Gears of War 2 for 20 bucks @ Best Buy


BB has GOW2 on sale for 29.99 this week. If you put 5 bucks down on a game pre-order you get 10 bucks off any 29.99 game or higher instantly, provided they are on the same receipt. If you use Madden as your pre-order you can get that 5 bucks back 5 days after the game comes out, which is Aug. 14th. So you are basically getting GOW2 for 20 bucks. Some people probably already know about this, but this is for those who don't know Best Buy pre-order policy. Same goes for any of the games you can get that 5 bucks back 5 days after release if you don't want the game.
yeah, I think this is definitely a store-by-store basis thing. If you can catch someone not paying attention/not caring then yes it could work. I'm only going to do it because I'll buy Madden anyways, don't really want to buy it from BB but I'm not going to find it better than $10 off anywhere else.
I think this is the nail in the coffin... from the offer details link (

Best Buy's Return Policy on Quantity Discounts applies to this purchase.

Said policy being...
Quantity Discounts
You may return items for which you received a quantity (either by volume or dollar amount) discount in accordance with our standard return policy.

Note: If by returning an item your original purchase is no longer eligible for the quantity discount, the discount received will be subtracted from the purchase price of the item being returned. You will be refunded the difference.

Though this may not really be a "quantity purchase" in the strictest sense, the key here is you're going to have to pay the difference in cost increase if you return something from your order that caused you to get a discount.

Bottom line, I'd say this is extreme YMMV if you get someone not paying attention. Which, to be fair, is probably not all that unlikely. But I'm sure the system will auto adjust anything once the receipt is scanned, so it's probably moot.
The thing is, even though this is technically a "bundle" situation, it's also a pre-order situation that has to include a way to cancel that trumps the bundle argument any CSR would give you.

The safest way to play this is just wait the five days after the game comes out. People who are impatient are the only ones subject to getting shot down.
This sucks I just tried to ore order Hal ODST and get GoW2 but since it would not scan in the system the cashier had to call four other people to help her. In the end they determined that it was not eligible since it was on sale. >=(
CAG strikes again! Just got back from picking it up and put it in the tray...

It helps to mention this pre-order deal only works for the games pictured in the ad (i think?) I figured I'd play it safe and pre-order a game I really wanted (went with wolfenstein) and it didn't work. Picked up the ad, saw the titles and decided to get CoD:MW2 StdEd (no hardened or prestige option offered) Guess I'll get that there if I can't get my $5 back and wait for Hardened edition to go on clearance and not open it.
Thanks for the heads up, but for me in CA after taxes on the game I plan to purchase it is almost break even.

Now if I cancelled my pre-order, wouldn't they remove the $10 discount by effectively me owing BB $5?
[quote name='Ed_']This sucks I just tried to ore order Hal ODST and get GoW2 but since it would not scan in the system the cashier had to call four other people to help her. In the end they determined that it was not eligible since it was on sale. >=([/QUOTE]

Sorry it didn't work for you, but I just tried this with the same two games and it worked automatically, with no intervention required by either the cashier or a manager.
It should have come up in the system as 19.99 automatically with the $5 preorder. I know my cashier stared at the screen kind of confused for a second, making sure it was really 19.99. I preordered Madden, since they didnt have MW2 boxes set out. My choices were Madden 10 or Halo ODST.. Blech.
[quote name='Ed_']This sucks I just tried to ore order Hal ODST and get GoW2 but since it would not scan in the system the cashier had to call four other people to help her. In the end they determined that it was not eligible since it was on sale. >=([/QUOTE]

Try it online with instore pickup. That's what I did.
There mustve been a system update or something. I went back with a printout of the deal in my cart online, but I ended up not needing it. The deal came up automatically. The girl even gave me a free lemonade for the inconvenience :) I used my $5 reward zone coupon on this
Took my pre-order receipts to Best Buy today and got refunds with no problem at all. Any of you still wondering if you can get the refund need not worry. The pre-order is totally separate from the 10 dollars off purchase on the receipt. System processed the 5 refunds without any needed overrides or anything. Quick and simple.
[quote name='Wario64']Can you go to a different Best Buy that you preordered from to refund your preorder?[/QUOTE]

I would guess no, but I'm not 100% sure.
bread's done