 to get $12 off of one game.
$48 is definitely not "expensive" in comparison with other types of entertainment and their value/cost ratio. I would much rather spend for a game than a movie i'll only get 2 hours out of and have to put up with annoyances out of my control in the crowd. Sporting events are the same. Most games give you 8-10 minimum unless you quit partially through, and if you do multiplayer the value skyrockets as you can easily get up to 100 hours in one game. Not to mention you can then recoup the value of the game, even sometimes for more than you originally spent when utilizing deals appropriately.

How isn't this a deal? I paid $30 for two years of 20% off new and 10% off used. Here's how I broke even and then some one within a month:

PayDay 2 - $16.04 x 2 Reg ($12.83 x 2 GCU)  = $6.42

Battlefield 4 PS4 Trade In - $44 x 2 GCU (Bought from AWD and Gamestop for $69) = $19

Assassin's Creed 4 PS4 Trade In - $44 GCU (Bought from AWD for $34) = $10

Now I get those kind of savings and trade-in bumps for 23 more months and I'm already up $5.

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$48 is definitely not "expensive" in comparison with other types of entertainment and their value/cost ratio. I would much rather spend for a game than a movie i'll only get 2 hours out of and have to put up with annoyances out of my control in the crowd. Sporting events are the same. Most games give you 8-10 minimum unless you quit partially through, and if you do multiplayer the value skyrockets as you can easily get up to 100 hours in one game. Not to mention you can then recoup the value of the game, even sometimes for more than you originally spent when utilizing deals appropriately.
I heavily dislike spending more than $30 on any game unless it is Pokemon or Smash Bros. If ut means I have to wait a year or two for the price to go down, so be it. I don't play online much either, though a large part of that is because 80% of my games are single-player only.

I only spend $6 on movie tickets and don't really go to sporting events anymore (DVDs and Blu-rays have sapped any baseball money) and if I want to recoup my game I sell it on eBay (which is where I get most of my games if I don't buy them at TRU). I think the last time I traded in a game was back in 2004 or sometime around there.
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Thanks for the heads up OP.  I was out of town today and came in without checking the mail.  Then I saw this thread and went out to the mailbox and low and behold it was there.  I thought they were only doing a one year extension for the $30 price... For 2 years, this is a STEAL.  I am going by there tomorrow to do this... Love the GCU and I have saved a boatload this year since they introduced the 20% off.

How isn't this a deal? I paid $30 for two years of 20% off new and 10% off used. Here's how I broke even and then some one within a month:

PayDay 2 - $16.04 x 2 Reg ($12.83 x 2 GCU) = $6.42

Battlefield 4 PS4 Trade In - $44 x 2 GCU (Bought from AWD and Gamestop for $69) = $19

Assassin's Creed 4 PS4 Trade In - $44 GCU (Bought from AWD for $34) = $10

Now I get those kind of savings and trade-in bumps for 23 more months and I'm already up $5.
lol BBuy is extending the $15 year GCU to existing members per targeted coupons either snail mail or email...

and posts about this for weeks if not months in the BBuy thread...

It's not a "deal" per se as only certain prior GCU members are even eligible...

lol I get the flipping math....but it's still not a new "deal" that anyone can take advantage of...

I'm trying to figure out how I got the 20% off for the buy 1, get 1 half off on select nintendo games earlier in the week, and attempted today and it didn't work. Despite my best buy showing I still have unlocked until the end of February.

120 for 2 years just doesn't seem worth it in the long run though. For me anyways.

Here's a list of all of the games I've taken advantage of with Gamers Unlocked:

Rocksmith 2014: 50-10

Skyrim Legendary X2: 30-6, 30-6

GTA V X2: 33-6.60, 33-6.60

Puppeteer: 20-4

Killzone VITA: 20-4

Payday 2 X2: 15-3, 15-3

Fire Emblem Awakening: 15-3

Scribblenauts Unlimited X2: 8-1.60, 8-1.60

Super Mario 3D World: 60-12

So, all told, I've saved 10+6+6+13.20+4+4+3+3+3+3.20+12.....57.40.  Just in a few weeks worth of deals and discounts.  Sweetness!  I wish I'd bought a couple more Fire Emblems for Christmas gifts, I mean, JEEZ!  It's going to be NUTS when I get some more stuff to trade in to Best Buy....

I ran out of store credit with these crazy deals, or I would have taken advantage of the 3DS BOGO sale w/additional discount.  48 bucks for 80 dollars worth of recently released new stuff!  That's nuts!

It only really adds up if you buy a lot of games. If you buy an average of 1-2 games every 2-3 months outside of Black Friday the points aren't worth it. Especially if you don't trade in games. I will admit this is a better deal than PUR (which took me 4 years to get enough points for a useless $5 coupon). Even with the discount and certs, it's usually still cheaper on eBay.

Oh, and $48 a game is still way too expensive. Unless it's Smash Bros., but I am not spending $120 to get $12 off of one game.

I just don't buy that many games from Best Buy. Do I buy SOME games there? Sure. But definitely not even 1 per month. Certainly not the $300 per year it would take me to just BREAK EVEN on the savings. I buy just a few "day 1" games per year, and as many "cheap" games as I can from all over the place (newegg, new games on ebay, frys.com, walmart.com, random clearance deals, etc). I'm sure I spend more than $300 per year in games overall, but not that much more. Maybe $500 at retail. With another little bit digital. I would rather continue to be able to spread that money around wherever the deals pop up, rather than feel obligated to only shop at Best Buy. The $120 sort of locks you into Best Buy. Which is obviously what THEY are going for, but I really don't believe many people actually spend enough to really justify that kind of initial investment. If someone is buying 2 or 3+ brand new releases for $60 every single month, hey it might be worth it. But most people don't do that, especially not on cheapassgamer.

I dont remember killzone vita for $20 wasnt it $30? I know gamestop and amazon had it for $20 but you wouldnt be able to get 20% off on pms.
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Blockbuster....I mean best buy probably won't be around in two years.
Ignorance. Best Buy could have their worst two years of sales and still not go out of business. 5+ years from now, who knows...but their near future isn't in any sort of jeopardy. In fact, they're actually in an upswing right now.

I'm loving the new GCU though. If they keep new releases at 44 TIV + $10 preorder promos...I'll be playing a lotttt of games.
Two questions to people who got the email....

[1] What was the subject line?

[2] Who was it "From"....?

I would like to search for it in my email, as I have been a Gamers Club Unlocked member. But I haven't found anything so far doing a search from "sender" "Best Buy" ..... Thanks in advance. :)

EDIT : found the post below from the Best Buy thread here:

Just got my re-up email about GCU. The subject of the email reads:

"Your new Gamers Club Unlocked benefits"

Sorry if this has been posted already but posting again in case anyone wanted to know.
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This thread needs to be locked.  There is an enormous thread with BBY employees posting in it with all the necessary info.

That said, if you never were a GCU member or expired prior to May 2013, you can't get this as of now.  

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