Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='The 7th Number']I dont understand how i dont get kills with the digger. Sometimes i shoot it at people 5 feet from me, it kills me every damn time when im the one being shot at, yet sometimes i dont get a kill. I also shot it down the tunnel in old town near the spawn and where the pistols spawn, and somehow dude who was in the tunnel wasnt killed. There is NO ROOM for him to escape that shit.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's been inconsistent for me, too. Most of the times I do get the kill if my opponent doesn't move, but there have been instances that left me scratching my head wondering how I didn't get a kill.
[quote name='I OU a Beatn']Yeah, it's been inconsistent for me, too. Most of the times I do get the kill if my opponent doesn't move, but there have been instances that left me scratching my head wondering how I didn't get a kill.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think their hit boxes are a little off for this thing. I have shot many people and they walk away when in my mind they should have died. I just got the 10 kills for the medal and don't go out of my way to use it anymore.
I've been awesome with the Digger, especially on Trenches. I think it's best used mid-to-close range when people are in cover with a lot of cover objects around too. I got a nice 4-kill with one shot from the Digger today. =p

However, I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't know how to use the Sawed-off shotgun correctly. I'm definitely more efficient with the Gnasher. It's easier for me to 1-shot kill someone with the Gnasher at close range than the Sawed-off shotgun. Not sure why.. guess I just gotta get used to the SOS.

Also, I think the Hammerburst is underrated. Iron sights help a lot shooting people with a meatshield or people behind cover. +active reload.. damn.
I had 11 kills in one match of CTL just by grabbing the frags, running up to the enemies and letting them down me, then setting off a nade. Did it about 4-5 times in the same match. LOL. I love doing this.

Had a couple kills not register. Usually happens with the flame nades, you throw one as you die, it kills someone but it doesnt say you killed them, nor does it give you a kill. But today i had it happen with a normal frag. Tossed it, got killed, then bam someone died and didnt give me credit.
I played some matches today but there seemed to be a slight input lag. In Gears any type of lag means you're dead so I had to quit. I don't know if it was my controller or the game but I just could not play that way.
I had an epic game of CTL last night where we had a long drawn out round into super overtime on Thrashball map. I was a leader and my team had the turf while the other team had the upper area in the stands. At one point my whole team was rushing the stairs on one side while I was conservatively staying on the ground. Finally I decided to rush up on the other side with frag grenades despite the risk. Managed to catch them off guard and clustered and killed off their entire team with two frag grenades and then captured their leader. I can thank my team for at least distracting them :)
I also hate how the leader can be picked up immediately after being broken up from capture, or how he has to recover to even try to run away without being 1 melee downed or shot once downed. I really dont like CTL that much, but its the closest thing to guardian in this beta. Actually its more like Submission 2.0. Really wish they would bring back guardian. So far i prefer Guardian over any of these new modes.
With 3 days left of the beta, I'll definitely be able to get Thrashball Cole for Retail but I won't be able to get the Golden Retro. I have ~70 matches played, nevermind the 100 kills I need. Doesn't really matter to me, it'd be nice to have it but I started to hate the Retro towards the end compared to the regular Lancer.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Maybe a 5th map for the last few days of the beta?[/QUOTE]

Probably just another Bunny heads/Big heads+feet type surprise.

Rod said

@GearsViking Rod Fergusson
Next week is a big week for Gears news...can't wait to get your reactions.

2 hours ago via web

So thats probably going to be the reveal of the epic edition.

Today i shot a guy with a sawed off from 0 feet away, who was roadie running straight at me, and he just kept running past me. O_O
During the Q&A with Rod F., I thought he said there was going to be A FEW surprises for the last week of the beta (few = more than one). Time is almost up for the beta! Tick Tock, Doc. Tick Tock.
Wow this game can be so stupid sometimes. I was in cover and someone throws two smoke nades, they dont bother me at all. Then maybe 3-4 seconds go by after the nades had blown up, and i come out of cover to shoot the guy for an easy kill and my character decides to cover his head from the smoke explosion so i cant shoot at all and i end up downed. Really?
I keep having a problem jumping from cover to knock down the enemy on the other side. I can't seem to figure out if its a joystick issue or if its the game. My character always seems to slide left or right, but hardly jumps above cover.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I keep having a problem jumping from cover to knock down the enemy on the other side. I can't seem to figure out if its a joystick issue or if its the game. My character always seems to slide left or right, but hardly jumps above cover.[/QUOTE]

Thats a big issue with mantle kicks, its so random. I was just in a match where i seen someone rushing so i jumped back and they still were able to mantle kick me even though i was 5 feet from the barrier. Hope they really fix this issue in the final game.
The one thing that I was expecting from this beta was for it to get an update based on the feedback Epic has received from the community either every couple days or at least once a week, but I guess they'll just leave the beta as is and hopefully release a grocery list of expected fixes shortly after.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Wow this game can be so stupid sometimes. I was in cover and someone throws two smoke nades, they dont bother me at all. Then maybe 3-4 seconds go by after the nades had blown up, and i come out of cover to shoot the guy for an easy kill and my character decides to cover his head from the smoke explosion so i cant shoot at all and i end up downed. Really?[/QUOTE]

I had the opposite happen. I threw two smokes at a guy. They landed at his feet and I saw he was stunned, so I immediately go for the shotgun kill, but I got blown away by his sawed off instead. Fastest smoke stun recovery ever.
You notice it more on CTL. There's been times where the smoke will land right by the person's feet as they're holding the leader and they won't drop him/her. I've been on the throwing side and receiving end as well and its very glitchy.
Mantle kicks work fine for me. I think it's actually a good feature.

Yeah, I think there's something off with the stun deterioration and not just from smoke grenades, but from melee attacks. One, it doesn't stun all the time. Two, the stun is weak (you can still move your camera quickly, move to cover at a good pace, and recovery somewhat fast). And three, you're not at much of an advantage if your opponent is stunned, meaning you still have to do some work. With the mantle kick, it's basically a free kill. Stunning someone with a smoke or melee, not so much, especially if your opponent has a SOS.
Torque Bow Tag? I assume everyone starts out with the torque bow. At least i hope! I always hate when i miss out on the torque/sniper, or get it but dont get much time to use it. Looking forward to playing the new mode asap!
[quote name='LinkinPrime']What is Torque Bow Tag?[/QUOTE]

TDM w/ all weapon and grenade spawns replaced with Torque Bow. I would have preferred all kills required TB instead of this but it's better than nothing. I could use the practice.

Mantle kicks are still one of the most broken mechanics I've come across in my entire history of gaming, Trenches is still a horrible map, there are invincibility frames for people hopping over cover regardless of connection/weapon so don't shoot until their feet touch the ground and 65 - 85% of the community STILL doesn't know how to play this game... at all. I'm sure CoD and Halo are lost without them.

I'm going to miss this beta. There honestly isn't much between now and launch that I'm interested in playing to keep me preoccupied.
Torque bows just replace all the other weapon respawns. You don't start out with torque bows. ^edit: aw i got beat out.

Kinda fun if you wanna brush up on your torque bow skillzszsz. I wish they had a sniper map in beta. =[
Agreed. Sniper honestly would have been more fun for me. The charge time for the Torque is ridiculously short now. It's too easy to rack up bullshit kills in scenarios you would have normally died. Not a fan of the increased respawn time for 'nades and PRs as well. It's way too long and when half of the maps eat weapons it's literally painful.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']TDM w/ all weapon and grenade spawns replaced with Torque Bow. I would have preferred all kills required TB instead of this but it's better than nothing. I could use the practice.


I wish we started with torque bows, having to pick them up sucks. I mean its called torque bow tag, and half the people wont even have the weapon. Big fail. Half the time im sitting there waiting for a torque bow to pop up, because you know i actually want to use it, and a mode called torque bow tag, you are trying to sell me something that i cant even use 50% of the time.
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Torque bow tag sucks, it feels horribly broken. I'm getting hit from ridiculous angles that are impossible to hit me from. I'm not a fan, they need to fix the collision detection before this game officially launches.

Oh, and it pisses me off to see guys running with the sawed off, shooting and looking like they're not breaking stride. If that thing is going to be all powerful they need a little recoil to slow them down. Or people sliding 10-15 feet and then hitting me with the shotty. Fix that or the game will be just as broken as the first two.
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[quote name='LinkinPrime']The one thing that I was expecting from this beta was for it to get an update based on the feedback Epic has received from the community either every couple days or at least once a week, but I guess they'll just leave the beta as is and hopefully release a grocery list of expected fixes shortly after.[/QUOTE]

I hope one of the major complaints is "no more goddamn tank missions."
Torque bow tag would be a lot more interesting if your starting weapons were bows, too. Half the people just run around with shotguns like it's normal TDM, which takes away some of the fun. T I was expecting nothing but bows with a name like, "Torque Bow Tag." Oh well.
Got Thrashball Cole for Retail, I'm happy. Not going to be able to get the Gold Retro, but after switching to the regular Lancer a couple days ago when I'd used the Retro Lancer the entire time before, and seeing how accurate the regular Lancer is, it doesn't really matter to me. No biggie.

Torque Bow Tag would've been better if we all started off with Torques or, like people have suggested, the respawns only ticked down when someone got killed with one. If the latter was the scenario, though, and you could still get points from killing people with your regular weapons, I feel like people would just not even pick up the Torque and just rack up points until the time went out.
I was starting to have fun with the torque bow tag mode, even if not spawning with the TB is really stupid. But later tonight it just seemed like half my torques were going right through people. Must be the lag. Less people = lower quality of matches. I even had a guy walk up to me and kill me with a sawed off tonight, all while i was shooting him three times with the gnasher. Another game i get downed by 1 bullet from a retro. Shit is really annoying sometimes. Shoot a guy with a gnasher 3 times, thats okay, he shoots me once and i die. I was the last man standing in one round and i gnashered a guy in the back point blank and he didnt even get downed. This game would be A LOT more fun if they would sort out all of its random bullshit.

[quote name='AlphaPanda']When were there ever Hammer Of Dawns before now? Were there any?[/QUOTE]

They added em with the TBT playlist. But its only on trenches, and in the regular modes. I got my 10 kills unlocking the execution with the HOD in one match of CTL.
I actually was able to score a Torque headshot through 2 posts on Old Town, was probably the luckiest shot i've ever gotten in the beta besides a hipfire Longshot headshot...which was also on Old Town.

...Hmph. Old Town seems to have some voodoo afoot. Also, when shooting with the Gnasher, does shooting them in the head/upper torso greatly increase the chance to down the guy? I scored 2 solid shots on an enemy with the Gnasher earlier today, he turns around, shoots me once and I'm down. Same distance and everything. Inconsistency, or just shitty luck on my part? From what I could tell, I was hitting him in the chest.
After four weeks of executions performed, medals awarded, skins unlocked, and enemies decimated, our time together in the Gears 3 Beta is coming to an end. The servers go dark at 2:00 AM PDT on Monday, May 16, after which you will be unable to connect to multiplayer matches. If you want to hang on to any of your retail unlocks earned during the Beta, please do not delete your Gears 3 Beta saved games—you can delete the Beta executable itself, but hang on to those saves! (Step-by-step details below.) Thanks again for playing, and we’ll see you again on September 20!
To delete the Gears 3 Beta but leave your saves intact:

  • Go to the System Settings menu on your Xbox 360
  • Select “Memory”
  • Select “Games”
  • Select the Gears of War 3 Beta (507MB) and delete it.

So i guess the unlocks are tied to a save, so if my hard drive corrupts im out of luck.
I love this game, 2 enemies near me. Shoot one with a gnasher once and he dies, then i shoot the other guy in the back 6 times with the gnasher and he gets away. WTF!?

IDK sometimes it feels like my gun does 50% less damage than others. I shoot a guy with a gnasher 3 times, he downs me in 2 shots. I shoot someone with a lancer, half a clip, runs off. Yet someone can down me with 3 bullets from a retro.

I really hate the sawed off. I understand why they added it, but to me its just making the game worse. One thing i liked about gears was that it was a harder game to play than something like COD or Halo. But they want to make it more noob friendly. But IMO it just makes the game worse. Kind of reminds me of the difference between COD MW and COD MW2. MW2 added too many noob friendly shit.
I feel like there's no consistency game to game. Some games I can kill 2-3 people in a row with the gnasher, other games, I shoot them 5-6 times and they kill me in one shot not even point-blank.
bread's done