Gears of War 3 $29.99 new at gamestop, used $24.99, probably both are used! lol

In reference to your title nothing made me laugh more then when someone in the MK Vita thread was given a "NEW" copy of Mortal Kombat that came in a generic Vita case with no cover art. I mean seriously?

Maybe it is just because I have low volume stores in my area but it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a "New" copy that is actually sealed. I've checked over the past few weeks for at least three or four titles that were part of recent promotions and have yet to find a sealed copy of any of those games and the associates always react like I'm up to something because I ask if they have any sealed copies of the game for sale and that I cancel the sale when they say they don't
[quote name='GBAstar']In reference to your title nothing made me laugh more then when someone in the MK Vita thread was given a "NEW" copy of Mortal Kombat that came in a generic Vita case with no cover art. I mean seriously?

Maybe it is just because I have low volume stores in my area but it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a "New" copy that is actually sealed. I've checked over the past few weeks for at least three or four titles that were part of recent promotions and have yet to find a sealed copy of any of those games and the associates always react like I'm up to something because I ask if they have any sealed copies of the game for sale and that I cancel the sale when they say they don't[/QUOTE]
i called my store yesterday and asked the guys if they had the game new and they said yes we do, when i got there the game was NEW******************************************************************** open because they needed to put the box on display, fuck it, went to another gamestop and i was lucky enough they had a sealed copy, last game i purchase at gamestop before gears 3 was mass effect 1! man i sure dont trust that store but since its a deal i said fuck it, might as well just posted in case anyone here has credit to burn and are looking for a copy of the game
[quote name='GBAstar']In reference to your title nothing made me laugh more then when someone in the MK Vita thread was given a "NEW" copy of Mortal Kombat that came in a generic Vita case with no cover art. I mean seriously?

Maybe it is just because I have low volume stores in my area but it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a "New" copy that is actually sealed. I've checked over the past few weeks for at least three or four titles that were part of recent promotions and have yet to find a sealed copy of any of those games and the associates always react like I'm up to something because I ask if they have any sealed copies of the game for sale and that I cancel the sale when they say they don't[/QUOTE]

How dare you! Everyone knows that if you take a gutted copy of a new game that was likely "checked out" by the smelly teenage nerd employees and put a round clear sticker over the case, it's brand new and you should feel great about paying full price for that fine new product. Thanks GameStop for allowing me to buy your wonderful gently used "new" games.
I would rather not know about this deal then to see the tc b***h and whine so much. Way to tilt your topic into the annoying and away from the informative. about going to Walmart, Kmart, Best Buy, Target, That would be easy right? But then you couldn't whine about your game not being sealed...yet you still bought it. Glad you proved your point. That is going to teach them.
[quote name='Cocojames333'] about going to[/QUOTE]

It's actually $3.50 cheaper on Amazon right now, too, with free shipping to everyone since it's over $25
[quote name='Cocojames333']I would rather not know about this deal then to see the tc b***h and whine so much. Way to tilt your topic into the annoying and away from the informative. about going to Walmart, Kmart, Best Buy, Target, That would be easy right? But then you couldn't whine about your game not being sealed...yet you still bought it. Glad you proved your point. That is going to teach them.[/QUOTE]
none of the stores you mentioned have the game at that price, also, i did get a sealed copy after going to a second store, i post the deal because some people do like gamestop, i can see you love it, some other like me distrust that store for many reasons, just for the record, whining is complaining about something without a reason, believe me, there's plenty of reasons to complaint about that store, still, im glad i gave trolls like you a reason to come out of their caves
[quote name='Scorch']It's actually $3.50 cheaper on Amazon right now, too, with free shipping to everyone since it's over $25[/QUOTE]
is fulfilled by amazon, not sold by amazon
[quote name='Cocojames333']I would rather not know about this deal then to see the tc b***h and whine so much. Way to tilt your topic into the annoying and away from the informative. about going to Walmart, Kmart, Best Buy, Target, That would be easy right? But then you couldn't whine about your game not being sealed...yet you still bought it. Glad you proved your point. That is going to teach them.[/QUOTE]

Jeez dude, take a chill pill.

Anywho, definitely a great price for Gears 3. Gonna hold out on picking it up again until I play through the first two. I played a good portion of this one and I would say it's definitely a game that feels like it is worth a day one purchase! :)
[quote name='Cocojames333']I would rather not know about this deal then to see the tc b***h and whine so much. Way to tilt your topic into the annoying and away from the informative. about going to Walmart, Kmart, Best Buy, Target, That would be easy right? But then you couldn't whine about your game not being sealed...yet you still bought it. Glad you proved your point. That is going to teach them.[/QUOTE]

Actually you do have a point. Gamestop should actually charge MOAR for new gutted copies and call it a "premium service"...

I mean think about it; they (the gamestop employees) are taking the time to open the game AND try it out for you before they sell it to you as new.

The denim industry has sold "broken in" jeans at a premium for years why not Gamestop?


[quote name='Cocojames333']Yet it's still ON amazon[/QUOTE]

If you don't know the difference between being sold BY Amazon and sold on Amazon or Sold BY Newegg or sold on Newegg or sold BY Buy or sold on buy then you need to get off this site.

[quote name='GBAstar']Actually you do have a point. Gamestop should actually charge MOAR for new gutted copies and call it a "premium service"...

I mean think about it; they (the gamestop employees) are taking the time to open the game AND try it out for you before they sell it to you as new.

The denim industry has sold "broken in" jeans at a premium for years why not Gamestop?


If you don't know the difference between being sold BY Amazon and sold on Amazon or Sold BY Newegg or sold on Newegg or sold BY Buy or sold on buy then you need to get off this site.


You mad? Lmao!!!
[quote name='Cocojames333']You mad? Lmao!!![/QUOTE]
i don't think he is mad, just disappointed at you, if you know what i mean
I'll get my cents in right now...

Selling opened games as new is shady for this very simple reason. Can you return opened video games? In general (as there's obviously exceptions), no, no you can't... So that automatically puts them in the same category as anything else you cannot return once it's open and nullifies most arguments people try to use.

I still shop at GS when they have good deals but I rarely buy new there...mostly just trade stuff in during promos and buy used.
If you haven't played this game by now, you should go ahead and give up on gaming.

But if you don't own this by now, go ahead and get this. Best Gears of the series so far. The multilayer is flat out phenomenal, the drop-in-drop-out at anytime 4 play Co-Op Campaign is just a wonderful thing.
[quote name='dEvAnGeL']is fulfilled by amazon, not sold by amazon[/QUOTE]

No, it's sold by Amazon.

[quote name='Cocojames333']I would rather not know about this deal then to see the tc b***h and whine so much. Way to tilt your topic into the annoying and away from the informative. about going to Walmart, Kmart, Best Buy, Target, That would be easy right? But then you couldn't whine about your game not being sealed...yet you still bought it. Glad you proved your point. That is going to teach them.[/QUOTE]

You must work at gamestop
Just a reminder that it's $30 on Games on Demand this week.

I'm thinking of getting a 2nd Xbox for the bedroom. Can I download my games that I bought on xbox 1 onto Xbox 2?
[quote name='darrenaero']Just a reminder that it's $30 on Games on Demand this week.

I'm thinking of getting a 2nd Xbox for the bedroom. Can I download my games that I bought on xbox 1 onto Xbox 2?[/QUOTE]

You can. Only your account will play it on 2nd Xbox. Anyone can play it on 1st Xbox. I do this all the time between living room & my media room.
[quote name='GBAstar']Actually you do have a point. Gamestop should actually charge MOAR for new gutted copies and call it a "premium service"...

I mean think about it; they (the gamestop employees) are taking the time to open the game AND try it out for you before they sell it to you as new.

The denim industry has sold "broken in" jeans at a premium for years why not Gamestop?


If you don't know the difference between being sold BY Amazon and sold on Amazon or Sold BY Newegg or sold on Newegg or sold BY Buy or sold on buy then you need to get off this site.


Fulfilled by amazon still means free ship over 25 or prime and can use credit, new is new. There is a diff on AWD though.
[quote name='TaylorM06']If you haven't played this game by now, you should go ahead and give up on gaming.

But if you don't own this by now, go ahead and get this. Best Gears of the series so far. The multilayer is flat out phenomenal, the drop-in-drop-out at anytime 4 play Co-Op Campaign is just a wonderful thing.[/QUOTE]

I'd say if you've still haven't picked this up, wait. Gamefly had it on sale for $14.99 used and I'm sure there's a complete edition coming this fall with all the DLC included.
I'm not trying to be a troll or threadjack; but why did gamestop stop selling new copies of games sealed?

I noticed that this happened around late '05 or '06. I never bothered to ask anyone in the stores and I've been to lazy/forgetful to google it. I stopped shopping there when they started doing this, its really frustrating to people who may want to give things as gift or just like the ritual of opening a truly new game.
I gave up on GameStop. Just bought this like new for $21 on eBay. I don't even think its possible to see an auction go over $23 for this game.
[quote name='strait edge follower']What of they sell you a non sealed game as new and the "new" sticker is still on it ? Could you return it for a full refund ?[/QUOTE]
i've done it before, they usually have one of those paper disc holder thingies so I'd keep those if ur planning on not keeping the game, but some might deny you especially if they look at the disc and see a scratch or something but that's just conjecture. I returned my copy because i managed to price match that game over at a bestbuy where they had sealed copies
I don't know how Gamestop gets away with selling opened copies of games as new. We as consumers break the seal and the game is used. Gamestop completely guts a game and still sell as new amazing right? I stopped buying at Gamestop along time ago. A few weeks ago my friend went to buy Disgaea for the Vita and had to go to 4 different Gamestop's to find a sealed copy.
[quote name='ps360gamer']I don't know how Gamestop gets away with selling opened copies of games as new. We as consumers break the seal and the game is used. Gamestop completely guts a game and still sell as new amazing right? I stopped buying at Gamestop along time ago. A few weeks ago my friend went to buy Disgaea for the Vita and had to go to 4 different Gamestop's to find a sealed copy.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I feel the same way; one time I purchased Brain Age for my mom as "New" from Gamestop after a couple weeks of its release and when I gave it to her she asked if she should use one profiles already set up. I was like, "what profiles?", I looked and sure enough every profile slot on the cartridge had a profile set up. It took me at least a half hour to figure how to delete all that shit off the game.

Obviously, they sold me a USED game as NEW. So, never again have I bought anything from Gamestop, at least not an actual game, anyway. I've gotten the majority of my friends to stop shopping there, too.
[quote name='strait edge follower']What of they sell you a non sealed game as new and the "new" sticker is still on it ? Could you return it for a full refund ?[/QUOTE]

You can return it as long as you don't take the clear sticker off. Full refund, no questions asked.
[quote name='ps360gamer']I don't know how Gamestop gets away with selling opened copies of games as new. We as consumers break the seal and the game is used. Gamestop completely guts a game and still sell as new amazing right? I stopped buying at Gamestop along time ago. A few weeks ago my friend went to buy Disgaea for the Vita and had to go to 4 different Gamestop's to find a sealed copy.[/QUOTE]

Technically, every game you get was open before it was sealed. Being sealed really means nothing anyhow, you do know they all have shrink wrap devices in the back of their store.. They are required to keep them back there in case games contain sale vouchers for other services.

This is nothing new, just open your game there at the point of purchase and make sure everything is in order. If its not, dont buy it. Dont fool yourself into thinking being shrink wrapped makes any difference.
HAHAHA love the title! The only reason I still shop at GameStop once in a while is I still have a bunch of credit left from my flipping days. With so many legit competitors (Best Buy, Amazon, Steam, Target, Kmart, Walmart, etc.) there is no need to put up with GameStop selling opened games as NEW.

Thanks for the deal post but I will probably wait for a complete/GOTY edition before purchasing this one.
[quote name='strait edge follower']What of they sell you a non sealed game as new and the "new" sticker is still on it ? Could you return it for a full refund ?[/QUOTE]During one of the summer sales I bought a "new" game with the sticker on it because it was the last one left at any store around. A few days later I got a better deal somewhere else so what happens when I go to return the unopened stickered game? They tell me it is not sealed so it is used and I can trade it in, but no refund. She then calls the next closest store down the street and instructs them to not take it back either. I went to another store the next day and after much debate and basically getting told it's against their judgment to help out such an obvious lying degenerent, I get a refund.

During a previous summer sale I bought a new gutted game. Didn't want to, but last copy around. Assured it's new. Get home and find a scratched up disc. Now maybe they accidentally put a used game in when picking out the disc. Fine. I go back and they say the sticker's off so it's no longer new or returnable. All I want is a non-scratched disc and after a lot of debate I finally get a good one.

Favorite story: I PRE-ORDERED Colin McRae Rally 4 for Xbox knowing it's not going to get carried in most stores. Arrive to pick it up and they can't find it. Why? Because IT's BEEN GUTTED, STICKERED AND PUT ON THE DISPLAY SHELF!!! MY PRE-ORDERED COPY!!! The guy apologizes and says they were just using to display the game, but it's my brand new copy. I was furious and didn't want to buy it, but I had no choice as it was a niche title CC, BB, Mediaplay, Target, CUSA, KM and WM were not carrying, at least not on release day. GS only got enough to cover preorders.

I still shop there when they have a great deals, but with best buy and other stores really competing it's much more rare that I go to GS.

Thanks for the deal OP! I highly recommend this game. Considering Judgment comes out March 2013, it's highly likely that a GOTY version comes out this fall so you have to ask yourself if you have to get it now and find a DLC deal later or wait for the GOTY and get a deal on it. I'm happy buying this day one and getting the season pass on sale (25% off I think it was, maybe 33%).
[quote name='fyrflash1969']Technically, every game you get was open before it was sealed. Being sealed really means nothing anyhow, you do know they all have shrink wrap devices in the back of their store.. They are required to keep them back there in case games contain sale vouchers for other services.

This is nothing new, just open your game there at the point of purchase and make sure everything is in order. If its not, dont buy it. Dont fool yourself into thinking being shrink wrapped makes any difference.[/QUOTE]

Most stores have done away with shrink wrap machines for years now. If there's any kind of code with the game, it's typically kept behind the counter with the disc so nobody steals it on the wall.
May as well get a used copy because there is no online pass and new ones are open anyway.
I've never bought a "new" game at Gamestop. I refuse to support the selling of used games as new.
Two main reasons why i thought they gutted games.

To reduce the take back of games Hence already opened GL with that

To entice you to buy used. If its already gutted/opened why not buy used save 5 bucks. They make more money on used games and push them hard
[quote name='nddave']Two main reasons why i thought they gutted games.

To reduce the take back of games Hence already opened GL with that

To entice you to buy used. If its already gutted/opened why not buy used save 5 bucks. They make more money on used games and push them hard[/QUOTE]

The reason they open a SINGLE copy of the game is to display it on the wall. Sometimes two are opened to increase shelf presence for a new, hot title. There is no other reason for it. Buying a gutted game won't stop you from returning it, just don't break the seal. To push the used games they offer a 7-day risk free money back guarantee. Even if you beat the game, hate it, whatever, you get your full money back however you paid with a used game within a week.
If anyone gets a gutted Gears 3 new copy, I'd be surprised, unless they recently shipped a bunch off back to corporate or something, as many stores have been sitting on tens of sealed copies since last fall. It sold well at launch then everyone traded it in for BF 3/MW 3 and no one is buying it used or new (hence it's low TIV.)

Also there are people still stupid enough to take the boxes off the wall thinking the game is in them:

Granted this is from 2008, but a kid took the SC IV box thinking the game was inside. When the police game they found a bunch of other stolen items/drugs in the trunk.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If anyone gets a gutted Gears 3 new copy, I'd be surprised, unless they recently shipped a bunch off back to corporate or something, as many stores have been sitting on tens of sealed copies since last fall. It sold well at launch then everyone traded it in for BF 3/MW 3 and no one is buying it used or new (hence it's low TIV.)

Also there are people still stupid enough to take the boxes off the wall thinking the game is in them:

Granted this is from 2008, but a kid took the SC IV box thinking the game was inside. When the police game they found a bunch of other stolen items/drugs in the trunk.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if it was company wide but we did send back a ton of copies. We did hold onto 5-10 though so you still shouldn't have many issues. Gears of War 3 isn't exactly in high demand.
[quote name='Auburn']The reason they open a SINGLE copy of the game is to display it on the wall. Sometimes two are opened to increase shelf presence for a new, hot title. There is no other reason for it. Buying a gutted game won't stop you from returning it, just don't break the seal. To push the used games they offer a 7-day risk free money back guarantee. Even if you beat the game, hate it, whatever, you get your full money back however you paid with a used game within a week.[/QUOTE]

This is false. I went in on game days sales and they have at least 10 games gutted ready to sell with not a single sealed copy and this was right at opening first DAY. I also went in to buy twisted metal (30 dollar sell) and all they had were 5 gutted copies. I said its a gift i would like a sealed copy and none available they did look though.

Well if i buy a game 90% of the time i would like to own it more than 7 days regardless of New or Used otherwise i would rent or Redbox it. So the 7 day trial period is nothing more than a warranty to make sure the used game is in working order.
I also wanted to state that i have been to about 5-6 different Gamestops (bought gutted games) and have had only one put this clear circle tape seal on a gutted game. So this SEAL you keep talking about is most likely store dependent
[quote name='nddave']This is false. I went in on game days sales and they have at least 10 games gutted ready to sell with not a single sealed copy and this was right at opening first DAY. I also went in to buy twisted metal (30 dollar sell) and all they had were 5 gutted copies. I said its a gift i would like a sealed copy and none available they did look though.

Well if i buy a game 90% of the time i would like to own it more than 7 days regardless of New or Used otherwise i would rent or Redbox it. So the 7 day trial period is nothing more than a warranty to make sure the used game is in working order.[/QUOTE]

The 7-day return is if you don't like it. Redbox costs money, this loses you nothing. As for the gutting, your store is just a bit overzealous and have no sense about how many they should gut.

[quote name='nddave']I also wanted to state that i have been to about 5-6 different Gamestops (bought gutted games) and have had only one put this clear circle tape seal on a gutted game. So this SEAL you keep talking about is most likely store dependent[/QUOTE]

If they don't seal it, tell them you want it sealed if you're unsure. Every GameStop is supposed to put a seal on a new game that has been gutted.
bread's done